Cementerio Israelita De Monigotes, Monigotes, San Cristobal, Argentina. 236 burials total.
Location - When leaving the town, take Route 34 to the left and turn right at km 312. Drive for 1 km, make a left turn and continue along the dirt road for another half km.
Opened in 1933. The graves are very modest, written in Hebrew on one side and in Spanish on the other; also used by Jews of San Cristobal ;40 km from Moises Ville; Office: Sociedad Israelita de San Cristobal, 1100.Chacabuco St.; email reginasan@cisc.net.ar
Additional assistance from Sociedad Israelita de San Cristobal. Data collected and organized by Paul Armony Z"L and AGJA's (consultas.agja@gmail.com) volunteers.
Cemetery entrance.
Map of cemetery.