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The JewishGen Yizkor Book Master Name Index

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The JewishGen Yizkor Book Master Name Index (“YBMNI”) is a master index of all persons mentioned in the translated portions of the Yizkor Books on the JewishGen Yizkor Book Project website.  This database is only an index of names; it directs researchers back to the Yizkor Book itself, where more information may be available.

This database allows the surnames to be searched phonetically and via soundex.  Because most of these names were transliterated from Hebrew and Yiddish, the spellings of the surnames may not be as you are used to seeing them in Latin-alphabet sources.

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Contents of the Database

This database currently contains more than 90,000 entries, indexed from 132 different Yizkor Books, including:

Town Country Yizkor Book Description # of entries
AshmianyBelarus Sefer Zikaron le-kehilat Oshmana index of names listed in the book200
BabruyskBelarus Bobroysk: Sefer Zikaron li-Kehilat Bobroysk u-Venoteha paid family memorials180
BędzinPoland Pinkas Bendin Index of Będzin Yizkor book2,144
CzęstochowaPoland Czenstochov: our legacyIndex to "The Jews of Częstochowa" 2,908
DusetosLithuania Ayara Hayeta B'Lita; Dusiat B'Rei Hazichronot list of interviewees for the book150
GąbinPoland Gombin Memories Duma Czarist Voters List339
GrodnoBelarus Grodno; Volume IX, Encyclopedia of the Jewish Diaspora index of names in photo captions601
KielcePoland Sefer Kielce. Toldot Kehilat Kielce. Miyom Hivsuduh V'ad Churbanah Book name index1,902
LeninBelarus Kehilat Lenin; sefer zikaron list of photographs218
LipnoPoland Sefer Lipno. Skepe, Lubicz ve-ha-sevivah List of names appearing in text130
Motol'Belarus Hurban Motele index of names listed in the book230
NadvornayaUkraine Nadworna; sefer edut ve-zikaron 1932 Tax payers List332
Nowy TargPoland Sefer Nowy Targ ve-ha-seviva List of names from Yizkor book242
Novy YarichevUkraine Khurbn Jaryczow bay Lemberg; sefer zikaron le-kedoshei Jaryczow y-sevivoteha List of survivors102
PochayevUkraine Pitshayever yisker-bukh Tombstone List324
PrzemyślPoland Sefer Przemysl Index of names from Yizkor book778
RadomskoPoland Sefer yizkor le-kehilat Radomsk ve-ha-seviva List of Radomskowers who died in Israel101
Radomyśl WielkiPoland Radomysl Rabati ve-ha-seviva; sefer yizkor Addresses of the people of Radomyśl Wielki188
ŠiauliaiLithuania Azoy zaynen mir gestorbn Index of names in book165
SlutskBelarus Pinkas Slutsk u-benoteha index of names yizkor book2,332
SokołyPoland Sokoly: B'maavak l'haim photo name - identification list526
TarnówPoland Tarnow; kiyuma ve-hurbana shel ir yehudit Book Index1,164
ThessaloníkiGreece Zikhron Saloniki; gedulata ve-hurbana shel Yerushalayim de-Balkan Inscriptions on tombs of pre-Holocaust deaths79
Tomaszów MazowieckiPoland Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Tomaszow Mazowiecki List of headstones1,064
TysmenytsyaUkraine Tismenits; a matseyve oyf di khurves fun a farnikheter yidisher kehile Index of names595
VoronovoBelarus Voronova; sefer zikaron le-kedoshei Voronova she-nispu be-shoat ha-natsim list of survivors72
WłoszczowaPoland Vlotsheve. Żydzi we Włoszczowie w latach 1867-1942 List of community members239

Updates to the Database

If your town is not in the above list, please consider creating an index of the people mentioned in your ancestral town's Yizkor Book, and submitting it to the Yizkor Book Project so that it can then be added to this ongoing effort.  See the JewishGen Yizkor Book Project's donation procedures.

This database was created with the assistance of Linda Richman, the YBMNI Project Manager.  The previous Project Manager was Osnat Hazan.  The YBMNI Project manager coordinates the extraction of the names from individual Yizkor Book translations, and inputs them into Excel spreadsheets, which are then imported into this database.

The visible fields in the database are:

  • Surname
  • Given Name(s)
  • Town Name, which is linked to the source, the original Yizkor Book where this entry appears
  • Page Number(s)
  • Notes / Comments

As approximately 100 new Yizkor Book translations are added to the JewishGen Yizkor Book Project each year, this database will be added to over time.  There are currently over 800 individual translations on the web site.

Finding sources

To find the original source, click on the name of the town in the the displayed table of matching names.  This will lead you to a bibliographic citation of the source Yizkor Book which contains that name.  On that page, which contains full information about that Yizkor Book, there is a field labelled "Translation", which contains a clickable URL to the translated portions of that Yizkor Book on the JewishGen web site.

For more information about Yizkor Books, see the JewishGen Yizkor Book Project.

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