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Biographical Sketches of Rabbis &
Cantors in the U.S. 1903-1904

Introduction by Ellen Kowitt


From the American Jewish Yearbook, Vol. 4, Sept. 22, 1903 – Sept. 9, 1904, pp. 40-108, this list is compiled from information furnished by the subjects, containing the names of Rabbis and Cantors officially connected with congregations in the United States (1903-1904). A few insertions have been made by the editor in the case of Rabbis and Cantors who made no reply to the request for information, but whose name, address, position, etc. were known. Such entries are indicated by an asterik (*).

A digitized copy for all entries is available online at

Thanks to volunteers Sandra Bennett, Sue Lauscher, and Tamara Pinkas.


There are 363 entries in the database, which include the following fields:

  • Job Title
  • Given Name
  • Last Name
  • Synagogue
  • Synagogue Location
  • Birth Date
  • Birthplace
  • Father’s Name
  • Mother’s Name
  • Spouse Name
  • Link

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