Boston Orphanage Residents 1900-1940Introduction by David RosenBackground This collection includes extracts from the federal censuses of 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, & 1940 for the Helping Hand Temporary Home for Destitute Jewish Children in Boston, and 1900 & 1910 census extracts from the Leopold Morse Home for Aged & Infirm Hebrews and Orphanage in nearby Milton, Massachusetts.The census records include all persons living at the institutions, including orphans and working staff such as the superintendent and his family. Place of birth origins include those from Russia, Germany, Austria, Holland, Ireland, Poland, Canada, England, Hungary, Roumania, Scotland, and various American states. Database There are 574 entries in the database, which include the following fields:
Searching the Database This database is searchable via the JewishGen USA Database or the JewishGen Unified Search.
Last Update: July 2024
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