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Most common first names: 1890 New York immigrants from Austria, Poland and Galicia

Here's an analysis of the given names (first names) of the 44,052 passengers arriving in 1890 in the Database of New York immigrants from Austria, Poland, and Galicia in 1890-1891.

Presented below are the 505 given names that occurred more than 10 times each.  These names account for three-fourths of the entries in the database. The distribution of the remainder of the names is described below.

These names are arranged in two different sequences. In the first column, they are arranged in descending order of frequency (i.e. most popular names first). In the second column, they are arranged alphabetically.

Note the wide variety of ethnicities that composed the Austrian Empire: German, Polish, Jewish, Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, Italian, etc.

By Frequency                 Alphabetically
Name         #               Name         #
~~~~      ~~~~               ~~~~      ~~~~
Josef     1537               ?          210
Janos     1019               A.         118
Anna       901               Abe         18
Franz      879               Abel        21
Jan        841               Abr.        22
Maria      738               Abrah.      21
Anton      631               Abraham    275
Jacob      536               Abram      197
Johann     509               Adalbert    11
Marie      465               Adam       140
Moses      465               Adele       12
Joseph     407               Adolf      113
Mihaly     379               Adolph      15
Andras     338               Agathe      12
Joh.       312               Agnes       50
Abraham    275               Albert      34
Martin     265               Alex        41
David      264               Alex.       12
Peter      239               Alexander   71
Leib       238               Alfred      14
Michael    234               Alois       67
Rosa       229               Alte        23
Samuel     228               Alter       43
Chaim      227               Amalia      20
Chaje      219               Amalie      43
Rachel     212               And.        23
?          210               Andr.      108
Stefan     209               Andras     338
Abram      197               Andre       26
Israel     197               Andrea      18
Istvan     197               Andreas     96
Simon      190               Andrei      13
Sarah      186               Andrej      17
Carl       179               Andrew      16
Isaac      178               Andrey      11
Sara       177               Andro       28
Channe     172               Angelo      19
Feige      171               Anna       901
J.         169               Anne        17
Ivan       167               Ant.        60
Hersch     158               Antal       19
Jos.       157               Anton      631
Salomon    151               Antoni      55
Georg      150               Antonia     56
M.         150               Antonie     60
Gyorgy     145               Antonio     56
Aron       144               Aron       144
Adam       140               Arthur      11
Esther     134               Aug.        21
Lea        131               August      49
Miko       131               Auguste     28
Wolf       131               B.          51
Hirsch     129               Barb.       15
Mendel     129               Barbara     87
Jankel     124               Baruch      69
A.         118               Basche      55
Chane      116               Basse       21
Ignatz     114               Beer        12
Adolf      113               Behr        13
Paul       110               Beile       99
Andr.      108               Bela        12
Josefa     108               Benj.       12
Marianne   105               Benjamin    51
Ludwig     102               Ber         22
Cath.      100               Berel       21
Beile       99               Berl        43
Janko       99               Bernard     11
Kasimir     98               Bernhard    35
Fanny       97               Bertha      69
G.          97               Blume       41
Andreas     96               Borbala     12
Stanisl.    95               Breine      21
Malke       94               C.          52
Moritz      94               Carl       179
Thomas      93               Carlo       18
Karl        90               Carol       11
Barbara     87               Caroline    34
Itzig       86               Casimir     46
Leiser      85               Cath.      100
Marcus      85               Catharina   17
Pal         85               Catherina   53
Stanislaus  85               Catherine   11
Jossel      84               Chaie       75
Taube       84               Chaim      227
Meyer       83               Chaime      28
Mordche     83               Chaine      11
Riwke       83               Chaje      219
John        79               Chane      116
Gittel      77               Channe     172
Golde       77               Charles     11
Max         77               Chasche     15
Chaie       75               Chaskel     36
Dwore       75               Chawe       26
F.          74               Chone       12
Helene      73               Christian   12
Michel      72               Christine   14
Alexander   71               Clara       37
Scheine     71               Constantin  16
Ester       70               D.          32
Johan       70               Daniel      47
Michal      70               David      264
Baruch      69               Debora      12
Bertha      69               Dina        16
Franziska   69               Domenico    17
Elias       68               Dominik     19
Mathias     68               Dora        25
Alois       67               Dwore       75
Rosalie     66               E.          45
Emilie      65               Eduard      51
Giovanni    63               Efraim      20
Therese     62               Eisig       21
Mich.       61               Elias       68
Ant.        60               Elie        14
Antonie     60               Elisab.     16
Schlome     60               Elisabeth   39
Jakob       59               Elise       42
Johanna     59               Elke        31
Jonas       59               Elsa        14
Julie       59               Emanuel     18
S.          59               Emil        37
Stephan     59               Emilie      65
Mihal       58               Emma        34
Pietro      58               Ernestine   17
Leon        57               Ernst       12
Antonia     56               Ester       70
Antonio     56               Esther     134
Liebe       56               Etel        16
Antoni      55               Ette        22
Basche      55               Ettel       28
Marko       54               Eva         45
Victoria    54               F.          74
Catherina   53               Fanny       97
Herm.       53               Fedor       18
Judel       53               Feige      171
L.          53               Feiwel      23
Wojtech     53               Felix       46
C.          52               Ferd.       23
Freide      52               Ferdinand   29
Leopold     52               Ferencz     42
B.          51               Ferenz      27
Benjamin    51               Filip       18
Eduard      51               Fischel     20
Hinde       51               Florian     15
Pavel       51               Fr.         12
Pawel       51               Francesco   25
Perl        51               Francisca   18
Agnes       50               Franciska   16
Hermann     50               Franjo      29
Jure        50               Frank       27
P.          50               Frantisek   23
August      49               Franz      879
H.          49               Franziska   69
Susanna     49               Freide      52
Mary        48               Frieda      13
Pauline     48               Friede      15
Schmul      48               Friedr.     42
Daniel      47               Friedrich   18
Selig       47               Fritz       13
Casimir     46               Frume       28
Felix       46               G'ppe       14
Rifke       46               G.          97
Schmuel     46               Gabor       19
E.          45               Gabriel     12
Eva         45               Georg      150
Gustav      44               George      17
Joses       44               Gerson      22
Nathan      44               Giacomo     17
Sophie      44               Giov.       19
Alter       43               Giovani     15
Amalie      43               Giovanni    63
Berl        43               Gitel       13
Julius      43               Gittel      77
Minna       43               Giuseppe    27
Elise       42               Golde       77
Ferencz     42               Gottlieb    12
Friedr.     42               Gustav      44
Juro        42               Gyorgy     145
Pesche      42               Gyura       28
Sali        42               H.          49
Alex        41               Hani        20
Blume       41               Hanna       30
Kath.       41               Hanne       26
Vasil       41               Harris      11
Julian      40               Hedwig      13
Regina      40               Heinr.      38
Riwe        40               Heinrich    24
Vincent     40               Helena      38
Elisabeth   39               Helene      73
Isidor      39               Hene        27
Mato        39               Henry       11
Heinr.      38               Herm.       53
Helena      38               Herman      23
Mayer       38               Hermann     50
Petro       38               Hermine     15
Scheindel   38               Hersch     158
Stanislaw   38               Herschel    13
Clara       37               Hinde       51
Emil        37               Hirsch     129
Ida         37               Hugo        11
Joso        37               I.          13
Math.       37               Ida         37
T.          37               Ignacz      14
Chaskel     36               Ignatz     114
Julia       36               Ignaz       32
Mate        36               Imre        26
Wilhelm     36               Isaac      178
Bernhard    35               Isaak       27
Rudolf      35               Isak        12
Tomas       35               Isidor      39
Vaclav      35               Israel     197
Valentin    35               Istran      23
Albert      34               Istvan     197
Caroline    34               Itte        26
Emma        34               Itzig       86
Reisel      33               Ivan       167
Wilh.       33               Ivo         11
D.          32               Iwan        27
Ignaz       32               J.         169
Marianna    32               Jacob      536
Victor      32               Jakob       59
Elke        31               Jan        841
Jozef       31               Jankel     124
Luigi       31               Janko       99
Scholem     31               Janos     1019
W.          31               Jans        15
Hanna       30               Jaso        17
R.          30               Jendze      13
Sore        30               Jenny       19
Ferdinand   29               Jente       28
Franjo      29               Jette       19
K.          29               Joel        16
Katherina   29               Joh.       312
V.          29               Johan       70
Andro       28               Johann     509
Auguste     28               Johanna     59
Chaime      28               Johanne     18
Ettel       28               John        79
Frume       28               Jonas       59
Gyura       28               Jons        17
Jente       28               Jos.       157
Lajos       28               Josa        14
Marg.       28               Josas       11
Markus      28               Jose        21
Ferenz      27               Josef     1537
Frank       27               Josefa     108
Giuseppe    27               Josefine    14
Hene        27               Josel       27
Isaak       27               Joseph     407
Iwan        27               Josepha     23
Josel       27               Josephine   22
Martha      27               Joses       44
Mio         27               Josip       11
Vincenz     27               Joso        37
Andre       26               Jossel      84
Chawe       26               Joszef      18
Hanne       26               Jozef       31
Imre        26               Jozsef      18
Itte        26               Juda        23
Jurgis      26               Jude        13
Kalman      26               Judel       53
Lina        26               Judes       14
Sofie       26               Julia       36
Dora        25               Julian      40
Francesco   25               Juliane     18
Louise      25               Julie       59
Ludw.       25               Julius      43
Piotr       25               Jura        24
Roche       25               Jure        50
Rochel      25               Jurgis      26
Rose        25               Jurko       11
Theresia    25               Juro        42
Veronika    25               K.          29
Heinrich    24               Kalman      26
Jura        24               Karl        90
Keile       24               Karoly      15
Osias       24               Kasimir     98
Simche      24               Katarina    11
Alte        23               Kath.       41
And.        23               Katharina   21
Feiwel      23               Katherina   29
Ferd.       23               Keile       24
Frantisek   23               L.          53
Herman      23               Lajos       28
Istran      23               Lazar       11
Josepha     23               Lea        131
Juda        23               Leib       238
Masche      23               Leibe       11
Meier       23               Leie        17
Mijo        23               Leiser      85
Miklos      23               Leo         14
Mosche      23               Leon        57
N.          23               Leopold     52
Philipp     23               Liebe       56
Theodor     23               Lina        26
Abr.        22               Lipe        13
Ber         22               Lorenz      21
Ette        22               Louis       20
Gerson      22               Louise      25
Josephine   22               Ludw.       25
Mali        22               Ludwig     102
Nicolo      22               Luigi       31
Abel        21               Luka        11
Abrah.      21               M.         150
Aug.        21               Magda       18
Basse       21               Magdalena   14
Berel       21               Male        11
Breine      21               Mali        22
Eisig       21               Malke       94
Jose        21               Marcin      16
Katharina   21               Marco       15
Lorenz      21               Marcsa      14
Mart.       21               Marcus      85
Nechame     21               Marg.       28
Rebecca     21               Maria      738
Ruben       21               Mariam      11
Rubin       21               Marian      19
Stanislav   21               Marianna    32
Amalia      20               Marianne   105
Efraim      20               Marie      465
Fischel     20               Marko       54
Hani        20               Markus      28
Louis       20               Mart.       21
Mere        20               Martha      27
Nicola      20               Martin     265
Pincus      20               Marton      18
Sofia       20               Mary        48
Wladislaw   20               Maryanna    19
Angelo      19               Maryanne    13
Antal       19               Masche      23
Dominik     19               Mate        36
Gabor       19               Matej       18
Giov.       19               Math.       37
Jenny       19               Mathias     68
Jette       19               Mathilde    17
Marian      19               Mato        39
Maryanna    19               Matteo      13
Sandor      19               Matyas      12
Susanne     19               Max         77
Abe         18               Mayer       38
Andrea      18               Meier       23
Carlo       18               Mendel     129
Emanuel     18               Mere        20
Fedor       18               Meyer       83
Filip       18               Mich.       61
Francisca   18               Michael    234
Friedrich   18               Michal      70
Johanne     18               Michaly     18
Joszef      18               Michel      72
Jozsef      18               Michele     12
Juliane     18               Mihal       58
Magda       18               Mihaly     379
Marton      18               Mijo        23
Matej       18               Miklos      23
Michaly     18               Miko       131
Mindel      18               Mina        13
Neche       18               Mindel      18
Nicolai     18               Minna       43
Nochem      18               Mio         27
Pepi        18               Mordche     83
Rebecka     18               Moritz      94
Reise       18               Mosche      23
Richard     18               Moses      465
Robert      18               Mrs.        17
Schaje      18               N.          23
Andrej      17               Nathan      44
Anne        17               Nechame     21
Catharina   17               Neche       18
Domenico    17               Nicola      20
Ernestine   17               Nicolai     18
George      17               Nicolo      22
Giacomo     17               Nissen      15
Jaso        17               Nochem      18
Jons        17               Olga        11
Leie        17               Osias       24
Mathilde    17               Ossip       17
Mrs.        17               Otto        17
Ossip       17               P.          50
Otto        17               Pal         85
Wenzel      17               Paul       110
Andrew      16               Paula       11
Constantin  16               Pauline     48
Dina        16               Pavel       51
Elisab.     16               Pawel       51
Etel        16               Peisach     14
Franciska   16               Pepi        18
Joel        16               Perl        51
Marcin      16               Pesche      42
Pesse       16               Pesse       16
Sam.        16               Petar       12
Sigmund     16               Peter      239
Slate       16               Petro       38
Tekla       16               Philipp     23
Valenty     16               Pietro      58
Wladislav   16               Pincus      20
Wolff       16               Pinkus      14
Adolph      15               Piotr       25
Barb.       15               R.          30
Chasche     15               Rachel     212
Florian     15               Rebecca     21
Friede      15               Rebecka     18
Giovani     15               Regina      40
Hermine     15               Reise       18
Jans        15               Reisel      33
Karoly      15               Resi        12
Marco       15               Richard     18
Nissen      15               Rifke       46
Sophia      15               Riwe        40
Toma        15               Riwke       83
Yankel      15               Robert      18
Alfred      14               Roche       25
Christine   14               Rochel      25
Elie        14               Rosa       229
Elsa        14               Rosalia     14
G'ppe       14               Rosalie     66
Ignacz      14               Rose        25
Josa        14               Rosina      14
Josefine    14               Ruben       21
Judes       14               Rubin       21
Leo         14               Rudolf      35
Magdalena   14               Rudolph     13
Marcsa      14               S.          59
Peisach     14               Sali        42
Pinkus      14               Salomon    151
Rosalia     14               Sam         14
Rosina      14               Sam.        16
Sam         14               Samuel     228
Sebastian   14               Sandor      19
Stefano     14               Sara       177
Tomo        14               Sarah      186
Winzas      14               Schaje      18
Woycich     14               Scheindel   38
Andrei      13               Scheine     71
Behr        13               Schlome     60
Frieda      13               Schmuel     46
Fritz       13               Schmul      48
Gitel       13               Scholem     31
Hedwig      13               Sebastian   14
Herschel    13               Selde       12
I.          13               Selig       47
Jendze      13               Siegmund    13
Jude        13               Sigmund     16
Lipe        13               Simche      24
Maryanne    13               Sime        11
Matteo      13               Simon      190
Mina        13               Slate       16
Rudolph     13               Sofia       20
Siegmund    13               Sofie       26
Solomon     13               Solomon     13
Stan        13               Sophia      15
Teofil      13               Sophie      44
Verona      13               Sore        30
Vincenty    13               Stan        13
Yente       13               Stanisl.    95
Zippe       13               Stanislaus  85
Adele       12               Stanislav   21
Agathe      12               Stanislaw   38
Alex.       12               Stanislawa  11
Beer        12               Stefan     209
Bela        12               Stefano     14
Benj.       12               Stephan     59
Borbala     12               Susanna     49
Chone       12               Susanne     19
Christian   12               T.          37
Debora      12               Taube       84
Ernst       12               Tekla       16
Fr.         12               Teofil      13
Gabriel     12               Theodor     23
Gottlieb    12               Therese     62
Isak        12               Theresia    25
Matyas      12               Thomas      93
Michele     12               Toma        15
Petar       12               Tomas       35
Resi        12               Tomo        14
Selde       12               Toni        12
Toni        12               V.          29
Wladisl.    12               Vaclav      35
Wladislaus  12               Valentin    35
Yette       12               Valenty     16
Adalbert    11               Vasil       41
Andrey      11               Verona      13
Arthur      11               Veronika    25
Bernard     11               Vicenty     11
Carol       11               Victor      32
Catherine   11               Victoria    54
Chaine      11               Vincent     40
Charles     11               Vincenty    13
Harris      11               Vincenz     27
Henry       11               W.          31
Hugo        11               Wenzel      17
Ivo         11               Wilh.       33
Josas       11               Wilhelm     36
Josip       11               Winzas      14
Jurko       11               Wladisl.    12
Katarina    11               Wladislaus  12
Lazar       11               Wladislav   16
Leibe       11               Wladislaw   20
Luka        11               Wojtech     53
Male        11               Wolf       131
Mariam      11               Wolff       16
Olga        11               Woycich     14
Paula       11               Yankel      15
Sime        11               Yente       13
Stanislawa  11               Yette       12
Vicenty     11               Zippe       13


There were a total of 7,871 distinct given names, as transcribed. Of those,

  • 5,634 names occurred only once (and are likely transcription errors).
  • 799 names occurred twice.
  • 320 names occurred three times.
  • 185 names occurred four times.
  • 131 names occurred five times.
  • 86 names occurred six times.
  • 64 names occurred seven times.
  • 52 names occurred eight times.
  • 54 names occurred nine times.
  • 35 names occurred ten times.

These above names that occurred 10 or fewer times each -- they account for 11,839 total entries, or about one-quarter of the entries in the database. The remaining 505 given names -- those that occurred more than 10 times each -- (three-fourths of the entries) are listed above.

Warren Blatt
May, 2000

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