Podgorze, Poland - Vital RecordsThis database contains Jewish birth, marriage, and death records from Podgórze, Poland (in the Austrian province of Galicia before WWI), near Kraków. The information was transcribed and compiled by Prof. Dan Hirschberg from microfilmed and digitized records, the originals of which are held by the Archiwum Narodowe w Krakowie (National Archives in Kraków). Records InventoryAs of January 2022, there are 7,856 records in this collection, including:
Images of RecordsImages of most of the records are available online, although search results do not currently link to the images. Prof. Hirschberg's website (https://www.ics.uci.edu/~dan/genealogy/Krakow/) contains many images and links to images on other websites. Vital records can also be viewed on the Polish State Archives' Search the Archives website (new: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/zespol/-/zespol/33389, old: https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/29/1472/0). AcknowledgementsThanks very much to Prof. Dan Hirschberg for his monumental ongoing effort to transcribe and compile genealogical data about Kraków's Jewish Community, and for his generosity in contributing this extraordinarily valuable collection to JewishGen. Thanks also to the National Archives in Kraków for preserving the original records and making them available to the public. Search the DatabaseThe Podgorze, Poland - Vital Records can be searched via the JewishGen Poland Database or the JewishGen Unified Search.
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