Nowogrodskie Wojewodztwo - Town DescriptionsCopyright 1999, Ellen Sadove Renck. Permission Granted. The seven powiats (districts) of Nowogrodski Wojewodztwo (Nowogrodek Province): Translation of the Nowogrodskie woj/voivodie description in 1928 from the Business Directory: The voivodie had eighteen hospitals with 612 beds. The seven "caisses des malades" [clinics to which one paid a regular fee for health care - a bit like modern HMOs] had 24,835 members. The voivodie was situated in the north-east of the Polish Republic bordered by the Soviet Republic, with a land area of 22,692 km and 800,761 inhabitants or 35.3 per sq. km. 53.9 Polish, 37.7% White Russian, 6.8% Jewish, 2.6% various other nationalities; 51.9% Orthodox, 39.5 Catholic, 9.0% Jewish and 3% other. [sic] The voivodie was agricultural in character. Following the example of other voivodies the east, a short time ago [as of 1929] submitted to Russian domination, the civilization there is very backward, the industry practically nothing, the railways few and the operations primitive. The voivodie of Nowogrodek has eight cities and 89 towns and is divided into seven districts as follows: Baranowicze (3,497 km2); Lida (6038 km2); Nieswiez (1984 km2); Nowogrodek (2778 km2); Slonim (3118 km2); Stolpce (1723 km2); and Wolozyn (3545 km2). The major cities of the voivodie are the following: Nowogrodek (7,696 inhabitants), Baranowicze (11,471), Lida (13,401), Nieswiez (6,840), Slonim (9,643), Stolpce (2,956) and Wolozyn (2,630). BARANOWICZE POWIAT:Albinki: see Nowy Mysz Anisimowicze: see Nowy Mysz Baranowicze was designated as a miasto (county town), county seat of Baranowicze powiat. It was the seat of two justices of the peace with the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 11,471. The railroad lines serving Baranowicze were Baranowicze-Wolkowysk, Brzesc-Stolpce, and Lida-Luniniec. In addition to the post office, telephone, and telegraph in Baranowicze had the state authority offices of the Starostie, Police Chief, Police Commissioner, Bureau of Imports and Taxes; Public Revenue; Dept. of Transportation; Office of Placement; Rural District Office; District Expropriation Commission; District Colonization Committee; Bureau of Weights and Measures. Baranowicze had one Catholic church, one Orthodox church, three gymnasia; a commercial school and a technical school. It was the seat of the "ill" of the District, a private clinic; and a Maternity Clinic. Professional associations included the Association of Christian Merchants; Association of Jewish Merchants; Regional Agricultural Society; Union of Agricultural Circles; Society "Cynegetique"; Association of Jewish Artisans; Butchers Association, and Association of Building Owners. Other associations included construction workers, diet workers, needle workers, drivers [or handlers], Bureau of Commerce employees, and court employees. Markets were on Mondays and Thursdays. Commerce included brickworks, cement products, mills, winery, brandy, grease, and spinning mills. Starostie: Jan Emeetryk; Mayor and President Of Municipal Council: Eugenjusz Dembinski-Piro; Under-mayor: Aron Winnikow; Municipal Hospital Director: Dr. Leon Nachumowski; Electric Rail Factory Director: Ins. Bialopiotrowicz; Municipal Slaughterhouse Director: Dr. Boleslaw Lanczewski. Bartniki was a village of Wolpa, with the justice court and administrative court in Baranowicze. The 1928 population was 688. The railroad was 13 km away in Pogorzelce. The post office was Czernichowo k. Baranowicze. The telephone was in Pogorzelce k. Baranowicze. The telegraph was in Baranowicze. Berezowka: see Nowy Mysz Bialodolna: see Molczadz Bialogorna: see Molczadz Blosznia Mala: see Molczadz Bohusze: see Jastrzebl Budy: see Niedzwiedzica Chlupicze was a village of Wolna, Justice of the Peace in Baranowicze and justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 591. The railroard was 14 km. away in Pogorzelce. The post office, telephone, and telegraph were in Mir. The village had mills. Cieszewla was a village of Nowa Mysz, with the Justice of the Peace in Baranowicze and the administrative court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 568. The railroad was 4 km away in Mordycze. The post office and telephone were in Nowa Mysz. The telegraph was in Baranowicze. Cyganie: see Niedzwiedzica Czernichowo was a village of Wolna with the Justice of the Peace in Baranowicze and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 560. The railroad was 7 km away in Pogorzelce. The post office and telephone were in Wolna and the telegraph in Baranow. Darewo was a village of Darewo. The dependencies were Podlesie, Ulazowicze, Waszkowce, Wiedzma, and Zofilin. The Justice of the Peace was in Baranowicze and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 15. The railroad was 8 km away in Baranowicze as were the post office, telephone, and telegraph. Derewna was a village of Nowa Mysz with a Justice of the Peace in Baranowicze and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 767. The railroad was 7 km away in Mysz. The post office and telephone were in Nowa Mysz and the telegraph in Baranowicze. Dobromysl was a village and "gmina" town with the dependency of Dobromysl. The Justice of the Peace was in Slonim and the justice court in Grodno. The 1928 population was 461. The railroad, post office, and telegraph were 10 km away in Domanowo. The telephone was in Byten n. Szczara. Domaszewicze: see Stolowicze Dukrowo: see Molczadz Dziadkowicze: see Nowy Mysz Giermuntowce: see Horodyszcze Gorzelnia: see Nowy Mysz Holynka: see Wolna Horodyszcze was designated as a miasteczko (small city) and gmina, seat of council office of Horodyszcze with the dependencies of Giermuntowce, Jasieniec, Kisiele, Mikulicze, Wielkie Siolo, and Zabince. The Justice of the Peace was in Horodyszcze and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 1,021. The railroad was 8 km away in Polestok, a trainstop for limited transports. The post office and telephone were in Horodyszcze with the telegraph in Baranowicze. Horodyszcze Wielkie: see Krzywoszyn Hukowo: see Niedzwiedzica Huta: see Nowy Mysz Iszkoldz was a miasteczko (small city) of Wolna. The Justice of the Peace was in Baranowicze and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 681. The post office, telephone, and telegraph were in Horodziej. Iwiezianka: see Molczadz Jasieniec: see Horodyszcze Jastrzebl was a village and "gmina" town with the dependencies of Bohusze, Machowy, Malachowce, Mlynek, and Sieliszcze. The Justice of the Peace was in Baranowicze II and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 161. The railroad was 6 km away, a trainstop for limited transports on the Jastrzebl-Baranowicze line. Jastrzebl had brickworks and mills. Jatwiez was a village of WOLNA with the Justice of the Peace in Baranowicze and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 927. The railway was 7 km away. The post office was Pogorzelce k. Baranowicz. The telephone and telegraph were in Baranowicze. Jatwiez had one Orthodox church. Juszewicze was a village of Wolna. The Justice of the Peace was in Baranowicze and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 703. The railway was 5 km away. The post office and telephone were in Pogorzelce k. Baranowicz. The telegraph was in Baranowicze. Juszewicze had one Catholic church. Kisiele: see Horodyszcze Ko'esniki: see Molczadz Kolpienica Wielka was a village of Stolowicze. The Justice of the Peace was in Baranowicze and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 530. The railway was 4 km away in Baranowicze. The post office, telephone, and telegraph were in Baranowicze. Kolpienica Wielka had one Orthodox church. Kroszyn: see Stolowicze Kruplany: see Molczadz Krzywoszyn was a village and gmina (town) with the dependencies of Horodyszcze Wielkie, Rzepichow, Szczerbinowo, Tuchowicze, and Zaluze. The Justice of the Peace was in Lachowicze and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 358. The railway was a trainstop for limited transports on the line: "narrow road" Krzywoszyn-Myszanka. The post office and telephone were in Myszanka and telegraph in Krzywoszyn. The town had one Catholic and one Orthodox church and mills. Kurszynowicze was a village of Niedzwiedzica. The Justice of the Peace was in Lachowicze and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 550. The railway was a trainstop for limited transports in Budy. The post office and telephone were in Niedzwiedzice and telegraph in Budy. Lachowicze was a miasteczko (small city) and gmina town, seat of council office of Lachowicze with the dependencies: Koniunchy, Mysloboje, Paszkowce, and Zubielewicze. It was seat of the Justice of the Peace with the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 2,819. The railway line was Luniniec-Baranoweize. The post office, telephone, and telegraph were in Lachowicze k. Barnowicz. The town had a council office, one Catholic church, one mosque, and one Orthodox church, a health clinic, an Association of Merchants, and an Association of Artisans. Lezna: see Nowy Mysz Lichosielca: see Wolna Lipsk was a village of KRYZYWOSZYN. The Justice of the Peace was in Lachowicze and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 841. The railway was a trainstop for limited transports in Krzywoszyn. The post office and telephone were in Krzywoszyn and telegraph in Lachowicze k. Barnowicz. The town had one Catholic church. Litwa was a village of DAREWO. The Justice of the Peace was in Baranowicze and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 690. The railway was 7 km in Baranowicze. The post office. Telephone and telegraph were in Baranowicze. Lotwa Mala was a village of Lachowicze. The Justice of the Peace was in Lachowicze and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 581. The railway was 4 km away in Lachowicze k. Baranowicz. The post office, telephone, and telegraph were in Lachowicze k. Baranowicz. Lotwa Wielka was a village of Lachowicze. The Justice of the Peace was in Lachowicze and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 878. The railway was 8 km away in Lachowicze. The post office, telephone, and telegraph were in Lachowicze k. Baranowicz. Lotwicze: see Molczadz Luki Wielkie was a village of Jastzebl. The Justice of the Peace was in Baranowicze and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 689. The railway was 0.5 km away, a trainstop for limited transports on line: "narrow road" Baranowicze-Krzywoszyne. The post office, telephone, and telegraph were in Baranowicze. Luszniewo: see Molczadz Machowy: see Jastrzebl Malachowce: see Jastrzebl Malysze: see Niedzwiedzica Mazurki: see Niedzwiedzica Mikulicze: see Horodyszcze Mlynek: see Jastrzebl Molczadz was a miasteczko (small city) and gmina town with the dependencies of Bialodolna, Bialogorna, Blosznia Mala, Dobrypol, Dukrowo, Iwiezianka, Ko'esniki, Kruplany, Luszniewo, Lotwicze, Podloziany, Sagajlowszczyzna, Siarki, and Zwierowszczyzna. It was seat of the council office of Molczadz. The Justice of the Peace was in Horodyszcze and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 483. The railway was 4 km away on the line: Baranowicze-Lida. The post office and telephone were in Molczadi and telegraph in Nowojelnia. Molczadz contained the council office, one Catholic church, one Orthodox church, the Cooperative Office, and the Association Polish Primary School Personnel. Markets were on Wednesdays. Fairs were 29 June, 20 July, and 14 Sep. Molchadz had an electric power station; a tannery, a pitch factory, and mills. Mysloboje: Lachowicze Niedzwiadka Wielka was a village of WOLNA. The Justice of the Peace was in Baranowicze and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 526. The railway was 12 km away in Horodzie. The post office was in Poloneczka and telephone in Horodzie. Niedzwiedzica was a miasteczko (small city) with the dependencies of Budy, Cyganie, Hukowo, Lopatycze, Malysze, Mazurki, Sawejki, and Stare Budy. The Justice of the Peace was in Lachowicze and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 949. The railway was 4 km away in Lachowicze k. Baranowicz. The post office and telephone were in Niedzwiedzica. The telegraph was in Lachowicze. The town had one Catholic church, mills, and brickworks. Nowa Mysz was a miasteczko (small city) and gmina town with the dependencies of Albinki, Anisimowicze, Berezowka, Dziadkowicze, Gorzelnia, Huta, Lezna, Paulinowo, Polonka, Tartak, and Zerebilowka. The Justice of the Peace was in Baranowicze and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 1,815. The railway was 5 km away in Baranowicze. The post office and telephone were in Nowa Mysz. The telegraph was in Baranowicze. The town had the council office, one Catholic church, one Orthodox church, one synagogue, mills and a pitch factory. Nowosady: see Ostrow Nowosiolki was a village of Darewo. The Justice of the Peace was in Baranowicze and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 501. The railway was 10 km away in Pogorzelce. The post office and telephone were in Swojatycze. The telegraph was in Baranowicze. Ostrow was a village and gmina town with the dependencies of Nowosady and Strzalowo, Wi[el]ka. The Justice of the Peace was in Lachowicze and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 952. The railway was a trainstop for limited transports on the line: "narrow road" Baranowicze-Krzywoszyn. The post office and telephone were in Ostrow kolo Baranowicz. The telegraph was in Lachowicze kolo Baranowicz. The town had one Orthodox church. Paszkowce: Lachowicze Paulinowo: see Nowy Mysz Podlesie: see Darewo Podlesie was a village of Lachowicze. The Justice of the Peace was in Lachowicze and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 1,251. The railway was 7 km away in Lachowicze k. Baranowicze. The post office and telephone were in Lachowicze k. Baranowicz and telegraph was in Lachowicze. Podlesie had one Orthodox church and mills. Podloziany: see Molczadz Podstarzynki was a village of Stolowicze. The Justice of the Peace was in Baranowicze and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 907. The railway was 4 km away in Domaszewicze. The post office and telephone were in Slolowicze. The telegraph was in Baranowicze. 1 Catholic church Poloneczka was a miasteczko (small city) of Wolna. The Justice of the Peace was in Baranowicze and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 523. The railway was 14 km away in Pogorzelce, line: Baranowicze-Stolpce. The post office was in Poloneczka and telephone in Pogorzelce k. Baranowicz. The telegraph was in Horodziej. Poloneczka had one Catholic church, cultivation of flax, mills, distillery, and brickworks. Polonka: see Nowy Mysz Potopowicze was a village of Lachowicze. The Justice of the Peace was in Baranowicze and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 500. The railway was 3 km away in Lachowicze. The post office, telephone, and telegraph were in Lachowicze kolo Baranowicz. Raczkuny was a village of Lachowicze. The Justice of the Peace and the justice court were in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 675. The railway was 8 km away in Lachowicze. The post office, telephone, and telegraph were in Lachowicze kolo Baranowicz. Rodkiewicze: see Wolna Rzepichow: see Krzywoszyn Sagajlowszczyzna: see Molczadz Sawejki: see Niedzwiedzica Sawicze was a village of Wolna. The Justice of the Peace was in Baranowicze and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 660. The railway was 10 km away in Pogorzelce. The post office and telephone were in Pogorzelce k. Baranowicz and telegraph was in Baranowicze. Siarki: see Molczadz Sieliszcze: see Jastrzebl Stajki: see Wolna Stare Budy: see Niedzwiedzica Stolowicze was a miasteczko (small city) and gmina town with the dependencies of Domaszewicze, Kroszyn, Torczuce, Ulasy, and Zalubicze. The Justice of the Peace was in Baranowicze and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 678. The railway was 10 km away in Baranowicze. The post office and telephone were in Stolowicze and the telegraph was in Baranowicze. The town had one Catholic church, one Orthodox church, a Corps of Volunteer Firemen, and mills. Fairs were 28 Aug and 21 Sept. Strzalowo: see Ostrow Swojatycze was a miasteczko (small city) of Darewo. The Justice of the Peace was in Baranowicze and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 715. The railway was 6 km away in Pogorzelce. The post office and telephone were in Swojatycze and the telegraph was in Baranowicze. The town had one Catholic church, one Orthodox church, and a primary school. Szczerbinowo: see Krzywoszyn Szewiele was a village of Lachowiscze. The Justice of the Peace was in Baranowicze and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 657. The railway was 13 km away in Lachowicze. The post office, telephone, and telegraph were in Lachowicze k. Baranowicz and were in Lachowicze. Tartak: see Nowy Mysz Torczuce: see Stolowicze Tuchowicze: see Krzywoszyn Ucios was a village of Ostrow. The Justice of the Peace was in Lachowicze and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 545. The railway was 6 km away in Sawino, a trainstop for limited transports. The post office and telephone were in Ostrow kolo Baranowicz and telegraph was in Lachowicze k. Baranowicz. Ulasy: see Stolowicze Ulazowicze: see Darewo Waszkowce: see Darewo Wiedzma: see Darewo Wielkie Siolo: see Horodyszcze Wokoput: see Wolna Wolna was a village and gmina town with the dependencies of Holynka, Lichosielca, Rodkiewicze, Stajki, and Wokoput. The Justice of the Peace was in Baranowicze and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 724. The railway was 11 km away in Pogorzelce. The post office and telephone were in Wolna and the telegraph was in Horodziej wicze. The town had mills and tanneries. Zabince: see Horodyszcze Zadzwieja was a village of WOLNA. The Justice of the Peace was in Baranowicze and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 778. The railway was 12 km away in Pogorzelcea. The post office and telephone were in Poloneczka and telegraph was in Horodziej. Zalubicze: see Stolowicze Zaluze: see Krzywoszyn Zerebilowka: see Nowy Mysz Zofilin: see Darewo Zwierowszczyzna: see Molczadz Zubielewicze: Lachowicze Zarylowo was a village of Lachowiscze. The Justice of the Peace was in Lachowicze and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 554. The railway was 14 km away in Lachowicze. The post office and telephone were in Lachowicze k. Baranowicz and telegraph was in Lachowicze. LIDA POWIAT:All towns are listed at with descriptions. NIESWIEZ POWIAT:Andrusze: see Howiezna Anilince: see Howiezna Babajewicze was a village of Kleck. The Justice of the Peace was in Nieswiez and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 940. The railway was 22 km away in Lachowicze. The post office, telephone and telegraph were in Kleck. Bojary: see Snow Cepra was a village of Hrycewicze. The Justice of the Peace was in Kleck and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 593. The railway was 8 km away in Lubineiec. The post office and telephone were in Hrycewicze and telegraph was in Kleck. The town had one Orthodox church. Chwojewo was a village of Snow. The Justice of the Peace was in Nieswiez and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 681. The railway was 5 km away in Pogorzelce. The post office and telephone were in Snow and telegraph was in Baranowicze. Domatkanowicze was a village of Kleck. The Justice of the Peace was in Kleck and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 624. The railway was 17 km away in Pogorzelce. The post office, telephone and telegraph were in Kleck. The town had one cathedral. Dobrypol: see Molczadz Dunajczyce was a village of Siniawka. The Justice of the Peace was in Kleck and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 706. The railway was 20 km away in Lachowicze. The post office, telephone and telegraph were in Siniawka. The town had one cathedral. Holynka was a village of Kleck. The Justice of the Peace was in Nowogrodek and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 655. The railway was 8 km. away, a trainstop for limited transports. The post office and telegraph were in Budy and telephone in Siniawka. Holynka had a distillery. Hawnowo: see Snow Horodziej was a miasteczko (small city) and gmina town with the following dependencies: Dony, Krasnohorka, Makasze, Ostrowki, Podlesie, Proscie, Studzienski, Uzanka Mala, Zarzecze, and Zausze. The Justice of the Peace was in Nowogrodek and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 1,120. The railway line was Baranowicze-Stolpce. The post office, telephone and telegraph were in Horodziej. The town had one council office, one cathedral, and two synagogues. Markets were on Thursdays. The town had mills, a cloth industry, and a grain trade. Horodziej Gorny was a village of Horodziej. The Justice of the Peace was in Nieswiez and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 820. The railway was 3 km away. The post office, telephone and telegraph were in Horodziej. Howiezna was a miasteczko (small city) and gmina town with the following dependencies: Andrusze, Anilince, Nowosiolki Stare, Piruchowszczyzna, Pohorele, and Zychalki. The Justice of the Peace was in Nieswiez and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 257. The railway line was 10 km away. The post office, telephone and telegraph were in Horodziej. The town had mills. Hrckiewicze: see Snow Hruszkowo was a village of Snow. The Justice of the Peace was in Nieswiez and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 521. The railway was 4 km away in Pogorzelce. The post office and telephone were in Snow and telegraph in Horedziej. Hryce: see Snow Hrycewicze was a village and gmina town with the following dependencies: Janowicze, Korseniowszczyzna, Lubliniec, Matusze, Nagorna, Radziwilmonty, Rohaczowka, and Zapole. The Justice of the Peace was in Kleck and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 563. The railway line was 5 km away. The post office and telephone were in Hrycewicze and telegraph in Siniawka. The town had one Orthodox church, brickworks, mills, and a distillery. Iwanowo Kirkorowszczyzna: see Lan Jakszyce: see Kleck Janowicze: see Hrycewicze Jaskiewicze was a village of Snow. The Justice of the Peace was in Horodziej and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 614. The railway was 10 km away. The post office and telephone were in Snow and telegraph in Horodziej. Jodczyce Juszewicze Kamionka was a village of Snow. The Justice of the Peace was in Nieswiez and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 528. The railway was 8 km away in Pogorzelce. The post office and telephone were in Snow and telegraph in Nieswiez. Karack: see Siniawka Kleck was a miasto (county town) and gmina town with dependent towns of Jakszyce, Laukwce, Micklewicze Wielkie, Polonkowicze, and Zubki. It was the seat of town council of Kleck and seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 5,671. The railway was 23 km away in Pogorzelce, line: Baranowicze-Stolpce. The post office, telephone and telegraph were in Kleck. The town had a council office, 1 Catholic church, 2 Orthodox churches, 1 mosque, and 1 synagogue. There was a private White Russian high school and a hospital. There was an Association of Merchants and an Association of Artisans. Markets were on Mondays. Kleck had tanning industry, mills, and ?"commerce d'etoupes". Klopotycze: see Siniawka Kochanowicze: see Snow Komlewszczyzna: see Zaostrowiecze Kopciowszczyzna was a village of Horodziej. The Justice of the Peace was in Nieswiez and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 554. The railway was 5 km away in Horodziej. The post office, telephone and telegraph were in Horodziej. Korseniowszczyzna: see Hrycewicze Kozly: see Snow Krasnohorka: see Horodziej Krety Brzeg was a village of Horodziej. The Justice of the Peace was in Nieswiez and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 742. The railway was 4 km away. The post office, telephone and telegraph were in Horodziej. Kuchczyce was a village of Kleck. The Justice of the Peace was in Kleck and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 535. The railway was 23 km away in Lachowicze. The post office, telephone and telegraph were in Kleck. Kuncowszczyzna: see Zaostrowiecze Kwacze was a village of Horodziej. The Justice of the Peace was in Nieswiez and the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 504. The railway was 8 km away in Horodziej. The post office, telephone and telegraph were in Horodziej. Lan Kleck was a village and gmina town with dependent towns of Iwanowo Kirkorowszczyzna, Leonowicze, Lisuny, and Wojnilowicze. The Justice of the Peace was in Horodzieg. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 559. The railway was 21 km away in Pogorzelce. The post office, telephone and telegraph were in Nieswiej. Laukwce: see Kleck Leonowicze: see Lan Lipa Wielka was a village of Snow. The Justice of the Peace was in Nieswiez. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 643. The railway was 7 km away in Horodziej. The post office and telephone were in Snow and telegraph in Nieswiez. The town had one Orthodox church and mills. Lipa Wysoka was a village of Snow. The Justice of the Peace was in Nieswiez. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 629. The railway was 8 km away in Horodziej. The post office and telephone were in Snow and telegraph in Horodziej. The town had one Orthodox church and mills. Liskowo was a village of Siniawka. The Justice of the Peace was in Kleck. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 688. The railway was 15 km away in Lachowicze. The post office, telephone and telegraph were in Siniawka. Lisuny: see Lan Lubliniec: see Hrycewicze Makasze: see Horodziej Malojady: see Snow Matusze: see Hrycewicze Micklewicze Wielkie: see Kleck Mokrany Nowe: see Zaostrowiecze Morocz was a village of Zaostrowiecze. The Justice of the Peace was in Kleck. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 114. The railway was 32 km away in Hancewicze. The post office and telephone were in Zaostrowiecze and telegraph in Hancewicze. The town had one Orthodox church. Mostwilowicz: see Siniawka Moszuki: see Siniawka Nagorna: see Hrycewicze Nielopowo: see Snow Nieswiez was a miasto (county town), seat of the Justice of the Peace with the justice court in Nowogrodek. The 1929 population was 6184. The railway was 14 km away in Horodziej, line: Baranowicze-Stolpce. The post office, telephone and telegraph were in Nieswiez. Nieswiez had a a Starostie, Police Chief of the District, Bureau of Imports and Taxes, Public Revenue, Delegation of Financial Control, Department of Transportation, Rural District Office, District Expropriation Commission, District Colonization Committee, 2 Catholic churches, 1 Orthodox church, a Benedictine Convent, a high school, a Normal School for primary teachers, a district health office, a Contagious Disease Hospital, an orphanage, and a public library. Professional associations included Association of District Primary School Teachers, Society Of Regional Agriculture, Union of Agricultural Circles, Association of Christian Merchants, Association Of Jewish Merchants, and Society of Christian Artisans. Markets were Wednesdays. Fairs were for cattle, horses, and pigs. The town had mills, a cement factory, and a brewery. Nowosiolki Stare: see Howiezna Ogrodniki: see Snow Ososzki: see Snow Ostrowki: see Horodziej Ostrowczyce Male: see Zaostrowiecze Ostrowczyce Wielkie: see Zaostrowiecze Panacz was a village of Siniawka. The Justice of the Peace was in Kleck. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 684. The railway was 14 km away in Lachowicze. The post office, telephone and telegraph were in Siniawka. Pietkiewicze was a village of Horodziej. The Justice of the Peace was in Nieswiez. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 541. The railway was 12 km away in Horodzie. The post office, telephone and telegraph were in Horodziej. Podlesie: see Horodziej Piruchowszczyzna: see Howiezna Pogorzelce was a village of Snow. The Justice of the Peace was in Nieswiez. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 548. The railway was line: Baranowicze-Stolpce. The post office and telephone were in Pogorzelce k. Baranowicz. The telegraph was in Horodziej. Pogorzelce: see Snow Pohorele: see Howiezna Polonkowicze: see Kleck Proscie: see Horodziej Radziwilmonty: see Hrycewicze Rohaczowka: see Hrycewicze Rubie: see Zaostrowiecze Ruda: see Siniawka Saska Lipka was a village of Horodziej. The Justice of the Peace was in Nowogrodek. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 883. The railway was 9 km away in Horodziej. The post office, telephone and telegraph were in Nieswiez. Siejlowicze was a village of Howiezna. The Justice of the Peace was in Wilejka. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 592. The railway was 17 km away in Horodziej. The post office, telephone and telegraph were in Nieswiez. The town had one Catholic church. Siniawka was a miasteczko (small city), village, and gmina town with the dependencies of Karack, Klopotycze, Mostwilowicze, Moszuki, Ruda, Sloboda Miezna, and Zaleszany. The Justice of the Peace was in Kleck. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population of the miastechzko was 514 and 393 for the gmina town. The railway was 12 km away in Lachowicze. The post office, telephone and telegraph were in Siniawka. The town had one Orthodox church, a council office, an Association of Merchants and an Association of Artisans, and mills. Slawkowo was a village of Howiezna. The Justice of the Peace was in Nieswiez. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 938. The railway was 17 km away inHorodziej. The post office, telephone and telegraph were in Nieswiez. Sloboda Miezna: see Siniawka Slobodka: see Snow Snow was a miasteczko (small city) and gmina town with the dependencies of Bojary, Hryce, Hrckiewicze, Hawnowo, Kochanowicze, Kozly, Lipa Wielka, Lipa Wysoka, Malojady, Nielopowo, Ogrodniki, Ososzki, Pogorzelce, Slobodka, Sygaly, and Tarejki. The Justice of the Peace was in Nieswiez. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 631. The railway was 5.5 km away in Pogorzelce. The post office and telephone were in Snow. The telegraph was in Nieswiez. The town had one Catholic church and one Orthodox church, cement products, and mills. Studzienski: see Horodziej Sygaly: see Snow Tarejki: see Snow Urwiedz: see Zaostrowiecze Uzanka Mala: see Horodziej Wojnilowicze: see Lan Zausze: see Horodziej Zaleszany: see Siniawka Zaostrowiecze was a village and gmina town with the dependencies of Komlewszczyzna, Kuncowszczyzna, Mokrany Nowe, Ostrowczyce Male, Ostrowczyce Wielkie, Rubiez, and Urwiedz. The Justice of the Peace was in Kleck. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 771. The railway was a trainstop for limited transports 29 km away in Honczary. . The post office and telephone were in Zaostrowiecze. The telegraph was in Hancewicze. The town had mills. Zapole: see Hrycewicze Zarzecze: see Horodziej Zaturja was a village of Howiezna. The Justice of the Peace was in Nieswiez. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 719. The railway was 19 km away in Horodziej. The post office, telephone and telegraph were in Nieswiez. Zubki: see Kleck Zychalki: see Howiezna NOWOGRODEK POWIAT:Basin: see Horodeczna Bielczyce: see Poczapowo Bienen: see Wsielub Bobryszyn: Koszelewo Bockowicze was a village of Zdzieciol. The Justice of the Peace was in Zdzieciol. The justice court was in Grodno. The 1928 population was 509. The railway was 3 km away in Jacuki. The post office, telephone and telegraph were in Nowojelnia. Bogudzieki: see Zdzieciol Boracin: see Horodeczna Bordziacze: see Horodeczna Brecianka: see Horodeczna Brolniki: see Horodeczna Bry-zyce: Koszelewo Bujniewicze: see Poczapowo Bulhakowskie: see Niehniewicze Chilmony: see Zdzieciol Chrobotki: see Zdzieciol Cyryn was a miasteczko (small city) with dependencies: Konciawy, Olszany, Skrobow, and Woroncza. The Justice of the Peace was in Horodyszcze. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 274. The railway was 25 km away in Pogorzelce. The post office was in Cyryn. The telephone and telegraph were in Baranowicze. Cyryn had one Orthodox church, brickworks, a distillery, and mills. Czemerowka: see Horodeczna Danilowicze was a village of Dworzec. The Justice of the Peace was in Nowogrodek. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 504. The railway was 5 km away in Nowojelnia. The post office, telephone and telegraph were in Nowojelnia. Delatycze was a miasteczko (small town) with dependencies: Lubcz. The Justice of the Peace was in Nowogrodek. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 630. The railway was 25 km away in Pogorzelce. The post office and telephone were in Lubcza n. Niemnem. The telegraph was in Nowogrodek. The town had brickworks. Dereszewo: Koszelewo Dony: see Horodziej Droczylowo: Koszelewo Dubrowa: see Zdzieciol Dwor Wesoly: see Zdzieciol Dwor Zielony: see Zdzieciol Dworzec was a miasteczko (small town) and gmina town with dependencies: Iwies (village), Krzemienica, and Nowojelnia.The Justice of the Peace was in Slonim II. The justice court was in Grodno. The 1928 population was 944. The railway was a trainstop for limited transports, line: Baranowicze-Lida. The post office and telephone were in Dworzec. The telegraph was in Nowojelnia. St. Joseph (educational institution), a trade school, and mills were in Dworzec. Gierkowka: see Wsielub Gnoinskie: see Zdzieciol Holowie: see Zdzieciol Horodeczna was a village and gmina town with dependencies: Basin, Boracin, Bordziacze, Brecianka, Brolniki, Czemerowka, Horodzilowka, Kucewicze, Leonowszczyzna, otcza, Slobodka, and Sulatycze.The Justice of the Peace was in Nowogrodek. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 234. The railway was a trainstop for limited transports, 3 km away The post office, telephone and telegraph were in Nowogrodek. Horodzilowka: see Horodeczna Iwies (village): see Dworzec Izwa Mala: Koszelewo Jatra: see Poczapowo Juryzdyka: see Rajce Kacilowka: see Poczapowo Kamionka: Koszelewo Karpysze: see Wsielub Kmiciana: Koszelewo Kobylczyce: see Zdzieciol Konciawy: see Cyryn Korelicze was a miasteczko (small town) and gmina town with dependencies: Rucica, Rutkiewicze, Sowaszo, and Zablocie.The Justice of the Peace was in Nowogrodek. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 799. The railway was 20 km away in Nowogrodek, a trainstop for limited transports. The post office and telephone were in Korelicze. The telegraph was in Nowogrodek. Korelicze had a council office and one Orthodox church. Markets were Wednesdays. Fairs were Jan 5, Aug 6, Sep 8 at St. Peter and Paul, Wednesday of Quasimodo and the Wednesday after Pentecost (old style). Korelicze had mills and fruit storage. Korsakowszczyzna: see Poczapowo Kosicze Wielkie: see Poczapowo Koszelewo was a village and gmina town with dependencies: Bobryszyn, Bry-zyce, Dereszewo, Droczylowo, Izwa Mala, Kamionka, Kmiciana, Kremianica, Kuscin, Morozowi-Niehrymo-Osmolow, Starojelnia, Studzianka, Walerjanowka, Zaroj, Zbornja, and Zubkowo.The Justice of the Peace was in Nowogrodek. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 307. The railway was a trainstop for limited transports, 4 km away in Zaroj. The post office, telephone and telegraph were in Nowogrodek. Koszelewo had forestry operations, mills, and a pitch factory. Kowalewszczyzna: see Poczapowo Kozlowicze: see Poczapowo Kraskowska Gora: see Szczorsze Kremianica: Koszelewo Krzemienica: see Dworzec Krzywicze: see Koszelewo was a village and gmina town with dependency: Wsielub.The Justice of the Peace was in Wsielub. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 679. The railway was a trainstop for limited transports, 11 km away in Iwje k. Lidy. The post office, telephone and telegraph were in Iwje k. Lidy. Krzywonogi: see Wsielub Kucewicze: see Horodeczna Kuscin: Koszelewo Lachowicze: see Wsielub Lady: see Zdzieciol Lahodki: see Rajce Lawskie: see Wsielub Leonowszczyzna: see Horodeczna Lozki was a village and gmina town with dependency: Szczorse.The Justice of the Peace was in Nowogrodek II. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 528. The railway was a trainstop for limited transports, 12 km away in Basino.The post office and telephone were in Szczorzorse. The telegraph was in Nowogrodek. Lubcz was a miasteczko (small town) and gmina town with dependencies: Plisa, Wereszkow, Worobjewicze Wielkie, and Zagorze Sienienskie .The Justice of the Peace was in Nowogrodek. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 973. The railway was line of "narrow road": Nowojelnia-Lubcza. Lubcz was the seat of council office. The post office and telephone were in Lubcza n. Niemnem. The telegraph was in Nowogrodek. Korelicze had a council office and 3 Orthodox churches. Markets were Wednesdays. Lubcz had mills, sawmills and a distillery. Lyczyce: see Niehniewicze Makryszki: see Zdzieciol Maluszyce was a village and gmina town with dependency: Rajce.The Justice of the Peace was in Nowogrodek. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 593. The railway was a trainstop for limited transports, 7 km away in Zaberdowo.The post office and telephone were in Rajcak. Nowogrodka. The telegraph was in Nowogrodek. Mondzin: see Rajce Morozowi-Niehrymo-Osmolow: Koszelewo Moryn was a village of Wsielub.The Justice of the Peace was in Wsielub. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 671. The railway was a trainstop for limited transports, 8 km away in Iwje.The post office was in Iwje k. Lidy and telephone in Moryno. The telegraph was in Iwje k. Lidy. Murowanka: see Zdzieciol Naliboki Dolne: see Wsielub Naliboki Gorne: see Wsielub Niehniewicze was a miasteczko (small town) and gmina town with dependencies: Lyczyce, and Bulhakowskie.The Justice of the Peace was in Nowogrodek. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 406. The railway was 5 km away in Basino, a trainstop for limited transports. The post office and telephone were in Lubcza n. Niemnem. The telegraph was in Nowogrodek. Korelicze had one Catholic church and 1 Orthodox church. Niesutycze was a village of Horodeczna.The Justice of the Peace was in Nowogrodek. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 531. The railway was a trainstop for limited transports, 4 km away in Basino. The post office, telephone and telegraph were in Nowogrodek. Nowogrodek was the voidship's chief town. Ct. of Appeals was in Wilno. The seat of the Justice of the Peace was in Nowogrodek. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 7,69. The railway lines were a narrow road from Nowojelnia-Lubeza. The closest station of transportation was 23 km away in Nowojelnia, line: Lida-Baranowieze. The post office, telephone and telegraph were in Nowogrodek. Voidship Adminstration, Starostie, Voidship Police Command; Bureau of Imports and Taxes, Public Revenue Dept., Regional Director of Public Works, Dept. of Transportation, Employment Office, District Colonization Office, Expropriation Committee of the District. 2 Catholic churchs, 2 Orthodox churches, 3 synagogues, 1 mosque, a state high school, a private high school, a District Health Office, a district hospital, Jewish hospital, 2 orphanages, and an old age home. Association Of Polish Merchants, Ass. Of Jewish Merchants, Associationof Tenant Apartments and Stores, Regional Agricultural Society, Regional Union of Agricultural Circles of the Territory of Nowogrodek, Association Of Pork Growers and of Red Cattle, Association of Christian Artisans. Markets were Mondays and Thursdays. Fairs: cattle & horses: 4 Dec, 20 Feb, 26 June, 6 Aug. concrete product manuf., manuf. Ceramic products, tanneries, steam mills Nowojelnia: see Dworzec Ocminow: see Wsielub Olszany: see Cyryn Ostaszyn was a village of Lubcz.The Justice of the Peace was in Nowogrodek. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 931. The railway was a trainstop for limited transports, 4 km away in Basino. The post office and telephone were in Niehniewicze. The telegraph was in Nowogrodek. Ostaszyn had mills. Otcza: see Horodeczna Ozierany was a village of Dworzec.The Justice of the Peace was in Wsielub. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 523. The railway was a trainstop for limited transports, 17 km away in Dworzec. The post office, telephone and telegraph were in Nowojelnia. Pacowszczyzna: see Zdzieciol Pazdzierzowo: see Poczapowo Peretoki: see Wsielub Piecinki: see Zdzieciol Plisa: see Lubcz Szczorsze: see Lozki Poczapowo Niehniewicze was a village of Poczapowo and gmina town with dependencies Bielczyce, Bujniewicze, Jatra, Kacilowka, Korsakowszczyzna, Kosicze Wielkie, Kowalewszczyzna, Kozlowicze, Pazdzierzowo, Sworotwa Wielka, and Zastarzynie.The Justice of the Peace was in Horoduszcze. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 229. The railway was 8 km away in Molczadz, a trainstop for limited transports. The post office and telephone were in Molczad. The telegraph was in Nowojelnia. Korelicze had one Orthodox church and mills. Porzecze: see Zdzieciol Prosza: see Zdzieciol Rajce was a village and gmina town with dependencies: Juryzdyka, Lahodki, Mondzin, Rodohoszcza, Rudniki, Sieniezyce, Slohda, Sopotnica, Szczonowo, Walowka, and Wolca.The Justice of the Peace was in Nowogrodek I. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 237. The railway was 3 km away in Zaberdowo, a trainstop for limited transports. The post office, telephone and telegraph were in Nowogrodek. Rajce had mills and forestry operations. Rodohoszcza: see Rajce Romanowicze: see Zdzieciol Rucica: see Korelicze Rudniki: see Rajce Rutkiewicze: see Korelicze Rzepiszcze: see Zdzieciol Sieniezyce: see Rajce Skrobow: see Cyryn Slobodka: see Horodeczna Slohda: see Rajce Sopotnica: see Rajce Sowaszo: see Korelicze Stankiewicze: see Wsielub Starojelnia: Koszelewo Strzala: see Zdzieciol Studzianka: Koszelewo Studzieniec: see Wsielub Sulatycze: see Horodeczna Sworotwa Wielka: see Poczapowo Szczonowo: see Rajce Szczorse was a village and gmina town with dependencies: Duze Pole and Kraskowska Gora.The Justice of the Peace was in Nowogrodek. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 400. The railway was 20 km away in Basino, a trainstop for limited transports. The post office and telephone were in Szczorse. The telegraph was in Nowogrodek. Szczorse had one Orthodox church. Walerjanowka: Koszelewo Walowka: see Rajce Wereszkow: see Lubcz Wiazowiec was a village and gmina town with dependencies: Duze Pole and Kraskowska Gora.The Justice of the Peace was in Zdzieciol. The justice court was in Grodno. The 1928 population was 497. The railway was 13 km away in Nowojelnia, a trainstop for limited transports. The post office and telephone were in Zdzieciol. The telegraph was in Nowojelnia. Szczorse had one Orthodox church. Wolca: see Rajce Worobjewicze Wielkie: see Lubcz Woroncza: see Cyryn Wsielub was a miasteczko (small town) and gmina town with dependencies: Bienen, Gierkowka, Karpysze, Krzywonogi, Lachowicze, Lawskie, Naliboki Done, Naliboki Gorne, Ocminow, Peretoki, Stankiewicze, Studzieniec, Zieniewicze, Zieniewszczyzna, and Zofjowka.The Justice of the Peace was in Nieswiez. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 736. The railway was 11 km away in Basino, a trainstop for limited transports. The post office was in Basino. The telephone was in Wsielub. The telegraph was in Nowogrodek. Wsielub was the council office and had one Catholic church and one Orthodox church, forestry operations, and mills. Wszowice: see Zdzieciol Zablocie: see Korelicze Zagorze Sienienskie: see Lubcz Zaroj: Koszelewo Zastarzynie: see Poczapowo Zbornja: Koszelewo Zdzieciol was a miasto pow. (county town) and gmina town with dependencies: Bogudzieki, Chilmony, Chrobotki, Dubrowa, Dwor Wesoly, Dwor Zielony, Gnoinskie, Holowie, Kobylczyce, Lady, Murowanka, Makryszki, Pacowszczyzna, Piecinki, Porzecze, Prosza, Romanowicze, Rzepiszcze, Strzala, Wszowice, and Zukowszczyzna. Zdzieciol was the seat of the Justice of the Peace was in Nieswiez. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 3,008. The railway was 12 km away in Nowojelnia, line: Baranowicze-Lida. The post office, telephone and telegraph were in Zdzieciol. Zdzieciol had 1 Catholic church, 1 Orthodox church, 4 synagogues, a Young Girls' Professional School, municipal hospital, ambulance, electricity factory, slaughterhouse, veterinary clinic, and an Association of Merchants. Markets: Tuesdays and Fridays. Zdzieciol had mills and tanneries. Zieniewicze: see Wsielub Zieniewszczyzna: see Wsielub Zofjowka: see Wsielub Zubkowo: Koszelewo Zukowszczyzna: see Zdzieciol SLONIM POWIAT: Albertyn was a village of Szydlowicze and gmina town. The Justice of the Peace was in Slonim. The justice court was in Grodno. The 1928 population was 839. The railway was Wolkowysk-Baranowicze. The post office and telephone were in Albertyn. The telegraph was in Slonim. Albertyn had a Society Pol. de Confins, an Association of Christian Artisans, and a grease lubricants factory and a sawmill. Borki: Rohotna Buksztowo: see Dereczyn Byten was a miastezko (town). The Justice of the Peace was in Slonim. The justice court was in Grodno. The 1928 population was 1,278. The railway was 8 km away. The post office and telephone were in Byten n. Szczara. The telegraph was in Domanowo. Byten had a Council Office for Regional Ambulance, an Association of Small Merchants, and an Association of Tailors. Fairs were on the 20th of every month. Byten manufactured cleaning products, cattle products, notions, and had forestry operations. Byten, a gmina town, with the dependency of Zapole, was seat of the council office of the town of Byten. Celakowszczyzna: see Dereczyn Chmielnica: see Trybuszki Czemery was a village with the dependencies: Grzybowo and Olszewo. The Justice of the Peace was in Slonim. The justice court was in Grodno. The 1928 population was 418. The railway was 5 5 km away in Slonim. The post office, telephone and telegraph were in Slonim. The town had mills. Czerechowszczyzna: see Kozlowszczyzna Dereczyn was a miasteczko (small city) andgmina town with the dependencies: Buksztowo, Celakowszczyzna, Kotczyn, and Heziorka Male. Dereczyn was seat of the Justice of the Peace ad seat of council office of Dereczyn town. The justice court was in Grodno. The 1928 population was 180. The railway was 14 km away in Zelwa: line-Baranowicze-Wolkwysk. The post office and telephone were in Dereczyn. The telegraph was in Zelwa. The town had the Forestry Administration Council office, one Catholic church, 1 Orthodox church, a Merchants Association, Jewish Artisans Association, and Association of Primary Teachers. Markets were on Tuesdays. Fairs were on the 23rd of each month. The town had mills and tanneries. The gmina had a forestry operation. Doroglany was a village with the dependenc: Doroglany. The Justice of the Peace was in Dereczyn. The justice court was in Grodno. The 1928 population was 665. The railway was 16 km away in Zelwa. The post office and telephone were in Dereczyn. The telegraph was in Zelwa. The town had mills. Dowgialowicze: Rohotna Dziewiatkowicze: see Trybuszki Dzleszkowce: see Stara Wies Gierekowszczyzna: see Kozlowszczyzna Gierniki: Rohotna Gorka: Rohotna Grzybowo: see Czemery Hawinowize: see Szdlowicze Heziorka Male: see Dereczyn Holynka: see Stara Wies Horodki: see Kozlowszczyzna Hutka: see Szdlowicze Iwna: see Szdlowicze Jachnowszczyzna: Rohotna Jawor: Rohotna Jeriernica was a miasteczko (small city) with the dependencies: Czemery. Dereczyn was seat of the Justice of the Peace ad seat of council office of Slonim III town. The justice court was in Grodno. The 1928 population was 528. The railway was 2 km away: line: Wolkowysk-Baranowicze. The post office and telephone were in Jeziornica. The telegraph was in Zelwa. The town had 1 Orthodox church. Jezana: see Szdlowicze Jocewicze: Rohotna Klepacze: see Mizewicze Kostrowicze was a village and gmina town with the dependencies: Jagnieszzyce, Kuciejki, Lomasze, Lyski, Rzepnicze, Sienkowszcszna, and Synkowicze. Dereczyn was seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Grodno. The 1928 population was 160. The railway was 14 km away. The post office and telephone were in Kostrowice. The telegraph was in Slonim. The town had brickworks and mills. Kotczyn: see Dereczyn Kozlowszczyzna was a miasteczko (small city) andgmina town with the dependencies: Czerechowszczyzna, Gierekowszczyzna, Horodki, Miedwinowicze, Mielniki, Pacowicze, Piasek, Podjalowka, Podol Tartaki, and Wielka Woa. Slonim was seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Grodno. The 1928 population was 467. The railway was 25 km away in Slonim. The post office and telephone were in Kozlowzczyzna k Slonima. The telegraph was in Slonim. The town had 1 Catholic church, a turpentine and pitch factory, and mills. Kurylowicze was a village and gmina town with the dependencies: Slize-Piaskowski and Zascianek. Dereczyn was seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Grodno. The 1928 population was 351. The railway was 24 km away in Zelwa. The post office and telephone were in Dereczyn. The telegraph was in Zelwa. The town had brickworks and mills. Ladziny: Rohotna Lancewicze was a village of Kurylowicze. Dereczyn was seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Grodno. The 1928 population was 620. The railway was 26 km away in Zelwa. The post office was in Krylowicze and telephone in Dereczyn. The telegraph was in Zelwa. The town had brickworks and mills. Lisowicze: see Mizewicze Loski was a village of Kozlowszczyzna. Slonim was seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Grodno. The 1928 population was 524. The railway was 24 km away in Nowojelnia. The post office and telephone were in Kozlowzczyzna. The telegraph was in Nowojelnia. Lubkowszczyzna: Rohotna Lukonica: see Stara Wies Michalin: see Mizewicze Michalowo: see Szdlowicze Miedwinowicze: see Kozlowszczyzna Mielewicze was a village of Kurylowicze. Dereczyn was seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Grodno. The 1928 population was 573. The railway was 18 km away in Zelwa. The post office and telephone were in Dereczyn. The telegraph was in Zelwa. Mielniki: see Kozlowszczyzna Mizewicze was a village and gmina town with the dependencies: Klepacze, Lisowicze, Michalin, and Wielki Mlyn. Slonim was seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Grodno. The 1928 population was 620. The railway was 12 km away in Jeziornica. The post office and telephone were in Mizewicze. The telegraph was in Slonim. The town had 1 Catholic church, 2 Orthodox churches, and mills. Mizgiery: see Trybuszki Nackowo was a village of Kurylowicze. Dereczyn was seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Grodno. The 1928 population was 524. The railway was 23 km away in Zelwa. The post office was in Kurylowicze and telephone in Dereczyn. The telegraph was in Dereczyn [Zelwa?]. Nowe: see Trybuszki Okunionowo: see Trybuszki Olszewo: see Czemery Ostrowo was a village and colony of Stara (village). Dereczyn was seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Grodno. The 1928 population was 1004. The railway was 19 km away in Zelwa. The post office was in Kolynka and telephone in Dereczyn. The telegraph was in Zelwa. The town had mills. Pacowicze: see Kozlowszczyzna Piasek: see Kozlowszczyzna Pietruki: Rohotna Platenicze: see Stara Wies Podjalowka: see Kozlowszczyzna Podol Tartaki: see Kozlowszczyzna Prudy: see Stara Wies Pustobory: see Stara Wies Puzewicze: Rohotna Rohotenka: Rohotna Rohotna was a village and gmina town with the dependencies: Borki, Dowgialowicze, Gierniki, Gorka, Jachnowszczyzna, Jawor, Jocewicze, Ladziny, Lubkowszczyzna, Pietruki, Puzewicze, Rohotenka, Sanniki-Sawodziaki, Soczewiany, Soasiuki, Statkowszczyzna, Szostaki, Werlowszczyzna, Wolowniki, Zarzecze, and Zykowicze. Zdzieciol was seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Grodno. The 1928 population was 372. The railway was 8 km away in Wygoda k. Lidy, a trainstop for limited transports. The post office and telephone were in Rohotna. The telegraph was in Nowojelnia. The town had 1 Catholic church, 1 Orthodox church, the Polish Association of White Russian School Personnel, and mills. Ruda Jaworska was a village of Kozlowszczyzna. Slonim was seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Grodno. The 1928 population was 686. The railway was 35 km away in Skrzbowce, line: Lida-Mosty. The post office and telephone were in Kozlowszczyzna. The telegraph was in Nowojelnia. Sanniki-Sawodziaki: Rohotna Sawicze was a village of Szydlowicze. Slonim was seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Grodno. The 1928 population was 653. The railway was 11 km away in Albertyn, trainstop for limited transports. The post office and telephone were in Albertyn. The telegraph was in Slonim. Sielawicze was a village of Mizewicze. Slonim was seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Grodno. The 1928 population was 500. The railway was 7 km away in Jeziornica, trainstop for limited transports. The post office and telephone were in Mizewicze. The telegraph was in Jeziornica. The town had one Catholic church. Slize-Piaskowski: see Kurylowicze Slonim was a miasto pow. (county town). Slonim was seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Grodno. The 1928 population was 9,643. The railway line was Baranowicze-Wolkowysk. The post office, telegraph, and telephone were in Slonim. Slonim had the following: Starostie, District Police Command, Commissioner of Police, Bureau of Imports and Taxes, Bureau of "accises" and Monopolies, Public Revenue Dept., Rural District Office, Dept. of Transportation, Director of Riverways, and Committee of District Colonization. 4 Catholic churches, 1 Orthodox church, 1 mosque, 2 synagogues, and Convent of the Dames of the Immaculate Conception. It also had a State High School, private high school, 2 normal schools for primary teachers, lesson preparation for teachers, State Infectious Disease Hospital, an Association Of Merchants, an Association of Artisans, a union of Professional Associations, Prof. Association of Agricultural Laborers, Employees of the Timber Industry, Food Workers, Tannery Workers, Needle Workers, Employees of Commerce and Offices, and Postal and Telegraph Workers. Markets were on Thursdays. Slonim had mills, sawmills, brickworks, a tannery, a machine factory, and a brandy factory. Soasiuki: Rohotna Soczewiany: Rohotna Sosnowka: see Trybuszki Stara Wies was a village of Holynka and gmina town with the dependencies: Dzleszkowce, Holynka, Lukonica, Platenicze, Prudy, and Pustobory. Dereczyn was seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Grodno. The 1928 population was 468. The railway was 4 km away in Platenicze, a trainstop for limited transports. The post office and telephone were in Holynka. The telegraph was in Zelwa. The town had mills and "lighter". Statkowszczyzna: Rohotna Szdlowicze was a village of Holynka and gmina town with the dependencies: Hawinowize, Hutka, Iwna, Jezana, Michalowo, and Tartaczek. Slonim was seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Grodno. The 1928 population was 389. The railway was 5 km away in Albertyn, a trainstop for limited transports. The post office and telephone were in Zyrowice. The telegraph was in Slonim. The town had mills. Szostaki: Rohotna Tartaczek: see Szdlowicze Trybuszki was a village with the dependencies: Chmielnica, Dziewiatkowicze, Nowe, Mizgiery, Okunionowo, and Sosnowka and seat of council office of Dziewiatkowicze. Slonim III was seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Grodno. The 1928 population was 143. The railway was 21 km away in Dziewiatkowicze. The post office, telegraph, and telephone were in Dziewiatkowicze. The town had mills. Werlowszczyzna: Rohotna Wielka Woa: see Kozlowszczyzna Wielki Mlyn: see Mizewicze Wolowniki: Rohotna Zarzecze: Rohotna Zascianek: see Kurylowicze Zykowicze: Rohotna Zyrowice was a miasteczko (small town). Slonim was seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Grodno. The 1928 population was 508. The railway was 10 km away in Slonim. The post office and telephone were in Zyrowice. The telegraph was in Slonim. The town had a council office, 1 Catholic church, the State Agricultural School, and mills. STOLPE POWIAT:Adamowo: see Zuchowicze Wielkie Antalezy was a village and colony of Stolpce. Stolpce was seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 930. The railway was 20 km away in Stolpce. The post office, telegraph, and telephone were in Stolpce. Azarycze: see Derewna Balagany: see Derewna Berezno was a village of Mir. Horodziej was seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 712. The railway was 19 km away in Stolpce. The post office was in Kolynka and telephone in Mir. The telegraph was in Stolpce. The town had one Orthodox church. Bor: see Derewna Borek: see Rubiezewicze Borek-Futor: see Stolpce Borek-Zukow: see Stolpce Chorossewicze: see Derewna Chotow was a village of Rubiezewicze. Rubliezewicze was seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 784. The railway was 30 km away in Stolpce. The post office was in Kolynka and telephone in Derewno. The telegraph was in Reubiezewice. The town had mills. Ciechanowa Sloboda: see Rubiezewicze Czerclez: see Rubiezewicze Derewna was a village and gmina town and seat of town council of Derewna. The village dependencies were Azarycze, Balagany, Bor, Chorossewicze, Isajewicze, Ivna, Jalowiki, Lwowszczyzna, Nauljewicze, Niewraga, Rudnia, Szunmdry, and Wysock. The gmina dependencies were Dudki, Gwoznica, and Zublerowo. Slonim was seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Grodno. The 1928 population was 757. The railway was 15 km away in Slonim. The post office and telephone were in Derewna. The telegraph was in Slonim. The town had one Orthodox church. Dudki: see Derewna Dzlawgl: see Rubiezewicze Gran: see Rubiezewicze Gwoznica: see Derewna Helenow: see Stolpce Holowienczyce was a village of Swierzen. Stolpce was seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 661. The railway was 8 km away in Stolpce. The post office was in Kolynka and telephone in Derewno. The telegraph was in Stolpce. Humienowszczyzna: see Rubiezewicze Isajewicze: see Derewna Ivna: see Derewna Jaczno was a village. Stolpce was seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 832. The railway was 8 km away in Stolpce. The post office was in Kolynka and telephone in Derewno. The telegraph was in Stolpce. Jaczonka was a village and colony of Stolpce. Stolpce was seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 867. The railway was 10 km away in Stolpce. The post office was in Zasule and telephone in Zasule. The telegraph was in Stolpce. Jalowiki: see Derewna Jeremicze was a miastezko with dependency: Obryn. Mir was seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 613. The railway was 28 km away in Horodzie. The post office was in Turzec and telephone in Turzec. The post office was in Mir. tanneries, mills Jezlorskie: see Mir Kaczanowszczuzna: see Swierzen Karolin: see Rubiezewicze Knotowszczyzna: see Swierzen Kolosowe: see Stolpce Koniunchy: Lachowicze Konkolowicze: see Stolpce Kowalewszczyzna: see Stolpce Kozewo was a village of Zuchowieze. Stolpce was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 679. The railway was 21 km away in Horodziej. The post office, telegraph, and telephone were in Mir. Kruglica: see Stolpce Kryniczno: see Mir Krynki: see Zuchowicze Wielkie Kryszylowszczyzna: see Zuchowicze Wielkie Luki Kozewo was a village of Zuchowieze. Stolpce was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 955. The railway was 28 km away in Horodziej. The post office was in Zuchowicze. The telegraph and telephone were in Mir. Lwowszczyzna: see Derewna Marchaszczyzna: see Swierzen Mieszuki: see Stolpce Mieszyce: see Rubiezewicze Ladki was a village of Jeremicze. Stolpce was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 673. The railway was 29 km away in Horodziej. The post office was in Turzec. The telephone were in Turzec. The telegraph was in Mir. Litwa: see Rubiezewicze Mikolajewszczyzna was a village of Swierzen. Stolpce was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 929. The railway was 11 km away in Stolpce. The post office, telegraph, and telephone were in Stolpce. The town had 1 Orthodox church. Mikulicze: see Rubiezewicze Mir was a miasto (county town) and gmina town with the dependencies: Jezlorskie, Kryniczno, Miranka, Piaseczno, Propacze, Sawonie, Skomoroxzki, Wielkie Siolo, and Horodziej, line: Baranowicze-Stolpce. It was seat of council office of Mir. Horodziej was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 3,741. The post office, telegraph, and telephone were in Mir. The town had a council office, 1 Catholic church, 1 Orthodox church, 1 synagogue, and 1 mosque. Mir had an Association of Merchants and Association of Artisans. Markets were Mondays. Fairs: 9 May, 26 Oct, 16 Feb: horses and pigs. Miranka: see Mir Morozowicze: see Rubiezewicze Najdzienowicze: see Stolpce Nauljewicze: see Derewna Niekraszewicze was a village of Zuchowicze. Stolpce was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 543. The railway was 16 km away in Horodzie. The post office, telegraph, and telephone were in Mir. The town had 1 Orthodox church. Niewraga: see Derewna Niwno was a village of Derewna. Stolpce was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 520. The railway was 27 km away in Stolpce. The post office, telegraph, and telephone were in p.v.of Derewna. The town had 1 Orthodox church. Nowo Pole: see Rubiezewicze Nowopole: see Stolpce Odceda: see Stolpce Ojucewicze was a village of Mir. Horodziej was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 970. The railway was 12 km away in Horodziej. The post office, telegraph, and telephone were in Mir. Okindzyce: see Swierzen Okolowo: see Rubiezewicze Oreluchy: see Swierzen Otmyt: see Stolpce Piaseczno: see Mir Piornim was a village of Derewna. Slonim was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Grodno. The 1928 population was 535. The railway was 17 km away in Slonim. The post office and telephone were in Derewna k. Slonima. The post office was in Slonim. Pogorzalka was a village of Jeremicze. Stolpce was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 675. The railway was 28 km away in Horodziej. The post office was in Mir. The telegraph and telephone were in Turzec. Propacze: see Mir Radun was a village of Mir and town with dependencies: Jurance, Lipkunce, and Niekraszudce. It was seat of council office. Horodziej was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 748. The railway was 25 km away in Horodziej. The post office, telegraph, and telephone were in Mir. Rubiezewicze was a miasteczko (small city) and gmina town with the dependencies: Borek, Ciechanowa Sloboda, Czerclez, Dzlawgl, Gran, Humienowszczyzna, Karolin, Litwa, Mieszyce, Mikulicze, Morozowicze, Nowo Pole, Okolowo, Rudnia, Slobodka, Sosenka, Zuge, and Zydowicze. It was seat of the council of Rubiezewicze. It was seat of council office of Mir. Rubiezewicze was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 1,509. The railway was 25 km away in Stolpce. The post office, telegraph, and telephone were in Rubiezewicze. The town had a council office, 2 Catholic churches, 1 Orthodox church, and mills. Rudnia: see Derewna Rudnia: see Rubiezewicze Sawonie: see Mir Sciecki: see Stolpce Simakowo was a village of Mir. It was seat of council office. Nieswiez was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 671. The railway was 9 km away in Horodziej. The post office, telegraph, and telephone were in Mir. Skomoroszki: see Mir Sloboda was a village of Stolpce. It was seat of council office. Stolpce was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 748. The railway was 7 km away in Stolpce. The post office, telegraph, and telephone were in Stolpce. Sloboda Suprosna was a village of Derewna. It was seat of council office. Stolpce was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 523. The railway was in Stolpce. The post office, telegraph, and telephone were in p.v. of Derewna. Slobodka: see Rubiezewicze Sosenka: see Rubiezewicze Stolpce was a miasto (county town) and gmina town with the dependencies: Borek-Futor, Borek-Zukow, Borkowszczyzna, Helenow, Kolosowe, Konkolowicze, Kowalewszczyzna, Kruglica, Mieszuki, Najdzienowicze, Nowopole, Odceda, Otmyt, Sciecki, Tryles, and Zarzecze. It was seat of council office. Stolpce was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 2,956. Train: border train, very important for the line: Warszawa-Moskwa. The post office, telegraph, and telephone were in Stolpce. The town had the following: Starostie, District Police Command, Bureau of Imports and Taxes, Public Revenue Dept., Customs Bureau, Rural District Office, Dept. of Transportation, Office of the Rural District, Committee of District Colonization, Commission of District Expropriation, 1 Catholic church, 1 Orthodox church, District Health Clinic, District Hospiral, Electric power station, Association Of Professionals and Corporations; Regional Union of Agricultural Circles, sections: Association Of Merchants, Association Of Polish Merchants, Association Of Military Colonies; and Volunteer Firemen, and mills. Markets were Tuesdays and Fridays. Swierzen was a gmina town with the dependencies: Kaczanowszczuzna, Knotowszczyzna, Marchaszczyzna, Okindzyce, Oreluchy, and Zacierzewo. It was seat of council office of Swierzen Nowy. The town had mills. Swierzen Nowy was a miasteczko (small city) with the dependency: Swierzen Nowy. It was seat of the council of Rubiezewicze. Stolpce was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 1,195. The railway was 2 km away in Stolpce, line: Baranowicze-Stolpce. The post office, telegraph, and telephone were in Stolpce. The town had a council office, Association of Merchants, 1 Catholic church and 1 Orthodox church. Swierzen Stary was a village of Swierzen. Stolpce was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 556. The railway was in 6 km away in Stolpce. The post office, telegraph, and telephone were in Stolpce. The village had 1 Orthodox church and mills. Szunmdry: see Derewna Tonowo was a village of Rubiezewicze. Rubiezewicze was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 619. The railway was in 31 km away in Stolpce. The post office, telegraph, and telephone were in Rubiezewicze. Tryles: see Stolpce Turzec was a miasteczko (small city) with the dependency: Turzec. Mir was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 1,290. The railway was 27 km away in Horodziej. The post office and telephone were in Turzec. The telegraph was in Mire. The town had one Orthodox church. Markets were Tuesday. Fairs: 23 Apr, 1 Oct for horses and pigs. Wielkie Siolo: see Mir Wyczytarowo: see Mir Wysock: see Derewna Zacierzewo: see Swierzen Zajamno was a village of Stolpce. Stolpce was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 922. The railway was in 4.5 km away in Stolpce. The post office, telegraph, and telephone were in Stolpce. Zaluze was a village of Mir. Horodziej was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 506. The railway was in 9 km away in Stolpce. The post office, telegraph, and telephone were in Mir. Zarzecze: see Stolpce Zasule was a village of Stolpce. Stolpce was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 730. The railway was in 15 km away in Stolpce. The post office and telephone were in Zasule 1. The telegraph was in Stolpce. Zasule had 1 Orthodox church and a distillery. Zublerowo: see Derewna Zuchowicze Male was a village of Zuchowicze. Mir was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 684. The railway was in 16 km away in Horodziej. The post office and telephone were in Mir. The telegraph was in Mir. Zasule had brickworks. Zuchowicze Wielkie was a village of Zuchowicze with dependencies: Adamowo, Krynki, and Kryszylowszczyzna. Mir was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 971. The railway was in 18 km away in Horodziej. The post office and telephone were in Mir. The telegraph was in Mir. The village had mills. Zuge: see Rubiezewicze Zydowicze: see Rubiezewicze Borkowszczyzna: see Stolpce WOLOZYN POWIAT:Bakszty was a village and gmina town with dependencies: comprising: Borysowo, Nierowy, and Pacewicze). Iwieniec was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 497. The railway was in 24 km away in Juraciszki. The post office and telephone were in Bakszty. The telegraph was in Wolozyn. Bakszty had a wood industry. Baranowicze: see Traby Bohdanow: see Wiszniew Bombaly: see Wiszniew Borowikowszczyzna: see Pierszaje Ciupaki: see Zabrzez Cymonowicze: see Juraciszki Dajnowa Wielka was a village of Zabrzez. Wolozyn was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 557. The railway was in 9 km away in Horodzki. The post office and telephone were in Zabrzez. The telegraph was in Wolozyn. Derewna was a miastezko (town). Derewna was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 892. The railway was in 26 km away in Stolpce. The post office and telephone were in Derewno. The telegraph was in Stolpce. The town had one Catholic Cathedral. Markets were on Thursdays. Derewna had mills and tanneries. Doikniewicze: see Wiszniew Dolewicze: see Zabrzez Dory: see Pierszaje Dubina Jruzducka was a village of Zabrzez. Wolozyn was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Wilno. The 1928 population was 519. The railway was in 8 km away in Poloczany. The post office and telephone were in Zabrzez. The telegraph was in Wolozyn. The village had one Orthodox church. Dworzyszcze: see Wolozyn Gintowszczyzna: see Wolozyn Hackowo: see Wolozyn Horodzki: see Zabrzez Iwieniec was a miasteczko (small city) and gmina town with dependencies: Padniewicze, Pierelesanka, Rudnia, and Troki. It was seat of council office of Iwieniec. Iwieniec was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Wilno. The 1928 population was 2,226. The railway was in 35 km away in Olechnowicze, line: Molodeczno-Olechnowicze. The post office and telephone were in Iwieniec. The telegraph was in Stolpce. The town had 2 Catholic churches, 1 Orthodox church, and an Association of Merchants. Markets were on Tuesdays. Iwieniec had mills and tanneries. Jewlosze: see Wolozyn Jozefpol: see Zabrzez Juraciszki was a miasteczko (small city) with dependencies: Cymonowicze, Tokarzyszki, and Wikamiany. It was seat of council office of Iwieniec. Juraciszki was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Wilno. The 1928 population was 203. The railway was in 3 km. away line: Lida-Molodeczno. The post office and telephone were in Juraciszki. The telegraph was in Liwje k. Lidy. The town had 1 Orthodox church and mills and forestry operations. Kamien was a gmina town of Iwieniec. Iwieniec was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Wilno. The 1928 population was 844. The railway was in 40 km. away in Olechnowicze. The post office was in Kamien and telephone in Iwienca. The telegraph was in Iwieniec. The town had one Catholic church. Kociowszczyzna: see Wiszniew Lazduny was a village of Lugomowicze. Juracisczki was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Wilno. The 1928 population was 701. Railroad line: narrow road of Jurasixzki Iwje k. Lidy. The post office was in Lugomowicze. The telephone and telegraph were in Zabrzez. Losk was a village of Zabrzez. Wolozyn was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Wilno. The 1928 population was 704. The railroad was 5 km away in Horodzki. The post office was in Zabrzez. The telephone was in Horodzki. The telegraph was in Wolozyn. Losk had one Catholic church. Lucomowicze was a village of Miklajow and a gmina town. Juracisczki was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Wilno. The 1928 population was 274. The railroad was 12 km away, a trainstop for limited transports on line: narrow road Juraciszki-Paslewicze. The post office was in Lugomowicze. The telephone was in Lugomowicze. The telegraph was in Iwje k. Lidy. Losk had one Catholic church. Luzany: see Wolozyn Miklajow: see Lucomowicze Moszki: see Zabrzez Naliboki was a village, a gmina town, and a miasteczko (small city) with dependencies: Pietrylowicze, Rudnia, Sutoki, Wojciechowo, Zamianka, and Zwierzyniec. Derewno was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Wilno. The 1928 miastechzko population was 1,199 and the village-gmina population was 515. The railway was in 25 km. away in Lubcza. The post office and telephone were in Naliboki. The telegraph was in Iwieniec. The town had a council office and mills. Padniewicze: see Iwieniec Pieliwica: see Wolozyn Pienkowszczyzna: see Zabrzez Pierelesanka: see Iwieniec Pierszaje was a gmina town and village with dependencies: Borowikowszczyzna and Dory. Rakow was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 miastechzko population was 361 and the village-gmina population was 515. The railway was in 20 km. away in Poloczany. The post office and telephone were in Pierszaje. The telegraph was in Wolozyn. The town had 1 Catholic church and sawmills. Pieslakowsczcyzna: see Zabrzez Pietrylowicze: see Naliboki Ponizie was a village of Wolozyn. Wolozyn was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Wilno. The 1928 population was 594. The railroad was 18 km away in Horodzki. The post office, telephone, and telegraph were in Wolozyn. Prudy was a village of Naliboki. Wolozyn was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Nowogrodek. The 1928 population was 829. The railroad was 30 km away in Lubcza. The post office and telephone were in Naliboki. Telegraph was in Iwieniec. Rosciowszczyzna: see Traby Rozyslaw: see Zabrzez Rudnia I was a village of Naliboki. Wolozyn was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Wilno. The 1928 population was 538. The railroad was 5 km away in Lubcza. The post office and telephone were in Naliboki. Telegraph was in Iwieniec. Rudnia: see Iwieniec Rudnia: see Naliboki Sakowszczyzna was a village of Wiszniew. Wolozyn was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Wilno. The 1928 population was 684. The railroad was 11 km away in Horodzki. The post office and telephone were in Wiszniew k. Bohdanowa. Telegraph was in Wolozyn. Siwicz was a village of Iwieniec. Iwieniec was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Wilno. The 1928 population was 657. The railroad was 35 km away in Olechnowicze. The post office, telephone and telegraph were in Iwieniec. Skrzypiewo: see Zabrzez Slajkowszczyzna: see Wiszniew Surwiliszki: see Traby Sutoki: see Naliboki Terebejna was a village of Naliboki. Iwieniec was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Wilno. The 1928 population was 840. The railroad was 26 km away in Lubcza. The post office and telephone were in Naliboki. The telegraph was in Iwieniec. Tokarzyszki: see Juraciszki Traby was a gmina town and a miasteczko (small city) with dependencies: Baranowicze, Rosciowszczyzna, and Surwiliszki. Juraciszki was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Wilno. The 1928 population was 981. The railway was in 12 km. away in Juraciszki. The post office, telephone and telegraph were in Traby. Traby had 1 Catholic church and 1 Orthodox church. Markets were Mondays for grain and cattle. Traby had mills and a tannery. Troki: see Iwieniec Truskowicze: see Zabrzez Uzbloc: see Zabrzez Wikamiany: see Juraciszki Wiszniew was a gmina town and a miasteczko (small city) with dependencies: Bohdanow, Bombaly, Doikniewicze, Kociowszczyzna, Sakowszczyzna, Slajkowszczyzna, Yhlu, and Zardle. Wolozyn was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Wilno. The 1928 population was 957. The railway was 6 km. away, trainstop for limited transports in Bohdanow, line: Lida-Molodeczno. The post office and telephone were in Wiszniew k. Bohdanowa and telegraph in Bohdanow. Traby had 1 Catholic church and 1 Orthodox church and an Association Of Merchants. Markets were Wednesdays. Traby had mills, tanneries and sawmills Wojciechowo: see Naliboki Wolozyn was a gmina town and a miasteczko (small city) with dependencies: Dworzyszcze, Gintowszczyzna, Hackowo, Jewlosze, luzany, and Pieliwica. It was seat of the district of Wolozyn. Wolozyn was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Wilno. The 1928 population was 2,630.The railway was in 16 km. away in Horodzki, line: Lida-Molodeczno. The post office, telegraph, and telephone were in Wolozyn. Wolozyn had 1 Catholic church, an Association Of Merchants. Wolozyn had Starostie, District Police Command, Bureau of Imports and Taxes, Public Revenue Dept., Inspector of Teachers, Rural District Office, Committee of District Colonization, Commission of District Expropriation, Customs Bureau, Dept. of Transportation, church, 2 Orthodox churches, 3 synagogues, Yeshiva, District hospital, District Health Office, and electric power station. The town had an Association of Merchants, Association of Town Employees, Association of State Employees, Association of Military Colonies, and Association of Jewish Artisans. Markets were Thursdays. Fairs: 5 for cattle, horses, and soil products. Wolozyn had mills, tanneries, and brandy making. Yhlu: see Wiszniew Zabrzez was a gmina town and a miasteczko (small city) with dependencies: Ciupaki, Dolewicze, Horodzki, Jozefpol, Moszki, Pienkowszczyzna, Pieslakowsczcyzna, Rozyslaw, Skrzypiewo, Truskowicze, and Uzbloc. Wolozyn was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Wilno. The 1928 population was 306.The railway was in 4 km. away in Horodzki, line: Lida-Molodeczno. The post office was in Zabrzez, the telegraph in Wolozyn, and the telephone in Horodzki. Zabrzez had one Catholic church, an Association of Military Colonies, and an Association of Town Employees. Zabrzez had flax production. Zabrzez was a village of Bakszty. Iwieniec was the seat of the Justice of the Peace. The justice court was in Wilno. The 1928 population was 689. The railroad was 27 km away in Juraaciszki, a trainstop for limited transports. The post office and telephone were in Zabrzez. The telegraph was in Iwje k. Lidy. Zamianka: see Naliboki Zardle: see Wiszniew Zwierzyniec: see Naliboki Back to database page |
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