The Courland Family Lists
This database consists of material extracted from a number of separate lists:
Names of adult family members extracted from official Jewish Military Recruits
Registers from the ten major cities of Courland, together with an 1874 family
census list from Bauska. Nearly 8,000 entries (over 11,000 named individuals).
- The Bausk [Bauska] Family Census Lists for 1874
- The Friedrickstadt [Jaunjelgava] Recruits Enlistment Register 1845
- The Goldingen [Kuldiga] Recruits Enlistment Registers 1871
- The Grobin [Grobina] Recruits Enlistment Registers 1868
- The Hasenpoth [Aizpute] Recruits Enlistment Registers 1871
- The Jacobstadt [Jekabpils] Recruits Enlistment Registers 1871
- The Libau [Liepaja] Recruits Enlistment Registers 1868
- The Mitau [Jelgava] Recruits Enlistment Register 1845 (4,000 entries)
- The Pilten [Piltene] Recruits Enlistment Registers 1871
- The Tukum [Tukums] Recruits Register 1871 (2,500 entries)
- The Windau [Ventspils] Recruits Enlistment Registers
Recruits Enlistment Registers
Recruitment Lists were lists drawn up on the order of the
Tsarist Government to serve as the basis on which individuals were
selected for military service. This process did not only apply to
the Jewish community but affected all inhabitants irrespective of
religion or nationality. The Registers relating to the Jewish
community were kept separately because the Jews were considered a
separate nationality as well as a separate religion. Similar
registers existed for the other major community groups.
The original lists are handwritten in German. Each family unit
is identified by a family number and the members of the family and
their ages are listed. The family number is cross-referenced to
the Oklad [tax] number for the family in the same district
or region.
It was important that a comprehensive picture of the family was
obtained because there were exemptions from military service in the
case of only sons, a sole surviving son where the eldest son had died,
sons of widowed mothers etc. These exemptions changed from time to
time as recruitment policy changed but the lists provided the official
factual basis from which the authorities charged with enforcement of
recruitment policy worked.
This database concentrates primarily on the adult members of the
households and does not generally record child entries from the
original list. The purpose of the database was to give a good coverage
of identified families for initial research with a view to finding
further details either from the
State Historical Archives
or from other sources that will be coming on line, in particular the
official Russian Government Gazette for Courland, known as the
Kurlandia Gubernskya Vedomosti or the "Vedomosti".
The Vedomosti contains many lists of many Jewish military
recruits chosen to serve. In addition there are regular reports of
recruits failing to appear as directed for military service or who
are subject to arrest because they have fled from military service.
Some, but by no means the majority, of these reports relate to Jewish
These contemporary news reports are fascinating sources for the
family historian as they often contain descriptions of the wanted
person and other family details. The Courland Research Group is
currently indexing all Jewish entries in the Vedomosti and
have completed the years 1853-1858. That database, which includes
further material relating to Jews and military services will be on
line shortly.
The fact that many Jews served loyally in the military can be seen
from the Jewish Inhabitants of Riga Database.
If you search on "soldier" you will see the names of many retired
soldiers registered in Riga - some in receipt of a pension - and
many of the Jewish entries listed in the Courland
Duma Voter's lists as being in receipt of a pension are,
in fact, retired soldiers.
For further general information on military service in Imperial
Russia, see the JewishGen InfoFile
"Military conscription in 19th century
Russia". Some of the background in this file relates to Jews
living in the Pale of Settlement to whom special rules applied.
These rules did not affect the Jews of Courland or Riga, who were
allowed to live freely outside the Pale, provided they were lawfully
registered in a specific town.
For further reading, see "Residents' Lists and the Russian Military
Draft", by Vilius Botryius with Daniel Rozas, in Avotaynu,
XVI:1 (Spring 2000), pages 20-22.
Bausk Family Census Lists for 1874
This list was created in 1874 as part of a census of local
inhabitants carried out at the same time in a number of Courland
communities. The original is handwritten in German Fractur Script
and forms part of the holdings
of the Latvian State Historical Archives in Riga. The original
list contains children as well as adults and the format is not very
different from that used in the Enlistment Registers referred to above,
although the purpose for which the list was compiled was different.
The database consists mainly of adult members of the community,
both male and female, and makes it possible to identify the Jewish
families living in the area in or about 1874. Part of the value of
the list is that it was amended from time to time up until the early
1900's as individuals died or moved abroad. In the case of some
entries it is possible to find information of particular importance
from a family history point of view. For example, annotations to
the original 1871 list include the following:
- Chaim Abramsohn - died 1907 Moscow
- Behr Israelsohn - died 15 June 1892 in New York
- Moses Israelsohn - died 22 December 1899 in Jerusalem
- Itzig Lewensohn - died 10 November 1892 in Benderi, Besarabija
This kind of information not only opens new avenues of for individuals
searching for family roots but it also provides important information
about the social history of the Jewish communities of Courland,
emigration and travel. This database is an ongoing project and it is
anticipated that entries will be added as new towns are extracted.
The goal is to provide not only a rich source for family historians
but also to create a resource that will provide data of general interest
to historians of the Jews of Courland.
The Database Entry Fields
- Family Number
The lists were compiled on a family basis and the original lists
allocate a number to each family. The family numbers in the case
of Bausk have not been recorded in the database although they do
exist in the original list. Noting the family number helps you to
distinguish between direct ancestors and collateral family in the
form of potential Aunts, Uncles, Cousins etc.
- Oklad Number
The Oklad referred to the families tax reference number.
Tax lists were very comprehensive and the inhabitants of each town
and community were allocated an Oklad number. Each family is
cross-referenced so that the original list compiler would have
checked the information supplied against the information given on
other occasions. Like family numbers, the Oklad number can help
to distinguish separate family units with the same name.
- Family Name
This refers to the family's surname. These were German in form
so that, for example, families which later became Israelson will
be spelled Israelsohn in the these lists. Despite a policy of
Russification in the Empire from the 1860's onwards, it is a
remarkable feature that these official lists are all in German
rather than Russian. Courland retained its character as a Baltic
German province and the enduring use of German for administrative
purposes until the end of the century is notable.
- Maiden Name
In the case of a woman, her name at birth. This helps to trace
female lines of the family which are typically more difficult to
establish. Unfortunately only a low percentage of maiden names
are recorded, but they are included where available.
- First Names / Given Names
This refers to the person's first or given name or names.
Many of these are of Hebrew or Yiddish origin. The original
spelling has been retained even where it is inconsistent in the
original document.
- Father's Name
Over 2,000 entries in the database include the first names
of the entrant's father, thereby giving you 2 generations in
respect of the family. This is consistent with the Russian
practice of recording the patronymic as part of the official
name or family identity. In some cases, this information used
together with the Family and Oklad numbers can help to establish
collateral branches of the family and to help fill in family trees.
- Age-in
This column gives you the entrant's age in the year specified.
For example, "34 in 1874" tells you that the person was 34 years
old in 1874. Occasionally the column gives the person's date of
birth although this is rare.
- Date of Death
This field will sometimes give you an exact date of death, but
more typically simply the year of death. In the case of Bausk
entries, this column sometimes includes additional information
such as the place of death. If the date of death is later than
the date of the list this means that the original list was amended
at a subsequent date on the basis of information supplied to the
registrar presumably from family members or friends.
- Town
The modern name form is used, in keeping with JewishGen policy.
This will help you search the JewishGen Family
Finder to see if anyone else is searching this name in the
locality. Where other town or cities are mentioned such as in
the place of death the original entry is preserved and the name
is not updated.
Remember that Recruits Enlistment Registers were undertaken by
locality. The fact a person is registered in say, Friedrickstadt
[Jaunjelgava] does not mean that the family lived inside the town
of Friedrickstadt. Although they may have done so, it is also
possible that they lived in the general registration district of
Friedrickstadt. Unfortunately the original lists do not record
- Type of List
This tells you what sort of list the information comes from.
- Fond Number
This is the category number assigned to the document in the
Riga archives and can help to locate the documents relevant to
your family.
How do I find out more about family members who are listed?
Each of these lists helps to build up a picture of the Jewish
families of Courland. In order to obtain further information about
children and/or obtain other information relating to specific
individuals you will need to write to:
Ms. Irina Veinberga, Head of Department
Latvian State Historical Archives
(Latvijas valsts vestures arhive)
Slokas iela 16, Riga LV-1007
The archives now have a policy of charging a preliminary search
fee of $50 before embarking on research, plus an additional fee
for each family member located. They provide a highly professional
service and will bill you on completion of the work. Their expertise
in identifying and tracing the Jewish families of Courland, indeed
of Latvia as a whole, is remarkable. Before asking them to carry
out work for you you may wish to read more about the experience
that individuals have had with the archives by clicking on the
JewishGen Discussion
Group message archives and carrying out a search for "archive"
and "Latvia" or "Latvian".
Further Projects relating to Courland Family Lists
This database has been made possible by Sponsorship and Donations.
The Courland Research Group has carried out
some of the research personally but the database has been created
professionally by researchers in Riga to whom our special thanks
is recorded.
Many towns and villages remain and sponsorship for these lists
is sought. In particular the lists of the Jews of Courland's capital,
Mitau (now Jelgava) is very large and cannot be undertaken without
substantial additional funding. Important lists exist for Tuckums,
Frauenberg, and numerous other local registries. If you are able
to help and would like to sponsor a Family List in honour of your
family or to mark a special family occasion such as a wedding or
Bar Mitzvah please contact
Martha Lev-Zion,
Treasurer; or the database co-ordinator
Constance Whippman.
There will be a formal dedication page in which your contribution
will be recorded.
As ever we acknowledge the remarkable patience and forbearance
of our webmaster Michael Tobias. Warren Blatt has given technical
input and support. The Courland Reseach Steering Committee: Paul
Berkay, Abraham Lenhoff and Martha Lev-Zion worked hard to bring
this database to you. Michael Whippman gave substantial computer
assistance in preparing the files.
Constance Whippman, Database Co-ordinator
Copyright ©2000, Courland Research Steering Committee
Last Updated: Feb 21, 2001 WSB