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Jews of Sibiu, Romania, Evicted from their Homes in 1942

By Professor John M. Hoenig

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Sibiu and Brasov were counties in southern Transylvania that remained under Romanian administration during World War II. There were no mass deportations similar to the ones in northern Transylvania under Hungarian rule and in Bukovina and Bessarabia under Romanian rule. In southern Transylvania (as in the rest of Romania), Ion Antonescu (Romanian dictator and Prime Minister) applied dramatic policies of "Romanianization" and deprivation of civil rights, including the eviction of Jews from their homes. Lists of apartments of Jews evicted from their homes in Sibiu appeared in two newspapers in April, 1942, and these lists form the basis for this database.

Source Documents

A notice appeared in Gazeta Sibiului (a newspaper published in Sibiu, Romania) on April 3, 1942, on page 13 listing the Jews who had been evicted from their apartments. This source is referred to in the database as "Gazeta".

Click on photo to enlarge

Another list appeared in ?ara, another newspaper in Sibiu, on April 9, 1942, page 7. This source is referred to in the database as “Tara”. 

Click on photo to enlarge

Both notices were created by the Centrul National de Románizare – Administratia Generala a Bunurilor urbane evreiesti expropriate (National Center for Romanianization - General Administration of Expropriated Jewish Urban Property). Both notices have a reference number 217 and a date of April 2, 1942. The notices are provided here with permission from

The two lists have a great deal of overlap. The notice in ?ara has 13 shops listed that are not in the notice in Gazeta Sibiului. Each list contains some names that are not in the other list. In addition, the spellings of the names sometimes differ between the lists, e.g., IANCOVITZ Hermina in one list and IANKOVITS Hermina in the other. When this occurs, both names are provided.


This database consists of 137 records of Romanians in Sibiu that were evicted from their apartments or shops.  The fields for this database are as follows:

  • Surname (listed without accents except that o and ü are used where appropriate)
  • Given name
  • Title (i.e., Dr.)
  • Other names
  • Address
  • Type of apartment
  • Source(s)
  • Comments

Type of apartment generally follows the headings in the Gazeta Sibiului newspaper notice, e.g., Apartments with 3 rooms, Apartments with 3 rooms and outbuildings, etc. The categories of apartments in ?ara are sometimes different from the Gazeta categories.

The notices are in Romanian but the names could be spelled in Romanian, Hungarian or German. When a name has a o? or ü, the name is also provided in the Additional names field without the accent. Additional information found in the notice consists of descriptions of the properties, e.g., "upstairs, 4 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, etc."


As described in the "Background" section of this Introduction, the material for this database comes from two newspaper notices. The database was created by John M. Hoenig, a Professor Emeritus of Marine Science at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, William & Mary. We also gratefully acknowledge permission received from Szabolcs Kovács, local professional historian from, to reprint the articles in this introduction.

We'd like to thank Mike Kalt, HTML Volunteer, for placing this description online, and Nolan Altman, Director of Special Projects and Coordinator of the Holocaust Database, for his continued devotion and dedication to JewishGen's important work.

Nolan Altman
Coordinator-Holocaust Database
March, 2022

Searching the Database

This database is searchable via JewishGen's Holocaust Database and the JewishGen Romania Database.

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