The Jeff Malka Sephardic CollectionJews born in Algeria: Deported from France in WWII
This dataset includes the names of Jews Born in Algeria, Deported from France (1942-1944) or Executed during WW II Jews of the Sephardic Diaspora consist mainly of Jews from the territories of the ex-Ottoman Empire as well as from North Africa. As a result of the Alliance Israélite Universelle network of schools, Ottoman Jews as well as the North African spoke French. So it was not surprising that after the disruption of the Ottoman Empire at the end of WW I followed by the soon thereafter economic breakdown, many Jews from these territories made their way to France as a place to rebuild their lives. Three of the North Africa countries (Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia) became French colonies or protectorates between 1830 and 1912 and, because Jews from these countries were already familiar with the French language and culture, some of them moved to live in France. AcknowledgementsWe acknowledge the tremendous contributions and lifelong dedication of Mathilde Tagger, z"l who made this index available. For many years, and right until her untimely death, Mathilde Tagger was a very close friend and collaborator with Jeff Malka. Together they worked to promote Sephardic genealogy research and educate the public about its enormous potential. Mathilde compiled this information based upon the original source material: Klarsfeld, Serge. Mémorial de la Déportation des Juifs de France. Paris, 1978. In addition, we express our grateful appreciation to Dr. Jeff Malka for his monumental ongoing effort to collect and make accessible Sephardic genealogical information, and for his generosity in contributing his extraordinarily valuable collection to JewishGen. Search the DatabaseThe Jews born in Algeria: Deported from France in WWII can be searched by via the JewishGen Algeria Database, the JewishGen Sephardic Collection, or the the JewishGen Holocaust Collection
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