Jews in Dresden, 1945Introduction by Peter Landé
This database contains information on 265 persons who were residing in Dresden or in Dresden prisons as of January 22, 1945. BackgroundThis database consists of two lists. The first is an undated list of Jews held in a Dresden prison. The second list identifies Jews still residing in Dresden as of 22-Jan-1945. While not stated, it is clear that all these persons had been freed from deportation because of mixed (Jewish-non-Jewish) marriages or parentage. The list was developed in order to identify Jews who could be used in local forced labor and it includes notations such as "ef" or "nef", Einsatzfaehig or nicht Einsatzfaehig (capable or not capable of work). These notations and local addresses were not entered into the database, but can be provided in response to individual inquiries to the USHMM Archives. Death in the Holocaust or survival of the individuals in both collections is not given and other sources would have to be used to determine this. January 22, 1945 was just prior to the massive bombing of Dresden, and it is possible that some of the listed persons died in that bombing. DatabaseThis database includes 265 records from the following lists:
The fields for this database are as follows:
AcknowledgmentsThe information contained in this database was indexed from the files of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM), RG 14.036M, Reel 3. In addition, thanks to JewishGen Inc. for providing the website and database expertise to make this database accessible. Special thanks to Warren Blatt and Michael Tobias for their continued contributions to Jewish genealogy. Particular thanks to Nolan Altman, coordinator of Holocaust files. Nolan Altman Searching the DatabaseThis database is searchable via JewishGen's Holocaust Database and the JewishGen Germany Database.
Last Update: 13 May 2010 by MFK
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