1941 - 1945

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The following is a translation of the introduction from book, "A List of the Subotica Jews, Victims of the Fascist Occupation, 1941-1945", from which the names for this database came.

"This terrible tragedy which has come upon all of the Jews in 1941 - 1945 - has substantially hurt the Jews of Subotica also."

"From about 5,200 Subotica Jews, only some 1,200 returned, this means that 4,000 persons were lost."

"The Jewish Religious Community in Subotica has put together a list of persons which disappeared, Subotica Jews killed in the deportation, gathering the data from individuals. As many families have been totally exterminated, not one remaining alive to give the necessary data, we have filled in this list by reviewing court documents on the declaration of death of these persons and their registrations in the local registries. However, not all that disappeared have been declared dead, so that this list is not complete. Nevertheless, it is appropriate as a flame of piety towards those that were dear to us, and whom we have lost."

"For those of our brothers and sisters which have repatriated to the state of Israel, let this list of names serve as memory of the old country and of their deceased dear ones."


The database is comprised of 1,993 names of victims from the pages of the book, "A List of the Subotica Jews, Victims of the Fascist Occupation, 1941-1945". The book has 54 pages of individuals listed alphabetically, with their age, and what we believe is the place where they died. For many of the married women and widows in the list, we are able to provide their married names along with their husband's given names and their maiden names.

The fields of the database are as follows:

Notes on selected fields:

The "p.r." in the "Marked as Forced Labor" field indicates that the individual was used as forced labor.

The following phrases were used in the "Place Where Thought to Have Died" field:

Iz civ. mobilizacije na nepoznatom mestuFrom civil recruitment in an unknown place
jugoslav. bojiste 1941Yugoslav battlefields 1941
Margitköruti zatvor kazn. četa VoronjezMargitköruti prison, punishment detachment Voronyez
Na putu ka Auschwitz-uOn the way to Auschwitz
pao je u HrvatskojFallen (died) in Croatia
pao je u oslobodilačkim borbama u blizni NisaFell in the Freedom-fighting Battles near Niš
partizan u Bosni kraj BanjalukePartisan in Bosnia near Banjaluka
streljan u Sátoraljaujhely-uExecuted in Sátoraljaujhely
u Bosni partizanPartisan in Bosnia
U kazn. četiin Punishment Detachment
U kazn. četi, Ukrajinain Punishment Detachment in Ukraine
U nemačkom zarobljenistvuin German captivity
U oslobod. pokr. Zatv. S.-Ujhelyin the liberation movement of the prison S.-Ujhely
ubijen od strane madj. zand. Pri begstvukilled by Hungarian jendarmes (from French - derogative for policemen) when escaping
Zbog uvrede madj. vlasti u zatvoru u Sátoraljaujhely-ubecause of insult to Hungarian authorities in the Sátoraljaujhely prison

Individuals marked with a " * " in the "Comments" column indicate that the person listed was not a member of the Jewish Religious Community at the time of the deportation.

The following translations of titles, status, and miscellaneous terms will be helpful for interpreting the "Comments" field:

Serbocroation English
dete bez imenachild with no name
doctor (dr.)doctor
ingenier (ing.)engineer
Mr.masters degree
ratni invalidinvalid of war
sa 4 decewith 4 children
udova (ud.).widow


The information contained in this database was indexed as part of the data sharing agreement between Yad Vashem and JewishGen. Thanks to Zvi Bernhardt and the Hall of Names staff, the data was provided from the files of Yad Vashem (Collection # O 10/9 - part of the miscellaneous Yugoslavian list collection). This information is accessible to you today thanks to the efforts of the following JewishGen volunteers who are responsible for the data entry and validation of this file: Nolan Altman (coordinator) and Edward Mitelsbach. Thanks also to Joco Sami for assistance with the translation of the title pages and field descriptions from the book pages.

In addition, thanks to JewishGen Inc. for providing the website and database expertise to make this database accessible. Special thanks to Susan King, Warren Blatt and Michael Tobias for their continued contributions to Jewish genealogy. Particular thanks to the Research Division headed by Joyce Field and to Nolan Altman, coordinator of Holocaust files.

Nolan Altman
May 2005

Searching the Database

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Last Update: 27 Aug 2011 by MFK