Jewish Physicians From Czechoslovakia

· Background
· Database
· Acknowledgements
· Searching the Database


This database is comprised of names that were to be published in a yizkor book for Czechoslovakian physicians who died during the Holocaust or who died later due to the poor physical condition they were left in from their persecution during the Holocaust.  The manuscript was produced by The Israel Medical Association and The Jerusalem Academy of Medicine and was edited by Dr. Shmuel Grünwald.

Unfortunately, the manuscript was never published.  Yad Vashem was able to obtain the manuscript and with the help of JewishGen volunteers, the Czechoslovakian Physicians Database was created.


The Database consists of 9 sub-lists.  The description and page numbers of the sub-lists are as follows:

Description Sub-list #        Page #s
Names of physicians from Slovakia who died at a later date, but as a result of persecutions suffered during the Holocaust 1 1
List of physicians from Slovakia who died as victims of the Nazi Holocaust 2 2-11
Names of physicians from Karpatho-Russia who died as victims of the Nazi Holocaust or shortly after their release from concentration camps 3 12-13
Names of physicians from Karpatho-Russia who died at a later date 4 13
Physicians whose fate is unknown 5 13
Physicians who died later in Israel 6 13
List of physicians from Bohemia and Moravia who died as victims of the Nazi Holocaust 7 14-30
Names of physicians from Bohemia and Moravia who died at a later date, but as a result of persecutions suffered during the Holocaust 8 30
Addition to the list of physicians from Bohemia and Moravia who died as victims of the Nazi Holocaust 9 31

[The pages for lists 7 through 9 were reviewed and edited manually in anticipation of publishing the book. The edits made are difficult to read, at best. Therefore, records with the initials ME indicate that manual edits were done on that line. All names that were originally typed in the draft are included in the database, even though there were lines, or parts of lines, crossed out.]

The fields in the database are as follows:

    Given Name
    Medical Specialty
    Where Practiced
    Last Address
    Date of Birth
    Date Graduated Medical School
    [Manual Edits]

To assist with the translation of medical specialties, please use the table below.

Medical Specialty English translation
Bezirksarzt County doctor
Cardiolog Cardiologist
Chefarzt der Krankenkasse Head doctor of welfare
Chirurg Surgeon
Chirurg General General surgeon
Chirurg Primar Head surgeon
Dermatolog Dermatologist
Dozent Spitalsdirektor Director for hospital lectures
Eisenbahnarzt Railways doctor
Enterologist Enterologist (Internist)
Ext. Kliniky Prof. Precechtele v Tunich otoler Extern in Clinic of Professor Precechtele v.??
Extern Extern (non-resident)
Gynekolog Gynecologist
Internat KlinikyBoarding house or inside clinic doctor
Junger ArztYoung doctor
Junger Arzt vor der PromotionYoung doctor before graduation
Junger ArztinYoung doctor (female)
Junger SpitalsarztYoung doctor in hospital (female)
KreisarztDistrict doctor
KurarztSpa doctor
Lekar KlinikyClinic doctor
MestskyMunicipal doctor
Mestsky Soudni City forensic
MilitärarztArmy doctor
OberstabsarztDoctor Major (in the army)
Ophtalmolog Ophtalmologist
OtolaryngologENT specialist
Pens. ChefarztHead doctor - boarding house
Pens. KreisarztDistrict doctor - boarding house
Phtisiolog Consumption specialist (doesn't exist anymore)
Prakt. (Partisan)Practitioner (Partisan)
Prakt. SanatoriumbesitzerPractitioner Sanatorium owner
Zdravi komisar stat drahaHealth commissioner for the state railroad
Praktik Practitioner
Primar Head
Primar des GrubenspitalsHead of the mining hospital
RoentgenologRoentgenologist (radiologist)
SanatoriumSanitarium, convelescent or nursing home
Staedt. Municipal
Stat nemocniceState hospital
Stomatolog Stomatologist
Student med.Medical student
Repeating Suffixes in "Specialties" Column English Translation
-arzt Doctor
-in Female occupation
Repeating Abbreviations in "Last Residence" Column English Translation
okr. (okresni) District
obv. (obvod) District


The information contained in this database was indexed as part of the data sharing agreement between Yad Vashem and JewishGen. Thanks to Zvi Bernhardt and the Hall of Names staff, the data was provided from the files of Yad Vashem (Collection # O 41, Group 35.1.5). This information is accessible to you today thanks to the effort of the following JewishGen volunteers who are responsible for the data entry and validation of this file: Nolan Altman (coordinator), Kurt Friedlaender, Harry Green, Norman Greenfield, and Paula Zeiselman. Thanks also to Edward Mitelsbach for assistance with the translation of medical specialties.

In addition, thanks to JewishGen Inc. for providing the website and database expertise to make this database accessible. Special thanks to Susan King, Warren Blatt and Michael Tobias for their continued contributions to Jewish genealogy. Particular thanks to the Research Division headed by Joyce Field and to Nolan Altman, coordinator of Holocaust files.

April 2005

Searching the Database

This database is searchable via JewishGen's Holocaust Database.

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Last Update: 15 Sep 2005 by WSB.