Jewish Partisans and Fighters of Volyn
Translation from Partizanim v'Lochamim Yehudim MeiVolhyn L'Zichram
by Shalom Bronstein
This is a transcription into English of the 822 names in the necrology which
is found in the book Jewish Partisans and Fighters of Volyn in their Memory
(1997), pages 98-105.
The transcription followed the generally accepted pattern for Hebrew to English.
Below are the guidelines used in transcribing these names:
- Names beginning with the Hebrew letter 'Alef' appear under the letters
A, E, I and O, according to their pronunciation
- Most of the names beginning with the Hebrew letter 'Vav' appears under 'W',
even though there is no W in either Hebrew or Yiddish.
- All names beginning with the Hebrew letter 'Het' appear with a 'Ch' as
their initial letters.
- Names beginning with the Hebrew letter 'Zayin' appear under the letter 'Z',
even though some would probably be more familiar if spelled with an 'S'.
- Names beginning with the letter 'Peh' will be found both under 'F' and 'P'.
- Some of the names beginning with the letter 'Tzadi' are listed under the letter that
would be most familiar — e.g. "Zimmerman" and not "Tzimmerman", "Charney"
and not "Tzarney", while other names begin with 'Tz'.
- All names beginning with the letter 'Kuf' are listed under the letter 'K'.
- The 'Y' and 'I' endings for the listed names are interchangeable as all are spelled
with the letter 'Yod'.
- Some of the names listed under "S" begin with the letter 'Shin'.
- All first names follow the Hebrew, Yiddish or Russian spelling as it appeared
in the list, e.g.: "Avraham" and not "Abraham"; "Yitzhak" and not "Isaac";
"Aizik" and not "Isaac".
Partizanim v'Lochamim Yehudim MeiVolhyn L'Zichram;
Jewish Partisans and Fighters of Volyn in Their Memory.
(Israel, 1997: Va'adah le-hantsahat partizanim ve-lohamim Yehudim mi-Vohlin
she-nilhemu neged ha-Natsim ve-ozrehem be-Milhemet ha-olam ha-sheniyah =
Council for the Commemmoration of the Jewish fighters of Volyn during the
Second World War). 120 page pamphlet. OCLC #56934410.
We owe our most sincere gratitude to Shalom Bronstein, without whose
effort this information would not be available to you today.
Last updated January 14, 2002 by RdR