JewishGen Danzig/Gdańsk Research Division Project:
Archives of the Jewish Community of Danzig at the Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People (CAHJP), Jerusalem

The Archives of the Jewish Community of Danzig is a massive collection of documents (about 2000 files, some consisting of hundreds of pages) that was shipped from Danzig to Jerusalem in 1939, "the first major community collection to be deposited in the" Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People (CAHJP), where it resides today. The rich variety of genealogical and historical information contained in these documents can be glimpsed through CAHJP's online inventory of the collection. This is a rare legacy that our relatives have left, and you can help to make it widely accessible by volunteering as a transcriber or donating to fund acquisition of scans. As far as we know, this is the first large-scale examination of the genealogical content of this material.


Acquisitions and indexing status are shown in the table below, with files that are indexed and online being searchable via JewishGen's Germany and Poland Databases (for details of contents, see the introduction to the Danzig Database). Data needing proofreading will not go online until proofread with reasonable assurance of accuracy. We need additional volunteers for transcription and proofreading, Hebrew and German. If you might be interested in volunteering, please email the Project Coordinator. The brief descriptions below are based on the genealogical content our transcribers have observed, which can differ from CAHJP's inventory.

Group 1 was funded with donations of $438.
Group 2 was funded with donations and part of a grant from GerSIG, at a total cost $1483.
Group 3 was scanned by volunteer Rina Offenbach and is ongoing. Thank you, Rina!

Because of the very large size of this collection, we may need additional funding to be able to cover the rest of the genealogically interesting material. Donations are welcome at

In addition to the files we have acquired, our volunteers have examined many other files to help us decide whether or not to acquire them. In the future, a list of all examined files will appear here. In the meantime, please contact us with any questions or before visiting CAHJP yourself, in case we can advise about the contents of other files. Thanks to volunteers Tamar Amit, Rina Offenbach, and Roni Pelled for their critical work examining Danzig files.

Da-29Danziginformation about people leaving or re-joining the Jewish Community or Judaism, with some birth places and dates1876-1934about 193 pagesGermanready to be indexedGroup 3
Da-186Danzigstudents' grades1934about 34 pagesGermanready to be indexedGroup 3
Da-187Danzigstudents' gradesOct 1938about 93 peopleGermanready to be indexedGroup 3
Da-353Danzigdeath/burial-related documents1884-1897about 39 peopleGermanready to be indexedGroup 3
Da-358Danzigdonor list1928-1935about 1500 peoplemostly typewritten Germanready to be indexedGroup 3
Da-363Danzigrequests to Chevra Kadisha for support, with birth place and date1928-1930about 120 peopleGermanready to be indexedGroup 3
Da-383Danzigtax list1924-1928about 1200 peopleGermanready to be indexedGroup 3
Da-440Danziglist of members1929about 8000 peopletypewritten Germanready to be indexedGroup 3
Da-766Altschottlandmemorbuch19th c.about 44 pagesHebrew, Germanready to be indexedGroup 3
Da-889DanzigWWI Jewish soldiers, with rank and unitc. 191423 pagesGermanready to be indexedGroup 3
Da-898Danzigtax list1930-1931about 650 peopleGermanready to be indexedGroup 3
Da-1150Danziglist of immigrants, with place of origin1913-1922about 1700 peopleGermanready to be indexedGroup 3
Da-1227Danzigquestionnaires filled out by people seeking aid for Passover, with birth places and dates and other genealogical information, + list of distributions1931-1932about 260 peopleGermanready to be indexedGroup 3
Da-1297Danzigtax list1932-1933about 700 peopletypewritten Germanready to be indexedGroup 3
Da-1372Danzigtax list, with dates of birth1934-1935about 410 peopleGermanready to be indexedGroup 3
Da-1426Danzigtax list1931-1932about 615 peopleGermanready to be indexedGroup 3
Da-1497All Communitiesunpaid tax list1883about 203 peopleGermanready to be indexedGroup 3
Da-2034Danzigstudent list, with birth place and date and father's name1932-1933about 55 peopleGermanready to be indexedGroup 3
Da-2036Danziglist of members, with date of permanent residence1933about 1300 peoplepartly typewritten Germanready to be indexedGroup 3
Da-2059Danziglist of emigrants1885-1886?209 peopleGermanready to be indexedGroup 2
HM2-9324.3Altschottland, Langfuhr, Weinberg,
Hoppenbruch, Stolzenberg
marriage concessions, property concessions, contracts, disputes1809-1812about 540 pagesGermanready to be indexedGroup 2
HM2-9325.1All Communitieslist of members1808about 260 peopleGermanready to be indexedGroup 2
HM2-9323.6Altchottlandlist of members1808about 125 peopleGermanready to be indexedGroup 2
P170-491Danzigpassengers on Atlantic
burials in Mauritius
1940-1945about 238 namestypewritten Germanready to be indexedGroup 3
P170-613Danzigpassengers on Astir
deportees 22 Nov 1939
19397 pages (+ to-be-confirmed duplicate of Da-1645a)typewritten Germanready to be indexedGroup 3
Da-285Mattenbudencensus of familiesc. 183178 householdsHebrewneeds proofreadingdonated
Da-305Mattenbudenmemorbuch1734-188340 pagesHebrew, Germanneeds proofreadingGroup 1
Da-360Danzigcensus of families1931265 pagestypewritten Germanneeds proofreadingGroup 2
Da-785Danzigyouth organization members1913-1934about 30 pagesGermanneeds proofreadingGroup 3
Da-862Langfuhrlist of members of Chevra Kadisha, minutes and accounts, deaths1765-184950 pagesHebrewneeds proofreadingGroup 1
Da-2003Mattenbudenheads of households185083 peopleGermanneeds proofreadingdonated
Da-2056Altschottlandcemetery register1720-1874232 pagesHebrew, Germanneeds proofreadingGroup 1
HM2-9325.3All Communitiescensus of families1809-1810about 1200 peopleGermanneeds proofreadingGroup 2
Da-752Altschottlandheads of households182278 people (probably incomplete)Germanindexed, soon onlinedonated
Da-885Langfuhrtax list1878 (not acquired: additional years up to 1883)46 peopleGermanindexed, soon onlinedonated
Da-1606Danzigvoter list, with birth dates1906about 581 peopleGermanindexed, soon onlineGroup 3 + donated
Da-1608Danzigvoter list, with birth dates1912about 591 peopleGermanindexed, soon onlineGroup 3 + donated
Da-286Mattenbudenbirth, marriage, and death registers1832-184620 pagesGermanindexed and onlineGroup 1
Da-533Mattenbudenyahrzeit list1825-1877about 40 peopleHebrewindexed and onlineGroup 2
Da-596Altschottlandfamilienbuch1880-1882418 peopleGermanindexed and onlineGroup 2
Da-685Breitgassememorbuch1821-1903about 10 pagesHebrewindexed and onlineGroup 1
Da-753Altschottlandmarriage register1838?-184635 marriagesGermanindexed and onlineGroup 2
Da-754Altschottlandbirth register1838-184610 pages in a large formatGermanindexed and onlineGroup 1
Da-1156Altschottlandfamilienbuch1850-18791072 peopleGermanindexed and onlineGroup 2
Da-1598Weinberglist of members1817-1881about 52 pages in a very large formatGermanindexed and onlineGroup 1
Da-1645aDanzig, Zoppotcensus of families19391664 peopletypewritten Germanindexed and onlineGroup 2
DanzigName index of CAHJP's inventory168 entriestypewritten Germanindexed and online
Da-233Danzigheads of households1879952 peopleGermanin preparationdonated
Da-1611Danzigtax list1894about 540 peopleGermanin preparationdonated
Da-1628Danzigtax list1882about 819 peopleGermanin preparationdonated
Da-1631Danzigtax list1900about 627 peopleGermanin preparationdonated
Da-1635Mattenbudencensus of school-age children1832about 45 childrenGermanin preparationdonated
Da-971Altschottland, Breitgasse, Weinbergsynagogue seat records1820-1894about 200 pagesGermanneeds analysisGroup 2
Da-1004All Communitiessynagogue seat records1882-1884about 38 pagesGermanneeds analysisGroup 2
Da-1087Danzig?name index??7000-8000 people, many with places (of origin?),
CAHJP inventory states this is an index of membership lists,
but this remains to be determined, possibly related to migration
Germanneeds analysisGroup 3
Da-1650a1815-1893?about 175 pagesGermanneeds analysisGroup 2
Da-1211Danzigbirth register1929-1933about 470 recordsGermanneeds analysisGroup 3
HM2-9323.4Visitors?tax list?1641-1642about 11 pagesGermanneeds analysisGroup 2
HM2-9323.6Altchottland?narrative documents1808about 60 pagesGermanneeds analysisGroup 2
HM2-9325.1All Communitiesnarrative documents1808-1812about 70 pagesGermanneeds analysisGroup 2
HM2-9330.4Visitors?lists related to trade?1640-1702about 25 pagesGermanneeds analysisGroup 2

Contact: Logan Kleinwaks, JewishGen Research Director for Danzig/Gdańsk