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Belarus Revision Lists Database

· Introduction
· Database Fields
· Sample Record
· Contents of the Database
· Translations/Transliterations methods
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The JewishGen Belarus Revision Lists Database contains revision list records from Belarus and towns that used to be part of Belarus.

The Reviska Skazka (Revision Lists) were conducted in territories ruled by the Russian Czar in the 18th and 19th centuries. The Revision Lists enumerated only those individuals subject to taxation. The data was also utilized for identifying men to draft into the army. There were ten major Reviska Skazka taken, beginning in 1720 and ending in 1858. Each new revision would indicate changes to the population referenced in the prior revision. Between the revisions (and after the last one in 1858) were "additional revision lists", used to fill in information missed in the prior major revision. The dates of the revisions are important because reference is made to an individual’s "Age at Last Revision.

The earliest revisions are irrelevant for Jewish genealogical research, due to their limited information, and the small number of Jews within the borders of the Russian Empire at that time. These are the dates of revisions of consequence:

  • 5th: 1795

  • 6th: 1811

  • 7th: 1816

  • 8th: 1834

  • 9th: 1850

  • 10th: 1858

For an explanation of the information found in Revision List records, see  Further information on the history of Revision Lists can be found in an article by Boris Feldblyum in Avotaynu XIV:3 (Fall 1998), pp. 59-61, also available at  The following notes supplement those excellent pieces by addressing the Revision Lists for towns in Belarus, and focus on search strategies with the Belarus Revision Lists in mind.

In addition to revision list records, the following types of records are also included in this database:

  • Additional Revision Lists - Between the Revisions, and after the 10th (last) revision, there could be data collected to supplement the most recent full revision.

  • Alphabetical List of Males - These lists were created in 1853 and 1858 and include only the males who lived in a locality. The ages refer to the 1858 and 1850 Revision Lists, so any age referenced in this type of list is the age as of 1858 or 1850. Some of the 1858 and 1850revision lists, on which these lists are based, are thought to no longer exist. Since these were alphabetical lists, the registration numbers are not in sequence.

  • Jewish Conscripts - list of male members of a household for conscription purposes. There are many of these lists for the year 1874. Since these lists often include the registration numbers from previous revision lists the revision list template has been used.
  • Family lists- lists of entire households. Many of these records have been found in the period 1885-1894 and relate to families that moved to/from smaller villages from/to larger towns. These were not revision lists but since the data is very similar to the data contained in revision lists we have used the revision list template for these data sets.

  • Grand Duchy of Lithuania census- lists of households from the 1784 cenus. No surnames appear in these records.

The language of the 1795 Revision List and 1784 Grand Duchy of Lithuania census was Polish for those areas "acquired" from Poland. At that time, most of the Jews did not have surnames, however, the head of household is listed with a patronymic (his father's given name), together with the residents of the household and their relationship to him. The 1806, 1811, 1816, 1834, 1850 and 1858 Revision Lists are in the Russian language.

Database Fields

The Revision List database template contains the following fields:

  • Page # - The page number in the original document on which this record appears.

  • Registration # - The Family Registration Number for this family during this census count.

  • Surname-Family Name (hereditary surname) of this individual.

  • Given Name - The Girst Name(s) of this individual.

  • Father - The Given Name(s) of the Father of this individual.

  • Relationship to Head of Household - Describes how each individual in the household is related to the head of the household.

  • Sex- The sex of this individual. "M" for Male. "F" for Female.

  • Age - Age of the individual, given in the present census enumeration.

  • Age at Last Revision - Age of the individual, in the previous census enumeration.

  • Reason Left - explains what happened to individuals who were registered on the previous revision list, who are not in the present revision..

  • Year Left - The year in which the individual moved, died, etc.

  • Comments - All other information which doesn't fit into any other column.

  • Former Registration # - The Family Registration Number for this individual during the previous census count.

  • Day / Month / Year - The date that this revision was taken..

  • Town - Town in which this revision was taken.

  • District - The district ("Uyezd") in which the revision was taken.

  • Guberniya - The Guberniya (Russian province) in which the revision was taken.

  • Type of Record - Denotes if the record is a "Revision List", or an "Additional Revision List"; or any other type of list.

  • Archive/Fond - The archive where this record is now located and the particular Fond / List / Item number in that archive.

  • Microfilm #- If the record set was microfilmed this field will contain the microfilm number from the Family History Library.

Sample main revision list records


Sample supplemental revision list record

supplemental revision list

Sample Grand Duchy of Lithuania census record

GDL record

Sample alphabetical list of males

alphabetical list of males

Sample draft/family list

draft/family list

Sample family list

family list


Contents of the Database

There are approximately 684,000 revision list/census/family list records for towns in Belarus in the JewishGen Belarus database and All Lithuania database. Below is a listing of the towns.

Earliest year
Latest year
# of Records
Link to detailed inventory
Antonovka -1940908 Rechitsa Minsk 1858 1858 68 detailed inventory
Antopol -1940921 Kobrin Grodno 1806 1850 1598 detailed inventory
Artimovichi -1940939 Disna Vilna 1875 1875 6 detailed inventory
Bakshty -1941013 Oshmiany Vilna 1888 1888 213 detailed inventory
Bayevo -1941110 Gorki Mogilev 1858 1858 170 detailed inventory
Belitsa -1941165 Lida Vilna 1806 1905 4174 detailed inventory
Beloboki -1942003 Novo-Aleksandrovsk Kovno 1875 1875 1 detailed inventory
Berestovitsa -1941478 Grodno Grodno 1858 1858 1037 detailed inventory
Bereza -1942010 Pruzhany Grodno 1858 1858 322 detailed inventory
Berezino -1941268 Borisov Minsk 1874 1874 2 detailed inventory
Berezino -1941267 Igumen Minsk 1834 1858 2535 detailed inventory
Bobovnya -1941392 Slutsk Minsk 1834 1872 175 detailed inventory
Bobruysk -1940996 Bobruisk Minsk 1834 1906 15249 detailed inventory
Bobyli -1941421 Disna Vilna 1875 1875 2 detailed inventory
Bogdanovo 11412411 Disna Vilna 1875 1875 2 detailed inventory
Bogino -1941439 Disna Vilna 1888 1888 295 detailed inventory
Bogushevichi -1941442 Igumen Minsk 1834 1850 590 detailed inventory
Borisov -1941088 Borisov Minsk 1834 1870 11438 detailed inventory
Boroviki 11375077 Rechitsa Minsk 1858 1858 11 detailed inventory
Borovino -1941727 Igumen Minsk 1858 1858 37 detailed inventory
Bragin -1941818 Rechitsa Minsk 1834 1858 6230 detailed inventory
Branovichi 11335979 Slutsk Minsk 1850 1850 225 detailed inventory
Braslav -1941824 Novo-Aleksandrovsk Kovno 1917 1917 1000 detailed inventory
Brest Litovsk -1941830 Brest Grodno 1850 1891 7077 detailed inventory
Brozha -1941871 Bobruisk Minsk 1850 1850 11 detailed inventory
Budslav -1941930 Vilejka Vilna 1834 1888 414 detailed inventory
Bystritsa -1942031 Vilna Vilna 1795 1834 42 detailed inventory
Byten' -1942035 Slonim Grodno 1850 1873 435 detailed inventory
Chashniki -1942065 Lepel Vitebsk 1894 1894 2500 detailed inventory
Chaychitsy 11336007 Slutsk Minsk 1834 1834 101 detailed inventory
Chechersk -1942075 Rogachev Mogilev 1858 1858 1030 detailed inventory
Cheres -1942109 Disna Vilna 1888 1888 124 detailed inventory
Chereya -1942116 Senno Mogilev 1858 1858 1149 detailed inventory
Cherikov -1942118 Cherikov Mogilev 1850 1850 2289 detailed inventory
Chernevichi 11440944 Disna Vilna 1888 1888 37 detailed inventory
Dalyokiya -1942270 Disna Vilna 1875 1875 5 detailed inventory
Danyushevo -1942289 Sventsyany Vilna 1837 1837 20 detailed inventory
David Gorodok -1942306 Mozyr Minsk 1834 1858 4376 detailed inventory
Delyatichi -1942336 Novogrudok Minsk 1806 1874 910 detailed inventory
Derechin -1942370 Slonim Grodno 1850 1892 1375 detailed inventory
Derevnaya -1942374 Oshmiany Vilna 1795 1885 1015 detailed inventory
Disna -1942410 Disna Vilna 1811 1875 6538 detailed inventory
Divin -1942411 Kobrin Grodno 1806 1850 850 detailed inventory
Dokshitsy -1942464 Borisov Minsk 1834 1874 5230 detailed inventory
Dolginovo -1942476 Vilejka Vilna 1834 1891 2583 detailed inventory
Dolmatovshchina -1942493 Novogrudok Minsk 1850 1850 13 detailed inventory
Domanovo -1942505 Bobruisk Minsk 1850 1874 204 detailed inventory
Domashi -1942511 Disna Vilna 1875 1875 4 detailed inventory
Domenikovo 11336066 Slutsk Minsk 1834 1834 90 detailed inventory
Dovgyaly -1941529 Lida Vilna 1875 1875 6 detailed inventory
Drissa / Vyerkhnyadzvinsk -1951218 Drissa Vitebsk 1852 1852 14 detailed inventory
Drobishuny 11489028 Lida Vilna 1875 1875 1 detailed inventory
Drogichin -1942582 Kobrin Grodno 1806 1850 1289 detailed inventory
Drozdino -1942586 Borisov Minsk 1858 1858 24 detailed inventory
Druya -1942595 Disna Vilna 1811 1888 7629 detailed inventory
Dubotovka -1942605 Sventsyany Vilna 1888 1888 133 detailed inventory
Dubrova 11248034 Minsk Minsk 1858 1858 5 detailed inventory
Dukora -1942739 Igumen Minsk 1816 1858 863 detailed inventory
Dunilovichi -1942754 Vilejka Vilna 1834 1888 827 detailed inventory
Dvorets -1942774 Slonim Grodno 1806 1858 646 detailed inventory
Dyatlovo -1942808 Slonim Grodno 1806 1873 1400 detailed inventory
Es'mony -1942837 Borisov Minsk 1834 1874 546 detailed inventory
Eyvidovichi -1942845 Disna Vilna 1875 1875 2 detailed inventory
Germanovichi -1942992 Disna Vilna 1818 1855 483 detailed inventory
Gizhenka -1943023 Cherikov Mogilev 1850 1850 38 detailed inventory
Gizhnya -1943024 Cherikov Mogilev 1850 1850 24 detailed inventory
Glubokoye -1943558 Disna Vilna 1811 1888 7661 detailed inventory
Glusk -1943079 Bobruisk Minsk 1834 1906 8993 detailed inventory
Gol'shany -1943149 Oshmiany Vilna 1795 1892 2526 detailed inventory
Golubichi -1943152 Disna Vilna 1818 1854 463 detailed inventory
Golynka -1943171 Slonim Grodno 1806 1873 356 detailed inventory
Gorki -1943236 Bobruisk Minsk 1850 1874 256 detailed inventory
Gorki -1943561 Gorki Mogilev 1858 1858 1734 detailed inventory
Gorodets 11542239 Cherikov Mogilev 1850 1850 25 detailed inventory
Gorodets -1943267 Kobrin Grodno 1806 1850 650 detailed inventory
Gorodets / Merkulovichi -1946198 Rogachev Mogilev 1858 1858 531 detailed inventory
Gorodishche -1943291 Novogrudok Minsk 1806 1879 3231 detailed inventory
Gorodok -1943310 Vilejka Vilna 1834 1891 1079 detailed inventory
Gorval' -1943333 Rechitsa Minsk 1834 1858 2322 detailed inventory
Grauzhishki -1943376 Oshmiany Vilna 1888 1888 316 detailed inventory
Grodno -1943562 Grodno Grodno 1858 1891 11328 detailed inventory
Grozovo -1943445 Slutsk Minsk 1834 1850 577 detailed inventory
Guba 11475867 Borisov Minsk 1850 1850 8 detailed inventory
Igumen / Chervyen -1942192 Igumen Minsk 1834 1858 3454 detailed inventory
Ikazn' -1943579 Novo-Aleksandrovsk Kovno 1875 1875 38 detailed inventory
Il'ya -1943589 Vilejka Vilna 1834 1852 2047 detailed inventory
Indura -2915671 Grodno Grodno 1858 1858 1475 detailed inventory
Inovo 11412505 Novo-Aleksandrovsk Kovno 1875 1875 2 detailed inventory
Iody -1943611 Disna Vilna 1875 1888 868 detailed inventory
Ivanovo -1943656 Kobrin Grodno 1806 1850 1249 detailed inventory
Ivenets -1943669 Minsk Minsk 1811 1858 3414 detailed inventory
Iv'ye -1943674 Lida Vilna 1795 1907 3931 detailed inventory
Izabelin -1943675 Volkovysk Grodno 1811 1850 324 detailed inventory
Izha -1943680 Vilejka Vilna 1888 1891 6 detailed inventory
Kalinkovichi -1943716 Rechitsa Minsk 1834 1858 2433 detailed inventory
Kamen' -1943750 Minsk Minsk 1811 1858 653 detailed inventory
Kamenets -1943756 Brest Grodno 1850 1850 345 detailed inventory
Kamenka -1943775 Grodno Grodno 1834 1858 659 detailed inventory
Karolin 11349842 Pinsk Minsk 1816 1858 6477 detailed inventory
Karolin / Yelsk -1951875 Mozyr Minsk 1834 1858 1310 detailed inventory
Karpilovka / Zhlobin B0005 Rogachev Mogilev 1858 1858 214 detailed inventory
Kazimirovo -1943923 Bobruisk Minsk 1850 1906 618 detailed inventory
Kemelishki -1943745 Sventsyany Vilna 1818 1888 303 detailed inventory
Kholmech -1944027 Rechitsa Minsk 1834 1858 2233 detailed inventory
Kholopenichi -1944043 Borisov Minsk 1834 1874 2553 detailed inventory
Kholuy / Lipen -1945410 Igumen Minsk 1834 1858 781 detailed inventory
Khomsk -1944058 Kobrin Grodno 1806 1850 1475 detailed inventory
Khotenchitsy -1944081 Vilejka Vilna 1888 1891 56 detailed inventory
Khotimsk -1944086 Klimovichi Mogilev 1834 1858 2384 detailed inventory
Khotovizh -1944097 Klimovichi Mogilev 1834 1858 780 detailed inventory
Khoyniki -1944105 Rechitsa Minsk 1834 1858 2285 detailed inventory
Klepchany -1944236 Slutsk Minsk 1850 1850 106 detailed inventory
Kletsk -1944253 Slutsk Minsk 1834 1850 5286 detailed inventory
Klichev -1944262 Igumen Minsk 1834 1858 707 detailed inventory
Klimovichi -1944265 Klimovichi Mogilev 1834 1858 2060 detailed inventory
Klimovichi district -1944265D Klimovichi Mogilev 1858 1858 836 detailed inventory
Klyavsy 11412577 Novo-Aleksandrovsk Kovno 1875 1875 8 detailed inventory
Knyaginino -1944305 Vilejka Vilna 1888 1891 40 detailed inventory
Kobrin -1944322 Kobrin Grodno 1806 1891 8094 detailed inventory
Kobylnik / Narach -1946657 Sventsyany Vilna 1811 1905 1157 detailed inventory
Koidanovo / Dzyarzhynsk -1942832 Minsk Minsk 1811 1858 6345 detailed inventory
Kolyshki -1944417 Vitebsk Vitebsk 1834 1858 2252 detailed inventory
Komai -1944419 Sventsyany Vilna 1795 1907 1422 detailed inventory
Komarovka B0006 Minsk Minsk 1811 1811 59 detailed inventory
Kopatkevichi -1944497 Mozyr Minsk 1834 1858 1826 detailed inventory
Kopyl' -1944511 Slutsk Minsk 1834 1850 1828 detailed inventory
Korelichi -1944528 Novogrudok Minsk 1806 1858 2231 detailed inventory
Korma -1944551 Borisov Minsk 1858 1858 8 detailed inventory
Korma -1944550 Rogachev Mogilev 1858 1858 1480 detailed inventory
Kossovo -1944638 Slonim Grodno 1806 1858 1287 detailed inventory
Kostyukovichi -1944659 Klimovichi Mogilev 1834 1858 3940 detailed inventory
Kovchitsy Vtoryye -1944700 Bobruisk Minsk 1850 1871 597 detailed inventory
Kozakovshchina -1944715 Lida Vilna 1875 1875 5 detailed inventory
Kozhan Gorodok -1944729 Pinsk Minsk 1850 1858 879 detailed inventory
Kozlovichi -1944746 Bobruisk Minsk 1850 1858 409 detailed inventory
Kozlovshchina -1944758 Disna Vilna 1854 1854 20 detailed inventory
Kozlovshchizna -1944743 Minsk Minsk 1811 1811 2 detailed inventory
Krasnoluki -1944840 Borisov Minsk 1834 1874 1747 detailed inventory
Krasnopol'ye -1944842 Cherikov Mogilev 1834 1850 4184 detailed inventory
Krasnoye -1944857 Vilejka Vilna 1816 1891 701 detailed inventory
Kraysk -1944908 Vilejka Vilna 1834 1891 403 detailed inventory
Krevo -1944919 Oshmiany Vilna 1795 1905 2344 detailed inventory
Krichev -1945017 Cherikov Mogilev 1850 1850 1798 detailed inventory
Krivichi -1944944 Vilejka Vilna 1834 1891 810 detailed inventory
Kroshin -1944966 Novogrudok Minsk 1806 1874 946 detailed inventory
Kryzhovka 11247964 Minsk Minsk 1858 1858 9 detailed inventory
Kurenets -1945123 Vilejka Vilna 1834 1888 1990 detailed inventory
Kutsevichi -1945159 Oshmiany Vilna 1888 1888 171 detailed inventory
Kuzhi -1946001 Lida Vilna 1875 1875 12 detailed inventory
Lakhva -1945204 Mozyr Minsk 1834 1858 945 detailed inventory
Lapenitsa -1945870 Volkovysk Grodno 1850 1850 36 detailed inventory
Lapichi -1945221 Igumen Minsk 1816 1858 844 detailed inventory
Lebeda -1945264 Lida Vilna 1874 1874 150 detailed inventory
Lebedevo -1945268 Vilejka Vilna 1795 1891 1019 detailed inventory
Lel'chitsy -1945279 Mozyr Minsk 1834 1858 323 detailed inventory
Lenin -1945288 Mozyr Minsk 1834 1858 559 detailed inventory
Leonpol' -1945321 Disna Vilna 1818 1888 779 detailed inventory
Liatsk -1945684 Lida Vilna 1888 1888 166 detailed inventory
Lida -1945387 Lida Vilna 1806 1905 26936 detailed inventory
Lipniki 11476016 Borisov Minsk 1858 1858 14 detailed inventory
Lipnishki -1945427 Oshmiany Vilna 1795 1906 1954 detailed inventory
Logishin -1945201 Pinsk Minsk 1816 1858 2088 detailed inventory
Logoysk -1945496 Borisov Minsk 1834 1874 2691 detailed inventory
Losha -1945527 Igumen Minsk 1834 1858 690 detailed inventory
Loyev -1945561 Rechitsa Minsk 1834 1858 3713 detailed inventory
Lozoviki 11412501 Novo-Aleksandrovsk Kovno 1875 1875 5 detailed inventory
Lozovitsa -1945574 Klimovichi Mogilev 1834 1858 507 detailed inventory
Luchnoye -1945602 Igumen Minsk 1858 1858 73 detailed inventory
Lugomovichi -1945613 Oshmiany Vilna 1888 1888 404 detailed inventory
Lukoml' -1945634 Senno Mogilev 1858 1858 783 detailed inventory
Lunna -1945652 Grodno Grodno 1858 1858 1008 detailed inventory
Luzhki -1945672 Borisov Minsk 1850 1850 11 detailed inventory
Luzhki -1945674 Disna Vilna 1811 1917 1500 detailed inventory
Lyady -1945691 Gorki Mogilev 1858 1858 2183 detailed inventory
Lyakhovichi -1945696 Slutsk Minsk 1816 1890 8708 detailed inventory
Lychniki -1945723 Oshmiany Vilna 1837 1837 6 detailed inventory
Lyntupy -1945731 Sventsyany Vilna 1795 1888 1210 detailed inventory
Lyskovo -1945742 Volkovysk Grodno 1811 1850 309 detailed inventory
Lyuban' -1945747 Bobruisk Minsk 1850 1906 507 detailed inventory
Lyubcha -1945756 Novogrudok Minsk 1806 1884 5439 detailed inventory
Lyubonichi -1945766 Bobruisk Minsk 1850 1906 1196 detailed inventory
Malech -1945891 Pruzhany Grodno 1858 1858 278 detailed inventory
Malyye Dovgyaly 11489030 Lida Vilna 1875 1875 10 detailed inventory
Mankoviche -1946049 Vilejka Vilna 1888 1888 6 detailed inventory
Martynovka -1946084 Klimovichi Mogilev 1850 1858 341 detailed inventory
Mazheyki 11489162 Lida Vilna 1888 1888 121 detailed inventory
Medvedichi -1946156 Slutsk Minsk 1834 1850 168 detailed inventory
Medvezhino -1947068 Minsk Minsk 1858 1858 244 detailed inventory
Mezhrech'ye -1946232 Volkovysk Grodno 1811 1811 186 detailed inventory
Mikhalishki -1946252 Vilna Vilna 1834 1888 1695 detailed inventory
Mikulichi 11248289 Minsk Minsk 1858 1858 12 detailed inventory
Milashki -1946299 Disna Vilna 1875 1875 3 detailed inventory
Miloslavichi -1946311 Klimovichi Mogilev 1834 1858 1588 detailed inventory
Minsk -1946324 Minsk Minsk 1811 1858 52795 detailed inventory
Miory -1946338 Disna Vilna 1888 1888 192 detailed inventory
Miotcha -1946339 Borisov Minsk 1858 1858 19 detailed inventory
Mir -1946340 Novogrudok Minsk 1795 1883 11860 detailed inventory
Mkherino -1946372 Borisov Minsk 1858 1858 115 detailed inventory
Mogil'no -1946405 Igumen Minsk 1834 1858 589 detailed inventory
Mogilev -1945803 Mogilev Mogilev 1858 1858 7213 detailed inventory
Molchad' -1946437 Slonim Grodno 1806 1858 454 detailed inventory
Molodechno -1945843 Vilejka Vilna 1834 1891 610 detailed inventory
Molostovka -1946449 Cherikov Mogilev 1850 1850 10 detailed inventory
Monastyrshchina -2959841 Mstislavl Mogilev 1858 1858 1127 detailed inventory
Mosty -1946101 Grodno Grodno 1834 1858 706 detailed inventory
Motol' -1946560 Kobrin Grodno 1806 1850 453 detailed inventory
Mozyr' -1946144 Mozyr Minsk 1834 1858 4879 detailed inventory
Mstibovo -1946576 Volkovysk Grodno 1850 1850 86 detailed inventory
Mstislavl' -1946579 Mstislavl Mogilev 1858 1858 4388 detailed inventory
Myadel -1946607 Vilejka Vilna 1834 1888 1237 detailed inventory
Mysh Nova -1946897 Novogrudok Minsk 1806 1858 2262 detailed inventory
Naliboki -1946652 Oshmiany Vilna 1795 1906 599 detailed inventory
Narovlya -1946669 Rechitsa Minsk 1834 1858 2025 detailed inventory
Navadvortsy -1946967 Slutsk Minsk 1850 1850 29 detailed inventory
Negin -1946706 Klimovichi Mogilev 1834 1858 345 detailed inventory
Negnevichi -1946708 Novogrudok Minsk 1806 1858 773 detailed inventory
Nestanishki -1946760 Sventsyany Vilna 1795 1888 200 detailed inventory
Nestanovichi -1941553 Borisov Minsk 1874 1874 243 detailed inventory
Nesvizh -1946768 Slutsk Minsk 1816 1902 11236 detailed inventory
Nikolayevo -1946801 Disna Vilna 1888 1888 369 detailed inventory
Novogrudok -1946683 Novogrudok Minsk 1806 1874 13515 detailed inventory
Novy Dvor -1947099 Volkovysk Grodno 1850 1850 21 detailed inventory
Novyy Dvor -1947100 Lida Vilna 1806 1906 2305 detailed inventory
Novyy Pogost -1947160 Disna Vilna 1888 1917 529 detailed inventory
Novyy Sverzhen' -1947171 Minsk Minsk 1811 1858 1976 detailed inventory
Ogorodniki 11335997 Slutsk Minsk 1850 1850 34 detailed inventory
Okolovo -1947255 Borisov Minsk 1834 1874 1155 detailed inventory
Orli -1947387 Lida Vilna 1806 1908 2194 detailed inventory
Oshmyany -1940949 Oshmiany Vilna 1795 1905 8109 detailed inventory
Osipovichi -1947435 Bobruisk Minsk 1906 1906 63 detailed inventory
Osovets -1947472 Bobruisk Minsk 1873 1873 3 detailed inventory
Ossova -1941598 Lida Vilna 1875 1875 13 detailed inventory
Ostrino -1947565 Lida Vilna 1806 1906 3812 detailed inventory
Ostroshitskiy Gorodok -1947513 Minsk Minsk 1834 1858 1356 detailed inventory
Ostrovets -1947528 Vilna Vilna 1834 1834 195 detailed inventory
Ostrovno -1947541 Senno Mogilev 1858 1858 455 detailed inventory
Ostrovo 11412775 Novo-Aleksandrovsk Kovno 1875 1875 9 detailed inventory
Ozarichi -1947589 Bobruisk Minsk 1850 1906 1321 detailed inventory
Ozernitsa -1947606 Slonim Grodno 1806 1858 244 detailed inventory
Ozëry -1947619 Grodno Grodno 1858 1858 803 detailed inventory
Paraf'yanovo -1947678 Vilejka Vilna 1888 1888 10 detailed inventory
Parichi -1947681 Bobruisk Minsk 1834 1906 5525 detailed inventory
Pavlovo 10457921 Slonim Grodno 1850 1864 442 detailed inventory
Perebrod'ye -1947771 Disna Vilna 1888 1888 184 detailed inventory
Peski -1947863 Volkovysk Grodno 1850 1850 222 detailed inventory
Petkuny 11412572 Novo-Aleksandrovsk Kovno 1875 1875 18 detailed inventory
Petrikov -1947888 Mozyr Minsk 1834 1858 2790 detailed inventory
Pinsk -1947920 Pinsk Minsk 1816 1858 10591 detailed inventory
Pleshchenitsy -1947957 Borisov Minsk 1834 1874 1269 detailed inventory
Plisa area -1947980A Disna Vilna 1888 1888 198 detailed inventory
Plissa -1947980 Disna Vilna 1818 1917 1851 detailed inventory
Plitchanka -1947983 Borisov Minsk 1850 1850 60 detailed inventory
Pobolovo -1948005 Bobruisk Minsk 1850 1906 692 detailed inventory
Podgorodna -1948045 Lida Vilna 1875 1875 18 detailed inventory
Podi -1948049 Lida Vilna 1875 1875 4 detailed inventory
Podliptsy -1948065 Slutsk Minsk 1850 1850 40 detailed inventory
Pogost -1948136 Igumen Minsk 1834 1858 1877 detailed inventory
Pogost -1948134 Slutsk Minsk 1850 1850 149 detailed inventory
Pogost-Zagorodskiy -1948140 Pinsk Minsk 1850 1858 539 detailed inventory
Poletskishki -1948161 Lida Vilna 1875 1875 9 detailed inventory
Polonechka -1948174 Novogrudok Minsk 1806 1816 188 detailed inventory
Polonka -1948178 Novogrudok Minsk 1806 1858 720 detailed inventory
Polyany -1948210 Oshmiany Vilna 1888 1888 481 detailed inventory
Porozovo -1948277 Volkovysk Grodno 1811 1850 464 detailed inventory
Porplishche -1948278 Vilejka Vilna 1888 1888 6 detailed inventory
Postavy -1947709 Disna Vilna 1811 1888 2678 detailed inventory
Povilantsy -1948319 Lida Vilna 1875 1875 7 detailed inventory
Prasnishche B0001 Igumen Minsk 1858 1858 94 detailed inventory
Pratsevichi 11336042 Slutsk Minsk 1850 1850 44 detailed inventory
Protasevichi -1948420 Igumen Minsk 1858 1858 13 detailed inventory
Prozoroki -1948427 Disna Vilna 1888 1917 506 detailed inventory
Pruzhany -1948472 Pruzhany Grodno 1858 1858 1448 detailed inventory
Pukhovichi -1948498 Igumen Minsk 1834 1858 1811 detailed inventory
Pusyavory 11489089 Lida Vilna 1875 1875 8 detailed inventory
Rabun -1948568 Vilejka Vilna 1888 1891 23 detailed inventory
Radoshkovichi -1948592 Vilejka Vilna 1834 1891 3380 detailed inventory
Radun -1948600 Lida Vilna 1806 1906 7330 detailed inventory
Rakov -1948620 Minsk Minsk 1811 1858 3513 detailed inventory
Razhni 11412575 Novo-Aleksandrovsk Kovno 1875 1875 8 detailed inventory
Rechitsa -1948675 Rechitsa Minsk 1834 1858 6356 detailed inventory
Rechki -1948673 Vilejka Vilna 1834 1850 327 detailed inventory
Red'ka 11375181 Mozyr Minsk 1850 1850 104 detailed inventory
Remel' -1948689 Mozyr Minsk 1858 1858 119 detailed inventory
Rodnya -1948721 Klimovichi Mogilev 1834 1858 1437 detailed inventory
Rogachev -1948730 Rogachev Mogilev 1858 1858 2043 detailed inventory
Romanovo / Lenino -1945292 Slutsk Minsk 1834 1871 1196 detailed inventory
Ros' -1948769 Volkovysk Grodno 1850 1850 125 detailed inventory
Rossasna -1948773 Gorki Mogilev 1858 1858 354 detailed inventory
Rozhanka -1948802 Lida Vilna 1806 1904 2142 detailed inventory
Rubezhevichi -1948829 Minsk Minsk 1811 1858 2074 detailed inventory
Rudkovshchina -1948865 Gorki Mogilev 1858 1858 69 detailed inventory
Rushitsi -1948836 Vilejka Vilna 1850 1850 138 detailed inventory
Ruzhany -1948969 Slonim Grodno 1806 1895 1691 detailed inventory
Samokhvalovichi -1949049 Minsk Minsk 1811 1858 1373 detailed inventory
Sava -1949075 Gorki Mogilev 1858 1858 56 detailed inventory
Sedlisski -1949114 Oshmiany Vilna 1888 1888 403 detailed inventory
Selets -1950455 Pruzhany Grodno 1858 1858 367 detailed inventory
Seliba / Itel' 11345988 Bobruisk Minsk 1858 1873 261 detailed inventory
Seliba -1949141 Igumen Minsk 1858 1858 175 detailed inventory
Selishche 11476042 Borisov Minsk 1850 1858 259 detailed inventory
Selishche -1949146 Slutsk Minsk 1850 1850 57 detailed inventory
Senno -1949211 Senno Mogilev 1858 1858 1708 detailed inventory
Shamki -1949271 Borisov Minsk 1850 1874 425 detailed inventory
Sharkovshchina -1949290 Disna Vilna 1818 1855 1302 detailed inventory
Shatsk -1949311 Igumen Minsk 1834 1858 687 detailed inventory
Shavlyany -1949313 Novo-Aleksandrovsk Kovno 1875 1875 2 detailed inventory
Shchedrin -1949317 Bobruisk Minsk 1850 1871 1591 detailed inventory
Shchuchin -1949356 Lida Vilna 1806 1905 3734 detailed inventory
Shemetovo -1949371 Sventsyany Vilna 1888 1888 63 detailed inventory
Shepotovichi -1949378 Rogachev Mogilev 1858 1858 12 detailed inventory
Shereshevo -1949379 Pruzhany Grodno 1858 1858 1819 detailed inventory
Sherstin -1949384 Rogachev Mogilev 1858 1858 280 detailed inventory
Shubniki 11474785 Minsk Minsk 1858 1858 8 detailed inventory
Shumyachi -3003763 Klimovichi Mogilev 1834 1858 4726 detailed inventory
Sitnya -1949553 Rechitsa Minsk 1858 1858 99 detailed inventory
Skidel' -2329927 Grodno Grodno 1858 1858 1391 detailed inventory
Skrygalovo -1949607 Mozyr Minsk 1834 1858 729 detailed inventory
Slonim -1949716 Slonim Grodno 1806 1898 9109 detailed inventory
Slutsk -1949730 Slutsk Minsk 1811 1897 10928 detailed inventory
Smilovichi -1949739 Igumen Minsk 1816 1884 5275 detailed inventory
Smolevichi -1949743 Borisov Minsk 1834 1871 1317 detailed inventory
Smorgon' -1949759 Oshmiany Vilna 1795 1905 7620 detailed inventory
Smorki -1949762 Borisov Minsk 1858 1858 15 detailed inventory
Snov -1949772 Novogrudok Minsk 1806 1858 872 detailed inventory
Soly -1949831 Oshmiany Vilna 1795 1894 2008 detailed inventory
Sporuny 11412507 Novo-Aleksandrovsk Kovno 1875 1875 7 detailed inventory
Starobin -1950011 Slutsk Minsk 1834 1850 1698 detailed inventory
Stefanpolye -1950163 Disna Vilna 1888 1888 139 detailed inventory
Stolbtsy -1950207 Minsk Minsk 1811 1858 4071 detailed inventory
Stolin -1950196 Pinsk Minsk 1816 1858 3853 detailed inventory
Stolovichi -1950199 Novogrudok Minsk 1806 1858 1939 detailed inventory
Streshin -1950230 Rogachev Mogilev 1858 1858 672 detailed inventory
Stsiklevo -1941613 Minsk Minsk 1858 1858 8 detailed inventory
Subbotniki -1950290 Oshmiany Vilna 1888 1888 164 detailed inventory
Sudniki 11412503 Novo-Aleksandrovsk Kovno 1875 1875 4 detailed inventory
Surazh -1950345 Vitebsk Vitebsk 1834 1858 4075 detailed inventory
Sverzhen' -1950392 Rogachev Mogilev 1858 1858 508 detailed inventory
Svetilovichi -1950393 Rogachev Mogilev 1858 1858 113 detailed inventory
Svir' -1950415 Sventsyany Vilna 1795 1902 2999 detailed inventory
Svisloch -1950426 Bobruisk Minsk 1850 1906 2343 detailed inventory
Svisloch -1950425 Volkovysk Grodno 1811 1850 961 detailed inventory
Svyataya Volya -1950446 Pinsk Minsk 1816 1858 988 detailed inventory
Tatarka 11489082 Lida Vilna 1875 1875 5 detailed inventory
Telyashi -1950541 Cherikov Mogilev 1850 1850 51 detailed inventory
Tikhinichi -1950598 Rogachev Mogilev 1858 1858 721 detailed inventory
Timkovichi -1950604 Slutsk Minsk 1834 1873 2013 detailed inventory
Traby -1950666 Oshmiany Vilna 1795 1906 1836 detailed inventory
Troslivka -1950689 Cherikov Mogilev 1850 1850 40 detailed inventory
Tsirin -1950743 Novogrudok Minsk 1806 1858 1029 detailed inventory
Tsyatsyerki -1950592 Novo-Aleksandrovsk Kovno 1875 1875 1 detailed inventory
Turets -1950781 Novogrudok Minsk 1795 1874 2364 detailed inventory
Turov -1950797 Mozyr Minsk 1834 1858 4638 detailed inventory
Udranka -1950844 Vilejka Vilna 1850 1850 12 detailed inventory
Uklya -1950880 Novo-Aleksandrovsk Kovno 1875 1875 4 detailed inventory
Ulla -1950894 Lepel Vitebsk 1894 1894 1271 detailed inventory
Urech'ye -1950915 Bobruisk Minsk 1850 1906 925 detailed inventory
Utinki 11402410 Disna Vilna 1875 1875 5 detailed inventory
Uzda -1950990 Igumen Minsk 1834 1858 2993 detailed inventory
Uzlyany -1951007 Igumen Minsk 1834 1858 1202 detailed inventory
Vashkeli 11489160 Lida Vilna 1875 1875 3 detailed inventory
Vasilishki -1951061 Lida Vilna 1806 1903 9015 detailed inventory
Velyatichi -1951163 Borisov Minsk 1858 1874 23 detailed inventory
Verki 11402432 Disna Vilna 1875 1875 5 detailed inventory
Vilejka -1951292 Vilejka Vilna 1834 1891 711 detailed inventory
Vishnevo -1951326 Oshmiany Vilna 1795 1894 2470 detailed inventory
Vishnevo -1951327 Sventsyany Vilna 1888 1888 206 detailed inventory
Volchin -1951368 Brest Grodno 1850 1850 219 detailed inventory
Volkolaty -1951391 Vilejka Vilna 1888 1888 14 detailed inventory
Volkovshchina -1951399 Novo-Aleksandrovsk Kovno 1875 1875 5 detailed inventory
Volkovysk -1951082 Volkovysk Grodno 1811 1858 2431 detailed inventory
Volozhin -1951028 Oshmiany Vilna 1795 1908 3899 detailed inventory
Volpa -1951450 Grodno Grodno 1858 1858 615 detailed inventory
Voronovo -1951494 Lida Vilna 1806 1900 2417 detailed inventory
Vorotyn -1951508 Bobruisk Minsk 1858 1858 103 detailed inventory
Voydagi -1947251 Lida Vilna 1875 1875 14 detailed inventory
Voystom -1951534 Sventsyany Vilna 1837 1888 260 detailed inventory
Vselyub -1951555 Novogrudok Minsk 1806 1858 1217 detailed inventory
Vyazyn -1951595 Vilejka Vilna 1888 1891 39 detailed inventory
Vysokaya Starina -1951646 Igumen Minsk 1858 1858 61 detailed inventory
Vysokoye -1951655 Brest Grodno 1850 1850 671 detailed inventory
Vyzna / Krasnaya Sloboda -1944807 Slutsk Minsk 1834 1850 592 detailed inventory
Yakovlevo A0009 Kobrin Grodno 1864 1864 315 detailed inventory
Yanovichi -1951751 Vitebsk Vitebsk 1834 1858 6474 detailed inventory
Yasevichi -1951794 Disna Vilna 1855 1855 8 detailed inventory
Yasevo 11428067 Sventsyany Vilna 1888 1888 59 detailed inventory
Yazno -1951828 Disna Vilna 1888 1888 166 detailed inventory
Yeremichi -1951881 Novogrudok Minsk 1795 1858 754 detailed inventory
Yuratishki -1951935 Oshmiany Vilna 1888 1888 303 detailed inventory
Yurevichi -1951936 Rechitsa Minsk 1834 1858 1533 detailed inventory
Zabolotye -1952020 Sventsyany Vilna 1888 1888 253 detailed inventory
Zaborniki 11402406 Disna Vilna 1875 1875 11 detailed inventory
Zabychanye -1952062 Klimovichi Mogilev 1834 1858 504 detailed inventory
Zagor'ye 11412702 Disna Vilna 1875 1875 9 detailed inventory
Zakalnoye 11336148 Bobruisk Minsk 1850 1871 252 detailed inventory
Zales'ye 11336091 Slutsk Minsk 1850 1850 25 detailed inventory
Zalesie / Bervyaki -1941323 Disna Vilna 1855 1888 229 detailed inventory
Zalin A0006 Igumen Minsk 1858 1858 37 detailed inventory
Zamosh'ye -1952247 Borisov Minsk 1850 1850 17 detailed inventory
Zamosh'ye -1952231 Slutsk Minsk 1834 1873 88 detailed inventory
Zamost'ye -1952270 Slutsk Minsk 1850 1850 51 detailed inventory
Zanaroch -1952275 Sventsyany Vilna 1888 1888 139 detailed inventory
Zarech'ye 11248134 Minsk Minsk 1858 1858 15 detailed inventory
Zaskevichi -1952405 Oshmiany Vilna 1795 1906 1279 detailed inventory
Zaslavl' -1952408 Minsk Minsk 1811 1858 1779 detailed inventory
Zastenok Dubrovo -1952421 Bobruisk Minsk 1858 1858 133 detailed inventory
Zayamochnoye -1952478 Minsk Minsk 1858 1858 320 detailed inventory
Zel'va -1952542 Volkovysk Grodno 1811 1850 691 detailed inventory
Zembin -1952547 Borisov Minsk 1834 1874 1959 detailed inventory
Zheludok -1952611 Lida Vilna 1806 1906 3455 detailed inventory
Zhilyantsy 11489154 Lida Vilna 1875 1875 8 detailed inventory
Zhlobin -1952668 Rogachev Mogilev 1858 1858 1663 detailed inventory
Zhodiski -1952675 Sventsyany Vilna 1818 1874 958 detailed inventory
Zhuprany -1952716 Oshmiany Vilna 1795 1895 1247 detailed inventory

Translation/Transliteration Methods

Translators are instructed to follow JewishGen transcription rules.  Unless otherwise noted, transliterations follow the BGN/PCGN Romanization of Russian and the YIVO Romanization Standard for Yiddish/Hebrew. 

Records have been formatted according to JewishGen transcription templates.

If the Hebrew/Yiddish name differs from the Russian name, both names are listed separated by a forward slash (/)

Recommendations for Searching

Search the records using the Daitch-Mokotoff Soundex as well as the exact name, due to variations in spelling and because some records were transliterated from Russian only and not Hebrew.

Search all town records even if you believe you know the town your relatives came from.  Families moved around quite a lot, so the records that you are searching for could be in any database. 

Obtaining Copies of Original Records

If a record has been microfilmed by the Church of Latter Day Saints (LDS), then one can order the microfilm from any Family History Center.  You will need to know the Family History Library microfilm number (FHL #), item number, image number and record number. Some of the microfilms have been digitized and are viewable online. If this is the case there will be a link to the microfilm in the record.

If a record was not microfilmed by the LDS then contact the district coordinator for the town of the record for information on obtaining copies of an original record.


The JewishGen Belarus Research Division would like to thank:

  • The many translators who helped us with these records: Igor Apelsinov, Mikhail Bakhrakh, Boris Bayevsky, Arkady Brazin, Vitaly Charny, Rimma Dechter, Tatyana Factorovich, Maria Farber, Val Ginzburg, Zhanna Glazenburg, Vladimir Golynya, Baruch Gorkin, Natasha Grinberg, Ronnie Harpaz, Joshua Kaufman, Misha Korman, Greg Mirsky, Gary Palgon, Frank Proschan, Alexander Rubtsov, Zeev Sharon, Victor Shifrin, Jane Sverzhinsky, Svetlana Tokareva, Alexander Tretiyakov, Lara Tsinman, Dena Whitman, Irina Zabelyshinsky, Ludmila Zapletnyuk and Elena Zborovskaya
  • Sonia Hoffman for giving the JewishGen Belarus Research Division access to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania census transcriptions for towns in Belarus
  • Gary Palgon for the donation of the Lyakhovichi records
  • Hadassah Lipsius, for leading the effort to put the Mir Revision Lists into the database.
  • Avraham Groll, Alex Kotovskiy, Gary Sandler, Warren Blatt and Michael Tobias for their support at JewishGen
  • Vitaly, Josif, and Fira Charny, for the 1811 Minsk Revision List.
  • Jim Yarin, Irene Kudish and Ruth Silver for their project that collected 22,148 records for towns in Grodno and Volkovysk Uyezds (2008-2010).
  • The many people whose financial contributions have made it feasible to obtain these records.

  • Searching the Database

    This database is searchable via the JewishGen Belarus Database.

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