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A June 1893 debtors list from the Minsk Gubernya

by A.L. Bell

From the 26 June 1893 issue of the Minsk Vedomosti. Issue number 48. Page number not available.

Search for property and capital.

In accordance with sections 769 and 770 in volume II, chapter I of the Sv. Zak, issued 1876, the Minsk Gubernia Board asks that all gubernia, oblast and conscription district boards, town governors and police superintendents, and all similar bodies, along with all places and persons subject to the same, be advised to conduct a search for the property and capital belonging to the persons listed below, and, in case of discovering any, to notify the authorities in that place, and the local gubernia board. The Minsk Gubernia Board seeks property and capital belonging to the families of the following burghers:

Description First name Patronymic Last name Shtetl Uyezd Gubernia

Girsh Gileva Koporovsky

Girsh  Gileva  Koporovsky

Ajzik Khaimov Fiyalk

Ajzik  Khaimov  Fiyalk

Shmujlo-Aron Lejbov Kagan

Shmujlo-Aron Lejbov  Kagan

Lejba Elev Povarchik

Lejba  Elev  Povarchik

Vulf Kivov Selsky

Vulf  Kivov  Selsky

Mordukh Nevakhov Vajner

Mordukh  Nevakhov  Vajner

Girsh Zelmanov Girshovsky

Girsh  Zelmanov  Girshovsky

Abram Itzko Nevnevitzky

Abram  Itzko  Nevnevitzky

Beniamin Vigdorov Kapulin

Beniamin  Vigdorov  Kapulin

Simen Aleksandrov Zizelev

Simen  Aleksandrov  Zizelev

Eli Abramov-Iokhelev Rubinovsky

Eli  Abramov-Iokhelev Rubinovsky

Rafail Iokhelev Ravich

Rafail  Iokhelev  Ravich

Itzko Vulfov Lipovsky

Itzko  Vulfov  Lipovsky

Zisel Abramov Israelit

Zisel  Abramov  Israelit

Shlomo Abramov-Movshev

Shlomo  Abramov-Movshev

Iosel Itzkov Shmolsky

Iosel  Itzkov  Shmolsky

Boyc Movshov Levin

Boyc  Movshov  Levin

Mordukh Yankelev Volfson

Mordukh  Yankelev  Volfson

Yudko Abramov Berkalajk

Yudko  Abramov  Berkalajk

Girsh Aronov Pyatkovsky

Girsh  Aronov  Pyatkovsky

Mordukh Berko-Evnov Goldberg

Mordukh  Berko-Evnov  Goldberg

Khaim-Itzko Ajzikov Goldshtejn

Khaim-Itzko Ajzikov  Goldshtejn

Simkha Vigdorov Tzukhtman

Simkha  Vigdorov  Tzukhtman

Yankel Shimonov Kamenkovich, -- for punishment for arrears on 300 rubles in conscription fines

Yankel  Shimonov  Kamenkovich

burgher Iosel Berkov Nisnevich, for punishment for arrears on a balance of 290 rubles 80 kopecks on his conscription fines

Iosel  Berkov  Nisnevich

burgher Yankel Movshev Rozenberg, for punishment for arrears on a balance of 140 rubles 55 kopecks on his conscription fines

Yankel  Movshev  Rozenberg

burgher Mikhel Lejbov Vilensky, for punishment for arrears on a balance of 248 rubles 28 kopecks on his conscription fines

Mikhel  Lejbov  Vilensky

burgher Girsh Vulfov Kuznetz, for punishment for arrears on a balance of 285 rubles 84 kopecks on his conscription fines

Girsh  Vulfov  Kuznetz

burgher Bentzian Slupak, for punishment for arrears on a balance of 291 rubles 60 kopecks on his conscription fines

Bentzian  Slupak

Lipa Sakhariev Slutzky, for punishment for arrears on a balance of 251 rubles 20 kopecks on his conscription fines, and

Lipa  Sakhariev  Slutzky

burgher Shejma Movshev Kaplan, for punishment for arrears on a balance of 291 rubles 75 kopecks on his conscription fines;

Shejma  Movshev  Kaplan

and also the property and capital belonging to:

Evdokiya Ivanov Zachursky for punishment for arrears on 100 rubles 80 kopecks for treatment in the Kiev hospital

Evdokiya  Ivanov  Zachursky 

Fedor and Praskov Smeyanov, for punishment for arrears on 58 rubles in court costs

Fedor  Smeyanov
Praskov  Smeyanov

burgher Ester Frid, for punishment for 32 rubles in fines

Ester Frid

burgher Berko Mapusevich, for punishment for arrears on 119 rubles 89 kopecks in fines and duties

Berko  Mapusevich

burgher Eli Mendelev Kurdan, for punishment for 72 rubles in fines and duties for irregular manufacturing trade

Eli  Mendelev  Kurdan

burgher Frejda Pinsky, for punishment for arrears on 34 rubles 50 kopecks in fines and duties

Frejda  Pinsky

burgher Algera Samurina, for punishment for arrears on 34 rubles 50 kopecks in fines and duties

Algera  Samurina

burgher Movsha Bolotin, for punishment for arrears on 36 rubles in fines for breach of trade laws

Movsha  Bolotin

Kceniya Stepanov Moroz, for punishment for arrears on 41 rubles 19 kopecks in court costs, and

Kceniya  Stepanov  Moroz

Matus Abramov Levin, for punishment for arrears on 60 rubles 25 kopecks in court costs.

Matus  Abramov  Levin

The Minsk Kazennaya Palace seeks property and capital belong to the following persons:

burghers Dovid and Gitla Makhpus, who reside in the area around Serik, Raditzky volost, Pinsk district, for payment of their Kazen. arrears, in the sum of 95 rubles, with pub fines

Dovid  Makhpus Serik Pinsk
Gitla Makhpus Serik Pinsk

burgher Itzko Nokhimov Gurvich, who resides in the estate of Gorodishch, Rechitsa district, for payment of their Kazen. arrears, in the sum of 129 rubles 65 kopecks, for violation of the pub laws

Itzko  Nokhimov  Gurvich Rechitsa

burgher Yudko Yudelev Dukshtejn, who resides in the city of Bobrujsk, for payment of his Kazen. arrears of 466 rubles 50 kopecks, for violation of the pub laws

Yudko  Yudelev  Dukshtejn Bobruisk

burgher Benyamin Mordukhov Kitlev, residing in the village of Morkichevshchin, Pershajsky volost, Minsk district, for payment of his Kazen. arrears, in the sum of 144 rubles 75 kopecks, for violation of the pub laws

Benyamin  Mordukhov  Kitlev Morkichevshchin Minsk

burgher Khaia Gershonovich Frid, residing in the station at Rudensk, Igumen district, for payment of her Kazen. arrears, in the sum of 144 rubles 75 kopecks, for violation of the pub laws

Khaia  Gershonovich  Frid Rudensk Igumen

burgher Movsha Shmujlov Gurvich, residing in the town of Cherej, Cherejsky volost, Slonim district, Mogilev Gubernia, for payment of his Kazen. arrears, in the sum of 674 rubles 42 kopecks, for violation of the pub laws

Movsha  Shmujlov  Gurvich Cherej Slonim Mogilev

burgher Dush? Evelov Berman, residing in the village of Yachev, Slutzk district, for payment of his Kazen. arrears, in the sum of 129 rubles 65 kopecks, for violation of the pub laws

Dush Evelov  Berman Yachev Slutzk

burgher Eliya Berkov Krejman, residing in the village of Berezovka, Yurevichi volost, Rechitsa district, for payment of his Kazen. arrears in the sum of 47 rubles 45 kopecks, for violation of the pub laws

Eliya  Berkov  Krejman Berezovka Rechitsa 

burgher Rokhla Shepshelov Gurevich, residing in the village of Schactnovich, Lyakhovich volost, Slutzk district, for payment of her Kazen. arrears of 34 rubles, for violation of the pub laws

Rokhla  Shepshelov  Gurevich Schactnovich Slutzk

burgher Froim Ajzikov Pinsky, residing in the city of Pinsk, on Zavalny Street, for payment of his Kazen. arrears, in the sum of 74 rubles 62.5 kopecks, for violation of the pub laws

Froim  Ajzikov  Pinsky Pinsk

the family of burgher Khaim Pejsakhov Antimon, for payment of his Kazen. arrears, in the sum of 300 rubles, for evading the draft

Khaim  Pejsakhov  Antimon

landowner Gratian Vikentiev Lenkevich, a resident on the estate of Mozhejk, for payment of his Kazen. arrears, in the sum of 123 rubles 10 kopecks, fines for an unfair suit in the Abram Presman affair

Gratian  Vikentiev  Lenkevich

burgher Stela Kagan, residing in the city of Pinsk, in the home of Mordukh Najdich, for payment of her Kazen. arrears, in the sum of 70 rubles, for a violation of the pub laws

Stela  Kagan Pinsk

Sore Zalmanov Slavin, residing in the village of Kaperovka, Robensky-Slobodsky volost, Rechitsa district, for payment of her Kazen. arrears, in the sum of 50 rubles, for violation of the pub laws

Sore  Zalmanov  Zalmanov  Kaperovka Rechitsa

burgher Abram Susmanov Binov, residing in the village of Bron [Bragin??}, Rechitsa district, for payment of his Kazen. arrears, in the sum of 141 rubles 75 kopecks, for violation of the pub laws

Abram  Susmanov  Binov Bron  Rechitsa

Khaia Movshov Fridlider, residing in the villege of Kaperovka, Robensky-Slobodsky, Rechitsa district, for payment of her Kazen. arrears, in the sum of 50 rubles, for violation of the pub laws

Khaia  Movshov  Fridlider Kaperovka Rechitsa

burgher Itzko Gurevich, a resident in the town of Kholopenich, Borisov district, for payment of his Kazen. arrears, in the sum of 267 rubles 88 kopecks, for a hidden distillery

Itzko  Gurevich Kholopenich Borisov

burgher Sora Berkov Epshtejn, residing in the village of Pusin, Yastrebinsky volost, Novogrud district, for payment of her Kazen. arrears, in the sum of 95 rubles, for violation of the pub laws

Sora  Berkov  Epshtejn Pusin Novogrud 

burgher Brandla Brodsky, residing in Pinsk, at the Polesski railway station, for payment of her Kazen. arrears, in the sum of 70 rubles, for violation of the pub laws

Brandla  Brodsky Pinsk

burgher Girsh Dovid Bruk, residing in the village of Dolmatovshchina, Zhukhovich volost, Novogrud district, for payment of his Kazen. arrears, in the sum of 135 rubles 60 kopecks, for violation of the pub laws

Girsh  Dovid  Bruk Dolmatovshchina Novogrud 

Rubin and Ejdla Livshitz, residing in the village of Zeshchitovsky Sloboda, Pukhovich volost, Igumen district, for payment of their Kazen. arrears, in the sum of 100 rubles, for violation of the pub laws.

Rubin Livshitz Zeshchitovsky Sloboda Igumen
Ejdla  Livshitz Zeshchitovsky Sloboda Igumen

The Minsk State Property Board seeks property and capital belonging to the following persons:

Abram Yankelev Lyakhovitzky, a burgher in Slonim, for payment of his arrears on rent owed to the Novogrud Kashachejstva for the years 1877 to 1880, for the Kazen. Kolpenitz, wind mill, in the sum of 38 rubles 82 kopecks, along with fines

Abram  Yankelev  Lyakhovitzky Slonim

Dimyatri and Akulina Khodasevich, noblemen, for an increase in their arrears on arenda payments to the Borisov Kaznachejstva, in the sum of 191 rubles 57 kopecks, for Kazen. payments for the village of Dokydov No. 1, for 1 July 1878 to 1 July 1890.

Dimyatri  Khodasevich
Akulina  Khodasevich


Vice Governor P. Sleptzov
Secretary Lyassotovich