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Belarus Deaths Database

· Introduction
· Database Fields
· Sample Record
· Contents of the Database
· Translations/Transliterations methods
· Recommendations for Searching
· Obtaining copies of original records
· Search the Database

The JewishGen Belarus Database contains Jewish death records from towns in Belarus

These records were originally created by the Jewish Congregations of the various towns where the records were recorded.  The text is both in Russian (Cyrillic alphabet) and Hebrew script, although some records are in Russian only

Database Fields

The Register of Death records typically contain the following information:

  • Microfilm # - The microfilm number from LDS Family History Library (if these records were microfilmed).

  • Microfilm Item # - The microfilm item number on the microfilm.

  • Image # - Image number on microfilm, if available, or the page number located at the top right on the record itself (this will enable you to locate the record on the film).

  • Place Recorded - The place that the death was registered.

  • Year Recorded - The year that the death was registered.

  • Record # - The record number of the death in the original books  (numbers are preceded by "F" for female or "M" for male) .

  • Surname - The surname (last name, family name) of the deceased.

  • Given Name - The first name(s) of the deceased.

  • Father - The deceased's father's given name.

  • Mother - The deceased's mother's name(s)

  • Mother's Maiden Surname - The deceased's mother's maiden name (not always given).

  • Spouse - The deceased's spouse's first name(s).

  • Spouse Surname - The surname (last name, family name) of the deceased's spouse.

  • Cause of Death - Cause of the death and any comments about the death.

  • Age - Age of the deceased.

  • Date of Death - Day, month, and year of death, according to the Julian calendar.

  • Date of Death (Hebrew Calendar) - Day and month of death, according to the Jewish calendar .

  • Town of Death - Place of death.

  • District - The "uyezd"- the district name - of the town of death.

  • Guberniya - The Guberniya (Russian province) of the town of death.

  • Comments - All other information which doesn't fit into any other column.  This may include:
    • Town of the father
    • Profession
    • Location of the death

  • Archive/Fond - The archive where this record is now located and the particular Fond / List / Item number in that archive.

Sample Record

Sample Death Record

Contents of the Database

There are approximately 34,000 translated death records for towns in Belarus in the JewishGen Belarus database and the All Lithuania database. Below is a listing of the towns.

Place Recorded


Earliest year
Latest year
# of Records
Link to detailed inventory
Belitsa -1941165 Lida Vilna 1839 1914            192 detailed inventory
Bobruysk -1940996 Bobruisk Minsk 1894 1900         2,140 detailed inventory
Brest Litovsk -1941830 Brest Grodno 1895 1906         5,696 detailed inventory
David Gorodok -1942306 Mozyr Minsk 1874 1892            915 detailed inventory
Gomel' -1943559 Gomel Mogilev 1885 1918         7,909 detailed inventory
Grodno -1943562 Grodno Grodno 1841 1842            953 detailed inventory
Koidanovo / Dzyarzhynsk -1942832 Minsk Minsk 1867 1867               43 detailed inventory
Kroshin -1944966 Novogrudok Minsk 1849 1849                 3 detailed inventory
Lida -1945387 Lida Vilna 1898 1914         1,846 detailed inventory
Lyubcha -1945756 Novogrudok Minsk 1849 1849                 9 detailed inventory
Minsk -1946324 Minsk Minsk 1839 1889         3,520 detailed inventory
Mir -1946340 Novogrudok Minsk 1849 1849               24 detailed inventory
Mogilev -1945803 Mogilev Mogilev 1845 1894        9,410 detailed inventory
Negnevichi -1946708 Novogrudok Minsk 1849 1849                 3 detailed inventory
Nosovichi -1946857 Gomel Mogilev
detailed inventory
Novyy Dvor -1947100 Lida Vilna 1897 1914            135 detailed inventory
Orli -1947387 Lida Vilna 1897 1914               99 detailed inventory
Ostrino -1947565 Lida Vilna 1897 1914            279 detailed inventory
Ostroshitskiy Gorodok -1947513 Minsk Minsk 1860 1917               95 detailed inventory
Radun -1948600 Lida Vilna 1897 1914            202 detailed inventory
Rakov -1948620 Minsk Minsk 1860 1864               14 detailed inventory
Rozhanka -1948802 Lida Vilna 1897 1914            130 detailed inventory
Shchuchin -1949356 Lida Vilna 1897 1902            153 detailed inventory
Streshin -1950230 Rogachev Mogilev 1880 1884               15 detailed inventory
Vasilishki -1951061 Lida Vilna 1897 1914            508 detailed inventory
Voronovo -1951494 Lida Vilna 1897 1914            313 detailed inventory
Vorotynshchina 11541687 Mogilev Mogilev 1872 1917            102 detailed inventory
Yeremichi -1951881 Novogrudok Minsk 1849 1849                 1 detailed inventory
Zaskevichi -1952405 Oshmiany Vilna 1861 1871               25 detailed inventory
Zaslavl' -1952408 Minsk Minsk 1856 1856                 5 detailed inventory
Zheludok -1952611 Lida Vilna 1897 1914            236 detailed inventory

Translation/Transliteration Methods

Translators are instructed to follow JewishGen transcription rules.  Unless otherwise noted, transliterations follow the BGN/PCGN Romanization of Russian and the YIVO Romanization Standard for Yiddish/Hebrew. 

Records have been formatted according to JewishGen transcription templates.

If the Hebrew/Yiddish name differs from the Russian name, both names are listed separated by a forward slash (/)

Recommendations for Searching

Search the records using the Daitch-Mokotoff Soundex as well as the exact name, due to variations in spelling and because some records were transliterated from Russian only and not Hebrew.

Search all town records even if you believe you know the town your relatives came from.  Families moved around quite a lot, so the records that you are searching for could be in any database. 

Obtaining Copies of Original Records

If a record has been microfilmed by the Church of Latter Day Saints (LDS), then one can order the microfilm from any Family History Center.  You will need to know the Family History Library microfilm number (FHL #), item number, image number and record number.

If a record was not microfilmed by the LDS then contact the project leader for information on obtaining copies of an original record.


  • The many translators who helped us with these records: Boris Bayevsky, Arkady Brazin, Vitaly Charny, Rimma Dechter, Zhanna Glazenburg, Vladimir Golynya, Baruch Gorkin, Natasha Grinberg, Ronnie Harpaz, Joshua Kaufman, Greg Mirsky, Frank Proschan, Lara Tsinman, Dena Whitman, Irina Zabelyshinsky, Ludmila Zapletnyuk and Elena Zborovskaya
  • Avraham Groll, Alex Kotovskiy, Gary Sandler, Warren Blatt and Michael Tobias for their support at JewishGen
  • The many people whose financial contributions have made it feasible to obtain these records.

Searching the Database

This database is searchable via the JewishGen Belarus Database.

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