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On November 17, 1796 Anna Kahnova sold this house to Volf Janovicky, a Jew from Nyrsko. Later a Mayer family lived in VIII, but they later moved away. In 1808 Charlotta, daughter of David Mayer and Frantishka, was born, in 1810, Lazar and in 1812 Rosalie. According to Cadastral Registry, the house was then bought from Ludvik Mayer by Adam Weisel, who paid 1000 gold coins for it. Adam Weisel and Rosalie née Bloch had a daughter Marie. There is a marriage recorded on 13.11.1861: Juda Steiner, son of Jachym and Katerina, 27 years old, married Marie Weisl, 19 years old daughter of Adam Weisel and Rosalie née Bloch). After Marie died Juda Steiner married Marie's sister Terezie, born in 1842. On December 11, 1858 Elizabeta Steinerova daughter of Juda, a salesman in Janovice, died at age 3 months. House no. XXII in Janovice The Pollaks lived in this house. Benedikt vulgo Isak Pollak, son of Salomon and Barbora, was born here. Salomon 's daughter Sara married Loebl Weil from Vostracin in 1837. House no. XXV in Janovice In 1808 Terezie Pollakova, the mother of Isak Pollak, 88 years old, died there of weakness. In the same year, Markus, son of Salamon and Barbora was born here. Isak was born in 1810, Karel in 1814 and Judita in 1816. On December 3, 1842 Salomon Pollak, retired salesman in Janovice, 73 years old, died of weakness and high age. In 1850 Barbora née Kibl from Strazov, the widow of Salomon Pollak, 78 years old, died of weakness. In 1839 Judita Pollakova, daughter of Salomon and Barbora née Kibl , 25 years old, married Isak Kibl, a house-to-house salesman in Strazov 5, son of Moisesand Sara born Tischl from Merklin. Antonin Pollak, a rabbi in Janovice , son of Jakub from Neutra in Hungary, married Pavlina Porges daughter of Jakub Porges, owner of a factory in Prague 1. House no. XXI in Janovice In 1824 was born there Loebl son of Isak Steindler and Anna. ADLER – On 3.8.1826 Elias Adler, 35 years old, died of phthisis, in Krusec (Kornsalz ) BLAUER - Anna from Smrzovice, 1 year old, died 14.9.1814 BLOCH - Record from Nyrsko (Neuern) 19.8.1795 : David Bloch from Ohrazenice, Marie Blochova ,married in Dub in Prachen region, and Rubik Blochova (living in the house of her brother David Bloch from Ohrazenice ) are heirs of Mandl Kiberl from Bystrice and Abraham Jocl from Nyrsko 1807 - 1837 Volf Bloch and Jitell On 9.9.1816 David Bloch from Janovice, 76 years old, died of phthisis In 1815 Loebl Bloch married Katerina Kandl from Spule In 1815 Israel Bloch married Eliska Sicher from Janovice In 1816 Anna, daughter of Volf Bloch and Josefa, was born In 1817 Elisabeta, daughter of Looebl Bloch and Lidmila, was born In 1832 Rebeka Blochova, widow of David Bloch, died. On 2.9.1846 Salomon Bloch, son of Loebl and Katerina née Kahn , 27 years old, married Elisabeta, daughter of Moses Fleischer from Klenova and Judita. On 6.8.1849 ? Moises Bloch, a cobbler in Janovice, son of David from Janovice and Rebeka née Wachtl from Vlci, 42 years old, married Barbora Hahn, daughter of Simon, a trader in Klenova, and Esther née Tanzer from Stenovice, Pilsen region, 40 years old On 24.4.1852 Mathias Bloch, 9 months old , died of small-pox On 13.2.1860 Jonas Bloch, a begger, 55 years old, died CZAHMUS- Sara from Klenova died on 3.2.1813, 9 months old EISNER - David, 1819-1837, served in a synagogue, and Terezie, Jakub Eisner Leopold Eisner, a salesman, son of David from Janovice and Nany daughter of`Josef Wachtl, a salesman FEITH - On 18.12.1808 Simon Feit(h) from Tynec, 16 months old died On10.9.1812 Rosalie F. , from Tynec, 9 months old, died of exhaustion FLEISCHMANN- Isak and Frantishka from Bezdekov FLEISCHER - in 1823 Moises Fleischer from Klenova married Juliana Kleinova from Janovice 1853 - Abraham Fleischer, a salesman in Klenova in 1872 Fleischer Herman, a salesman FELDMAN - Isak in Spule and Lidmila had a son, Jakob, born in 1828 - Isak was a son of Abraham Feldman, who died 6.8.1813 in Spule, 72 years old, of pneumonia and was buried August 8. His wife Sara died 1.3.1819, 80 years old, buried March 3. 4.3.1821 Sara Feldmanova, 6 months old, died 31.1.1829 Elisabeta F., 20 years old, died of nerves inflammation 2.3.1829 Josef F. from Spule 31, 5 years old, died of fever Michal Feldman, (son of Isak F.) a butcher in Spule, married Demuth née Klein from Spule on 30.12.1851 in Koryta by Bezdekov, Michal F. died on 14.7.1888 in Spule 31 of pneumonia, 70 years old Amalie F. was born to Kahn, daughter of Michal Kahn and Marie Gans from Tetetice Samuel Feldman - his first son was Max born on 14.4.1893, then followed by Hynek (Ignatz) born 25.10.1895, Marta born 21.8.1897, Arnost born in 1900- died 16.4.1901, of pneumonia in Spule 26, Bertold, Bedrich born 29.12.1904, Otto born 17.3.1906 in Janovice Bertold and Bedrich are outstanding physicians, both live abroad - Bertold in Australia. FREUND - Josef from Zbirov died on 19.1.1807, buried in Janovice GARTENZAUN- Terezie died on 22.11.? G., 18 months old GOLDSCHMID Goldschmied, Jakub 1807-1830 On 20.6.1814 Samuel Goldschmidt , 3 years old, died of "stekflus In 1820 Jachym son of Loebl Goldschmidt, 18 months old, died of exhaustion On 16.12.1828 Jakob Goldschmidt , 75 years old, died of weakness and high age In 1829 Aron Goldschmidt,son of Abraham and Katerina née Blochova from Janovice, 33 years old, married Katerina Fleischerova from Klenova 1, daughter of Abraham F. from Klenova and Cheile, 27 years old On 25.4.1831 Eva Goldschmidova, living in Janovice, 48 years old died in Janovice 157 1835-1850 Aron Goldschmidt and Katerina GOLDBACH - Josef Goldbach lived in Polen in about the year 1835. Later the family moved to Klatovy, where one of the family members had a small shop on Domazlicka street. GRASL Jan Grasl, a farmer in Petrovice, was accepted with his family at Petrovice - 8.4.1903 GRUENBERGER Antonin G., a daylabourer, wife Eleonora née Kubikova, their children: Eleonora Marie born 1.9.1879, Olga Bozena born 25.7.1883 and Agnes, 27.12.1885- 30.7.1901, they lived in Vienna Simon G.- wife Marie née Kupkova, their children were: Marie Lidmila born 13.11.1906 and Ernest Simon born 1.6.1909, they moved to Vienna on 6.6.1910 Anna G. born 12.10.1891, moved to Vienna on 10.4.1907 HAHN - Hahn Michal,- recorded on 10.11.1843: 37 years old, physician in Janovice, born in Freidorf, Prachen region, married 1874 Hahn Isak HUTTER Record from 1.9.1851: Jakub Hutter left for America: Bernard, Arnold and Klein from Javor On 1.9.1851, Leopold Schwarz, son of Samuel, from Desenice, 26 years old, married Frantishka Hutterova, widow of Volf Hutter from Janovice, 34 years old. She was born Blayerova from Kozolupy (marriage 1839) JANOVSKY On 6.11.1806 Cecilie Janovska, 45 years old, died of edema On 27.12.1808 Barbora J., 7 months old, died On 27.12.1809 Rosalie J., 36 years old, died of "nerves weakness " On 21.5.1810 Rachel J., 72 years old, died of nerves inflammation On 19.1.1812 Rachel J., 7 years old, from Janovice died In 1815 Barbora daughter of Volf J. and Barbora, died On 1.11.1822 Karolina J. , 28 years old died On 4.5.1847 Jakub J. (son of Volf J., a salesman in Janovice, and Ludmila born Steuerova from Ursice, Beroun region), 39 years old, married Juli Kantorova, daughter of Moses Kantor from Teplice, and Charlote born Stein from Horzepnik, Tabor region, 28 years old KAHN On 10.5.1810 Moises K. from Janovice, 8 months old died In 1835 Joachim K., son of Rudolf Kahn and Katerina was born On 1.8.1849 Jakub Kann, son of Abraham from Janovice, 40 years old, married Saara Goldschmid daughter of Abraham from Janovice, 36 years old On 14.7.1809 Markus Kahn, 3 years old, died of small -pox In 1833 Rudolf Kahn, son of Jonas K., a teacher, married Katerina Frankl from Oujezd, daughter of Markus, a salesman in Oujezd, and Marie KARPELES On 18.9.1813 Josef Karpeles, a begger, died of fever KLEIN On 1.11.1813 Michal Klein from Pocinovice, 78 years old, died In 1818 Anna Marie daughter of Isak Klein and Barbora On 31.3.1819, Eda Klein, 70 years old, died In 1820 Anna daughter of Isak Klein and Barbora died In 1826 Leopold son of Isak Klein and Barbora,7 years old, died In 1828 Anna daughter of Isak K. and Barbora was born In 1839 Abraham, an illegitimate son of Rachl K. (daughter of Isak K. from Janovice and Barbora born Neuman from Hradek de Fours) On 23.11.1859 Bernard Klein, a retired soldier, born in 1830, married Adelaid, daughter of Loewy Kahn, daughter of a salesman in Kolinec and Rosalie born Wedeles from Osek, Rokycany district, born 1836 Bedrich Klein is in America, Antonin Klein, born 3.3.1879, married Olga Theimerova. Their children were Sigmund, Rudolf and Adela KONDL - 5.5.1818 Anna K. , 82 years old, died of pneumonia KRAUS - the son of Frantishka Krausova is in America KUENZLER- Markus K. from Loucim died on 8.9.1811, 73 years old, from weakness LEWITOCH - On 9.3.1816, Moses Lewitoch, died at age 9 months LOEWIT - Isak L. from Strazov married Anna Klein |
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