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Chajele i syn Abrajmele. Zginęli w warszawskim gettcie Żona z dzieckiem zastrzelona w Garwolinie w 1942 roku [Malkele Grinbojm, wife of Szmul Zelman and their daughter Chajele and their son Abrajmele. Died in the Warsaw ghetto] |
Wraz ze swoimi dziećmi zginęli w wagonie śmierci [Pinkas Grinbojm. son of Szlojme-Dawid and his wife Chumcze Bursztyn. Died together with their children in a 'death wagon'] |
[Mirjam Grinbojm and her daughter Riwkele] |
Izaak Prec Guberek Zmarł w Warszawie w 1920 roku. Pochowany na Genskim cmentarzu [My mother Sora Guberek-Szafmeser died in the Żelechów ghetto. Izaak Prec Guberek died in Warsaw in 1920. Buried in the Gensky cemetery] |
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Updated 13 Aug 2010 by LA