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(page 114) Hebrew

Reb Elchonon Boyarsky

They called him “Chona the Lemonade-nik ” because of his business, producing and selling lemonade soft drinks on hot summer days. One could never get rich from this business in Zaludok, so he experienced financial pressures. Still, he comported himself like an important baalabos; and he stood at the eastern wall in the beis medrash. He attended the daily Gemorrah lecture of the Rabbi together with R' Nachum the blacksmith (a bright proficient scholar who knew several divisions of the Mishnah by heart but who did not boast of his knowledge, always holding himself out as a simple workman) and R' Yaakov Brestovitsky . They never missed a single lecture. However, R' Elchonon merited a different kind of wealth: a son who was a genius, one of the bright lights of the Lithuanian yeshivas who was known in the world of Torah as Asher Zaludoker , who made his town well known in the great world-renowned yeshivas. R' Asher studied first with the Gaon R' Shimon Shkop (R' Shimon Brynsker) of blessed memory, and was considered his outstanding student. Afterwards, he studied at the famous Mirer yeshiva and was close to the great ethicist R'Yerucham Levovitz of blessed memory.

R' Asher Zaludoker was a rising star in the firmament of Lithuanian scholarship. With his sharp logic, he enlightened the eyes of scholars in the proper understanding of Jewish law, with a quick grasp and wonderful memory, with humility and good attributes. His teachers and friends prophesied a great future. He married the daughter of Rabbi Weitzel of blessed memory, the rabbi of Bernovitz. He studied Torah diligently in his father-in-law's home and was ordained there. Many saw him as the future heir to his father-in-law as rabbi of the great Bernovitz community, but when the Jewish community in Poland and Lithuania was destroyed, he was killed in the Holocaust together with his wife. Miraculously, his son and daughter survived and are living in Israel.

The daughter of R' Elchonon Boyarsky also married a scholar from the family of the Rabbi of Bernovitz; and their young son studied in yeshivas, but they were all killed at the hands of our evil enemy. May God avenge their blood.

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