A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Abeles | Family of Berel Yoel Abeles |
Abners | Family of Yossi Abners |
Aharon | Son of my brother in-law Aharon the slaughterer and checker |
Alter | Family of Alter: Rabbi Dodis Azriel, Baruch and their sisters. |
Altereche | Family of the widow Altereche |
Ashers (Kessel??) | Family of Yisrael Ashers (Kessel??) |
Asnat | Family of Lipa Asnat |
Asnat | Family of Leibene Asnat |
Avraham | Family of Avraham Yehuda |
Avraham | Family of Shmuel Avraham (tailor and Torah reader) |
Azriel | Family of Azriel son of the widow Breina |
Babas <return> | Family of Itzi Babas |
Badner | Family of Aryeh Badner |
Baranick | Family of Moshe Baranick |
Barles | Family of Zeida Barles the son in law of Rebbe Yisroel Feiveshes and his wife Rachel |
Barles | Family of Barles Grandson of Rebbe Yisreol Feiveshes |
Ber | Family of Binem Ber |
Bereshes | Family of Yossele Bereshes |
Berger | Family of Shmuel Berger |
Berger | Family of Avraham Berger |
Bernstein | Family of Moshe Bernstein |
Bernstein | Family of Moshe Bernstein from Techemlie |
Blecher | Family of Yosef Blecher |
Blecher | Family of Moshe Blecher |
Boibe | Family of Boibe the hipacrit |
Bonemas | Family of Velvel Bonemas and Heitman? |
Borstein (Disnitzkis) | Family of Velvel Borstein (who is called Disnitzkis) |
Borvitsch | Family of Itzi Borvitsch |
Breiness | Family of Zalman Breiness |
Bridyage | Family of Yaacov Bridyage |
Chaim <return> | Family of Chaim Ben David |
Chaim | Family of Chaim from the ???? (in yiddish) |
Chaim | Family of his son in-law Reuben |
Chaimless | Family of Avraham Rebbe Chaimless |
Chait | Family of Moshe Perles Chait |
Chait | Family of the sons of Matti Chait |
Chalaf | Family of Yossi Chalaf |
Chalaf | Family of Yisroel Chalaf |
Chana | Family of Chana Lieba the Seamstress (??yiddish - Shenayderka) |
Chanas | Family of Bonim Aaron Chanas |
Chava | Family of Chava Shaindel & her husband, Zaidel |
Chayes | Family of Azriel Shmuel Chayes |
Chazan | Family of Yosel Chazan |
Chazan | Family of Rabbi Pesah Chazan, Rabbi Fischel the son-in-law (a judge). |
David <return> | Family of Hershel Chaim David from founders of the Zionist group in the city |
David | Family of Hershel son in-law of Chaim David |
Doodi | Family of the Dayan Rav Doodi, of blessed memory |
Dricker | Family of Binem Dricker |
Eideles <return> | Family of Issac Eideles |
Ekav (Yaacov) | Family of Moshe Ekav (Yaacov) |
Elihus | Family of Yosel Elihus (the teacher) |
Eliyas | Family of Eingel Eliyas |
Eliyas | Family of Moishlah Eliyas |
Esther | Family of Esther the midwife |
Fankevitzer <return> | Family of Avraham Fankevitzer |
Feivishes | Family of Yisrael Feivishes |
Feivishis | Family of Azriel (his son in-law) |
Feivishis | Family of Lazel Feivishis |
Feldman | Family of Moshe and Esther Feldman |
Fiegeleches | Family of the widow Hentze Fiegeleches |
Figer | Family of Chaim Figer, his wife Sarah and their daughters. |
Fitzis /Pitzis | Family of David Shaindel Fitzis /Pitzis |
Flam | Family of Sender Flam |
Fonkevitch | Family of Yudel Fonkevitch |
Friedman | Family of Anshell Friedman |
Garberg <return> | Family of Yosef Garberg and his family |
Gassi | Family of the widow Gassi |
Gassis | Family of Aharon David (son in-law of Gassis) |
Gassis | Family of Mattel Gassis |
Gat | Family of Yankel Gat |
Gat | Family of Matti Gat |
Gele | Family of Gele |
Gerberg | Family of Hershel Gerberg |
Gerberg | His wife Baibe, and their daughters Bayla, Malka Toiba? |
Gitles | Family of Yankel Gitles |
Gittelman | Family of Moshe Gittelman |
Greenberg | Family of Shmuel Greenberg |
Greenstein | Family of Peretz Greenstein |
Guberman | Family of Head of the Kahal (community of the city of Yamel) our teacher the rav Shmuel Guberman of blessed memory, who was killed in a strange way by the Nazis (may their name be erased). |
Haber <return> | Family of Haber son of the Rav |
Hazakan | Family of Rebbe Yehuda Lieb Hazakan (name or / the elder) |
Hazkan | Family of sons of Toivel Hazkan (name or / the elder) |
Hershel | Family of Hershel from the wall |
Hillel | Family of Rebbe Hillel and his wife Chana |
Hindes | Family of Haim and Chaya Hindes son in-law of Lezel |
Horzshach | Shmuel Horzshach son-in-law of Hershel Gerberg |
Horzshach | Family of Sanny Horzshach |
Issacs | Family of Simcha Chaim Issacs |
Kakeshes <return> | Family of Moshe Kakeshes |
Karlinishke | Family of Rachel Karlinishke. Her son of Yosef and daughter Esther Feige |
Karpin | Family of Avraham Karpin and his son, Tzvi (Hirschel) |
Kartman | Family of David Kartman |
Kavel | Family of Ephraim Kavel |
Kemmelmacher | Family of Berel Kemmelmacher |
Kertman | Family Shmelke son of Noah Kertman, |
Kertman | Family of Yisrael Kertman. Itta Toiba Saraes, Chaya, her daugther; Chaim Leib, & Noah |
Kesselman | Family of Nechemiah Kesselman |
Kesselman | Family of Simcha and Channah Kesselman |
Ketzeles | Family of Moshe Ketzeles the Shoemaker |
Ketzeles | Family of Shlomo Ketzeles. |
Kirzshener | Family of Yisroel Kirzshener |
Kniff | Family of Pinni son of Baruch Kniff |
Kniff | Family of Barish Kniff |
Kniff | Family of Simcha son of Baruch Kniff |
Kotlier | Family of Mendel Kotlier |
Krupnik | Family of Berel Krupnik |
Labishkes <return> | Family of Simcha Labishkes from outside the city |
Lerner | Fievel Lerner, son-in-law of Hershel Gerberg |
Lerner | Family of Shalom Lerner |
Lerner | Family of the Rav Meir Lerner |
Lerner | Family of Chaim Shalom Lerner |
Lerner | Family of Yankel Lerner & wife Hannah |
Lerner | Family of Feivel Shalom Lerner |
Lieb | Family of Dackman Hirsh Lieb |
Lielka | Family of Moshe Lielka (Tailor) |
Mak <return> | Family of David Mak |
Makrofedereni | Family of Yehezkel Makrofedereni |
Mallin | Family of Shaul Mallin |
Manies | Family of Avraham Manies |
Manies | Family of Yossel Manies |
Maskaliveker | Family of Shmelke Maskaliveker |
Matya | Family of Iytzi Matya (the butcher and Torah reader) |
Meister | Family of Eliyahu Zeiger Meister |
Melach | Family of Yossel Melach |
Melamed | Family of Rebbe Yankel Melamed |
Melamed | Family of Natan Melamed |
Melamed | Family of Nachman Melamed |
Melamed | Family of Eliezer Melamed |
Melamed | Family of Yehezkel Melamed |
Melamed | Family of Yoel Melamed, his wife Bayla Toibe |
Melamed | Family of Ephraim Melamed |
Melamed | Hoddel daughter of Rebbe Zanweil Melamed and his family |
Miazevetz | Family of Baruch Miazevetz |
Mikelisher | Family of Meir Mikelisher |
Mishecheralnik | Family of Wolf Mishecheralnik |
Mitshnik | Family of Aharon Mitshnik |
Mordecai | Family of Mordecai Yaacov and sons |
Moshes | Family of Asher Moshes |
Nachum | Family of Rebbe Nachum Shlomo |
Peretz | Family of Peretz the doctor |
Pinchas | Family of Pinchas (the water drawer) |
Ratzes <return> | Family of David Ratzes |
Reiles | Family of Babe Reiles |
Reuben | Family of David Reuben. His sister Zippie. His sister Malka. Brother-in-law Aaron (who is a slaughterer and checker) husband of Malka. Brother in law Mavikotz Dudi. His daughters Miriam, Malka, Tammy, Toiba & Chayka. Daughters of Aharon, Toiba and Malka. |
Reuben | Family of Yosef Reuben. His wife Faggie (Fanny). His daughter Tzirel (Tzili). |
Roitman | Family of Yankel Roitman |
Rozenberg | Family of Benyamin Rozenberg and his wife Sarah and their children Chayake and Leahke |
Saraes <return> | Family of Ita Toibe Saraes |
Sarahkes? | Family of Menny Sarahkes? |
Sares / Shares | Family of Chaim Sares / Shares |
Scheinder | Family of David Scheinder |
Shabbathai | Family of Shabbathai the water drawer. |
Shabses | Family of Elinka Shabses |
Sharas | Family of Issac Toiba Sharas |
Sharhas | Family of Yitzak Toyba Sharhas and Esther Itta his wife (double???) |
Shaul | Family of Shaul the Toieber |
Shayer | Family of Azriel Shayer |
Shemesh | Family of Moshe Shemesh |
Shemesh | Family of Simcha Shemesh |
Shenapper | Brother of his wife Sani Shenapper |
Sherer | Family of Michal Sherer |
Shetz | Family of Michal Shetz and his mother Leah. |
Shifargal | Family of Bertzi Shifargal and his wife Hannah and daughter Devorah. |
Shimonis | Family of Shmuel Aharon Shimonis |
Shimons | Family of Mati Shimons (the butcher) |
Shmuel | Family of Rav Aharon Shmuel (slaughterer and checker) |
Shmueles | Family of Yitzchak Aharon Shmueles (slaughterer and checker) |
Shochet (Yisraelis) | Family of Michal Shochet (Yisraelis) |
Shuster | Family of Issikel Shuster |
Shuster | Family of Shmuel Shuster |
Sifarad | Family of Rav Meir Sifarad |
Sifarad | Family of Mattel (his son in-law) |
Silke | Family of Silke |
Silkes | Family of Shlomo Silkes |
Silkes | Family of Avraham Silkes |
Silkes | Family of Yehoshua Silkes |
Sivker | Family of Shimon Sivker |
Slaves (Melamed) | Family of Yaacov Slaves (Melamed) |
Sofer | Family of Pesach Sofer |
Staliar | Family of Shlomo Staliar |
Staliar | Family of Yisrael Staliar |
Tabatshnik <return> | Family of Yoel Tabatshnik |
Tachman | Family of Yisrael Rivem Tachman |
Tachman | Family of Aharon Shimon Tachman |
Tandetnik | Family of Zeida Tandetnik |
Tatte | Family of Moshe Tatte |
Tevel | Family of Tevel the elder |
Tscharnes | Family of Zisi Tscharnes |
Tzedukes | Family of Yankel Tzedukes |
Tzigeles | Family of Meir Tzigeles |
Tzines | Family of Mendel Saphra Tzines |
Tzinker | Family of Issac Tzinker |
Tzvihes | Family of Mordechai Moshe Tzvihes |
Tzvik | Family of Baruch Tzvik |
Varevedekir | Family of Nachum Varevedekir |
Weiners <return> | Family of Yankel Aharon Weiners |
Weissberg | Family of Michal Weissberg |
Weitzman | Family of Zeide Shimeliches Weitzman |
Weitzman | Rav Yanakele Weitzman, Rav from Greydineg |
Yahalom <return> | Family of Yahalom |
Yankel | Family of Rav Yankel from Maver |
Yankel | Family of Rebbe Yankel (from the wall) |
Yankeleches | Family of son in-law of Avraham Yankeleches |
Yankeleches | Family of Avraham Yankeleches, the butcher) |
Yankeleches | Family of his brother Iytzi Yankeleches |
Yehuda | Family of Avraham Yehuda, (the butcher) |
Yeishia | Family of Yeishia from the Mihal? |
Yekutiel | Family of Chaim Yekutiel |
Yischares | Family of Zeidel Yischares |
Yisrael | Family of Rabbi Yisrael (Shochet U'bodek - slaughterer and checker, to check to see if it is kosher) |
Yitzchak | Family of Lieb Hirsch Yitzchak and Matti and their wives. |
Yossel | Family of Yossel a judge and teacher of law |
Yossi | Family of Yossi the wagon owner |
Zanvil <return> | Family of Rabbi Zanvil (Either name or teacher) |
"I was a Partisan" | 18 |
Aaron, Rabbi (David Gasson's son-in-law) | 132 |
Abballe, Reb | 16 |
Abraham Ber | 120, 121 |
Abraham of Trisk, Rabbi | 57 |
Ahavat Zion, Lover of Zion | 20, 24 |
Ahavon, Reb | 28 |
Akteroni, Rabbi | 57 |
Alberti | 37 |
Alexandria of Italy | 38 |
Alter David's | 113, 116 |
Alter Rimel | 3 |
Alter, Reb | 127 |
Altern'uni from Ostra, Reb | 109 |
Auerbach, Rachel | 17 |
Augustus III | 34 |
Auschwitz | 17 |
Avraham Heshel of Apt, Rabbi | 50 |
Avramales, Alter (shoichet) | 133 |
Baal Shem Tov <return> | 2, 32, 49, 63, 108 |
Balakhtov | 16 |
Baruchs, Barish | 66 |
Becker, Edel | 128 |
Beit Midrash | 112 |
Berditschev | 5 |
Berel the water carrier | 121 |
Berish Boruch (Berish Kniff) | 125 |
Berish, Reb Yosel | 124, 132 |
Berlin, Rabbi Yeshaya | 27 |
Beth Jehuda | 21 |
Biliarom Romanum | 36 |
Bishop Soltic of Kiev | 38, 39 |
Boruch, Reb | 127 |
Breinsk, The Remembrance Book of | 15 |
Brezna (Berezno) | 52 |
Brotsker Family | 108 |
Brusilo | 49 |
Cardinal Kovalkini <return> | 38 |
Cardinal Lorenzo Ganganelli | 38 |
Chaimel, (Kornitzer Rabbi) | 131 |
Chajoth, Dr. Tsvi Peretz | 4 |
Chasie (wife of Reb Yosel Berish) | 124 |
Chaya's, Rabbi Samuel | 5 |
Chayim of Lublin | 37 |
Chazan, Reb Yosele | 132 |
Chevra Kadisha | 27, 66, 90 |
Chodrovski, Alan | 36 |
Council of Four Lands | 34, 35, 38 |
Czar of Russia | 57 |
Dagal Merevava, Outstanding Among Thousands <return> | 20 |
David of Stepan, Rabbi | 51 |
David, Judge (Rabbi Doodi) | v |
Deah, Yorek | 4 |
Derborimdiger, Rabbi Yosef | 3 |
Dina the bath house lady | 115 |
Dominicans | 36 |
Doresh le Zion, Secher of Zion | 20, 23, 24 |
Dov-Ber of Mezeritch, Rabbi | 49, 51 |
Dudl (Rachmestruke Rabbi) | 110, 127 |
Efes Damimm <return> | 21, 55 |
Elinke | 120, 121 |
Elyahu, Rabbi | 38 |
Elyakim Getzel, Rabbi | 57, 101 |
Elyakim, Rabbi | 35, 36, 37, 38 |
Elyakim's, Alter Avraham | 5 |
Emden, Rabbi Yaakov | 34, 35, 37 |
Ester, David | 79 |
Ezra Lehavim | 4 |
Fabiltsh (Zitomir) <return> | 35 |
Feigenbaum, M.Y. | 18 |
Feinzilber, Elimelech | 19 |
Feivishes, Rabbi Yisroel | 4 |
Feivishes, Rabbi Yisroel | 124, 129, 130, 132 |
Fiami, Rabbi Shabbetai | 38 |
Frank, Yaakov | 35 |
Frishman, David | 117 |
Fulde | 36 |
Funldliger, Tzu Lahger | 17 |
Galina, The Scroll of <return> | 15 |
Garingut, Dovid | 127 |
Gasses, Motel | 129 |
Gellman, Rabbi A.L. | 55, 135 |
Goldberg, Reb. Yitzhak | 5 |
Goldberg, Yitzhak | 101 |
Goren, Ezriel | 3 |
Greidiger, Rabbi Yanhele | 4 |
Grudzenski, Rabbi Haim Ozer | 15 |
Halutz movement <return> | 13 |
Harinshtein, Esther | 108 |
Hasandlar, Rabbi Yochanan | 49 |
Hershel from Moier (Garbarz) | 116 |
Herzl | 2 |
Hirsh's, Itzi Moshe | 5 |
Horowitz, Rabbi (The SHELAH) | 27 |
Horowitz, Rabbi Pinchas "Hafla'ah" | 50, 90 |
Horshach, Yaakov | 3, 35 |
Horzshach, Jacob | 134 |
Horzshach, Rabbi Netanel | 85 |
Ibn Ezea <return> | 4 |
Ibn Ezra | 126 |
Israel-Dov, Rabbi | 52 |
Israel of Rizhinm Rabbi | 57 |
Itzi, Reb | 124 |
Itzi, Reb (Cherner Rabbi) | 131 |
Joseph, Rabbi <return> | 22 |
Kachraginski, Shmerka <return> | 18 |
Kaitover, Rabbi Avraham Gershon | 32 |
Kapo, Meir | 18 |
Karkus, Rabbi | 37 |
Kartman, David (David Shayas) | 66 |
Kassali | 38 |
Kaviatrovska, Rebecca | 17 |
Kertman, Reb Dovid | 125 |
Khodak, Yerachmiel Wolf | 15 |
King David | 49 |
King Ferdinand of Spain | 22 |
Kiniver, Reb Yoslek | 109 |
Klim, Dr. | 32 |
Klinger, Reb Berl | 131 |
Knif, Eisik | 3 |
Kobilsky, Bishop Anthony | 34, 38 |
Kominker, Reb Aba | 131 |
Konstantinov | 34, 35 |
Koval (Naphcha) Rabbi Lein | 58 |
Krakov | 36, 37 |
Kremenetz | 35 |
Kruger, Rabbi Shlomo | 3 |
Kruger, Rabbi Shlomo (Broder Maggid) | 130 |
Lampitzky <return> | 66, 67 |
Landau, Rabbi Shmuel | 27 |
Landau, Rabbi Yakovka Segal | 22, 23 |
Landau, Rabbi Yechezkel | |
see Noda BiYehuda | |
Lanivitz | 4 |
Lehavin Imrei Bina | 4 |
Leib, Reb | 126 |
Lerner, Meyer (Son of Reb Leibish Lerner) | 130 |
Lerner, Rabbi Aryeh Leibish Lerner | 3 |
Lerner, Rabbi Shalom | 90 |
Lerner, Rabbi Shmuel | 3, 90 |
Lerner, Reb Leibish | 130 |
Levinsohn, Isaac Baer (RIBAL) | 4 |
Lublin | 37 |
Machuvas, Minchas <return> | 3 |
MAHARAL of Prague | 20 |
Maimonides | 25 |
Majdanek Concentration Camp | 17 |
Mantua | 38 |
Marcheshes, Minchas | 3 |
Margolioth, Rabbi Mair | 32 |
Marinis, Johan di | 36 |
Melamed, Menashe (Menashe the Teacher) | 123 |
Meller, Rabbi Yitzhak | 4 |
Menashe ben Israel | 37 |
Michael, Rabbi Yechiel of Zloczew | 2, 21, 49, 50, 90,101,108 |
Mitoar, Reb Eliezer | 127 |
Moishes, Reb Osher | 129, 130 |
Mordecai of Kremenetz, Rabbi | 51 |
Moshe Alter Student (Grynshpan) | 116 |
Moshe of Zvelul, Rabbi | 51 |
Naftali, Rabbi of Ganzena <return> | 36 |
Noda BiYehuda | 2, 3, 20, 22 ,25 |
Or Hachaim | 4 |
Or Hagamuz | 4 |
Ostra | 2, 5, 49, 109 |
Ostra, Rabbi Yaacov-Yosef | 21, 49, 55, 56, 108 |
Pavianitska Street <return> | 16 |
Peretz, Ezriel | 117 |
Petlura | 110 |
Pitchnik, Rabbi Yechiel Michael | 52 |
Podolya | 35 |
Podolyishe in Umkum | 18 |
Pope Benedict | 37, 38 |
Pope Innocent | 36 |
Pope Paul the Third | 36 |
Pope, The | 22, 36 |
Pozen | 36 |
Queen Maria Josepha | 34 |
Radjivil, Michael Kozminzh <return> | 34 |
Rafael Shlomo, Rabbi | 38 |
Railes, Yaacov | 113, 116 |
Rashi | 27, 49 |
RIBAL | 4, 21, 22, 55, 101 |
Rimel, Reb Alter | 5, 101, 120 |
Rottne, Yizkor Buch from | 15 |
Rubin, David | 3 |
Sanz, Rabbi Chaim <return> | 32 |
Schindel-Pitches, David | 70 |
Schweitzer, Wolf | 135 |
Segal, Reb | 28 |
S'gan Hakohanim, Rabbi Chaninah | 25 |
Shabbatai Zvi | 35 |
Shabse | 120, 121 |
Shaulka, Reb | 15 |
Shedletz, The Destruction of Oif di Churvois Fun Mein Heim | 19 |
Shimele, Rabbi | 123 |
Shisko, Hetman | 2 |
Shmuel HaLevi, Rabbi Yakovka | 22 |
Shmuel's, Aharon (shoichet) | 133 |
Shoichet, Chaya Tzirl | 126 |
Shoichet, Fruma (second wife) | 126 |
Shoichet, Reb Yosel | 126 |
Shoichet, Reb Yosel - family of | 126 |
Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim | 4 |
Simcha | 131 |
Sommerstein, Mr. | 4 |
Sotskever, A. | 15 |
Spain | 57 |
Stoski, Michalko | 69 |
Sweden | 36 |
Targolya, Ferdinand <return> | 37 |
Teuda Be Yisroel | 21, 55 |
Treblinka | 17, 18 |
Trisk | 2 |
Trisker Synagogue | 109, 112, 113, 123 |
Tslach | 20 |
Tsvias, Aaron | 78 |
Tsvias, Moshe | 69 |
Velove, Dominicus <return> | 37 |
Venice | 38 |
Vienna | 38 |
Visconti, Mr. | 38 |
Viterbo | 37 |
Volovitch, Bishop Anthony Arazen | 34, 38 |
Warsaw <return> | 37 |
Warsaw uprising | 14 |
Weibtraun, Reb Yitzhok Nochum | 19 |
Weisstraub, Dr. Yitzhak | 4, 85 |
Yaakov, Rabbi <return> | 36 |
Yaakovka, Widow Aharon | 71 |
Yachtzes, Pearl | 127 |
Yahalom, Rabbi Shalom | v |
Yakabovsky | 66 |
Yampol Synagogue | 112 |
Yechiel Michal of Szhumsk, Rabbi | 21, 58 |
Yehoshua ben Levi, Rabbi | 63 |
Yehuda, Rabbi Yaakov Yosef ben | 21, 108 |
Yentl | 51 |
Yisroel, (Ruziner) Rabbi | 126 |
Yitzhak of Drohobycz | 49 |
Yitzhak of Radzwil, Rabbi | 51 |
Yitzhak, Rabbi Levi | 3 |
Yoalam, Reb Michel | 125 |
Yosef, Rabbi of Yampol | 2, 21, 49, 51, 54, 101, 108 |
Yosel David (Bazilie Rabbi) | 110 |
Yoshua, Reb | 127 |
Yovel Buch, Gewedimet Dikdoishim Fun Soholow | 18 |
Zalman, Rabbi Yankel <return> | 5, 132 |
Zalman, the Fool | 82 |
Zargen | 117 |
Zauser, Rabbi Haim | 22 |
Ze'ev of Zbariz, Rabbi | 51 |
Zeigermeister, Rabbi Eli (Weisstraub) | 3 |
Zelig, Rabbi Asher | 35, 36, 37 |
Zerubavel | 21, 55 |
Zinn Le Nefesh Chaya | 24, 25 |
Zinwill, Reb | 125 |
Zinwill, Udel | 125 |
Zukov | 2 |
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