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Volozhin & Volozhiners after World War Two

Volozhin now (Year 2000)

by Moshe Porat

1 Etz Haym Yeshiva
2, 3, 4 3 locations of destroyed Synagogue
5 Aug 1942-200/300 Jews slaughtered
6 Oct' 28, 41- 200/300 Jews slaughtered
7 May 10, 42-2000 Jews slaughtered
8 Graveyard with 6 mass graves
9 Rabbi Haym-house, drugstore now
10 Catholic Kostiol
11 Destroyed Tarbut school house
12, 13 Polish, now Belarus, schools
14 Town Authorities Offices
15, 16 Floor grind & wood saw mills
17 Russian Tserkov
18 The Graph Tyshkevitsh's estate
19 Water pond ”Sazhelka”
vol900-01.jpg [44 KB]

Shtetl Plan – The town center

Volozhiners began to visit the shtetl after the Soviet Union has been dissolved. During the thirties among the 6000 Volozhin residents, 3000 were Jews. Now the shtetl was found completely “judenrein”.

The town, now populated by 12000 inhabitants expands on 2000 by 2500 meters area. The town center might be enclosed inside a small circle of 900 meters in diameter.

The center includes the town authorities offices, the graph's estate & its palace, the Catholic (Polish) and orthodox (Russian) churches, the Belarus town schools and all the places where the Volozhin Jews used to live.

Inside this small center circle the visitor will find the Kulinaria restaurant installed inside the famous Volozhin Yeshiva, the ancient graveyard and the old houses abandoned by the expelled Jews. In the same small circle he might visit the places of the three destroyed synagogues, the Streets where the Ghetto concentration camp was situated and the three mass slaughter sites.

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