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[Page 601]

Yizkor - Remember

[Page 602]


[Page 603]

And These are the names
of the Pure Holy Martyrs of Volozhin

by Eliezer Leoni

Translated by Jerrold Landau

Every name is a living soul, an entire world. This is the cemetery of Volozhin. Here is buried all the splendor of Volozhin. Here, the bastion of strength of Volozhin was brought to eternal rest. Here rests “until the ends of the world” (for eternity).

“And Absalom took and set up a monument for himself in the vale of the king, for he said, I have no son to remember my name; and he called the monument after his name, that is Yad Avshalom, to this day.” (II Samuel 18:18). Absalom did not have a surviving son, so he concerned himself with setting up a memorial monument for himself during his lifetime.

G-d did a benevolent deed for the martyrs of Volozhin, who live in their communities, in the State of Israel and in the Diaspora – with a small number of sons and daughters who concerned themselves to set up a memorial for their parents, family members, relatives, neighbors, and all the Jews of Volozhin. This memorial is the monument [Yad] of each and every family of Volozhin.

As long as the pathways of the water froth and bubble; as long as the trees blossom; as long as the sun and the moon stand in their heavens; as long as the starts of G-d shine their light; as long as the ocean storms; as long as the grass of the ground sprouts; as long as our eyes do not sink in their sockets and our tongues do wither in our mouths; as long as “the Spreader of the heavens and Forger of the earth” conducts His world – we will stand next to these graves and we will not cease shouting: Here are buried the martyrs of Volozhin who were cut off from the land of the living before their time; here sleep forever the martyrs of Volozhin, upon whose mouths was the Torah of truth, upon whose lips was not found perversity, and who walked along the straight path in peace all their lives. They were murdered only because of their only “sin” – that they were Jews.

We will moisten their graves with our tears, and we swear that their candle will never extinguish. “For as the rain cometh down and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, except it water the earth, and make it bring forth and bud, and give seed to the sower and bread to the eater;” (Isaiah 55:10).[1] – thus will our martyrs make our prayers effective, and bring our prayers before the Holy Throne, that this Holocaust will never happen again. “And He will swallow up death forever, and the L-rd G-d will wipe the tears from all faces.” (Isaiah 25:8)

Translator's Footnote

  1. The translation of this verse is from Mechon Mamre: https://mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt1055.htm Return

[Page 604]

Dear Mother!

by Yehuda Khaim Kotler (New York)

Poem translated by Janie Respitz

Dedication translated by Jerrold Landau

Edited by Anita Gabbay

Dedicated to the holy memory of my mother, who was shot by the Bolsheviks on Tammuz 3, 5679 (July 1, 1919), and the holy memory of all the dear Volozhiner mothers who were murdered in the Holocaust by the Hitlerist and Polish murderers.


Why are you lying in the field, mother dear?
Why do sadness and tears rule over you?
You were always cheerful – free,
So fly home to your children.
They must wait there,
For Mother to come to them.
So fly home to your children.

“I can no longer fly, I cannot return,
Not home, not to any child”.

A Bolshevik's bullet found her.
His heart was from stone,
And she fell into eternal sleep
And we were left alone.

And now I'm standing distressed, pensive,
Tears are pouring from my eyes.
For us the world is an eternal night,
Mother will never return.

[Pages 605-615]

Note from Jerrold Landau: Mr. M. Porat z”l transliterated the list of names on pages 605-615. The original was alphabetized according to the Hebrew aleph beit, but M. Porat alphabetized his translation in accordance with the English alphabet. We have maintained Mr. Porat's English alphabetization, so the exact pages are not matched. The original title of this section is “Yizkor” – but we kept Mr. Porat's version of the title. Mr. Porat's name transliteration style does not always match that used by the other translators of the book. Many of the pages of the original contain quotes, which were not in Mr. Porat's translation. The following table indicates which Hebrew letters are covered on each of the eleven pages, as well as the quotes included on each page.

Letters on page
Quotes on page
605 Aleph Beit Top: Hah, tear out your hearts from your closed chests, and place stones there instead of hearts. Pull out from your skulls your eyes, the wellsprings of weeping, and cover them in the groves.” (Yitzchak Katznelson: “The Song of the Jewish People Who Were Killed”) Bottom: Rabbi Chiya lay down on the ground, kissed the dust, wept, and said: Dust, dust how stubborn are you, how brazen are you, for all pleasant things will be broken down within you, all pillars of the lights of the world will come to an end and be broken.” (Mishnat Hazohar, volume I, People and Deeds, page 38, published by Bialik Institute, Jerusalem, 5717 – 1957.)
606 Beit All Jewish souls are literally like a Torah scroll. As our sages state in tractate Moed Katan, someone who is present when the soul departs is required to rend his garments. What is this compared to, it is like someone witnessing a Torah scroll being burnt. (Commentaries of the Mahara'ch – or teacher Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin)
607 Beit Gimel
608 Gimel Daled Hei Vav “Your bones shall be released” – This is the resurrection of the dead, for in the future, the Holy Blessed Be He will revive the dead and will put together the bones of a human being to be a complete body, as previously. The soul will add light through the clear lens [note: A clear lens, Asplaklaria Hameira, an esoteric Kabbalistic concept of a clear vision of G-d], to illuminate the body into a full being, as is appropriate. (Mishnat Hazohar, Volume I, page 200)
609 Vav Zayin Chet Tet Yud Kaf Lamed
610 Lamed Mem Go, grant what you have hidden for the righteous, and make them disappear. See him that he is good – and hide him; there will be the dwelling place for the pure souls that are bound in the bonds of life, and that will be touched and will fly, where they will exchange their power, and where the weary will rest. (Shlomo Ibn Gabirol Keter Malchut)
611 Mem Nun Samech Ayin Pey Where is Torah, Talmud and those who study it: Are they not in the place which is sitting desolate. And you shall weep greatly and bitterly – for the House of Israel and the Nation of G-d who have fallen to the word” (The hymnist Kalonymus ben Yehuda)
612 Pey
613 Pey Tzadi Kuf How has the gold become dim, the fine gold is changed (Lamentations 4:1)
614 Kuf Reish Rabbi Yehuda said: For all seven days [note: referring to the Shiva period] the soul goes from its home to its grave, and from the grave to its home, and mourns over the body, as is written “His flesh shall be pained over him, and his soul shall mourn for him” (Job 14:22). It goes and sits in its house, sees them all sad, and mourns. (Mishnat Hazohar, volume II, page 174)
615 Reish Shin The cup of agony, slow down! Back off a bit! For my waist and my soul have already been sated with your bitterness. (Yehuda HaLevi, Tzion Halo Tishali).


Volozhin - Martyrs

Transliterated by Moshe Porat-Perelman z”l

Alperovich Mendl, his wife Tamara, their children Berl, Fruma
Alperovich Michael, his wife Sima, their children Rachel, Ioash, Moyshe
Alpert Shamay, his wife Haya
Alpert Yakov
Altman Itshok, his wife Lifsha, their children Eliezer, Yosef
Askind Naftali, his wife Eshka
Avram Rudes
Baksht Binyomin
Baksht Moyshe
Baksht Yoshua Leyb
Baskin Arye
Baskind Chaim, his wife Fruma, their children Sara, Fayvl
Basuk Yehezkel, his wife Gitel, their children Yakov, Haya, Sara
Baydes Zvi, his wife Feygl, their children Hilel, Lea, Rivka
Beker Yehuda, his wife Hana-Rochl
Berger Fayche, their children Hinda, Lea
Bergman Chaim
Berkman Dosia
Berkman Mina
Berkman Sima
Berkovich Avrom, his wife Keyle, their son Leyb
Berkovich Israel, his wife Beyle
Berkovich Yakov, his wife Sonia
Berman Alter, his wife Sara, their son Shmuel
Berman Arye-Leyb, his wife Muma, their children Zvi, Braha
Berman Arye-Leyb, his wife Elka, their children Yakov, Shmuel, Etl, Hana, Feygl
Berman Ayzik
Berman Eli-Ber, his wife Hana, their children Mira, Zev
Berman Golda, their son Meir
Berman Henie Mere, their son Haim Meir
Berman Hone, his wife Mihla, their children Henia, Israel
Berman Itsak Meir, his wife Rivka, their children Rosa, Note
Berman Itsak, his wife Malka, their children Zvi Avrom, Rachel
Berman Mordhay, his wife Sonia Sara, their children Monia, Moyshe
Berman Moyshe
Berman Shmuel
Berman Shula
Berman Yehoshua, their children
Berman Yosef, his wife Zipora, their children
Berman Zeharya, his wife Sheyne Gitl, their children Yoshua, Natan, Shraga Fayve
Berman Zlatke, their children Gershon, Yrahmiel
Bernstein Avrom, their son Yshaya
Bialovski Chaim, his wife Avigail
Bloh Yehuda, his wife
Borohovich Chaim, his wife Miryam, their children
Botvinik Chaim, their children Perla, Binyamin, Moyshe
Botvinik Herzel, his wife Masha-Lea, their children Beila, Hava, Perla
Botvinik Kalman, his wife Liba, their children Hana, Micaela, Baruh
Bren Fayve, his wife Rivka, their children AvromEle, Dvora, Rasha
Bren Fayve, his wife Dvoshe
Bren Yakov, their son Tuvia
Brudno Bashe
Brudno Eli-Meyshe, his wife Zipa
Brudno Shlomo-Chaim, his wife Pesia- Rezl, their children Michael, Wulke
Brudno Yekutiel, his wife, their children Binyamin, Gavriel
Bumrash Yaakov, his wife Hinda, their children
Bunimovich Alter, his wife Gitel
Bunimovich Avrom-Moyshe, his wife Lea
Bunimovich Hana
Bunimovich Chaim
Bunimovich Hilel, his wife Dina
Bunimovich Ishaya, his wife
Bunimovich Israel, his wife
Bunimovich Leyb, his wife Malka
Bunimovich Michael, his wife
Bunimovich Mordhay, his wife Hinda
Bunimovich Moyshe, his wife Fruma-Beyla
Bunimovich Pinhas, his wife Mirele
Bunimovich Shmuel, his wife Sheynke, their children Dvora, Miryam
Bunimovich Yosef, his wife Sara
Bunimovich Zvi
Butrimovich husband, his wife Rachel
Davidson Dov Ber, his wife
Davidson Meir, his wife Sara
Davidson Yoshua, his wife
Davidson Zirl, their children
Derechinski Haim, his wife
Derechinski Kopl
Derechinski Moyshe, his wife Sheynke
Deul Eliezer-Itshak, his wife Hana-Rochl, their children Nudel, Zviya, Rivka
Deul Leybl, his wife Bat-Sheva
Deul Yosef Iche, his wife Zlata
Dikenstein Gdalia, his wife Etl
Dikenstein Hirsh, his wife
Dikenstein Natan,
Dinerstein Natan, his wife
Dolgov Itshok, his wife Hasia
Dolgov Yakov, his wife Liba
Dolgov Zalman, his wife Hana, their children Yoheved, Reyzl
Dolgov Zvi-Hirsh, his wife Sara-Itka, their son Yakov- Itshok
Dubinski Herzel, his wife Haya-Gita, their children Alter, Yosef
Dubinski Israel-Yakov, his wife Rohl-Etl
Dudman Isroel-Zisl, his wife Feyke, their children Elisha, Hasia, Rivka, Sara-Risha
Dudman Zvi
Dvoretski Chaim-Leyb
Dvoretski Shmuel, his wife Ester-Rohl
Elyashkevits Golda, her son Shimon
Elyashkevits Hirsh, his wife Masha
Elyashkevits Israel, his wife Lifsha
Elyashkevits Shimon, his wife Rivka
Elyashkevits Yosef, his wife Haya, their daughter Pnina
Elyashkevits Zvi, his wife Rachel, their children
Epstein Eliyahu, his wife Freydl
Farber Eliyahu, his wife , their children Pola, Shimon
Faygenboym Nahum, his wife Bluma, their children Hinda, Herzl, Yosef, Shmuel
Finger Meir, his wife Hana, their children Bluma, Arye
Finger Yosef, his wife Sora, their children Yakov, Eyzer, Bentsie
Garber Moyshe
Garber Yanie, his wife Broha
Gelman Alte, their children Rohl, Elisha, Michael
Gelman Ayzik, his wife Matke, their children Hayka, Lea
Gelman Boruh, his wife Feygl
Gelman Chaim Zvi, his wife Itka
Gelman Itka
Gelman Itshok, his wife Heyna, their children Ele, Chaim, Rivka
Gelman Merke, her son Chaim
Gelman Mordhay, his wife Reyzl, their children Ele, Hana, Feygele
Gelman Yohanan, his wife Zelda
Gertsovski Zev, his wife Rivka-Miryam, their children HayaSara
Ginsberg , their children Itshak, Reuven
Ginsberg SaraRivka, their children Beyla, Lea, Mina, Masha
Girkus Arye, his wife Haya Lea
Girkus Ayzik, his wife Dreyzl, their daughter Rivka
Girkus Ayzik, his wife Sara, their children
Girkus Meir, his wife Ester-Malka, their daughter Haya-Sara
Girkus Pesia
Girzon Aharon, his wife
Girzon AvromBer, his wife
Girzon ChaimEle, his wife Sara
Girzon Matityahu, his wife Hana-Ita, their daughter Rivka
Girzon Meir, his wife Yudit
Girzon Michal-Gavriel, his wife Roha
Girzon Mordhay-Ele, his wife
Girzon Shraga-Fayve, his wife Bashe
Girzon Yoshua, his wife Duba-Lova
Girzon Zvi, his wife Malka
Glas Hilel, his wife Maytke
Glik Itshok, his wife Nomi-Hana
Glob Bluma
Glob Dvora
Goldshmid Ben Zion, his wife
Goldshmid Dov Ber
Goldshmid Mordhay
Goldshmid Reuven, his wife Etl, their daughter Hana- Lea
Goldshmid Shmaya, his wife Gitl
Goldshmid Yakov, his wife lea, their children
Golovenchits Eliezer, his wife Bela, their children Naum, Miryam, Fruma
Golub Zipora
Gordin AryeLeyb, his wife Itka
Gordon Shalom, his wife Hasia-Lea their children Feigl, Rudl
Goryan Dov-Ber, his wife
Goryan Mina
Gurvich Avrom, his wife Sonia, their daughter Zipa
Gurvich Yehezkeleyla
Gurvich Yona, his wife Malka
Gurvich Yosef-Iche, his wife Asha, their children Batya, Grunia, Arye Leyb
Hadash Ita
Hadash Shmaya, his wife Fruma
Hadash Yakov, his wife Etl
Hayklin Avraham, his wife
Hayklin Idl
Hayklin Masha
Hayklin Mordhay, his wife Shosha, their children
Hayklin Zeharya
Haytin Isroel-David, his wife Rudl, their children Mina, Haim, Yoshua, Izhak, Nisn
Heler Meir, their son Arye-Leyb
Hlopski Meir, his wife Mere, their children Yakov-Itshok, Shmuel
Hohberg Note, his wife Mariasha
Horovitz Avrom, his wife Sonia, their daughter Zipa
Izkovits Mordhay, his wife Rachel
Kagan Fayvl, his wife
Kagan Haya
Kagan Hirsh, his wife Rohl their children
Kagan Malka
Kagan MoysheYona, his wife Fruma-Rohl
Kagan Nahum, his wife Batia
Kagan Noah, his wife Hinda, their children Itshok, Rohl
Kagan Yakov, his wife
Kagan Yehiel, his wife Sora
Kagan Yosef, his wife Rivka, their children Shoshana, Sora, Ezra
Kagan Yosef, his wife Mihal, their children Shoshka, Chaim, Eyzer
Kaganovich Arye-Leyb, his wife
Kaganovich Meir, his wife
Kaganovich Mordhay
Kaganovich Moyshe, his wife Dvoyre-yente
Kaganovich Yosef, his wife Dobrushka
Kaganovich Zalman, his wife Lesha, their children Hana, Lifsha
Kahanovich Ishaya, his wife Henia, their daughter Leya
Kalman Alter, his wife Reine
Kalman Hone, his wife Rohl
Kalmanovich Chaim-Yoshua, his wife
Kalmanovich Sora
Kaminietski Aron, his wife Haya-Sora
Kantorovich Dovid-Iche, his wife
Kantorovich Leybe
Kantorovich Yakov-Tsodik, his wife Nehama-Lea
Kaplan Dovid, his wife, their children Rivka, Leybl
Kaplan Eliyohu, his wife Riva-Lea
Kaplan Isroel, his wife Heyne, their children Bashe, Rohl, Itshok
Karpuchevski Yosef, his wife Mera, their children
Kats Mina
Kats Rachel
Katsin Itshok, his wife Hinie-Yohke, their children, Leybl, Motl
Kisiel Eliyahu, his wife Matke
Kisiel Chaim, his wife Rashl
Kivilevich Aron, his wife Rohl, their children Taybl, Kreyna
Kivilevich Shneur, his wife Rohl, their son Igal
Kleyn Avrom, his wife
Kleyn Hanan, his wife Rohl
Kleyn Chaim, his wife Hasia
Kleyn Hinda
Kleyn Lea
Kleyn Shimon, his wife Fayga, their children Shayna, Moyshe-Yakov
Kleyn Shlomo, his wife Fayga-Riva
Kleyn Yakov, his wife, their son Shlomo
Kleynbord Meir, his wife Rosa
Kleynbord Tsvi, his wife Rivka
Klik Malka, his wife Itka, their children Yudit, Rohl
Kohen Yakov, his wife Beyla
Kotik, Rebetsn
Kovalski Yakov, his wife Haya
Kozakevich Tsirl, his wife Hana-Sora, their daughter Tema
Kozlovski Itshok, his wife
Kozlovski Lea
Kozlovski Pinhos, his wife Rohl
Kramnik Freydl
Krasny Alter, his wife Sora
Kuchevitski Fayva, his wife
Lamleman wife
Lapidot Man, his wife, their son Haim
Lavit Alter, his wife Sara, their children Zlatka, Mina, Isroel
Lavit Eliezer, his wife Rudl
Lavit Mordhay-Yudl, his wife
Lavit Natanel
Lavit Reuven, his wife Ita
Lavit Shimon, his wife Heyna, their daughter Beyla
Lavit Shlomo, his wife Rachel
Levin (Shadal) Shmuel-Dovid, his wife Matla, their children Malka, Haym, Mordhay, Shlomo
Levin Aba, his wife Rela
Levin Avrom-Itshok, his wife
Levin Berl, his wife Hana, their children Beylka, Hasia, Miryam, Yosef
Levin Levin, his wife Shmuel, their family
Levinson Yoha-Hinda, her children Rivka, Zeev, Yaakov
Levinson Yoheved, her son Volfke
Liberman Anshl
Liberman Arye, his wife Hana-Gitl
Liberman Shabtay, his wife Ester, their son Leybke
Liberman Sloyme-Avrom, his wife Roh'l
Lidrovich, children Haykl, Mordhay
Lidrovich Eliyahu, his wife Sore-Rayze, their children Haya-Roh'l, Alter, Gdaliya, Haim
Lifshits Nahman, his wife Aydele, their son Arye-Leyb
Lifshits Yakov, their children Hayele, Shoshnale
Liker Husband, his wife
Lipovetski Berl, his wife Sore-Rashke
Lungen Moyshe, his wife Sara, their children Shmuel, Chaim, Pesia, Rohel
Lunin (rabbi) Isroel, his wife Sheynke, their children Nehoma, Zvia, Gershon, Zvi
Lurye Liba, her son Meir
Malkin Mula
Malkin Zvi-Hirsh, his wife Haya-Riva
Maretski Mordhay, his wife Ester, their children Avram, Isroel,
Maze Gdaliyahu, his wife Hinde, their children Zviya, Eliezer-Pesah, Shlomo
Meltser Alter, his wife, their children
Meltser Arye-Leyb, his wife
Meltser Eliezer, his wife Gitl
Meltser Hanan, his wife Sara
Meltser Isroel, & family
Meltser Mendl-Eliezer, his wife
Meltser Moyshe, his wife Rohl, their children Sara-Rivka, Tsvi
Meltser Moyshe, his wife Mihal
Meltser Shimshn-Itshak, his wife
Meltser Shlomo, his wife Gitl, their children Shprintsa, Shimshon
Meltser Yehoshua, his wife Mania, their children Batia, Tsviya, Ester-Mina
Mendelevits Reuven, his wife Bikha
Mendes Fayvish, his wife Martsa
Meyerson Avrom
Meyerson Boruh-Mordhe
Meyerson Fayve, his wife
Meyerson Haykl, his wife
Meyerson Itshok-Yakov, his wife
Meyerson Yekutiel, his wife
Miler David, his wife Rivka
Milikovski Yehuda, his wife Lea
Mishkin Itshok, his wife
Mlot Elie, his wife Sonia
Molot Avram, his wife Feygl
Molot Roha-Matke
Morduhovich Isar-Leyb, his wife
Morduhovich Moyshe-Aron, his wife
Movshovich Moyshe, his wife Batya
Namyot Tsvi-Yehuda, his wife Sora, their children Elta, Doba, Rohl
Narushevich Avraham, his wife Hasia
Narushevich Brayna
Narushevich Eliyahu, family
Narushevich Isaak
Narushevich Itshok, his wife Sora
Nosn(1st name) his wife their daughters Zelde, Neshke, Rashke
Osherovits Asher, his wife
Paretski Asna-Haya, their son Yosef
Paretski Shahne, his wife Fruma
Peker Itshok
Perelman Malka
Perelman Yosef
Perski Alter, his wife Dvora
Perski Avrom, his wife Rivka
Perski Beyla, their children Gisha, Feygl
Perski Doba, their daughter Henia
Perski Dovid, his daughter Itke
Perski Etl
Perski Fayve, his wife
Perski Fayve, his wife Raya, their children Moyshe, Mina
Perski Getsl, his wife Haya-Raytsa, their daughter Rivka
Perski Hasia-Lea
Perski Chaim, his wife Liba
Perski Chaim-Ele
Perski Chaim-Zeev, his wife Dunia
Perski Isroel, his wife Haya, their children Itshok, Lifsha
Perski Isroel, his wife Batia, their children Avram, Shmuel
Perski Itshok, his wife
Perski Leybl
Perski Lipa, his wife Henia, their children Rivka, Lea, Rohl, Eliyahu
Perski Meir, his wife Gita, their children Elka, Hayka, Sonia, Rohl
Perski Michael, his wife , their son Tsvi
Perski Michael
Perski Mina, their daughter Rishka
Perski MoysheYona, his wife Hana-Eshke, their children Liba, Rivka
Perski Natanel, his wife
Perski Nisan, his wife Rasia, their children Golda, Chaim, Fayvl
Perski Noah
Perski Ori-Yakov, their son Aron
Perski Ori, his wife Rohl, their children Bela, Gretl
Perski Osher, his wife Bunia, their children Sonia, Reuven-Ruvele
Perski Shalom
Perski Shimshon, his wife
Perski Shlomo, his wife Freydl, their children Rivka, Dovid, Chaim, Itshok
Perski Sonia
Perski Yehuda=Chaim, his wife Merke, their children Blumke, Reyhl, YakovZeev
Perski Yosef, his wife Tsirl, their son Eli-Zalman
Perski Yudit, their daughter Beyla
Perski Zeev, his wife Gnesia
Perski Zisl, his wife Rohl, their children
Podolski Michael, his wife Reyzl, their children Hana, Shmuel
Podvarski Arye-Leyb, his wife Sora
Podvarski Arye-Yosef, his wife Luba, their daughter Batya
Podvarski Irmiyahu, his wife
Podvarski Mendl, his wife, their son Nosn
Podvarski Mordehay, his wife Rohl, family
Podvarski Nosn, his wife Dushka
Podvarski Shmuel, his wife Rashl
Polak Aron
Polak Nehama
Potashnik Akiva, his wife Etl
Potashnik Dov-Ber, his wife Hana
Potashnik Eliezer, family
Potashnik Ester, their children
Potashnik Nehemia, his wife Hana, their children Chaim, Isroe
Pozniak Yakov, his wife Dobrushka
Providla Michael, his wife Rivka, their children Hanara
Radushevski Peysah, his wife Sonia, their children Genia, Moshe, Reuven
Rahmilevich Yosef, his wife Avrom, their children Dov, Moyshe
Rapoport, his children Avrom, Yosef, Yehiel
Rapoport Eliezer, his wife Lea, their children Gitl, Zelda, Freydke
Rapoport Moshe
Rapoport Yehezkl, his wife
Rapoport Yhoshua, his wife Sarka, their son Isar
Rapoport Zeev, his wife Ester, & their children Gitl, Yosef
Rayher Zeev, his wife Fruma, & their children Shula, Itshok
Rogovin Aron, his wife Sora
Rogovin Avrom-Itshok, his wife Sheyna, & their children
Rogovin Avrom-Leyb, his wife Henia, & their children Hana, Ida, Yehuda
Rogovin Dovid, his wife Eshka, & their children Gala, Motl
Rogovin Ele-Yakov, his wife
Rogovin Eliezer
Rogovin Etl
Rogovin Hanan, his wife Beyla-Rivka
Rogovin Chaim, & their daughter Tsipora, Rivka
Rogovin Hirsh-Leyb, his wife
Rogovin Hirsh, his wife , & their son Nehemia
Rogovin Isroel, his wife Sora, & their daughter Freydl, Yakov
Rogovin Itshok, his wife Hana, & their daughter Feygl
Rogovin Itshok, his wife Batia, & their daughter Hana
Rogovin Kopl, his wife
Rogovin Mordhay, his wife
Rogovin Moyshe, his wife Reyzl
Rogovin Nehemia
Rogovin Shevah, his wife Golda
Rogovin Shmuel, his wifdaughter Chaim, Rivka
Rogovin Tsvi, his wife Gitl, their son Yosef
Rogovin Yehuda, his wife Haya, & their daughter Elka, Zeev
Rogovin Yohanan, his wife Rivka-Dvora, & their daughter Batia
Rogovin Yosef, his wife Rivka
Rogovin Zalman, his wife Tema
Rozen Chaim, his wife Freydl
Rozenberg Reuven, his wife Gitl, & their son Yoel
Rozenberg Shlomo
Rozensheyn Moyshe, his wife Elka, their daughter Beba
Rozensheyn Tsvi, his wife Yoheved, their daughter Ester
Rubin Elka, & their son
Rubinshteyn Faytl, his wife
Rubinshteyn Haya
Rubinshteyn Solem-Leyb, his wife Lifsha, their children Broha, Golda
Rubinshteyn Tamara, their children Yakov-Yosef
Rudenski Dovid, his wife
Rudenski Meir, his wife
Rudenski Yakov, his wife Ruda
Rudenski Yehezkl, his wife Fruma
Rudenski Yohanan, his wife Dvosha-Elka
Rudnia Rohl
Rudnitski Gitl, his wife Haya, & their children Meratsl
Ruhamkin Yakov-Shmuel, his wife Tsviya
Sapir Naomi
Savitski Alta
Savitski Osher, his wife Bashe, their children Rivka, Yeheskl
Segalovich Alter, his wife Dvoshe, & their son Avrom
Segalovich Chaim, his wife Matke
Segalovich Moyshe, his wife Sora, their daughter Sonia
Sepetnitski Moyshe, his wife Bunia
Sepetnitski Yehusa, his wife
Shabtay-Note, & their son Shmuel
Shaker Avrom, his wife
Shalman, & their children, Leyba, Shlomo
Shalman Elka
Shalman Chaim, his wife Ester & their children
Shalman Tsvi, his wife Gitl & their children Miryam, Rosa, Ayzik
Shalman Yehoshua, his wife
Shaybl Mendl, his wife Slava & their children Libe, Mule
Sheyniuk Tsvi, his wife Rivka
Shif Avrom-Moyshe, his wife Reyzl & their children Golda, Shimon
Shimkin Yehuda, his wife wife
Shimshelevich Alter, his wife Haya-Lea
Shimshelevich Moyshe, his wife Batia
Shishko Mordehay, his wife Dvoshe
Shklar , & their children , Pesah, Kopl
Shklar Eliyahu, his wife Rohl, & their children Golda, Ben-Sion, Chaim
Shklar Sara
Shlosberg Arye-Leyb, his wife Yoha, & their children Rohl, Grunem, Yosef, Itshok
Shmerkovich Yehoshua, his wife Rivka, & their son Isroel
Shmid Mordhay, his wife Maryasha, & their children Yosef, Shlomo, son
Shmukler Eliezer, his wife wife
Shnayder Arye-Leyb, his wife Ester & their children Hana-Merke, Zelig
Shnayder Dovid & their children
Shnayder Chaim, his wife Nehama
Shnayder Moyshe, his wife Merl & their daughter Sore-Rohl
Shnayder Tsvi, his wife Tsirl & their daughter Miryam
Shptsiner Isroel, his wife Bela
Shriro Heshl, his wife Rivka, their children Dreyzl, Shmuel
Shriro Itshok, his wife Anetl & their daughter Avigayil
Shulevich Shmuel, his wife Rohl & their children Eliyahu, Mordehay
Shuster Tsvi, his wife Yona
Shvarts Yakov-Dovid, his wife Rivka
Shvartsberg Alter, their daughter Rayne
Shvartsberg Ele-Iche, his wife Dveyre-Elke, their son Leybl
Simernitski David, his wife Doba
Simernitski Chaim, his wife
Simernitski Michael, his wife Malka
Simernitski Yaakov, his wife Sora-Ester
Sklut Alter, his wife Feyga
Sklut Avrom-Itshok, his wife Shifra
Sklut Berl, his wife
Sklut Dvora-Ester
Sklut Eliyahu, his wife Feyga
Sklut Gita-Rohl
Sklut Chaim-David, his wife Rohl
Sklut Chaim-Shaul, his wife Rashe-Dvosh Sklut Hilel, & his family
Sklut Itshok-Getsl, his wife
Sklut Itshok, his wife Bashe-Elka, their children Rohl, Reyzl, Chaim, Yaakov & Shimon
Sklut Leya-Bashe
Sklut Leyb, his wife Riva-Yenta
Sklut Leyvik, his wife
Sklut Michael, his wife, their daughter Musia
Sklut Shimon, his wife
Sklut Shlomo, his wife Shimka, their children Pesia, Shmuel
Sklut Shmuel-Itshok, his wife
Sklut Yakov, his wife wife
Sklut Yehoshua, his wife Dobrushka
Sklut Yehoshua, his wife Hana
Sklut Zlata
Sosenski Itshok, his wife Pesia
Spector Dov-Ber, his wife their daughter Tsila
Stekolshchik Yehuda, his wife Meytl
Stolar Eliezer, his wife Liba, & their children Berl, Moyshe, son
Stolar Kopl
Stolar Yehiel
Tabahovits Yakov, his wife Haya
Tabahovits Yosef, his wife Bela
Taf Arye, his wife Musia, & their children Tova, Isroel
Tiuf Zalman, his wife Leya, & their children Avrom, Isroel
Tsart Avrom, his wife Tsviya, & their children Nehama, Aron, Hirsh
Tsart Gdalya, his wife Ester, & their children Aron, Shmuel
Tsart Tamara, & her family
Tsart Yosef, his wife Rohl, & their children Berl, Pesia,
Tsimerman Lipa, his wife Reyzl_Feygl
Tsimerman Note, & his family
Tsipin Benyomin, his wife Rohl-Lea, & their son Pinhas, ,
Tsirulnik Chaim, his wife Hayka
Vayner Moyshe, his wife Rachel, their children Lea, Mordehay
Vaysbord Eliyahu, his wife Hasia
Vaysbord Haim-Izhak
Vaysbord Michael, his wife
Vaysbord Moyshe, his wife Haya
Vaysbord Shimon, his wife wife
Vaysbord Yakov, his wife Matke
Vaysbord Yakov, his wife Sheine-Riva, their children Mihla, Heynah
Velvel Leybl
Vidrovich Yosef-Haim, his wife Haya-Sara, their children Hinda, Efraim
Volkin Rabbi Haim, his wife Beyla, their children Dreyzl, Haya-Lea
Volkomich Malka, her daughter Shulamit
Volkomich Shmuel, his wife Elka-Haya, their children Moyshe, Sara
Yankelevich Alta
Yazgur Dovid, his wife Elka
Yazgur Mordhay, his wife Sonia, their children Haim Ishayahu
Yofe Avrom, his wife Sore-Beyle, their children son and daughter
Yurshner Haim, his wife Sonia, their children Mindl, Reyzl
Yuzefovich Zvi-Meir, his wife Sima, their daughter Elka
Zalb Isroel, his wife Yente, their family
Zalb Yosef, his wife Merke, their children Binyomin, Isroel
Zarin Yosef, his wife
Zeltser Tsvi, his wife Sonia
Zhale Shlomo, his wife Feygl, their son Michael


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