Ten Years of the State of Israel

Tsen Yoor tsu Medinas Isroel

Issued by “Letzte Nyess” the first and sole Yiddish Daily in Israel

Printed in Tel Aviv, 1958

This is a translation from: Tsen Yoor tsu Medinas Isroel;
Ten Years of the State of Israel, Issued by “Letzte Nyess” the first and sole Yiddish Daily in Israel,
Printed in Israel by “Hakarmel” printing press, Tel Aviv, 1958

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The book contains two parts written in Yiddish

Part I
General facts and achievements in the State of Israel during the first ten years of its existence (pages 5-147) as:
  • The Proclamation and the War for Independence
  • The Sinai War
  • Ten Years of Aliya and developments
  • The fights against Terror
  • Important dates from the Israel State's History
  • The decade of existence Celebrations
  • Political movements
Part II
Lists and describes Landsmen Organizations in Israel (Pages 148 – 245) as follows:
The Holy ORLA congregation 148
Bialystock 165
Drohobitsh and Borislaw 167
Vilno Descendants Union 168
Vlotslavek Landsmen Organization 169
Lodz' Landsmen Organization 170
Lemberg Landsmen Organization 171
Nakhlat Nashlask 171
Kremnitser Landsmen Organization 173
Rayvits descendants in the State of Israel 177
Shedlitser Landsmen 209
Where and Who? 210
The “Letste Nyess” Editorial coworkers 246

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 26 July 2004 by LA