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[Col. 1959]

Dates of the murder of the Jews of the Sventzian region

Translated by Anita Frishman Gabbay

1. Sep. 1, 1939 Start of WWII
2. Sep. 17, 1939 The Soviet military arrives in the Sventzian region
3. Jun. 22, 1941 Germany and Russia at war
4. Jul. 1941 The Lithuanians murder all the Jews of Lingmian
5. Jun. 1941 25 Jews of Sventzian murdered by the Lithuanians
6. Jul. 1941 18 Jews of New-Sventzian murdered by the Lithuanians
7. Jul. 23, 1941 43 Jews of New–Sventzian murdered by the Lithuanians
8. Jul. 20, 1941 102 Jews of Sventzian murdered by the Lithuanians
9. Jul. 1941 28 Jews of Ignalina murdered by the Lithuanians
10. Jul. 1941 The first roundup of Jews of Daugelishak
11. Jul. 1941 The first roundup of Jews of Dukhst
12. Sep. 22, 1941 The Jews of Dukhst were murdered
13. Aug. 1941 The roundup of Jews of Lyntup
14. Jul. 1941 The roundup of Jews of Podbrodz
15. Sept. 27, 1941 The entire region of Jews sent to Poligon
16. Oct. 8–9, 1941 Liquidation of the Jews in Poligon
17. Jun. 1941 The Jews of Vidz were murdered
18. Sept. 1941 The Jews of Yodi were liquidated
19. Sept. 1941 The Jews of Nemenciene were liquidated
20. Nov. 1941 28 Jews in Kazian were murdered
21. Oct. 22, 1942 Liquidation of Kimelishok, Bistritz, Podbrodz
22. Aug. 1942 Liquidation of Miori
23. Dec. 25, 1942 Liquidation of Podbrodz
24. Apr. 4, 1943 Liquidation of Sventzian and Vidz
25. 1941–1942 Liquidation of Kobylnik and district
26. Jul. 1944 Liberation of the region
27. May. 8, 1945 End of the war


[Col. 1965]

List of the Participants in this Yizkor Book

Title Page–Editing–Printing of the Book

Ahiasaf–Tzepelovitch Schna
Bertana Mordechai
Gurwitz Heshel
Golomb Abraham
Shimon Kantz


Ruben Abramovitch
Yehuda Umbrus
Rabbi Itzhak Duber Ushpal
Abraham Bak
Shimon Bushkanyetz
Meir–Zev Blumberg
Shmuel Ben–Zirach (Gurwitz)
Yosef Brumberg
Avraham Golomb
Chana Garbar
Heshle Gurwitz
Shaul Ginsberg
Rachel Gan–Tov(Voliak)
Itzhak Greenberg
Leah Holtzman–Swirski
Clara Yavitch
Bronia Hasid–Farus
Ahron Harmoni–Ginsberg
Ber Karmatz(Charmatz)
Tzadok Karmatz
Menke Katz
Rafael Lass
Chaia Lutzki–Kuritzki
Kalman Lichtenstein
Dov Lishanski
Dr. Avigdor Levin
Eliezer Levin
Yacov Levin
Zalman and Zeidel Matzkin
Leib Margel
Yehudit Michelson
Dr. Fania Minkin
Michal Natish(Shutan)
Israel Soroka
A.S. Swirski
Moishe Swirski
Rabbi Maimon Fishman
Itzhak Feigelman
Shmuel Kagan–Blitz
Sender Kovarski
Sara Katzizne
Gershon Kuritzki
Dr. Moishe Kuritzki
Fatia Kremer
Chana Robotnik(Schlanski)
Moishe Shutan
Yitzhak Shibovski


New Sventzian

Keila Aizikovitch
Shraga Antovil
Ahituv, I
Yosef Bankover
Emmanuel Bak
Frieda Bak
Asher Bitshunski
Zalman Berentein
Heshel Gurwitz
Israel Gurwitz
Nechama Gurwitz–Kovarski
Itzhak Gurwitz
Chaia Sara Gordon
Tzira Guterman
Afroim Vainprez
Levi Zak
Yosef Zak
Esther Chait
H. Feiges–Chait
Shalom Itzhak Teitz
Abraham Katz
Taiba Cohen
Honoch Lapidot
Kalman Lichtenstein
Chaia Lass
Yitzhak Milner
Mera Milner
Tamar Efron– Tzintzinatuus
Zisla Popiski (Tabacovitch)
Leib Popiski(Entes)
Chana Portnoy–Katz
Shachna Tzeplovitch(Ahiasef)
Ahron Tzintzinatus
Avraham Kovarski
Shipra Kovarski
Yetta Kovarski
Heshl Kovarski
Sheina Kovarski–Spiegel
Esther Kovarski
Mina Kulback(Berman)
Masha Rudnitzki– Schlesinger
Shalom Shutan
Max Shutan
Pinchas Steingold



Shlomo Katcherginski


Ignalina, Old and New Daugelishak, Zeiken, Gaviken, Palush

Dr. Aben–Odem Rubinstein
Bluma Ushpal–Vidutchinski
Heshl Gurwitz
Shmuel Gilinski
Itzhak Vidutchinski
Pesach Yafer
Leizer Levitan
Ruben Muler
Eliezer Solomyak
Menucha Feigel–Israelavitch
Fania Fisher
Raizel Pliner–Lifshitz
Dovid Tzinman(Zinman)
Esther Rabinovitch
Nachman Rapp
Abraham Krill
Raiche Krill
Zev Kuritzki
Yerechmiel Korb
Eliahu Korb
Devorah Kraitzer– Laizorovitch
Dovid Tidhar



Beile Garshein
Heshl Gurwitz
Yosef Tabacovitch
Nechie Tabacovitch
Eda Katz
Rochel Miluntchik
Yerachmiel Korb
Itzhak Kovarski
Moshe Shalit



Rabbi Chaim Heikel Grinberg
Zvi Zar
Rabbi Shmuel Pliskin



Sara Devora Berman
B. Davidovitch
Shmuel Dobkin
Ruben Hamburg
Miriam Katcherginski–Wasserman
Zlata Katcherginski


Podbrodz, Lintup, Kimelishak

Ahron Bavarski
Mordechai Bartana
Zev Bartana
Meir Blitz
Aharon Kovarski
Mordechai Khentzinski
Ben–Zion Lap
Eliahu Licht
Mordechai B.
Tzilla Matzkin–Tzillin
Natan Perski
Ahron Kuritzki
M. Kuritzki–Shlesinger
Hadassah Rozen–Shapira


Haydutzhishok, Dvikevines, Stayotzishok, Maligan
(Col. 1473–1587)

Yacov Abel
Shabtai Abel
Shimon Abel
Shneur Zalman Abel
Chanoch Ben–Sara
Gershon Braslavski
Baruch Gantovnik
Israel Gan–Tov
Henoch Drutz
Neche Volatzki
Rochel Voliak Gan–Tov
Israel Vintzentovski
Rafael Yafe
Gershon Yafe
Yitzhak Perlis
Michal Potashnik
Nachum Kuritzki


Postov,Vidz, Mior, Kazian, Kobylnik
(Col. 1587–1604)

Shlomo Ichiltchik
Chana Ichiltchik–Solisman
Israel Ichiltchik


In the Death Camps
(Col. 1637–1652)

Leah Swirski–Holtzman
Etya Rudnitzki–Teitleman


(Col. 1653–1796)

Shimon Bushkanyetz
Mote–Hesh Bushkanyetz
Heshl Gurwitz
Alexander Bogen
Bine Avraham Gordon
Yitzhak Vidutchinski
Leib Mule Troytze
Abraham Yocelman
Ber Swirski
Leah Swirski–Holtzman
Michal Potasnik
Yosef Flexer
Moishe Tzinman
Shlomo Kovarski
Rivka Kovarski–Gordon
S. Katcherginski
Yitzhak Rudnitzki–advocate
Moishe Shutan
Nechama Shutan


Rescued Children
(Col. 1797–1838)

Dovid Soroka
Leib Popiski–EntES
Rivka Feigel–Falant(Palant)
Sender Kovarski


(Col. 1839–1876)

Heshel Gurwitz
Bronia Farus–Chasid
Mania Yaffe–Tzikinski
Pedro Aviezer
Dr. Shlome Shtein


Pictures By Artists
(Col. 1887–1880)

Sara Garshein–Teitz
Rivka Volavitch
Yehoushe Kovarski


Deceased Friends
(Col. 1881)


The Memorial of Vidz
(Col. 1883)


Lists of Those Murdered
(Col. 1885–1956)


Dates of Murder
(Col. 1957)


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