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From Place to Place
by Khana Pribulski Stajnberg
Translated by Pamela Russ
Donated by Karen Shiller
In my mind, the town came alive. I walk from place to place, see them all, young and old, their life's situations, during the weekdays of the entire year, and in the hours of a Shabbath and holiday mood.
Everything speaks to the heart: a small street, a small house, a balcony, a kind word, a nickname that I haven't heard in a long time. I want to describe all this with love, with a warm smile, and genuine sorrow.
I remember the nicknames that are characteristic of the shtetl. They are not given, Heaven forbid, to offend anyone. They only carry with themselves the old folklore that is left in the memory of our dear town, an echo of former days.
Of everything that was there, of all the lives for generations and generations, for a long time there is already no memory left. With savagery, our close and dear ones died. Our town, our old home, is no more. But still, everything stands before our eyes in a sharp image, just as it once was, decades ago, in our childhood years.
… A summer evening, when we are sitting on the ground around the house, a winter with its snow and frost. And the houses? A foyer (front room), an alcove [closet], a pantry, a china cabinet, a commode, a sleeping bench, a wall clock with a pompodikkel [pendulum] that goes tick tock, a pile of wood near the oven, in the corner a basin of water and a copper cup.
The clothing: a frockcoat, a jacket, a bashlyk [cone shaped headdress], woilokes [felt boots], slippers, a woolen coat, a duzhegraike (sweater).
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The day begins very early in town:
It is still dark outside when they let the cows out into the fields and the people begin their daily preparations: kneading a leavening dough, putting up the vegetable soup for a snack, and cooking in the iron pot for supper. The pot is hissing with the potatoes, and in the tubs the bran is being mixed with the wooden mallet.
Then comes the chapter of dairy foods: a bucket of milk, glazed troughs of sour milk [buttermilk], a cheesecake with whey, and the churn is beating the butter. In the summer, they cook up and prepare medicinal potions and remedies for the time that we should never need it.
In the winter, they shred the cabbage, pluck feathers, fry the small pieces of chicken skin [gribenes], and in the wall of the oven [a small recess for holding cooked foods] the jug of tea is steeping, and a time to get together and gossip with your close friends over pastries.
On Friday, they place the cholent [meat, bean, and potato stew] into the oven. In honor of Shabbath, the brass candlesticks shine, as do the copper pots. Instead of the kurnik candles they light the blitz lamp [lantern].
All week, life is dull. They do business and trade, some in the town, some in the village. People are preoccupied and troubled, in fear of the authorities, of the Czarist police commissioner, of the tax collector, and even of the foreman.
Therefore, the difference between Shabbath and the weekdays is even greater. You can feel the holiness, the Holy Shabbath, reciting the Kiddush [blessing over the wine], the Havdalah [blessings that are recited at the closing of Shabbath], mayim acharonim [the water used to wash fingertips before reciting the blessing after meals], the Tzena U'Rena [Women's Torah in Yiddish] of the mothers, the maavir sedra [reviewing the Torah portion of the week] of the fathers.
Each Jewish holiday in the town has its unique charm.
The Aseres Yemei Teshuva [Ten Days of Repentance, between Rosh Hashanna and Yom Kippur], the awe of the High Holy Days, the festivities of Simchas Torah [end of Sukkot holiday, celebration with the Torah scrolls], the dreidels and
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potato latkes [pancakes] for Chanukah, the mishloakh manos [food gifts] of Purim, the preparations for a beautiful and clean Passover, the seder, the hagadah [text with readings for the seder], the four glasses of wine, and the matzo balls, and the annual wishes of Next Year in Jerusalem.
The town is alive before me, with all its dullness and colors:
There is the mountain bottom. Both Janower Streets, the Yellow hill, Karpowyczer Street, the shoemaker village, the long village. Here is the bell, the pond, the river, the corn, the forest. There is the old Beis Hamedrash [Study Hall]. You can even hear the voices of those who are praying… The holy stillness of the new Beis Hamedrash, the beautiful Suchowola shul with its unique charm. Gedaliah the sexton cries out, Get into shul!
There is the church, may there be a distinction; the saloons, the shops, the inn, the workshops, the cheders [religious schools for young children], the schools, the library.
There is a wedding in town.
The doors are open, everyone can peer in, enter, and join in the celebration of the stranger's festivities. The wedding canopy moves down the whole street heading towards the Beis Hamedrash, accompanied by the music of the musicians and singers: Groom and bride mazal tov!
A guest comes to town, and a bottle of wine is sent for you [the host] and your guest. A poor passerby is immediately taken care of with a meal. If a maggid [wandering Jewish preacher] or a collector of funds appears he is set up with room and board.
The marketplace appears to be empty all week. In Advent Sunday and Thursdays which is a regular market day, or for a fair, does the marketplace become full and lively. The marketplace looks totally different on Shabbath. It shakes off everything from itself that is mundane from the week. On Shabbath and holidays, Jews are serenely going to the Beis Hamedrash. In the evening, couples walk there peacefully. Always the same faces. For the youth, the road goes through Janower Street to the cornfield, or through the Synagogue Street to the forest.
From street to street, from house to house there are familiar faces coming up everywhere, of dear neighbors, close relatives, and friends:
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1. Khana Menjuszker, Khana Raitze and Yankel the young boy (Sukhowolski):
Khana Raitze's house (she was Yosel Mairam's neighbor), she was always laughing, so there was a phrase that was made up about her: Khana Raitze, I walk and I laugh … She married very young, at age 13. They used to say that after the wedding ceremony she sat on the sand in front of her house and played with nuts [as you would play with jacks]. She was always a loving mother. She still calls her son Yankel, who is already in his middle years, my little boy. So his name remained as Yankel the little boy.
2. Pesakh Ratch'kes (Sidranski):
Pesakh Ratch'kes lived in Khana Raitze's home. He was a fine, wellrounded young man, active in the social life, in Hechalutz [Jewish youth movement] and amateur circles.
3. Khatchke Itamar's and Yudel, the uncle Leybel's (Kruczel):
Beautiful Khatchke always with a worried look. Life already put its stamp on her. On Yudel's refined face always a smile. For many years, they tried to immigrate to Israel, inheriting the will from their father Itamar, but they never merited to move.
4. Khaim the quilter and Shoshke /Golub/:
Hardworking people. From Shoshke's mouth, even a bad word comes out like a blessing. If once she wanted to shout at a child for disobeying, she doesn't say anything worse than: Oy, you should only be well. May you never have anything bad. Khaim, of the dreamers of Tzion, had his dream fulfilled and settled in the Land of Israel.
5. Rivtze Ostrow:
The hot water urn is always steaming in her house. You can see your reflection in it. She is always holding a strong, scalding cup of tea, always with company sometimes the grandfather Khatzkel, sometimes her uncle Mordekhai Yosel, Uncle Leybel, Sender the turner [lathe turner], Moti the carpenter, or Mashe Gornastaiski. When they come back from the Beis Hamedrash after morning prayers, Aunt Rivtze gets her first good morning, and after the evening prayers, the she gets her first blessing for a good night.
6. Grandfather Khatzkel Velvke's and grandmother Henne Rukhel (Kruczel):
Actually, they used to call him Khatzkel Henne Rukhel's,
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Caption: Henne Rukhel's house on the mountain
because it was the grandmother who ran the state. If a nonJew would ask the grandfather something, he would answer: Go ask my wife. The grandfather was a humble man with a good heart, a sweet voice. He would lead the prayers in the old Beis Hamedrash. And in the house he would always sing his melancholy songs. If a poor man would come to town, he would
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go to the grandfather, and with his note [which he received from the grandfather], there wasn't a single homemaker who would refuse to part with a plate of food. Grandmother Henne Rukhel had an open house. Rarely was there no guest at the Shabbath table. Anyone with a heavy heart would turn to the grandmother. She is the first to know of a happy occasion or a tragedy that happened somewhere.
Caption: The funeral of Esther'ke, Yudel's only chld.
The second from left to right: the grandfather Khatzkel, Sender Ostrow, the grandmother Henne Rukhel, the aunt Yehudis.
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7. Yudel Rukhel's (Kruczel):
He was of the progressive young men in town and of the founders of the library. He was beloved by the family and everything in the home centered around him. When his only daughter Esther'ke was torn away from life, he could find no comfort. He becomes very religious, immigrates to Canada and his faith gives him strength to live his lonely life in the distant cold land.
8. The mother Yehudis:
She is a real Eishes Khayil [Woman of Valor, liturgical poem recited every Friday night]. She is left as young widow with four orphans but conducts her difficult life with respect. Earning a livelihood was difficult, once things went down and other times things went up. She was always going to the market, to fairs, packed up merchandise, unpacked merchandise, and at night she would lie there with her eyes open calculating where to take and where to give. She had an affinity to a general education and to Hebrew in the particular. Yehudis's head was a phrase that was used in town.
9. Yitzkhok Pribulski, the father:
He was born in Orle, was renowned as a scholar and a genius. The town hoped that he would take his own father's place as Rav, but the Haskalah [enlightenment movement] tears them away from the rabbinate and he drags his friend Peretz Hershbein with him. In Suchowola he was of the first Hebrew teachers, and his Ivrit b'Ivrit [teaching Hebrew in the Hebrew language] was a new concept in town. His students exhausted him. He holds forth and writes, writes and complains… In the year 1908, he tries again to publish in the Roman Tzeitung [narrative newspaper] (Warsaw, 1908) a threeact drama called Children and shortly after that he died. His songs remain unsung. Peretz Hershbein awarded a lot of place in his own books called KinderYoren [Childhood Years] for his own childhood friend, and In the Path of Life (see Lexicon of Yiddish Theater, New York, America, page 1871.)
10. The aunt Malka and the uncle Mordekhai Yosel (Kruczel):
The aunt was a great person. She was always rushing, doing everything quickly … but late at night, after a hard day's work. She hardly had her first few winks, when she went to her sister Henne Rukhel. She could stand there at the oven for hours and when she notices that the grandmother is snoozing she reminds her: Henne Rukhel, go to sleep, you want to sleep, don't you? But
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for her it's a waste to leave. The uncle Mordekhai Yosel is one of the prayer leaders in town and he leads the prayers in the old Beis Hamedrash. He prays with a full heart. His face shows humility and his voice rings sweetly.
11. Yankel Bashe Pitluk:
Just a hop from the aunt Malka's bridge, Yankel Pitluk runs a typical shop. Their whole life revolves around earning a livelihood.
12. Tobke and Moishke Czmikh'es (Kruczel):
Moishke's father, Velvel Betzalel's, was a scholarly Jew. At dawn, when it was still dark, he is already sitting in front of his gemara. Moishke inherited not only his name from his father but also his fine characteristics. For hours the children play there on the sacks of grain.
13. Nakhman Khatzkel Binyomke's and Mirke (Kruczel):
The home appeared to be filled with the Haskalah. Everyone is hunched over a newspaper. The house is always filled with people and their discussions. The children, Moishke and Shaike, in their early childhood already helped their sick father carry the burden. Mirke always discouraged. Reinele's untimely death left its mark, and when Moishke died as an innocent sacrifice, and along with him Khaim Leizer and Yakhke Liverant were brutally murdered, Mirke could not find any comfort for the rest of her life.
Caption: Mirke Nakhman Khatzkel's Kruczel (with a child)
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14. Haddasah (Dasa) Henye's (Kruczel):
Year after year, works as a seamstress. It's already difficult to thread a needle, and there is still not even a spark of hope to build a life, and there is still no little bit of happiness from her married sister Khana either. Years later, Khana's life ends tragically.
15. Dvoire'le Eli Moishke's (Sztil):
She was an older single girl. She manages to sustain her love of life and energy. In her home every corner is neat, but empty and lonely.
Caption: Avrohom the chassid's children
The Long Village
Through the long Christian street, the road leads to Bialystok. In a child's eyes, Bialystok meant the big world to which the Suchowola youth were attracted when their own city became too small. This was the only importance that this long village strip had. No one liked to go there alone because they were afraid of the nonJewish troublemakers and their dogs. A few Jewish families lived at the beginning of the long village.
16. Malka Feigel and her children: Toba and Shmuel.
KhatcheLeyb (Kruczel):
KhatcheLeyb, a modest man, loves to look into
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a sefer [religious book]. Breine, always with a sheitel on her head. [He] always held a Korban Mincha Siddur [old Russian style prayer book] in his hands, and was never late for the first minyan [prayer time].
17. Hershke Taszmikh'es and Dvoire'ken Kruczel:
Hershke, his face always with a smile, always humming to a song, whether in pain or in joy.
18. Avrohom the chassid:
Yerukham Levin's brother and his kosher children.
19. Avrohom Kharlap (the blond one) and Golde Khaya Eli Moish'kes:
A neat house and obedient children. A tragedy happened there their young daughter Fradel died. And if a tragedy happens in the neighborhood, then all the neighbors cry together, just as all celebrate together when someone celebrates a simkha [festive occasion]. In a small room, lived Esther Binyomke's. A quiet woman, punished by fate. She had an unusually large face, crippled [misshapen]. They said she got it from a fright. Esther was the second wife of the uncle Motel Pribulski. He loved us children in his own way: When there was a Jewish holiday he demonstrated a fondness to us children each child would get a Czarish candy.
20. Yankel (the butcher) Brumer and Sheine Raizel:
Their son Yosef and his wife Nekhe Shmulke's. The poor man Moishe Kalb [calf or fool] comes to Yankel the butcher's house. Your heart falls out in pity for him.
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Caption: Moishe Kalb
21. Teve Khatche's Stucinski:
Khana and Teve had talented daughters. In Teve's yard there was a loading ramp, left over from an old inn. There, the Suchowola actinglovers performed. In the performance of Peretz Hirshbeyn's Di Neveyle [Carcass] Hershel Leipzig's played an unforgettable role of the neveyle. Fanny Kruczel's Chasya the Orphan, was not forgotten for many years. Of a Shammai like Moishe Janowski performed in King Lear, one could not be ashamed either. Goldfaden's Shulamit what a beautiful Shulamit was Dinke Treszczanki! Senzerlikht played the part of Meturef [the insane man]. Bashke Galanti as the prompter, was a phenomenon. The performances were always for a benevolent cause: the library, for Linat Hatzedek [nonprofit organization that cared for the sick], and also for Hechalutz [Jewish youth movement preparing for immigration to Israel]. The town lived in this theater atmosphere for weeks before and weeks after the performances. Leizer the baker's sister lived in Teve's courtyard.
22. Khana and Yankel Levin:
Modest, goodhearted people. They called her Khana the big one, because of her tall height.
23. Reuven and Rukhel Cohen:
Reuven was one of the respected businessmen in
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town. He was active in Mizrachi, and in the synagogue administration. Calmness and warmth marked their home.
24. Baile and Kopel Magid:
The Torah scholar Kopel had a sharp mind and a phenomenal memory. His sons were of the enlightened ones on town. Daniel inherited brilliant capacities from his father. Of the few students in town, he studied in Russia and took on leftist views. When he came for vacation, he became a cobbler. He learned the skill in a very short time. Reb Kopel Magid's son as a shoemaker is a sensation in town. And young girls are waiting that the clasps should get twisted [shoes should need repairs] so that they could bring them to the young, handsome shoemaker for consolation…
Caption on left: Daniel Magid
25. Shimon Leybel and Khav'ke Szklar:
Khav'ke is a talker. She likes to have a conversation with the nonJews, as she pours the bottle of kerosene. She wants to know if the chickens are laying, if the cow has already calved, if the pigs are eating voraciously. The harried ShimonLeyb loses patience and reminds her: Khav'ke, don't be so bothersome. So, the name remained: Khav'ke balamutch… [the one who annoys].
26. Leizer the baker with Bailke Yeshurun:
Leizer, coming from a neighboring town, became a real Suchowola resident. He was one of the first Suchowola businessmen
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who merited to understand the call of Zion and was of the first Olim from Suchowola to the Land of Israel.
27. Zalman and Laya Yoffe:
The smart man in town. The gemara study sharpened his brain. He was the problem solver and giver of advice in town. In a time of difficulty, you would turn to Zalman. His word was holy for everyone. As a mediator for the authorities, he was the only businessman who had the audacity to burn all his bridges behind him and immigrate to Israel with his family. And Zalman's path in his new land was not paved with roses.
28. Leybe the crazy person (Kantor):
In ruins, which clouded over with fear and gloom, is where Leybe spent his sad and lonely life. They used to say that he was not a simple Jew. It was clear in the black, fine print. Punished by fate, he supported himself: He sold wash buckets to the nonJews and brought water to the bakeries and the housewives for laundry.
29. Leybel KokiYoma:
The unlucky Leybel. There was always a foolish grin on Leybel's face. During the week, with the water carrying poles across his shoulders, he gets water for the Suchowola housewives, sweeps the bridge, and on Shabbath he goes to the houses to eat cholent [hot, meat stew].
A narrow road leads to the magazin [store], to the yellow mountain. From there, the young Suchowola girls would bring yellow sand onto the freshly washed floors in honor of Shabbath. On the yellow mountain lived: 30. Yankel the foreman (Tzibuli);
31. Yankel Hirshe's;
32. Yehuda the cooper [makes utensils];
33. Levin the rope maker:
His son Shmuel, active in the social life in town, was a member of the library administration for many years.
34. Avrem'el and Minke Wjadacz:
They had picture beautiful children: Simkhah and Rivkah were active khaveirim [comrades, friends] in Hekhalutz [Jewish youth movement in preparation for settling in Israel].
35. Moishe the coachman (Zak):
Always in the wagon from Suchowola in Bialystok, and from city to town. His son Avrem'el manages
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his father's earnings. His wife Tzipke, with a respectable home, and they give their children a good upbringing.
Janower Street
A familiar route that leads to the corn fields, where children would pick blue flowers and weave wreaths, and the youth would go strolling. The homes that were there were:
36. Yankel Hershel and his wife Lay'ke Avcig's (Seiner):
His children Tzalke and Bobel.
37. Bobke Nisel's (Barelkowski) and Nisel Yoshe's:
They had an open home. Bobke and her dear smile created a warm atmosphere. Reb Nisen, a Jew with a handsome face, and a prayer leader famous for his Hakafos [dancing in circles with the Torah scrolls] on the holiday of Simkhas Torah.
38. Sholom Feige Khanikhe's and his Dvoirke (Stucinski):
Caption: Dvoirke (Sholom's) Stucinski
Sholom lively and animated, Dvoirke's movements, calm and graceful.
39. Leizer and Soni Tykocki:
Of the town's enlightened ones. Of the founders of the library, a fiery Zionist, with the children raised in the spirit of the Land of Israel.
40. Berl Yoikhen's Szklar:
Manages a tavern a difficult moneymaking home. The son Melekh and Khava'ke take over the father's business and earnings.
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Caption: Leizer and Soni Tykocki, the children: Milek, Shlomo, Sima, and Dvoire.
41. Moishe Pimper (Binstein):
A melamed [teacher of religious studies for young children], in his kheder [religious school for young children], his khumash [Torah studies] resonates: Vayomer, and so said, Hashem, Gd, El, to, Moshe to Moishe, Leimor, saying this [opening phrases of Torah portion most commonly studied by children]. Repeated this endlessly with the unique Pimper melody.
42. Efraim Mendel Marinberg:
On the day before Passover, the khalutzim [youth preparing for move to Israel] would come to knead the matzo. Khaver [comrade] Gedaliah wakes up early in the morning, while it is still dark. His experienced hands knead and knead the matzo. Slowly and heavily, the hours drag on.
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43. Aba'le the beadle: the scribe.
44. Gedaliah the blond (Tykucki):
Khayale's father.
45. Sheina Feigel Bialystocki:
Was left as a young widow, and then became the mother and father to her three young sons. But her difficult life did not rob her of her vitality.
46. Masha the blind one:
47. Yankel (Polomyner) and his wife SheinaTziven:
A scholarly Jew. Young boys go eagerly to his kheder. Many of them have already completed Moishe Pimper's Khumash. With a secure hand, Reb Yankel guides his students into the deepest wells of gemara [Talmud] studies.
There are more familiar houses, familiar faces.
48. Yanke the turner [lathe turner]:
49. Libke Simkhowycz;
50. Feivel the mason and the familiar female mason:
In his house.
51. Sima the female beadle and her son Shloime, his wife Tzirel Marinberg:
52. Sholom Matjas with Moshke Tykocki:
53. Khaim Biegun:
The last house before the corn. There,
Caption: Mashe the blind one (first from right to left) in the Suchowola forest.
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Caption of photo at top: Yakov, Sheina, and Batia Tzaban
… Sheina Kaila grew up. There she raised the talented Yisroel'ke.
54. Moish'ke Shmuel Yitzkhok's/Grimcanski/:
A dear Jew. All his years on the road. For practicality, he was a wagon driver, but in reality he was really a Torah scholar. He had a warm upbringing towards the Land of Israel. He hires Jewish khalutzim [youth workers preparing to go to Israel] to work his fields. Feige Reizel was his Ezer Kenegdo [literally, his helper, referring to his wife].
55. Mordekhai the smithy:
56. Yankel Leyb and Bebe Toles and their niece Perl:
Their neighbor was Iser Smoliar [pitch burner] he was a sweet, calm person, an enlightened person, a Hebrew
Caption bottom right: Bebi Toles Kurtz
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teacher in the compulsory school. When the Hebrew school was founded, Smoliar became one of the teachers there until he immigrated to America.
On the large place where there were no structures, opposite Sheinke, was the city water wheel, where there was never a lot of water. Right behind the well:
Caption: The Wind Mill
57. Gershon the blond one (Koleka):
They used to say that his mother Khava Robinjer prepared shrouds over time, and each Friday night she would try them on
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Caption on right top: Gershon and Tzippe Koleka
58. Moishe Irmes and Rebbetzen [rabbi's wife] Szprintze:
Reb Moishe was a melamed of Khumash [Five Books of the Torah] and Rashi [commentary]. Szprintze teaches the Hebrew alphabet and Hebrew translation.
59. Khatzkel the miller Dalistowski:
You always pass his wind mill when you go to the cornfield.
60. Moishe the person who takes care of the barn (Polak):
His son Yoel was one of the first Khalutzim [pioneers preparing for Aliyah to Israel] in town.
61. Alter Hershel the latheturner (Sokhowolski):
Caption: Alter the latheturner in his workshop
All year, he turns out wheels; on the eve of Passover, his house is converted into a matzo bakery.
62. Motke the shoemaker (Kharnat):
And his second wife, the wellknown Elke the cook.
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63. Mendel Shprintze's Farbstein and the featherer (Blakher):
The husband was a Torah scholar and the son Khaim was a genius.
61. Itzche Yeshiye Szkop:
About his brother Khatzkel, they said that once he took some women in his sled in the winter in a cart [made of boards with seats, attached to sled] to Dubrowa. Even before Khatzkel left the town, the cart slid off the sled and Khatzkel keeps going without noticing that he had lost the women. And the women are sitting wrapped tightly in the cart. It's snowing hard. They think that they are going to Dubrowa. Not dead and not alive [oblivious], Khatzkel comes back to Suchowola. When the women see him, they say: So, Reb Khatzkel, is it still far to Dubrowa?
66. Yosel Tzatzkele: The furrier.
67. Moishe the bookbinder:
68. Hershel the shoemaker (Kharnat): Motke's son.
69. Beryl Leizer Schmaltz (Levin):
70. Sheinke Matjas (Goperstein):
In Sheinke's home, there was the library. The librarian Fanny Jozebski. A holy silence would reign in the narrow room. You could feel a respect for the printed word. The library was the center of the town's cultural life. In the times of the Czar, they made great sacrifices for these few books.
71. Khatzkel and Pintze Pjeszcanski and the children Tzirel and Tolke:
They were among the great merchants in the town.
72. Teivel Feige Khanikhe's and Khana (Stucinski):
One of their daughters, Reizel, was wellknown in the Suchowola culture circles. She was a beloved teacher in the compulsory school. The Hebrew teacher Wankhacker lived with them. He contributed greatly to the development of Hekhalutz.
73. Hinde the seamstress and Zeide the latheturner (Tykocki):
She was always sewing. As a trousseau, every bride in town received Hinde's bedcovers with or an with lace
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Caption in picture: Administration of the Suchowola Jewish Socialist Library, August 18, 1928.
Caption under picture: The Library
We come back to the market:
74. Moishe and Sheine Soroh Putiel:
A refined home. Reb Moishe was a community activist, a Zionist leader. He would actively advocate for Israel and if the rude youth would disturb him, he would call them to order with: Have respect for my beard! …
In Putiel's home there lived Sheine Liebe's, the owner of the iron shop.
75. Reb Yisroel the Black Rav:
He was the Rav of the town, and they used to call him the Black One because of his beard. You cannot make much of a living only from being a rabbi, so one has to combine the holy and the mundane. So, the Rebbetzen [rabbi's wife] used to sell yeast. The Rav is a symbol of impeccability. His shoes are shiny, there is no spot of dirt on his satin, black frock, and he slowly approaches his place near the Holy Ark. He will not make an effort to approach his sefer [religious text] without first spreading out one handkerchief on his lectern and another on his seat.
76. Moish'ke the baker and his daughter Feige Rukhel:
77. Hillel the deaf one, his son Beryl, and his wife Esther Tilleh:
Reb Hillel was a great Torah scholar.
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His neighbor, Alter Itze's, an enlightened Jew and his son Simkha (Lazar).
78. Shmuel and Khaya Joykhke's Yaffo:
Reb Shmuel was a dear Jew. Hotly passionate about Israel, of the first members of Khovevei Tzion [Lovers of Zion, forerunners of modern Zionism, promoted immigration to Israel] in town. With great excitement, Reb Shmuel and his family immigrated to Israel.
79. Shlomo Iser's (Rabinowycz):
He was one of the progressive youth. In his courtyard, in a small house, the Russian teacher Katz spent a few tragic years.
80. Bailke Szkliar:
A widow. Her Mendel died young, in a tragic manner. After that, Bailke's fate became even more gruesome. Her beautiful Kayla's life was torn away during a typhus epidemic in town.
81. Yankel Ezra Noski the carpenter (Frantzuz) and Henne Joykhke's:
82. Velvel Feige Khanikhe's (Stucinski) with Nekhama:
Nekhama was a devoted mother. Early every morning, she would tiptoe around the house quietly so as not to disturb the sweet dreams of her young daughter.
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83. Khayke Uzziel's (Seiner):
With her daughter Agge. The Hebrew school was in their courtyard in the later years.
84. Shoshke Velvelikh'es (Marinberg):
There was a terrible tragedy in their home. The young son Velvel was one of the typhus victims in town.
85. Aron Hirsh Tiktin:
86. Alter the shokhet [ritual slaughterer] and his wife Laya Joykhke's:
Alter was a respected Jew, one of the Mizrakhi leaders.
The Old Beis Hamedrash [Study Hall]
The old Beis Hamedrash holds a prominent place in the town: Particularly remembered are Nisel Yoshe's hakofes [dancing with the Torah scrolls] on Simkhas Torah. Reb Nisel holds the Torah scroll like a trembling child, with his deep eyes on fire, his earnest face filled with spirit, and his passion, he captures everyone, young and old. A particularly moving picture in the Beis Hamedrash is the Yizkor [memorial prayer for the deceased]. The women's prayers. Each of them is pouring out her heart to the Creator in her own manner.
87. Menashe Tzirinski:
He lived one house behind the Beis Hamedrash. He spoke with an S letter, and invoked mockery for that, and more than once children made fun: Seigitz [Scoundrel, word is actually Sheigitz], Yungatz [Rascal, word is actually Yungatch]. So I can't say the word Menase [Menashe], but you, Seigitz, Yungatz, you can say the word Menase, so why are you saying Menase?
88. Khana Yerakhmilikh'es (Sztutz):
A dear woman, always invites a guest for Shabbath.
Caption: Khana Yerakhmilikh'es (Sztutz)
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She used to say, So you add another ladle full of water to the chicken soup. Her children Nisel and Leizer, both social activists.
The Synagogue Street
We used to call it the Lower Street. This street leads to the pond, to the small forest, to the cemetery. There is the new Beis Hamedrash, the shul [synagogue], and the baths, lehavdil [may there be a distinction]. Downhill, in the Lower Street, you see:
89. Shimon Brezewer (Marin):
A beautiful home. There lived Szakhne and his wife Sheinke Khaim Dolistawer's, the pretty Rukhel and Khaitze.
90. Shmerl Szloss:
His soninlaw was the first chassid in town.
91. Yankel Sheine's:
He was the warden of the Khevra Kadisha [Burial Society]. A Torah scholar. His soninlaw, Velvel Weinberg, was a great idealist. His Aliyah to Israel made a great impression in town.
92. Khatzkel Koleka:
The melamed, was handicapped, missing a hand.
93. Moishe'ke Farber:
Lanes' soninlaw, Alter Lanes, Toibe's father.
94. Itzche Leibkes:
They used to buy apples and cherries from him.
95. Itzche the furrier:
96. Zeidke Aron Teper:
97. Yoiske the Karpowyczer and his son Alter:
In his home, there was Nowinski's Hebrew school. Nowinski died during the First World War. Neighboring there was Yankel Elkono's well.
98. Zeidke Kalecki:
Worked for the library with great passion.
99. Gedaliah the tailor (Kosai):
In the yard there was the shoemakers' minyan [regular quorum for prayers]. The blond Magid lived alone, poor, depressed. He used to eat in people's homes on designated days. He suffocated from smoke from the shoemakers' minyan.
100. Shlominke the shoemaker:
Lived in a small house, an honest man. Always in difficulty. His daughters, Lieba and Malka,
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his son Eli Kalak, crippled. He was seen at every funeral. When the water for the baths had to be heated, they would call Kalak into the bath! On Friday nights, he would summon: Everyone to the synagogue! When Psalms were to be recited, then Kalak would be among the reciters. If a Zionist meeting needed to be called, then again it was Kalak.
Caption on right: Eli Kalak
Familiar houses, familiar faces:
101. Zeidke Burak (Torin):
102. Hershel the barber, and his wife Khana Poplowski:
Hershel was one of the town's musicians. He played along with his brother Yitzkhok at all the weddings, with their opening song Groom and Bride, Mazal Tov. Hershel's neighbor was the Russian midwife.
Next the lower Beis Hamedrash. At the bottom [of the hill] was the Khevra Tehillim [group that regularly recites Psalms], and at the top the Khevra Torah [the group that regularly studied Torah].
The shul: the beautiful Suchowola shul. They used to say that the shul had existed for generations.
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Prayers were held there only in the summertime. It is shut in the winter. The tahara board [on which dead bodies are placed for the purification rituals before burial] is still near the shul and is being thrown around fearlessly.
Right behind the shul were the baths, may there be a distinction, with the mikveh [ritual bath], the women guards who watched over the women who came to use the mikveh, and the buckets of water…
Here are the familiar houses behind the shul:
104. Khana Feigel Moreina:
Layt'zes parents.
105. Khaikel the dyer (Treszcanski):
108. Freide Reuven's (Baklerowski):
Freide became a young widow. She works hard to provide for her three daughters.
Caption on left: Gedaliah with his parents Hershel and Soroh Puriah
109. Hershel and Soroh Puriah:
Gedaliah's parents.
110. Avremel and Khinke the Khmielowker (the mayor):
111. Mendel the barber:
OizerMordekhai Khawin: The lower Beis Hamedrash would boast of his praying. His wife Khava would help bear the financial yoke. She would bake cakes and rugelech [small croissants, pastries].
112. Zalka the carpenter (Sczwarc):
His oldest son was one of the Glowno performers in the town theater.
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113. Binyoman Khaim the lettercarrier:
On Shabbath, they would come to him to look through the mail. For each letter he would take one kopek.
114. Shloime and Reva Poplowski:
Hershel the barber's parents. Reva was a dear woman. When someone in town just became seriously ill she would tear at the graves and plead for mercy. They used to say that every morning she would go to pray and as she would enter the Beis Hamedrash she would turn to the Creator and say: Good morning, Gd. Your servant Rea has come … Reva served Gd with the deepest faith.
Their son Yitzkhok Poplowski was a wheel maker, but he loved to perform as a musician in the orchestra of the fire brigade, and also played at all the weddings.
115. Shoshe Tzibule:
They used to bake matzos for Passover in her home.
116. Noske the shokhet (Bure):
A Jew, a Torah scholar. His son Meyer was prominent in town as a teacher and social activist.
On Olszanker Street:
117. Itzche the smithy: Moishe Mendel Bielak Efraim's parents. And in the last house before the bridge lived Shoshke Khaim Kare's the sleeve maker:
She was punished by fate. She never had any pleasure in her own life, so she lives with the interest of others. The pond flows nearby. In the summer, the water is filled with greenery; in the winter it is one frozen mass. Between the pond and the water mill there is a small wooden bridge, and from the bridge is the last road to the cemetery.
118. Nekhama Itzche the smithy's Simkha Levin with Gitel Asher Meyer's, and the water mill of Khaim Leizer Liverant and Golde Merk'es:
Warm people. The children are smiley, obedient. The young Khaim, together with two other innocent victims in town, were cruelly murdered, and Golde could never find comfort. She mourned for him for her entire life.
119. Khava Kharnat: Dovid Beryl the miller's (Freiman):
Shmulke the smithy and Soroh (Khorowski):
He was a dear, modest Jew. With one hand
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Caption top left: Dov Beryl the miller's (Freiman)
he pounds out the plough, the steel, and in his other hand he holds a sefer [religious book]. The small letters were not foreign to Shmuel. His son Yankel was one of the first teachers in town.
The other side of the lower street:
120. Bailke the seamstress:
The mail delivery was in her house.
121. Eli Beryl Wolf's (Moreine):
The parents of Leizer and Moishe'l.
Caption: Eli Moreine
[Pages 329-330]
Caption: A memorial from the cemetery
[Page 331]
122. Alter the kettlemaker; Yankel Bagner; Bezalel Khinski; Getelikhe; Avrohom Kovak and Gisze Berek:
They had the best radishes.
123. Shoshke Tzimbal:
Zeidke the fiddler's mother. She had the best bread.
124. Gershon Krupnik, Hershel Drianski, Baile Beryl Wolf's, and Yosel Zekhariah's mother.
The open space opposite the shul:
125. Yosel Lisze's the oil presser, Francuz with the kind children Mashe and Alter.
126. Yitzkhok Isser'kes (Zazdre):
A man burdened with a large family. With love, he called to each of them with a nickname: Khaya'le, Puzele, Kreizel.
The painter Weinstein; Itzche Teper.
127. Leizer Mendel and Fradel Iser'kes/Grodzhenski:
Fradel was the head of the household. And their children, all beautiful and smart.
128. Shakhne Kutz (Berger), his sister Brakha and Ezra Strinkowski; Saczuczikhe; Leybe Torin; Noakh Benski, the tailor and his neighbor Zalman Eli Teper the shoemaker:
129. Alter Ores (Sidranski):
He was with the Khevra Kadisha [the Burial Society], a polished Jew, of the few families who with time immigrated to Israel.
130. Yankel and FeigeHenne Welfk'es (Szpira):
And their sons: Yudel, Khatzkel, Itzel the cantor; and daughters Bobtze and Rivkah. Rivkah was a smart girl, but she was not lucky with seeking a marriage partner. More than once, she borrowed pretty clothes and went to Grodno to meet with a potential groom. It doesn't go. But Rivkah does not become dejected. With her natural humor, she says: I am not a bride for now, but once again a girl.
131. Leybel Erszicke's (Abramowycz):
Their neighbor, Zeidel Jozewski, discouraged, a sick person, but they would say how fine and wealthy he once was. Each of his daughters was more beautiful than the next: Soni, Fanny, Baile.
132. Dovid Galer the watchmaker:
Even though he was a Tiktiner [from Tykocin], but as a Suchowoler
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resident he was very active in the social life, especially for the Keren Kayemet [Jewish National Fund]. A quiet, modest man.
133. Erszke Suchowolski, Eliyahu and Feige Gershon's. Suchowolski and their children Grune the midwife, her brother Velvel Suchowolski:
Caption: Grune the midwife
an enlightened man. One of the first teachers in town. During the German occupation, he was the mayor.
134. Leybtzik the butcher and his wife Lieba:
She used to stand in the women's section of the shul, always ready to hear a kedusha [central prayer, repeated aloud by the prayer leader, part of the shemona esrei Eighteen Benedictions, or the Amidah]. Her lips are mumbling a quiet prayer. It was thought that she improvised her own prayers.
135. Hershel and Dvoire Leibcik's:
Hershel was one of the best dramatic performers in town.
136. Gedaliah Khaim Yankel's and his wife Ettel Sczwarc:
Quiet people. In the home, it was bright, orderly. Their son Eime of the most gifted students in town. Always studying, finishing one subject, and then going right into the next.
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Again, I am back on the mountain, near the old Beis Hamedrash. Before my eyes, I see the empty, wide open place opposite the church. There are some Jewish homes there, and some familiar faces:
137. Mordekhai Moishe Aron's (Rabinowycz):
His son Yosel died during a typhus epidemic. And after his death, the young widow Malka Rabinowycz struggled with her children at home. Hotke lived in the small house of Mordekhai Moishe Aron's.
138. Tankhum Beryl Surazki with Elke Khana Rakhmilikh'es
Avrohom Hershel Tykocki the quilter. And their neighbor: Moti Rac'kes (Sidronski):
A brother of Pesakh Sidronski.
139. Yoel Polak, in Rivkah the milliner's house:
In the front there was a cabinet. In the inner rooms the Hekhalutz [Jewish youth movement for immigration to Israel].
140. Soroh Beryl Leizer's:
A patient mother. They called her son Moishe Kalb [calf]. In town, they all knew him and were afraid of him.
Caption: Moishe Beryl Leizer's (Kalb)
Tifla Street [pagan house of worship] Street this Death Street, is what we called it. This street
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led to the pond. In the summer, girls would go there to bathe. We did not yet know about bathing suits at that time. There was a fear that passersby or groups of merrymakers should not make trouble. They also used to rinse their laundry in this pond. We called it the gret [the washing].
Running down the street, you see familiar houses:
141. Khaikel the melamed:
He lived in a small house. With him they learned Hebrew and Hebrew translation of text. In town they still remembered his kuntzig [capacities manner of teaching], his pointers [how the pointers were used].
142. Mordekhai Yehudah and Tzippe the candle maker (Woroszilski):
Proper people. It seemed that they could never speak loudly. Their children greatly adhered to honoring the father and mother. The neighbors of the candle maker the family Zelman, Itzche Moti the gardener and his large green garden.
143. Khatzkel Leybcik's and his brotherinlaw Moish'ke.
135. Zeidke and Baile Szneiderowski:
A quiet family. Their son Khaim, a modest person, a Hebrew teacher in town.
And their neighbors:
144. Pukelikhe, Zalke the carpenter, Yankel the Szcwarczer [the black one], Shaike Hershke's Suchowolski:
And his beautiful daughter Khaitze.
145. Avrohom Yitzkhok Drianski, Leizer the shaver, Khaszinke, Khone Ezra's, his wife Khava the kanse [?] and their son Ezra.
146. Alter Khaya Pesha's (Zola):
Alter was an unlucky person, unwillingly creating problems for his family. His mother tragically had many problems during her lifetime and was always crying. This phrase remained: Khaya Pesha and her tears.
147. Alter Paczenczi the Korcz's family Bobri, Moish'ke the Grodzisker, Getzel's father:
Babki and Diady [grandmother and grandfather] Berger lived in his home. Right opposite that, in the corner of the empty place in the wall, lived Golde Khaya Rukhel's (Kruk), the oil presser and her husband Moishe Hersh. Leybel Weinstajn the teacher was her brother, Shmerel the chimney sweep.
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Caption: Moishe Hersh (Kruk) and Golde from the brick house, the children: Dvoire, Sheine, Feigel, Yeshayohu.
148. Izak Koze the melamed:
A typical melamed, with his heart and soul. On a Friday, as he would review with the children the Torah portion of the week with the relevant melody, and a nonJew would pass by with a wagon to sell wood, Izak, using the same melody, would negotiate to buy the wood. Viele khotszysz za pura drewo? [How much do you want for this wood? in Polish]. And the nonJew would name his price. With the same melody, Izak would reply: Oszem zloty nye dam [I am not giving eight zlotys in Polish]… Reb Izak does not interrupt his singing. He does not stop the teaching even for one minute….
149. Meyer Itzche Leyb's (Polak) with Khaya Iske Czymbal. Gutke Szmukler the widow. Yosel Bagner. Hershel Czymbal (Moshiakh'ke).
The road stretches again to the market, passing the houses on the other side of Tifla Street:
150. Asher Meyer and Mashe (Ditkowski):
Khana's parents. AsherMeyer'ikhe and the daughters who helped carry the burdens…
151. Z'ame (Zalman) Good Shabbath to you:
For Shabbath, he would go to houses and collect khallah [braided bread] and always say: Good Shabbath to you. That's how his nickname came about. If someone in town would die, then good Shabbos'el would immediately come to the home of the deceased and recite appropriate Psalms. They tell a curiosity about good Shabbos'el that he knew that Sheina Rivkah was dying. So he
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went there and sat by the door. Sima (Daniel's daughter) came out and said to him: Are you crazy? My mother is still alive! Good Shabbos'el replied to her: It doesn't matter, I'll wait.
152. Elke Reine Moreine, Noske the carpenter (Francuz), Yankel Ezra's father, Mordekhai Czymbal.
153. Moishe Aron Braverman (Kakirelcik):
He looked pathetic, but he was not an ordinary Jew. He loved to study a sefer [religious book], a newspaper. He was also a melamed. But he was never able to make a living.
154. Gedaliah the tailor (Pirei), Nude Czemiatczikhe:
On Szmolinke Street, lives Simkha Leizer the melamed, his wife Nutke, and their son Sholom the woodchopper. Leybel Sender with Kunen Saperstein the oil pressers. Later, there lived Hershel Centner, Moti the melamed.
155. Soroh'ke and Hertzke Drianski:
They used to call him the London tailor, and their daughter Nekhe. When Soroh'ke left the town, these people moved in:
156. Shlomo the shokhet [ritual slaughterer] (Amsterdamski) with Rukhel:
He was a Torah scholar Jew, with a shining face, full of wisdom. In their yard was the tombstone maker, in Yosel Pelte's house.
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157. Khaim Leyb Kiluncyk, Zelig the potter:
He used to sell pottery at the market.
158. Zelig's daughter and Moti Shmerel's:
The mail service by Snars'ke the only nonJewish house on the entire Tifle Street. Past the mail service, Yisroel Moishe the painter.
159. Rodi Franckowski:
Her daughters: Bashke, Rivkah, and the son Leybel Franzkowski and Velye (Freiman). Kusiel the pitch burner (Kremer). His son, Meyer Kremer with Yente Sztucz. Kusiel's daughter Freide with Hershel Sakalski (Izak's parents). In Yekusiel's house, Shia Wolodzianski and his children. The house is linked to more memories. Here was once the crown Russian shul, and later lectures and literary evenings were held here.
Caption: Freide Sokolski (Izak's mother)
Passing by the Polish church, you steal glance. How dark, how mysterious it looks! There goes the priest, an enemy of Israel. But he says Good day with a smile.
Karpowycz Street
This street led to the Bell [of the Church] and to the shoemakers' village. And this very nonJewish street was well renowned for its wonderful teawater.
160. Sholom'ke shushushu with Khaya Baile (Rabinowycz):
In their yard was Zelig the harnessmaker /Palewycz/ with
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Caption: Khaya Baile Rabinowycz
his wife Feigel. Fine, hardworking people. And the dear one /Zatz/ and her husband Shloime. She had golden hands, but always struggled.
161. Khatzkel, the aunt Feige Henye's (Szapiro) with Dina'ke:
Avrohom's parents. In the smaller room, Zalman Galanti: a modest person. Never complained about his poor life, always happy with his lot. Always dug into a sefer and writes his own insights.
162. Bashki Galanti (Szepler):
Reb Zalman's daughter. Society work and a book, that was Bashke's life. She worked for the library, for the Linat Tzedek [medical nonprofit aid], she was the prompter in the town's theater. With a book and society work, Bashke forgets her daily challenges. Always trying to do a charitable act, here taking, there giving…. But the book was Bashke's entire life. Bashke's husband, Dovid'el Szepler, was an unlucky person, but an intelligent, pleasant man. A former teacher, a people person, always with a package of newspapers under his arm on his way to the reading room. Dovid would always say: The Lamed [30th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, with an L sound] is burying me in the ground. It's still okay to be a store owner, but a small store owner [kremer'l with the Lamed referring to the diminutive, meaning a small store in this context] has no value. To be an agent [sell] newspapers in Warsaw is not so bad, but to be a small agent [agent'l with the diminutive L or Lamed] in Suchowola is terrible.
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163. Abczig Zoltak and Khaike:
His first wife's name was Henne a respected house. Cultured, beautiful daughters: Tobe, Czirel, Khancz'e.
164. Shmuel Meyer's (Brumer):
A fine Jew, the Kozianer [jewel, most prestigious] Rebbe in the town.
His daughter, Tobe.
Caption: Tobe (Shmuel Meyer's) Brumer
165. Shimon Rabiner (Koleko):
And his frail Golde. The children always took care of their mother.
166. Freida and Khaya Reuven's:
Caption: Freida (Reuven's) Jakimowski
[Page 340]
Caption: Khaya Reuven's
The two sisters worshipped their father Reuven. Freida (Jakimowski) was strongly Gdfearing. If sometimes she could not strengthen herself and refrain from speaking too much, then she would cover her mouth with her hand and say: I think I haven't spoken [said anything bad] about anyone.
167. Khana Nisel's:
Caption: Nisen and Khana (Bobri)
She was always at the flour board or at the oven baking cake, and from that she earns the skimpy living. Khana and Reb Nisen made their life's accounting saying that no one lives forever, and both died in the Holy Land. If you're already going to die, then it should be in the Land of Israel. They used to say that when they boarded the ship Khana did not want to move away from the ship's edge, thinking that at the edge of the ship the cost
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was cheaper. I have no more money to pay, she said.
168. Moish'ke and Lieba Esther:
Mendel's parents. A quiet family. Their neighbor was the mute tailor (Libling) with his pretty Soroh Dina (Khaikel the melamed's). Soroh Dina greatly protected her mute husband, disregarding his handicap. With the tzimmes [sweet cooked carrot dish] for Shabbath, she would busy herself from time to time. On Mondays, she would bring up the basket of carrots from the cellar, so that it would cook itself a little. On Tuesdays, she would peel the carrots and put them into cold water. On Wednesdays, she would completely cook the carrots. On Thursdays, she would cut up the carrots into wheels and pour sugar onto them. On Fridays, Soroh Dina would adjust the carrots, let them stew well, and when the mute would come home from shul on Shabbath, he would have great pleasure as he would take some cold tzimmes to eat.
169. Khaim Lieder Lipszyc and Hinde Feige Khanikhe's:
She is a smart person and a businesswoman. He, a scholar, always happy, full of energy. Their son Hertzel, was of the first students in town.
170. Itzche the blind shoemaker (Karalinski):
And his wife Malka Shloim'inkes live in the yard. Day in and day out, he is putting soles on shoes, and his own children are always going around barefoot. There is no khallah [braided bread] available for making the blessing over bread [implying that the shoemaker's children are always barefoot]. Their neighbor a poor woman, the wife of the beadle.
171. Khaim Dolistower (Liverant):
And his daughters: the pretty Babcze a teacher in the German compulsory school; Sheinke Shakhne Morin's wife; and the tragic Yakhke, one of the three innocent victims who were brutally murdered near Suwolk; Rivkah Rubin and her husband Moish'ke who were settled in Bialystok, and later went to America.
172. Khana (Khaya Pesha's) Zole and Hershel the turner (Sukhowolski):
As children, they would watch how people would work the lathe [turner], as wheels would be cut out and put together. Hershel's son Velvel worked in Zowod.
173. Moshe Gornostowski, his son Khatzkel and KhayaSoroh:
A dear family, their home was very neat.
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Caption: Moshe Gornostawski
174. Khatzkel (Wansal) and Reitza Sufal Leybel (Velvke's) the painter and Golde Dvoire (Kruczel):
They used to say that the uncle once rode through a field that was behind his house. He noticed that there were coins strewn across the entire field. Not wanting to be the only one getting pleasure from that which is ownerless, he brings in his neighbors to help collect the coins. Aunt Golde always took care of the children: the daughter Khaitze with her husband Shloime Szpekht.
In the last houses on Karpowyczer Street there were:
175. Abbe the smithy; Khaya and Leybe Korczes (Bobri):
176. Moishe Aron the smithy, Leybe the turner, Moti the carpenter, and Soroh Pesha and children Khaike and Beryl. Zuske Lopszyc (the turner), the family Geizen and daughters.
177. Meyer Dovid Liverant and his wife Sheina:
Around the house was a beautiful orchard and a well in the yard.
178. The beadle of the old Beis Hamedrash [Study Hall]:
With his only daughter Shoshke, who later married Velvel Hershel the turner. Moish'ke Farbstein. Behind his house, there stretches the long fence that leads to Daniel Szkliarz' brewery. Daniel's home looked like a palace. Daniel, the wealthy man in town, and his wife Sheine Rivkah. In those years, they
[Page 343]
Caption: Motye the carpenter and his family
understood to educate their daughters and even to send them to gymnasium [high school]. Between Daniel's house and Gitel Kende's, there is a narrow, little street, the shoemakers' village. Right at the very beginning of the shoemakers' village is Itzche Motil'yes (the carpenter) and his son Leizer, Moish'ke the baker's soninlaw, and right opposite that the commissary. To separate, Gitel Kende's and Reine Gitel's. Gitel Kende's, very elderly, did not merit to have any joy from her daughters.
The neighbors closer to the house:
179. Feigel the Dombower, Yoske Drianski (Mule's parents), and neighbours: Dovid Jerozolimski and Nekhama Yankel the butcher's, Alter and Khienka Kaminska:
Reb Alter book smart, Khienka a fine wife.
[Page 333]
180. Itamar and Szprintze Niselkowski:
Reb Itamar was a dear, modest Jew. Always advocating for Israel, and for himself he gave not only speeches but also performed deeds. He leaves behind a comfortable home, good livelihood, and goes up to the Holy Land. The entire population of the new Beis Hamedrash went out to escort Itamar with candles. When they arrived to Jerusalem, by the ancient settlement, Reb Itamar kissed the ground and recited the blessing of shehecheyanu [in celebration of special occasion].
181. Itamar's daughter Soroh Rukhel and Mendel Noske's (Bure):
She inherited her parents' most beautiful character traits: warmth, and love for every person.
Caption: Mendel and Soroh Rukhel Bure
[Page 345]
Caption: Velv'ke and Nekhama Kruczel
Mendel was of the enlightened ones in town. For the Land of Israel, Mendel Noske's was prepared to exchange a comfortable life for a difficult one. In the year 1923, they leave behind the town, together with Reb Itamar.
A large wooden fence and a yard lead the wall to:
182. Velv'ke Kruczel's inheritors:
To the grandfather Khatzkel, to the uncle Mordekhai Yosel, to the uncle Abbe. In the little house in a corner at the beginning of Karpowyczer Street, is Henye Feige's the widow (from Khodorowka) with her only daughter Laike Zabielski. Henye was always knitting stockings. She knits all day, and she knits all night. She nods off from exhaustion, but her hands keep knitting.
[Page 346]
The visit to the town ended. The dream is torn away. Once again, at home, running through each street, every corner, looking into just about each house. Each person was so close to the heart: friends, acquaintances, near and far neighbors.
My pen is inadequate to describe how horrifying is the feeling of waking up and seeing that no one is there any longer, and will never be. A large cemetery. There is no home any longer. No more Suchowola…
May the memory of all our dear ones be blessed!
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