Table of Contents

Index of photographs including captions

Translated by Peter Zinn

Caption Page
Reb Shmuel Meir's Brumer and his wife Sarah-Beila 31
Reb Yaakov Yakimovsky 33
Reb Reuven Luria (the Melamed) 38
The Synagogue of Suchawola 41
Rabbi Kalir and the heads of the Community: G. Schwartz and Ze'ev Sokhovolsky 44
Reb Natan the Shokhet (Bura) 46
Reb Alter the Shokhet (Mali) 47
Reb Yona the Shokhet 47
The Community Committee 48
The School building 51
A Class the Hebrew School ; in the centre - the teachers 53
A Class the Hebrew School ; in the centre - the teachers 55
The School and the teachers 57
The founders of the library: Right to Left: Tevel Kaleko, Leizer Tikotsky, Khaim Gupershtein and Yudel Krutsel 59
The library committee in 1922 63
The librarians: Moshe'l Gupershtein and Gedalia Bilostotsky 65
The Keren Kayemet le-Yisrael Committee 1927 67
A fair for the Keren Kayemet 69
The “Shachar” and “T'hiyya” youth movements 73
The “Linat Tzedek” Society 85
Reb Shlomo and Reeva-Miriam Poplovsky 87
Reb Khatskel and Sarah Goronosteisky 89
Reb Alter and Khana Sidransky 89
Reb Tuvia and Khana Stotchinsky 90
Malka Krutsel 92
Reb Michael and Gittel Shteinberg 96
Pioneer Training 103
The „Chalutz“ Histadrut 109
„Tse'irey Tsion“ Activists 111
The „'Alizim“ brigade of the „haShomer haTza'ir“ movement 115
The “ha Shomer haTza'ir” movement 117
The “heKhalutz haTza'ir” Histadrut 119
Reb Yaakov and Sheina Sokhovolsky 124
The new Beit haMidrash 131
The first School : Yerukham Levin, Reizel Stotchinsky and Malka Tablinsky 145
Compulsory school in 1916 (year 1) 147
Avraham-Yitzhak and Freida Zalman 153
The Moyer beit midrash on the “Barg” 155
Yukheke Liverant 158
Shlomo and Khaitze Shpecht (Krutsel). The children: Menashe and Leibel'e 161
The great fire of 1926 163
The house of Yudel Krutsel 166
Hershke and Devora Krutsel: Betzalel, Rakhel and Miriam 168
Reb Mordekhai-Yehuda and Tsippe Vorushilsky 172
The market square 177
Mordechai-Yossel Krutsel 181
Reb Zalman Yaffe 188
Yitzhak Privolsky 191
Yehudit Privolsky 193
Moshe Katz and his students 195
The teacher Khaim Shneiderovsky 198
Bashke Sheffler-Galanti 198
Yaakov and Sarah Adelfang 207
Simkha and Kheshke Berzon 208
Gedalyahu and his sister Leah Stotchinsky 212
Shalom and Mashka Tikotsky and their sons Shmuel and Leizer'ke 213
The Strinkovsky family 217
Asher-Meir and Masha Ditkovsky 217
Grandmother Merka from Karapovitch 220
Gedalyahu Tikotsky 221
Reb Abba Ostrov 222
Rivtze Ostrov 222
Grona Sokhovolska (the midwife) 223
Deported Jews at the Grodno Camp 231
Kaila Tikotsky and her friends: Rach'tche Smolar and Freid'l Ferber 241
Mottel'e and Hershel'e, children of Kaila Tikotsky 242
Miriam Brumer, Kheinke Bigun and Teibel Vilodzansky 245
Leah'ke Liebling, Feig'l Berelkovsky and Sheina Sokolsky 247
Kheinke Bigun and Khana Krutsel, Khaim Eistenshtadt (grandson of Moshe'ke Krutsel), Sarah and Moshe Sokhovolsky (children of Velvel), Ester'ke Krutsel (Yudel's child), Sarah'le Pishtchansky (daughter of Dinah'ke), Malka'le Khazansky (daughter of Khayya) 249
Khana Poplovsky 251
Khaim and Yehoshua (Ishiye) Gupershtein 275
Reb Leizer and Fraid'l Yaffe (Zalman's parents) 279
The Synagogue - Di Shul 281
Yerukham Levin 283
The library committee 1925. Isser Smolar (the first from the right) 297
Henny-Rachel's house on the “Barg” (Krutsel) 305
The funeral of Esther'ke Yudel's child. The second from left to right: the zeide Khatskel, Sender Ostravo, the bobbe Henny-Rachel, the mother Yehudit 305
Mirke' - Nakhman Khatskel's - Krutsel (with a child) 308
Avraham the Khassid's children 309
Moshe “Kalb” 311
Daniel Maggid 312
Devora'ke (Shalom's) Stotchinsky 314
Leizer and Sonny Tikotsky, the children: Milak, Shlomo, Sima and Devorah 315
Masha di blinde (the blind - the first from the right) in the Suchawolier forest 315
Yaakov, Sheina and Batya Tzaban 317
Babi Tolles Kurtz 317
The Windmill 318
Gershon and Tsippe Kaleko 319
Alter Sokhovolsky the “Takker” in his workplace 319
The library committee 1928 321
Khana Yerakhmielich'kes (Shtotz) 323
Eli Kaliuk 325
Gedalyahu with his parents Hershel and Sarah Poriah 326
David Berel the Miller (Freiman) 328
Eli Merainah 328
Tombstones: 1. Two brothers Gershon: Reb Yosef Leib, Avraham David, sons of Yaakov 2. Mordekhai Epshtein son of Reb Shlomo Zalman haLevi 3. Yitzhak Sender son of Rabbi Alexander 4. Rachel Leah Krutsel daughter of Mordechai Yosef 5. Zlatte Kheinki Sochovolsky daughter of Reb Shmuel 329
Gruna the “Akusherke” Sokhovolsky 332
Moshe Berel-Leizer's (Kalb) 333
Moshe-Hirsch (Kruk) and Golda from Moyer. The children: Devorah, Sheina, Feig'l, Yesha'yahu 335
Fraida Sokolsky (Isaac's mother) 337
Khayya-Beila Rabinovitch 338
Toive (Shmuel-Meir's) Brumer 339
Fraida (Reuven's) Yakimovsky 339
Khayya Reuven's 340
Nissan and Khana (Bovri) 341
Moshe Goronosteisky 342
Matya the Stollar and the family 343
Mendel and Sarah-Rachel Bura 343
Velfke and Nekhama Krutsel 345
Peretz Hirschbein 351
Yudel Krutsel 370
Ephraim-Mendel and Reitze Marenberg and their son Leizer 383
Zeide and Hinda Tikotsky 387
Fanny Rabinowitch-Lipshitz 395
Khaim-Leizer Liverant 405
Golda Liverant 406
Moly Driyansky in the library committee (1924) 415
Abtchik Zaltok's daughter Teibe and Esther and their friends and 3 children of Beile Yazavsky 419
Bashke Galanti -Sheffler 421
Reb Yankel Tsaban (second from the right) with his students: Khaim Shneiderovsky, Yankel Rabinovitch and H. Levinson. 429
Moshe'ke and Toyv'ke Krutsel with their children (from right to left): Their daughter Khana'le, Hinde and Rachel (in Israel) 433
Alter Kaminsky 443
The “Pozsharne Commando” (the firefighters) 447
Leibel Tikotsky (second from the left) in a banquet in the Yannover street 449
The last committee of the library (10th August 1938) 453
Celebration of the acquisition of the 2000th book, 21st October 1931 453
Shprintsa and Itamar Nisselkovsky 463
Daniel Shklar 467
Sheina-Rivka Shklar 468
Max Skivelsky and his wife Sima (Shklar) 469
Reb Shmuel Khorovsky 471
Sol Rosenblum 473
Shlomo (Solomon) Veinshtein 475
Reb Yosef Veinshtein 476
Prof' Oscar Yanovsky and his wife Pearl 477
Khatskel Ostrovo 479
Alter Itses' children from right to left: Sender, Simcha'l and Esther Lazar 487
Henny-Rachel Krutsel 495
Kheike and Khava'ke Henny-Rachel's (left to right) by the Shabbat table 499
Leibel Kamikai 503
Moshe'l and Mariashke Gupershtein 509
Simcha'l Lazar (America) and his wife Mashke Stotchinsky 513
Yisrael (Hershkes) Krutsel and Yisrael (Melech's) Shklar (right to left) 531
In the second row from left to right: Sheindel Cohen with her mates 533
Sender Privolsky 543
Shlomo'ke Privolsky (Chicago) with Avraham golov in Israel the first from the right, with their friends from the shtetl (all dead) from the second on the right: Khatskel Stotchinsky, Yisrael Grodzinsky, Leizer Marinberg, Shmuel Tsaban, Itschi Babvri and Leibel Frantzkovski 545
Active members of the Suchawoler Ladies Association in New York, from right to left: first row: Saidie Tritman, Fraide Veinshtein-Miller (Chairman), Aida Gold (Mendel Maraine's wife). Second row: the second from the right: Sidney Kramer (Driyanski), Sheryl Kramer and Sarah Liebman 553
Our expatriates in Mexico 557
Eli Poplovsky with his circle of friends in Mexico 559
Our expatriates in Israel 561
The Committee of the Organisation of Suchawolers in Israel. From right to left: Gedalyahu Poria, Eisik Sokolsky, Reine Stotchinsky-Yankelovitchm Moshe Venkhotzker, Khana Privolsky-Shteinberg, Khana Krutsel-Droyan, Yosef Tzaban, Mordechai Tikotsky, Peshke Liverant-Sokolsky, Rivka Vyadatch-Matz, Miriam Sidransky-Rubenstein, Leizer Zazdere-Yeshurun 563
Our activists in America (from right to left): Ida Miller (Detroit), Yaakov Tikotsky (Philadelphia), Freida Miller (New York) 565
Mordekhai Grimitchansky 566
Pearl Geizen 566
Itzi Driyansky with children 566
Pesh'l Geizen-Poria 566
Alter Yosskes-Gritz 566
From left to right: Devorah Grimitchansky (in Israel) and her late friends Rachel Grimitchansky, Esther Rabinovitch, Khana Tikotsky and Isske Grodzinsky 566
Sherke and Hertzki Driyansky 567
Sheina Marin-Liverant 567
Zusske and Blumke Shmuel-Meir's - Zaltzman 567
Nekhe Sherkes with child 567
Fruma Gedalya's Tikotsky 567
Esther Pollack 568
Rachel Marin 568
Velvel Hershel “the Takkers” Sokhovolsky 568
Kaila Marinberg 568
From right to left: Khaim Krutsel, Leyke Hennie's Zavialsky with her husband and children 568
Pearla Tsimbal 569
Yitzhak and Beilke Tzimbal and their daughter Tzila 569
Khana-Rachel Tsimbal 569
Etke Atlasavitch-Tsimbal 569
From right to left: Nekhama'ke Tikotsky-Tzaban and child, Khana Krutsel, Rivka Krutsel 569
Gedalyahu and Babke Pirey and their (6) children 570
Avraham'e the watercarrier 570
Khaim Shneiderovsky's children (3) 570
Beile and Zeidke Schneiderovsky 570
Yankel Rabinovitch 571
Khona and Khava the “kense” Right to left: Esther Poplovsky and Zelda Yashinovodlinsky 571
Elke Shtotz (Khana Rakhmiel's) 571
The (2) children of Rivka Shapiro-Shafransky 571
Leibel Sidransky and his family (wife + 5 children) 572
Eli Apt and Sheina (Sokolsky) 572
Hershel and Rachel Sokolsky 572
Monish Sidransky 573
Minka and Avraham Viyadatch 573
Simkha Viyadatch, Yoel Krawitz 573
Itke Sidransky 573
Reuven and Sheina Dombrovsky (Bashke Driyansky's children) 573
Bashke Driyansky-Dombrovsky 573
Yudel and Khashke Krutsel with their children Milak and Shprinza 574
Esther Avraham-Yitzhak's Driyansky 574
Bashke Shapiro and her husband 574
Manya Viyadatch (Zeidke Berel Shiyya's wife) 574
Masha Viyadatch 574
Yisrael (the Kerzner) and Beila Kaleko 575
Merke Shimon's (Kaleko) and her husband 575
Shmuel Tsaban 575
Rachel Poplovsky 575
Nekhe Shapiro 575
Khana Driyanski 576
Avraham-Yitzhak Driyansky 576
From right to left: Daniel and Khesh'l Shklar (Melech's children) 576
The funeral of Hershel Driyansky 576
Gid'on Eilon 613
Yerakhmiel Amali (Milak Tikotsky) 613
Dr. Avraham Droyan 615
Tsvi Droyan 616

Table of Contents

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