Ivano Frankivsk (Stanislawow)
Yizkor Book

Book Illustrations and Family Tree Charts

Captions translated by Orit Feldman

Caption Page
Dr. Karl Halpern and Reb Avraham Halpern 56
Dr. Shmuel Shor and Dr. Anzelem Halpern 56
Rabbinical Family Trees of the Horwitz and Halpern Families 64
Rabbi Arie Leibish Hurvits and Rabbi Moshe Hurvits 72
Rabbi Dr. Mordechai Zev Broda 104
Dr. Karl Halpern's Funeral 224
Dr. Reuben Yonas 248
Reb Moshe Hochman and Dr. Alexander Ritterman 248
The Big Synagogue – External view, front 360
Interior of the Big Synagogue 360
Washbasin from the year 1573 368
The Holy Ark in the Big Synagogue 368
"Tsadik Adonai b'chol drachav" and "Hineni ha'ani mi ma'as" 375
"Arim ve Imahot b'Israel: Stanislawow" 376
"Ya'ale tachnunenu me'erev" 377

Table of Contents

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