[Page 391]
G-d, full of mercy, judge of widows and father of orphans, please do not keep silence over the blood of Israel that has been poured out like water; give true rest on the wings of the Divine Presence, in the heights of the holy and pure, who shine like the radiance of heaven, to the souls of the six million Jews, and among them two thousand members of the holy congregation of Sokoly, men, women, boys, girls and infants who were murdered, slaughtered, burned, strangled and buried alive by the hands of the German monster enemies and their evil servants – Poles and others (may the names of the evil rot) in the concentration camps and gas chambers of Treblinka, Auschwitz and Maidanek, in the forests, in the bunkers and hiding places, in Sokoly and in the vicinity.
All of them are holy and pure, may their rest be in the Garden of Eden. Therefore, the Owner of mercy will bind their souls in the bonds of life. G-d is their heritage; He will remember their binding and their merit will stand for us and all of Israel; the land will not cover their blood and there will not be a place for their cries, and the holy ones will always be remembered, their righteousness will be before your eyes; may they rest in peace. And let us say Amen.
[Page 392]
Many, oh how many, are the places where the bones and ashes are scattered, of our dear ones who were murdered at the hands of the Nazis and their helpers and did not merit a Jewish burial.
May these pages of memory be a monument for them.
Observe! You are the mourner and the orphan! Look and scan their names with your eyes, as if you were walking among their graves in the cemetery.
Here they lie:
Your father, your mother, your children, your brother and your sister, grandfather and grandmother – murdered, shot and hung, strangled and burnt. Walk in silence, silently, silently. Try to raise in your imagination at least a particle of the atrocities, the torments, the pains and the suffering that happened to them.
Their eyes are fixed upon you; their glances remind and claim. Remember them, remember! Engrave within yourself and in your soul the memory of your holy ones, like a monument!
Remember and do not forget!
Arranged by family groups
Translated, arranged and edited by Avigdor Ben-Dov
(Editorial amendations shown in brackets.)
Note: The Yiddish names and Polish diminutives taken from the necrology in the Yizkor Buch were Hebraicized to conform with modern Hebrew usage and the English translation reflects this treatment. Common examples of this are: Velvel - Zeev; Label - Aryeh; Hontche - Hannah; Herschel - Tzvi; Berel - Dov; Itchka - Yitzhak; Itka - Ida; and Mirka - Miriam. |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Surname | Family |
ALINOVITZ | Yitzhak, his wife and children |
ALLENBERG | Baruch, his wife and children |
APPLEBAUM | Ida, her husband and children |
ASTROWITZ | Yitzhak, his wife, Hadassah and their children, Shalom and Chana |
ASTROWITZ | Shabtai and his wife |
AYNE | Daniel, his wife, Fruma, their daughter, Tsipora and their two sons |
Moshe, his wife, Liba and their two children | |
BARAN | Zusel, his wife, Dubah and their two children |
BARAN | Tuvia, his wife and their son, Shmuel |
BARAN | Yitzhak, his wife, Perlah and their children, Dov, Shmuel, Frumah |
BARAN | Alter, his wife and their son, Dov |
BEKLAROBSKY | Drobnah and her daughter, Brineh |
BEKLAROBSKY | Bashka and her husband, Meir |
BEKLAROBSKY | Zeev, his wife and children |
BERLINER | Chana |
BERLINER | Zaidel, his wife and their two children |
BIALA | Chaikel, his wife and children |
BIALODBORSKY | Abba, his wife and daughters, Kelah and Genendal |
BIALODBORSKY | Chaya Leah [and] her son, Elimelech |
BIALOSTOTSKY | Leah [and] her children, Yaakov and Zissel (Metukah) |
BIALOSTOTSKY | Nachum, his wife and children |
BIALOSTOTSKY | Aryeh and his wife |
BIALOSTOTSKY | Moshe, his wife and children |
BIBER | Yitzhak, his wife, Libbeh [and] their daughter, Zelatka |
BIDENOVITZ | Zalman Arye, his wife and their daughters, Sarah and Rachel |
BIDENOVITZ | Rachel and her two children |
BIDKO | Alter, his wife, Yentah and their two sons |
BIDKO | Yaakov [and] his wife, Sarah Rachel |
BLOSTEIN | Yechiel [and] his wife, Malka |
BLOSTEIN | Yosef, his wife, Michaela [and] their children, Mordechai Moshe and Hinda |
BLOSTEIN | Aryeh, his wife and their three children |
BLOSTEIN | David, his wife and children |
BLOSTEIN | Shmuel [and] his [children], Miriam Rashka, Esther, Fruma Sarah, Rachel, Shalom |
BLUMENBLATT | Aryeh, his wife and their four daughters |
BLUMENBLATT | Chaim [son of Aryeh] and his wife, Idka |
BLUMENBLATT | Reuven, his wife and their three children |
BLUMENBLATT | (wife of Meir) and her children |
BLUMENBLATT | Chaim (son of Meir), his wife and children |
BLUMENBLATT | Yechezkel and his wife |
BLUMENKRANTZ | Falk, his wife, Bashka and their four children |
BLUMENKRANTZ | Reuven, his wife and their three children |
BOROWITCH | Avraham [and] his wife, Sarah |
BOROWITCH | Masha [and] her children, Rachel and Malka |
BOROWITCH | Nachum, his wife, Chana [and] their children, Yehuda and David |
BOROWITCH | Aharon [and] his brother, Zeev and their sisters |
BRILL | Tzvi and his wife |
BRILL | Liba and her son, Asher |
BURAK | Eliyahu [and] his son, Chaim Yitzhak |
BURAK | Aharon Zeev and his wife |
BURSHTEIN | Avraham, his wife, Dinah [and] their children, Motal, Izik [and] their four daughters |
Chaya Rachel and her children, Reitcha, Hinda, Kreindel, Kalman | |
CHARNETSKY | Nathan, his wife, Zahava and their son, David Shlomo |
CHARNETSKY | Eliezer and his wife, Devorah |
CHARNEY | Avraham, his wife and children |
CHARNEY | Zusel, his wife, Tova Leah and their children |
CHARNEY | Moshe and his wife, Shosha Tsipora |
CHARNEY | Meir and his wife |
CZERBONICZ | Dubka and her children, Yaakov Eliezer and Rivka |
CZERBONICZ | Yechezkel, his wife, Malka and their children |
CHERVANITZ | Mina and her son, Yosef |
CHOROVSKY | Zeidel, his wife and their children, Yehosha and Shaine |
DECHOVITZ return | Chaim and his sister |
DECHOVITZ | Yisroel, his wife, Chaya, their daughter and sons, Alter, Aharon, Mendel |
DIGOLATCH | Alter, his wife, Tova and their daughter |
DJEJEH | Beila Gita and her children |
DVORKOVITZ | Yaakov, his wife, Chaya Sarah and their daughter, Idka |
DVORKOVITZ | Chaim David, his wife, Tova and their children, Yeshayahu, Chava, Liba |
FABZNER return | Rachel (Gutman) |
FINKELSTEIN | Esther and her son, Chanan |
FLEER | Avraham, his wife, Nechamah and their child |
FLEER | Chaim Yitzhak, his wife, Devorah and their children, Shoshana, Rachel, Elka, Shlomo |
FLEER | Mela and her daughter, Hennia |
FLEER | Neshka and her children, Chaya, Mordechai, Aharon |
FLEER | Bezalel, his wife, Sarah and their children, Motel and Bashka |
FLEER | Shmuel, his wife, Bashka and their children |
FREIMAN | Michael, his wife, Nechamah (Goldin) and their child |
FRIDMAN | (the Teacher) |
GINZBURG return | Yonah, his wife, Tsilina and their daughter, Aviva |
GINZBURG | Alter and his wife, Ida |
GOLDBERG | Dubka |
GOLDBERG | (wife of Yaakov) |
GOLDBERG | Avraham and his wife, Melah |
GOLDBERG | Yisroel, his wife, Sprintsa and their son, Zalman |
GOLDBERG | Tuvia, his wife, Rachel and their children, Sarah, Rashka, Malka, Elimelech, Chaim Eliezer |
GOLDBERG | Chaya |
GOLDBERG | Bailah and her daughter |
GOLDBERG | Shlomo and his wife, Malka Leah |
GOLDGRAD | (daughter of Hasid, David Shlomo) and her children, Pinchas and Shoshana |
GOLDIN | Alter, his wife, Shosha and their son, Chaim |
GOLDIN | Alter, his wife, Sarah and their three children |
GOLDIN | Yaakov and his wife, Miriam |
GOLDOSAR | Chaim Boruch and his wife, Rashke [Rachel] |
GOLDSHTEIN | Genyah and her daughter, Hila |
GOLDSHTEIN | Bolak, his wife, Tzvia and their child |
GOLDSHTEIN | Moshe Dov, his wife, Hatal and their children, Yitzhak, Aharon, Tsilah |
GONSHAK | Reuven, his wife, Rivka and their son, Shmuel |
GORKOVITCH | Yaakov Tzvi, his wife, Fruma and their children, Rachel and Shlomo |
GORKOVITCH | Leah and her two daughters |
GOZBONDA | Meir, his wife and child |
GREENBERG | Moshe, his wife, Aviva and their two children |
GREENBERG | Pearl Gita |
GREENBERG | Shlomo, his wife,Genyah and their two children |
GREENSPAN | Yitzhak Meir and his wife, Pearl |
GRITCHAK | Yaakov Moshe, his wife, Sarah Hennia and their grandson, Yehuda |
GROSSMAN | Rivka and her husband |
GUTTMAN | Raphael, his wife, Dinah and their daughter |
GUTTMAN | Leah |
GUTTENFELN | Dr. David |
HIRSHMAN return | Yisroel, his wife, Liba and their sons, Mordechai and Chaim |
HIRSHMAN | David Shlomo, his wife and child |
HODSHAR | Yukal, his wife, Yosefa and their son |
ICHKOVSKY return | Chaya and her sister, Simcha |
KAFKA return | Malka |
KALINA | Yitzhak and his wife, Dubkah |
KALINA | Esther Rivka |
KALIPOWICZ | Shlomo Yaakov, his wife, Shaine Raizel and their children, Yehudit and Aharon Yehuda |
KAPLAN | Dov Aryeh, his wife and children |
KAPLAN | Zeidkah |
KAPLAN | Zeidka, his wife, Tsipa and their children, Arye, Sarah, Yisroel |
KAPLAN | Shmuel, his wife and children |
KAPLAN | Eliyahu and his wife, Kelah |
KAPLAN | David, his wife, Tova and their children |
KAPLANSKY | Yaakov and his son, Avraham |
KAPLANSKY | Dov, his wife and their children |
KARABTSEVITCH | Shlomo Yaakov and his wife, Zipporah |
KARABTSEVITCH | Tzvi and his wife |
KARABTSEVITCH | Shlomo, his wife, Leah and their sons, Fishel and Avraham |
KAROSHNANSKY | Miriam and her children, Meitah, Zeev, and Aryeh |
KAROSHNANSKY | Shmuel, his wife, Chana (Baran) and their children |
KAROSHNANSKY | Yaakov, his wife, Esther and their daughter, Basha Rivka |
KASHEVITCH | Yehoshua, his brother, Chanan [and their mother] |
KATSHUBA | Meir, his wife, Sarah and their daughter |
KATZAROVITZ | Sarah Malka and her son, Asher |
KERASNOVORSKY | Aryeh, his wife, Shevah and their children |
KERASNOVORSKY | Shabtai, his wife, Chaya and their children |
KIRSHENBAUM | Simcha and his children |
KOBILINSKY | Meyer, his wife and their children, Aharon and Fruma |
KOBILINSKY | Meir, his wife, Rachel Leah and their six children |
KOENIGSBERG | Chana Reizel |
KOLODZINSKY | Zelig and his wife, Hennia |
KOLODZINSKY | Sarah and her children |
KOLODZINSKY | Chaim and his daughter |
KOLODZINSKY | Chanania and his wife |
KOLODZINSKY | Yaakov, his wife and children |
KRAKOVIAK | Feivel, his wife and children |
KRANCHEL | Mindel and her children |
KRANCHEL | Boruch |
KRAVITZ | Shmuel Tzvi, his wife, Hindah and their children, Shoshka, Hadassah, Shifra, Shaindel, Meir,Yosef, Shaul David |
KRUSHAVSKY | Yaakov, his wife, Elka and their children |
KRUSHAVSKY | Reuven, his wife and their children |
KRUSHAVSKY | Mordechai, his wife and children |
KRUSHAVSKY | Dov, his wife, Reizel and their children |
KUMACHEVSKY | Yitzhak, his wife, Sarah Rachel and their children, Faige, Rivka, David |
KUMACHEVSKY | Kalman, his wife, Chaya Sarah and their son, Moshe |
KUMACHEVSKY | Dov, his wife and children |
KUMACHEVSKY | Dov and his children, Yehudit, Motel, Sarah |
KUMACHEVSKY | Aryeh, his wife, Nechah and their children, Motel, Chaya, Elka, and their only son |
KURAK | Yisroel, his wife, Gita and children |
KUZA | Ludka and his sister, Stepha |
KOZLOVITZ | Shalom, his wife, Rachel and their daughters, Tsipora and Bracha |
KUZSHOL | Shalom, his wife, Tsipora and their daughters |
KUZSHOL | Reuven and his sister, Margalit |
LANGLEIB return | Yishayahu, his wife and their daughter, Esther |
LANGLEIB | Eliyahu, his wife, Duba and their children |
LAX | Zisha, his wife, Bobcheh (Ratchekobsky) and their children |
LEFCHINSKY | Aryeh, his wife, Sarah and their daughter, Tsipora |
LEFCHINSKY | Abraham, his wife and children |
LEFCHINSKY | Nisan, his wife, Shirkeh and their children |
LEFCHINSKY | Chaim Shimon and his wife, Yaffa |
LEFCHINSKY | Nissan and his wife, Hinda Leah |
LEFCHINSKY | Abba, his wife, Chaya Zipora and their children |
LEFKOBSKY | Avraham, his wife, Chaya and their children |
LEFKOBSKY | Chaim Gershon, his wife, children and [grandmother] |
LEV | Aharon Eliyahu [and his mother] |
LEV | Chaya and her children, Yehudit and Eliyahu |
LEV | Leah (wife of Yehuda) |
LEV | Bashka and her son |
LEV | Arye, his wife and children |
LEV | Rivka and her children, Yisroel, Yishayahu, Boruch |
LEV | Shmuel Arye, his wife, Devorah and their children, Mendel and Chaya Sarah |
LEV | Shabtai, his wife, Malka and their son, Kadish |
LEVIN | Yitzhak, his wife, Fredl (Bialodworsky) and their daughter, Yehudit |
LICHTBURG | Avigdor, his wife and child |
LICHTENBERG | Chaya Sarah and her husband, Nathan |
LICHUBAR | Mindel and her son, Nisan |
LICHUBAR | Tova, her husband, Leon and their child |
LITBAR | Liba (Zilberstein) and her daughter |
LITWAK | Shamai [and his brothers], Yaakov and Yishayahu |
LOBZUBSKY | Alter, his wife, Liba (Lichubar) and their children |
LORINSKY | Nechemia, his wife and children |
LORINSKY | Eliezer and his sister |
LOKITAK | [unknown], his wife and children |
LUBOVITCH | Hennia (Studenik) |
LUBOVITCH | Chaim, his wife, Chaya Liba and their sons, Reuven and Eliezer |
MALACH return | Bezalel, his wife and children |
MALACH | Mutka |
MALACH | Joseph, his wife, [their daughter] and their son, Zeev |
MALON | Yosef, his wife and children |
MALON | Motke |
MALON | Yosef, his wife [and daughter] and their son, Zeev |
MARGOLIS | [unknown] |
MAZOVITZ | Tzvi Dov and his wife |
MAIK | Yisroel, his wife, Dina and their children, Shmuel and Yona |
MAIK | Tsipah |
MEISLER | Yehoshua Zeev, his wife, Alte Yosepha and their son, Yaakov Kopel |
MIKOVSKY | Shalom, his wife, Maniah and their son, David |
MIKOVSKY | Yitzhak, his wife and children |
MIKOVSKY | Dr. Nachum |
MILNER | Fruma (Greenberg) and her child |
MIRON | Lulak and his wife, Duba (Rosenovitz) |
MORASHKEVITZ | Yechezkel, his wife, Shaine Rivka and children, Yisroel, Rachel, Leah |
MORASHKEVITZ | Yitzhak, his wife, Shirka and their children |
MORASHKEVITZ | Esther, her husband and child |
MORASHKEVITZ | Reshka, her husband and child |
MORASHKEVITZ | Abba, his wife and child |
MUNKARSH | Fishel, his wife, Devorah and their daughter-in-law and grandchild |
NEIBURG return | Benjamin |
NEIBURG | Gita and her daughter, Rachel |
NEIBURG | Zeidel and his wife |
NEIBURG | Moshe |
NEMEZINSKY | Alter, his wife, Sema and their children |
NEMEZINSKY | Tzvi and his wife (Radzilovsky) |
NEMEZINSKY | Chaim Zelig, his wife and children |
NEMEZINSKY | Shmuel, his brothers, David and Yona, and their sister and mother |
NEMEZINSKY | Yosef, his wife, Shaine and their daughters, Zippora, Gita, Esther, Zissel |
NOWAK | Alter and son, Shmuel |
NOWAK | Moshe and sister Devusha |
NURZYCZ | Avraham, his wife, Taama and daughters, Sarah, Leah, Chana |
NURZYCZ | Dov, his wife, Zahava and their children, Shmuel and Zippora |
OFERSTEIN return | Alteh [and] her sons, Nissan and Yehoshua |
OFERSTEIN | Tuvia, his wife and their two children |
OFERSTEIN | Yisaschar, his wife, Zvia and their children |
OKUNE | Benyamin, his wife, Duba and their children |
OKUNE | Chanan, his wife, Musha and their children |
OKUNE | Aryeh, his wife, Baleh, their daughter, Malka and sons, Meir and Eliyahu |
OKUNE | Moshe, his wife, Miriam and son, Yaakov |
OKUNE | Mindel (wife of Nechemia) and children |
OKUNE | Shmuel and his wife |
OKUNE | Dov, his wife and children |
OKUNE | Gosha |
OKUNE | Rivka Baileh, her husband and their two children |
OKUNE | Tzvi |
OKRUNGLI | Yaakov, his wife, Chana [and] their children, Devorah and Shlomo |
OLSHA | Tzvi and his wife, Esther Leah |
OLSHA | Shlomo |
OLSHA | Yitzhak, his wife, Baileh and their sons, Chaim and Yaakov |
OLSHA | Michael, his wife, Masha and their son, Gershon |
OLSHA | Moshe, his wife, Rachel and their daughter, Tsipora |
OLSHA | Zeev, his wife, Liza and their daughter, Sema |
OLSHA | Chana, her husband, Moshe Zelberg [and] their son, Shmuel |
OLSHA | Shifra and her children, Pesach and Sarah |
OLSHA | Sara Miriam |
PAYIS return | Alter, his wife, Tsipora [Feigel] and their daughter, Liuba [Loibka] |
PIANKO | Avraham, his wife, Kentsha (Borowich) and their children |
PLUT | Naftali, his wife, Rachel and their children, Dov, Shlomo, Issaschar, Nachum Yehuda, Yafa, Arye RACHELSKY, Yaakov Yitzhak, his wife and their children, Dov, Moshe, Traineh |
RACHELSKY return | Yaakov and his wife, Dubeh |
RACHELSKY | Benjamin |
RACHELSKY | Yitzhak and his wife, Esther Shaine |
RADZILOVSKY | Alter, his wife, Chaya and their children |
RATCHEKOBSKY | Alter, his wife, Hinda and their children, Traineh, Zeidel, Chaim Tzvi |
ROSACHATCHKY | Shlomo, his wife and their children, Meir, Liba, Tsipora |
ROSEMAN | Yitzhak, his wife, Sarah and their three children |
ROSENBLOOM | HaRav Yosef, his wife and children |
ROSENOVITZ | Eliezer and his wife |
ROSENOVITZ | Ben-Zion, his wife, Rachel and their child |
ROSENOVITZ | Yitzhak, his wife and their children |
ROZENZWEIG | Shmuel, his wife and their children |
RUBINSTEIN | Gedalia, his wife, Devorah and their children |
RUDOWITCH | Chaim, his wife and their children, Issur, Menuchah, Shoshana, Leah |
RUDOWITCH | Chaya Rivka (Lev) and her daughters, Yehudit and Sarah |
SPIROVITZ return | Yaakov, his wife, Liba and their children |
SAPIROVITZ | Yisroel, his wife and children |
SARNOWITZ | Avraham and his wife, Malka |
SARNOWITZ | Alter, his wife, Shaine and their daughter, Yenta |
SARNOWITZ | Yisroel Aharon, his wife, Shaine and their children |
SCHEPPES | [husband], his wife and their [three]children |
SCHULTZ | Yosef, his wife, Chaya Zelda and their three children |
SCHWARTSBROD | Eliyahu, his wife and children |
SCHWARTSBROD | David, his wife, Esther Gita and their children, Avraham Shlomo and Chaya |
SCHWITCHNIK | Tova Devorah and her children |
SEGAL | Fredl |
SEGAL | Chanaleh [Chana] |
SEGAL | Yehuda, his wife, Rachel and their children |
SEREBRULOV | Yosef, his wife, Freidel and their children, Meir, Sarah Traina, Leah, Rachel |
SHADLINSKY | Tzvi, his wife and their son, Boruch |
SHAFRAN | Motel, his wife, Peshah and their daughter, Bobcheh |
SHAPIRA | Yaakov, his wife, Alteh and their son, Shlomo |
SHAPIRA | Chaim Eliezer, his wife, Tzvia and their three children |
SHAPIRA | Haim Eliezer, his wife and their children (from Zembrow) |
SHAPIRA | Yosef, his wife, Ida and their sons, Tzvi and Motel |
SHAPIRA | Mordechai, his wife, Peshah and their daughter, Bobcheh |
SHAPIRA | Kaleh |
SHOSTAK | Mordechai Aharon and his wife, Sarah |
SHOSTAK | Avraham, his wife and child |
SHULMEISTER | Moshe Lippe and his wife, Nechah |
SLODKY | Alter and his wife, Rachel |
SLODKY | Aharon Yehuda, his wife, Gita and their child |
SLODKY | Yisroel, his wife and child |
SLOMASKY | Meyer and his wife, Rachel |
SLOMASKY | Avraham |
SOKOL | Blumah and her two sons, Moshe and Yisroel |
SOKOL | Dov, his wife and children |
SOKOL | Zalman, his wife, Zipporah and their children |
SOKOLEK | Mordechai and his wife, Tzvia |
SOKOLOVITZ | Avraham and his wife |
SOKOLOVITZ | Hallelka and his sons, Yisroel, Meir, Simcha |
SOKOLOVITZ | Yehuda, his wife, Leah and their child |
SOKOLOVITZ | Yehezkel, his wife and child |
SOKOLOVITZ | Malka Leah and her daughter, Tsipora |
SOKOLOVITZ | Moshe, his wife, Hadassah and their children |
SOKOLOVITZ | Hinkah and her daughters, Zippora and [her sister] |
SOMOVITZ | Yechiel and son, Chaim |
SOMOWITZ | Yaakov and his wife, Belah |
SOMOWITZ | Tzvi, his wife, Erzah and their child |
SOMOWITZ | Yitzhak, his wife and child |
SORASKY | Chaim, his wife, Raizel Devorah and their child |
SORASKY | Yaakov, his wife, Yente and their children, Nechemia, Chana, Fredl, Duba, Avraham |
SORASKY | Mordechai and his wife, Fruma |
SPECTOR | Avraham, his wife, Rachel and their children, Zeev, Faivel, Tzvi Zusel, Moshe, Yosef Yaakov |
SPECTOR | Motel, his wife, Ita and their child |
SPECTOR | Mordechai Shmuel, his wife and children |
SPIVAK | Dov, his wife and children |
STUDENIK | Gershon, his wife, Esther and their children, Shimshon, Yona, Chaya |
SYNESS | Dov, his wife, Liba and their sons, Chaim and Tzvi |
SYNESS | Yehosha, his wife and child |
SYNESS | Moshe Tzvi, his wife, Chava and their sons, Chaim and Yaakov |
SYNESS | Shlomo and his wife, Chaya |
SYRKIS | Belah |
TABAK return | Menachem, his wife, Leah and their children, Shlomo and Hinda |
TABAK | Pesach, his wife, Sarah and their children, Tsipora, Tova, Penina, Moshe, Tzvi, Dov |
TOPOR | Yitzhak Meir, his wife, Liba and their daughter, Nechama |
TSIBAK | Dov and his son, Eliyahu |
TSIBAK | Yehuda and his son, Shmuel Chaim |
TSIBAK | Tzvia [and her sisters], Bobcheh and Devorah |
VARAN return | Avraham, his wife, Shoshana (Sokolovitz) and their children |
WNYARKSKY return | Zvia and her daughters |
WANDELOWICZ | Gita and her children, Feivel, David, Ziskind, Mordechai, Rivka, Shoshka, Zisel |
WANDELOWICZ | Chana (Nurzycz) |
WASSERMAN | Rachel and her son, Reuven |
WEINER | Tzvi, his wife, Chaya (Burstein) and child |
WEINKRANTZ | Eliyahu, his wife, Sarah and their children, Peshka, Chaya Devora, Gedalia, Yona |
WEINKRANTZ | Yerachmiel, his wife and children |
WEINSTEIN | Shmuel and his wife, Rachel |
WISOTSKY | Avigdor, his wife, Shaineh and their children |
WISOTSKY | David, his wife, Peshah (Lev) and their child |
WITRIUL | Eliyahu, his wife, Rosa and sons, Yaakov and Yisroel |
WITRIUL | Tzvi, his wife, Elka and their child |
WOLKOWICZ | Eliezer, his [wife and children] |
YANOVITZ return | Yaakov, his wife, Chana and their children |
YELLIN | Alter, his wife and children |
YELLIN | Zissel and her son, Ephraim |
YECHNES | Zalman |
YECHNES | Freidel and her daughter |
YISKOLKI | Shlomo, his wife, Rivka and their son, Aryeh |
YISKOLKI | Kalman, his wife, Cheryl and their child |
YISMACH | Tzvi, his wife, Freidel and their daughters |
YOCHELSKY | Alter, his wife and children |
YOPACK | Yosef, his wife and child |
YOPACK | Yaakov [and brothers], Zundel and Yisroel, and [their] mother |
YOPACK | Motel and his sister, Chaya |
YUZEVITZ | Mordechai, his wife, Penina and their daughters, Basha and Tsipora |
YUZEVITZ | Fredl and her children |
ZELOTKO return | Yosef, his wife, Shoshana and their children |
ZELOTKO | Shabtai, his wife, Chava and their children |
ZELTSER | Bendit and his sons, Moshe and Aryeh |
ZHALIZER | David and his wife, Rachel Leah |
ZHELEZO | Avraham and his daughter, Esther |
ZHEREBKOVSKY | Chaya Yehudit and her [children], Dov, Shaineh, Sarah |
ZHOLTY | Aharon and his son, David |
ZHOLTY | Chaim and his wife, Felah |
ZILBERSTEIN | Tzvi and his wife, Etka |
ZILBERSTEIN | Zvi, his wife and children |
ZISK | Chaim Tzvi, his wife and children |
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