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[Page 559]

Stories through Photos (cont.)


The Zionist Movement in Smorgon

[Page 601]

The Hebrew speaking club in Smorgon before the First World War

In the center: The teacher Pesach Sheinuk
From his right: Leah Shenzon, Alte Dnishevsky, Alta Shtulper
From his left: Leah Greis, Rochel Balzam, Stasia Magids


Gathering of the Committee of the League for Labouring in Israel
March 16, 1932

Standing from right to left: Etke Meltzer, Chana Kruchmalnik
Sitting from right to left: I. Shiner, Menashe Brudne, Meir Bushkanetz, Mendel Alperovitz, Clara Lickt (or likely Leget)

[Page 602]

Po'aley Zion meeting before World War 1

Standing from right to left: Eliahu Itzhak Alperovitch, Leah Ushevitz, Rafael the son of Zindel the Melamed - teacher, Arieh the son of Shmuel the butcher
Sitting from right to left: Natan Rusuvski, Rashel Berberman, Chaim Alperovitz, Nachum the son of Meir the watchmaker, Shmuel Madvinsk
[1] , Abraham Danishevsky


A meeting of Hechalutz from Smorgon with the “Arzia” Hachsharah group in Ashmiene

[Page 603]

A group of activists of the Zionist movement of Smorgon before the First World War, with Dr. Muzinson

Natan Ruzufski, Warszawski, Shmuel Fine, Itzik Brudni (Bar-Eli), Dr. Muzinson, Yosef Ragovitch (or Ranikovitch), Faivel Rapaport, Avraham Biderman, Gershon Broide, Chaim Alperovitz


Keren Kayemet gathering in Smorgon

Standing from right: Z. Alperovitz, B. Maharshak, M. Gilman, S. Rapaport, S. Shein, Z. Pergament
Sitting from right: A. Abramavitch, Berenstein, G. Veinstin, A. Lemodinski, A. Ish-Ahuvi

[Page 604]

Stories through Photos (cont.)


First group of Chalutzim to make Aliyah to Eretz Israel after WW1
(Zionists Movement of Smorgon)
Standing from right: Z. Tzarbin, A. Shmuelson, Z. Rudumin, S. Rudinski, A. Tzipkin, C. Alperovitz, M. Cohen,
2-Standing from right: S. Berlin, I. Helperin, (Vilna), C. Alperovitz, S. Shein, A. Lamodinski, A. Sholomovitch, D. Grinberg,
3- from left: A. Danishevsky, M. Brudna, Penina Shapira(Lefer)(Vilna), Margalit Krinski (Vilna), Rochel Berlin (Vilna), Ida Lifshitz (Vilna),
4-from left: S. Vinstein, A. Kisin (from Vishneva)


A group of Lithuanians take the first row of tents

Twenty tents in number, and thus are they divided by town:
Nine tents for Vilna, five for Kovno, and two
Each from the outlying cities of Smorgon, Koshdor (Kaišiadorys), and Jastolin (Azdelin??).
Most are learned in Torah
And have dreamt of Zion from their early youth
They work in the field in training and in “Tarbut” and are setting up the camp.

From “the Jubilee of the Wagon Drivers” by D. Shimon

[Page 605]

Ha'chalutz Organization in Smorgon 1924
Standing from right: A. Danishevsky, M. Katz, Israel Rabinovitch
Second row: K. Tablovitch, S. Rudnitski, Z. Alperovitz, Z. Rudamin, B. Grinberg
Sitting in third row: A. Grinberg, A. Abramovitch, M. Katz, A. Ish-Ahuvi, Z. Pergament, Z. Katzkavitch, Z. Rudamin
Seated below: D. Grinberg, A. Lemodinski, A. Sholomovitch


Translator's Footnote
  1. Another interpretation is that Madvinsk is “from Dvinsk” – i.e. Shmuel from Dvinsk Return


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