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[Page Tet-Vav]

Gallery of Passport Photographs (cont.)

(Maiden names and ages have been added in brackets where known)

Sara'l Szuster


Miriam Kolkovski (Hershel ?) Kolkovski (57) Chaya Kolkovski Moshe Kolkovski (64) Yosef Koklovski (17) Baila Koklowski (32) Miriam (Loptin) Kolkovski (52) Zvi Kolkovski


Shleifstein Chaya Kolkovski Leah Kolkovski (59) Bilha Kozlovski (13) Shmuel Kozlovski (15) Raizel Dortstein Yisrael Kolkovski


Ya'akov Kolkovski (62) Avraham (?) Kolkovski Chaya Kolkovski Reuven Kolkovski (35) Chaim Zinger (60) Penina Zandweiss (18) Miriam (Teich) Zandweiss (49) Shmaryahu Zandweiss (13)


Reizel (Bichuk) Globerman (50) Yehoshua Globerman (58) Shimon Globerman (30) Batya Globerman (20) Asher Globerman (22) Pesach Trilski Binyamin Kantorowicz (60) Zviya (Fleischon) Kantorowicz (60)


Shimon Nemoy Gitel Nemoy Osna Nemoy Mordecai Kantorowicz (28) Yisrael Kantorowicz (32) Roza Kantorowicz (32) Miril Kantorowicz Batya Kantorowicz (24)


Liza (?) Milstein Siyoma Milstein Roza (?) Milstein Chaim Nissman (25) Avraham Nissman (29) Yehoshua Nissman (41) Susel Nissman (20) (Rivkah) Pipel (Waldman) Nissman (42)


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