Memorial Book of the Community of Sarnaki

52°19' / 22°53'

Translation of
Sefer yizkor le-kehilat Sarnaki

Editor: D. Shuval (Dov Sobel)

Published in Haifa 1968

This is a translation of: Sefer yizkor le-kehilat Sarnaki
(Memorial book of the community of Sarnaki),
Editor: D. Shuval (Dov Sobel), Former Residents of Sarnaki in Israel, Published: Haifa 1968 (H,Y 415 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Sarnaki

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Yiddish translated by Gloria Berkenstat Freund

Hebrew translated by Yocheved Klausner


The Song of the Murdered Jewish People Yitzhak Katsenelson 6
Map of Sarnaki   8
Introductory Chapter
Opening Remarks (H) Editor 15
Forward The Editor 18
Editorial   22
From the Editor   24
Remarks to the Hebrew Section   26
Observations about the Yiddish Section   26
Origins and Development of Sarnaki Shraga Zajerman 27
There Was a Shtetl [town] (poem) Aryeh Tenenbaum 40
The Way of Life
Small, but Impulsive Daniel Fajersztejn 43
There Were No Rich Men, but Also No One Bankrupt (H) Yisrael Shtainman 47
There Were No Rich Men, but Also No One Bankrupt Yisrael Shtainman 49
The Days of My Childhood (H) Pesach Perlman 52
The Days of My Childhood Pesach Perlman 55
I Left Secretly for the Hakhshara (pioneer training) (H) Ester Grunowitz 59
The Young Years Sura Rubel 65
The Well We Drank From Ester Grunowitz 66
A Strange Visitor Aryeh Tenenbaum 68
We Cannot Forget Aryeh Tenenbaum 69
The Melamed [religious school teacher] Wants to Become a Merchant Gershon Zajerman 70
The Large Fair Daniel Fajersztejn 80
Small Industrial Enterprises Shraga Zajerman 88
A Dispute in the Shtetl [town] Gitl Plat 92
Orphaned Home (Song) Aryeh Tenenbaum 93
Became Strange (Song) Aryeh Tenenbaum 94
Political Organizations and Communal Institutions
Activity of the Jewish Community Shraga Zajerman 97
Rise of Zionism Shraga Zajerman 100
Development of the Bundist Organization Sholem Klajdermacher 104
Revisionism and the Betar Organization Shraga Zajerman 110
Dramatic Circles - a Ray of Light in the Shtetl Shraga Zajerman 114
Destroyed Holy Places Shraga Zajerman 115
The Push for Education Serl Bursztyn 119
Medical Institutions Shraga Zajerman 124
Old Traditions and New Currents Daniel Fajersztejn 128
Traditions and Customs    
Nothing Changed During the Course of Generations Shraga Zajerman 137
Shabbat and Holiday (H) Yisrael Shtainman 142
In a Holiday Spirit (H) Yisrael Shtainman 143
When Every Jew Was a King Yitzhak Plat 144
Suffering and Death
A Thousand Days in the Ghetto and Underground (H) Pesakh Perlman 147
A Thousand Days in the Ghetto and Underground Pesakh Perlman 195
Mass Exodus Chaim Zajerman 267
How We Saved Ourselves Sholem Klajdermacher 271
Alone in a Hiding Place Shimeon Fajnland 273
Wandering Through the Forests Tsvia Shabbat 281
Escaped from the Road to Treblinka Gideon Wajsberg 285
Exiled in a Pasholek [camp] Near the White Sea Serl Bursztyn 296
Sarnaki 20 Years Later Shepsl Rozenberg 310
The Rabbi Went with his Flock; The Shoykhet [ritual slaughterer] and Khazan [cantor] - a Counter-Revolutionary; The Lost Lawyer; The Beloved Arbitrator; The Erudite Scholar; A Remnant of the Elders of the Community; Studied Industriously, Traded Honestly; The Humble and the Shy; The Representative of the Artisans; Just a Respectable Jew; A Storekeeper with a Warm Heart; Happy Types; The Woodcutters; The Jewish Farmer Shraga Zajerman 315
A Family Striken by Fate Ester Grunowicz 356
The Wagon Driver, Josl the Blind One Henekh Zajgerman 357
Exiled to Russia as a Spy Henekh Zajgerman 360
The Porter Serl Bursztyn 362
The Martyrs in the Partisan Fight Sholem Klajdermacher 364
Sarnaker at Rebuilding of the Country Shraga Zajerman 369
I Came to the Land on the Ship “Exodus” Aryeh Birnbaum 375
Fallen for the Defence of the Country: The Councelor of the “Second Israel” [Immigrants] children; the talented lady officer; the devoted young man; he wanted to save the wounded; his conscience called him   378
Activity of the Union in Argentina A. Landsman 382
Landsleit in America Sholem Klajdermacher 385
Scattered in Canada Sholem Klajdermacher 389
Memorial Pages
Remembrance [Yizkor]   393
List of the Sacred Dead of Sarnaki   395
Necrology   403
Closing Word   414


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