Sala's Gift:
My Mother's Holocaust Story



Project Coordinator

Ann Kirschner


Copyright © 2006 by Ann Kirschner. Reprinted by permission from Free Press,
a Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc. New York.

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Introduction to Online Presentation

by Ann Kirschner

The following is excerpted from SALA'S GIFT, Ann Kirschner's book about the secret collection of letters that her mother received in Nazi labor camps, then kept hidden for nearly 50 years.

Sala Garncarz was a teenager when she was deported on October 28 1940 from Sosnowiec, Poland to the first of seven labor camps. All of the camps were part of Organization Schmelt, the labor camp administration that spirited away tens of thousands of Jews from Zaglembie, with the assistance of Moses Merin, the head of the local Judenrat.

Raizel Garncarz was Sala's most faithful correspondent, writing over 100 letters to her younger sister. Ala Gertner befriended Sala in the first camp at Geppersdorf, and remained in contact until she was deported to Auschwitz in July, 1943.

sal00.jpg [25 KB] - Ala and Sala
Ala and Sala

Excerpted from  “Sala's Gift: My Mother's Holocaust Story”

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Updated 21 Jan 2007 by OR