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[Page 593]

In Memoriam (cont.)

In Memoriam
Moshe Reich, Roza Reich (nee Seiden)
Perpetuated by
Yulek Reich
In Memoriam
Father: Shmuel Finkelstein
Mother: Rachel Hefter
Perpetuated by
Sh. Finkelstein
A Monument To The Souls Of Our Beloved Ones
Sister: Tema and her
husband Teitel Kenigsberg
Mother: Sara Esther
Father: Yechezkel Shlisselberg

Sister: Regina Shlisselberg

Perpetuated by
Chana Tamari (nee Shlisselberg)
Lotka Kleid (nee Shlisselberg)

[Page 594]

In Holy Memory
Yaakov Har 1870
Salome Har 1874
Emil Faust 1892

Perpetuated by the
Zofia Rachikovska

In Eternal Memory
Father: Shmuel the son of Yochanan Gross
Mother: Chana the daughter of Tzvi Gross
Brothers: Mendel, Zeev, Avraham, and Moshe
Sister: Bronia

Perpetuated by the
Sara Fishkes

In Memory
Sara Gottesdiner born 1909,
died in Kibbutz Ein Hamifratz
on March 20, 1964
Perpetuated in pain by
Her husband Yosef, and her children Yuval,
Yehudit and Ora of Kibbutz Ein Hamifratz
In Holy Memory
Parents: Moshe Heffner, Lea Heffner
Their children: Berel, Perel, Sima
Parents: Melech Raab, Chana Raab
Their children: Gittel, Rivka, Feiga, Rachel,
Moshe, Yossel, Naftali and Shlomo

Herman Klein and family
Aharon Gersten and family

Perpetuated by
Herman Raab and Yosef Meller

[Page 595]

In Memory
My brother: Yaakov Teller,
his wife and five children

My sister: Chana Hass (nee Teller)

David Teller

Perpetuated in pain by
Yosef Teller

My son Chaim Yehoshua
My wife Chana (nee Sommer)
A Memorial Candle
Their son Moshe Lifschutz
Mordechai Lifschutz
Chana Lifschutz (nee Ochs)
David the son of Efraim Fishmish 1888
Yehudit the daughter of Yechiel Fishmish 1887
Yechiel the son of David Fishmish 1910
Elazar the son of David Fishmish 1912
Moshe the son of David Fishmish 1913
Feiga the daughter of David Fishmish 1917
Sonia the daughter of David Fishmish 1921
Perpetuated by
Libka Fishmish and Nathan Yahalomi

[Page 596]

A Memorial Candle
Perpetuated by
Kalman Frost
Mother: Rivka Frost, Sister: Chana Frost,
Brother: Yisrael Frost, Father: Avraham Frost
In Eternal memory
My father: Yisrael Trum 1890
My mother: Ida Trum 1890
My sister: Mina Trum 1921

Perpetuated by
Malka Freidman (nee Trum)

In Memory
Father Leib and mother Lea Wachs (nee Fishman)
Brother: Henryk Wachs
His wife: Freda (nee Erenreich)
Their daughter: Junia Wachs

Perpetuated by
Mala Fogel (nee Wachs)

In Memory
My father: Yitzchak Aharon the son of Tanchum Fuerst

My mother: Malka the daughter of Menachem Fuerst

Dedicated in grief and pain by
Eliezer Fuerst

[Page 597]

We Sanctify The Memory Of Our Dear Ones

Yosef the son of Elazar Shechter was born in 1884 in Litowiska, and married Keila Shechter, who was born in 1894. Her father Reb Hershel was a very fine Jew, a religious scholar, who came from Sokolow near Rzeszów. They settled in Rzeszów after the First World War. They had two daughters and four sons. Reb Yosef was a fine Jew, a scholar, and G-d fearing. His countenance glowed with refinement and goodness. His sustenance came from teaching little children the Alef- Beit. He carried out his work with faithfulness. He always concerned himself with the poor, widows and orphans.

Our mother excelled with fine character traits. Her goodness was well known in Rzeszów. She could often be see gathering clothing and food for the poor. September 5, 1939 was the last time we were together with our parents.

We will never forget our murdered parents, sister Roiza with her husband and child, sister Sheindel and brother Eliezer. They were all killed together with the rest of the Jews of Rzeszów.

May G-d avenge their deaths and may their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life.

Mother: Keila Father: Yosef Shechter

Perpetuated in grief by
Aryeh Shechter of Brooklyn,
Meir Shechter of Montreal,
and Hershel Shechter of Los Angeles

[Page 598]

In Memory Of Our Dear Ones
Brother: Herman Kalter
Mother: Berta (nee Roth)
Father: Ovadia Kalter
Brother: Leon Kalter
and his wife Ada (nee Sommer)
Dedicated in grief by
Esther Parser (nee Kalter)
and Yisrael Kalter
A Monument To The Souls Of Our Dear Ones
Fanka the wife of Max Parser (nee Sherer)

Avraham Parser, their three year old son

Brother-in-law: Engineer Yehuda Neuman

His wife: Gusta Neuman (nee Parser)

Niece: Klara Neuman

Perpetuated by
Aharon Parser and Yaakov Parser

Father: Moshe Parser
Mother: Sara (nee Trink)
Brother: Engineer Max Parser

[Page 599]

In Eternal Memory
My father: Shalom the son of Yitzchak Tzeizel
My mother: Sara the daughter of Yaakov
My brother: Yaakov and his wife and two children
My sisters: Yetta Chaya, Bracha, Reizel, Chana Mindel and Dvora

The photo is my family at the time of the wedding of my sister

My uncle Alter Tzeizel
Yitzchak the son of Alter Tzeizel
My son Alter Tzeizel, Yitzchak Pesh
Perpetuated in pain and grief by
Yitzchak Tzeizel of Brooklyn
David Herman Tzeizel

[Page 600]

In Eternal Memory
My father: Yaakov Meir
the son of David
and Chana (nee Kasses)
My mother: Chaya
the daughter of Aryeh Leib
and Feiga (nee Kasses) Trink
Aunt: Chana Trink (nee Schmid)
Uncle: Moshe Trink

Aunt: Rachel Trink (nee Neuman)

Uncle: Simcha Trink

His wife: Sara and two children

Chaya Trink

Sara Trink

Those who will keep their memory forever:

Rivka Kasses Ben-Zakkai
Tzvi (Herman) Kasses
Rachel Kasses Nussbaum

[Page 601]

In Eternal Memory
Sister: Bayla Katz
Mother: Gittel Katz and Bayla
Father: Chaim David Katz
Perpetuated by
Tzvi and Yosef Katz
In Memoriam
My husband: Shami David Kramer
My father: Reuven and mother: Bayla Elion
Perpetuated by
Mina Kramer


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