Standing [right to left]: | ||||||
1. Sheintza Kokel 2. Sonia Naiberg 3. Ronka Greber |
4. Esther Lerner 5. Freedman 6. Henia Korobochka |
7. Asher Gendelman 8. Yehudah Linn 9. Moshe Brach |
10. Teacher Kovalsky |
Second Row: | ||||||
1. Teacher Shpirt |
4. Teacher Podlis |
5. Teacher Yitzhak Dichter 6. Teacher Israel Feldman |
7. Israel Lifshitz |
Third Row: | ||||||
1. Gitel Modrik 2. Batya Grinshpan |
3. Manya Gendelman 4. Batya Levin |
5. Isia Tzipiniuk 6. Yoel Grinshpan |
7. Meir Burd 8. Haim Shteinman |
Yavne School with Teacher Molchodsky | |
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Updated 06 Jan 2002 by OR