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[Page 549]

In Remembrance (cont.)

The unforgettable parents
Leizer and Rivka Zilber

the sister
Tzviah Zelikman, husband, and
two children who perished in
the Destruction of Dvinsk

The brother

Leibe Zilber

who fell as an
heroic fighter with the Red
Army in Stalingrad

May this be a memorial


Yehudit and Pineh [Pinyeh] Merkel and children

[Page 550]

We express our deep and great sorrow
over the death of our mother

Nechama-Sheine Mikel

who died in the Ponevezh hospital.
Prior to her death she sighed the following words:
“Where are you my far flung [flown far away] children?”
She was buried in the Jewish cemetery
[by Judaic rites] in Ponevezh on
Shemini Atzeret 1927.

Over the death of our brother

Choneh Mikel

who died in the 1st World War in the
Ukraine in the year 1916.

We will remember you forever!


Yitzchak and Yisroel Mikel [Michalewitz], Johannesburg
Schimon Yosef Mikel-Michalewitz, Pretoria, with their wives and children

[Page 551]

We, children and grandchildren, will remember you

forever dear and precious parents
Yerachmiel and Peseh Maliyeh Saltuper

We will remember our Father and Zaida, who lived all the years in agony,
as an invalid without legs. The image of our mother will always
appear before us. Even though she was also a sickly [weak] woman,
she looked after our father with great love and devotion,
and in the final minutes [moments] going to the
Nazi pyres [bonfires], to the slaughter, she never
abandoned him even for a moment, and together they underwent
the gruesome fate of their cruel death.

May their bones rest in the communal graves [brothers' graves]
of Ezhereni–Novo Aleksandrovsk.


Moshe Israel and Mina Sharp-Saltuper and
children, Johannesburg.
Henye Silver, husband, and son, Vilna
Yehoshua Shal and Eli Sharp Saltuper and daughters in Nairobi, Kenya

[Page 552]

Noach Zvi and Matleh Shapiro

and of my brother
Hertzl Shapiro and his
Rocheh-Gittel and
their children,

who perished
due to the Nazi Executioners
[hangmen] in the Rakishok

In honour of their memory.


son and brother

Morris Shapiro
with his wife and children
Johannesburg, South Africa

In eternal remembrance
of my parents

Noach-Zvi Shapiro

who died 4th Teivet 1935,

Matleh Shapiro

who died 7th Teivet 1915

Herzl and Rocheh-Gittel Shapiro
and children

[Page 553]

We will remember and never forget
our father

Abba, the son of Ya'akov Sacks

who died in Johannesburg on 29th April 1941
2nd Iyar Tashä,

and our mother

Chana, daughter of Tzvi Sacks,

who died in Johannesburg 10th October 1938
the 2nd day of Sukkot Tartzät.

Your memory is holy and precious to us.


Soreh-Rochel and Yitzchak Reef and children

Yosheh Sacks and wife

Sheineh and Kalman Yudelowitz and children

Zalman [Solly] Sacks and children

Baruch [Benny] and Dolyeh Sacks

[Page 554]

In illuminated memory of
our father

Avraham-Koppel B'R Leib Ruch

who died in Rakishok 1st Tishrei Tarsäh,

of our mother

Liebeh Bat Ya'akov Wolf

who died in January, 26th Shevat Tarpäv,

for our brother

Michal-Yitzchak Ruch

who died in Johannesburg 27th Sivan 1942,

for our brother, husband and father

Yudel Ruch

who died in Cape Town 2nd day Adar Bet 1932.

We will not forget you and you will live forever in our hearts!


Toiveh Shneider and children

Asnah and Abraham Furman and children

Vitell and Faivush Klein and children

Soreh Ruch [wife of Yudel Ruch] and
children Liebeh-Viteh and Chayim Leib

[Page 555]

On the tombstone:

Our Dear Father

Reb Yitzchak Ben Shaul Halevi

died 1st Shevat Tarpäg

In memory of our father

Yitzchak [Alter] Bacher

who died 1st Shevat Tarpäg,

for our mother
Chayeh Soreh Ita
daughter of Reb Abraham Koppel

who died 29th Av Tashäg 28th August 1943.

We will remember you forever.


Chayim Shual [Ze'ev] Bacher, wife, and children
Koppel Bacher, wife, and children
Frieda Aron, husband, and children
Ella-Etel Scop, husband, and children
Meier-Moshe Bacher, wife, and children
South Africa
Debra Charney and husband and children, Bulawayo, Rhodesia

[Page 554]

May this be a holy sanctifying and unforgettable
remembrance for our extended family:

father Dovid Moshe Beder
who died Yom Kippur night 1937,
Esther Rochel Beder
perished [murdered] by the Nazis in Rakishok

Dovid Moshe and Esther Rochel Beder

sisters Chaya Gofanowitz, husband Moshe Yitzchak, and children, Soreh, Reizeh, Taibeh, Frida, and son Aryeh Leib

Rasiah – Beileh Abramowitz and husband. Abraham, originally from Antalept – a son of the famous Antalepter Maggid [preacher] and their children Hershel, Zelig, and Yechiel, who perished
together with the Jewish population in Rakishok in 1941 by the
hand of the German murderers,

brothers Pinye Ya'akov Beder ,
wife Liebe, and daughter Asna,
perished in Posvel,

Chayim Beder, wife Shifra, and children, perished in Kovno,

Karpel Beder, wife Soreh, and children Rivka,
Ya'akov, Yechiel, Yehuda, Yitzchak and Dovid-Moshe, perished in Rakishok.

And in memory of all the relatives and friends who perished
cruelly by the hand of the Germans in Lithuania,
we will remember you forever


your children, brothers, sisters, and friends
Rivka and Ya'akov Miller and children
Shlomo Beder and family
Binyomin Beder and family
Yitzchak Beder and family

[Page 557]

Our brother
the martyr

Nottel Gordon

Nottel Gordon

Who perished in Dachau together with 10,000 other Jews.

We erect hereby a memorial [headstone]

for his eternal memory.


his brothers
Berel, Michal, and Yeshayahu Gordon
and their families

[Page 558]

With these lines we erect an eternal memorial to
Necha, our dear one who passed away
at the age of 49 on 18 Sivan Tashyäg 1st June 1953.

Necha [Nechama] Bakalczuk –Tabachowitz

She devoted her best years and exceptional talents to teaching in the public primary schools in Poland, in the displaced persons camps after the Holocaust, and in South Africa. She was a wonderful personality, noble and aristocratic in her strength of character, in the beauty of her pure and innocent soul, and in her love of our nation and its culture.
You, dear Necha, were saved from the flames of the furnaces, from the inferno of the Nazis, but you enfolded into yourself the period of horrors that were stuck in your flesh like burning needles, and the tempest of nightmares that you experienced always floated before your eyes – together with the terrible tragedy that your children, Yosseleh and Devoreleh,
were destroyed in the death chambers of Auschwitz. All these horrors, of the extermination camps, the tortures, the threats of death and conflagration
that were organized by the wild animals, the accursed Germans,
impoverished and weakened your health.

Those who remain are in sorrow and deep mourning.

Your husband, your friend and companion
Meilach Bakalczuk
Your brothers Simon and Yosef Tabachowitz and families


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