Oberzanski | Khaye Mine |
Oberzanski | Yoysf |
Oberzanski | Miriam his wife |
Oberzanski | Avrom their son |
Untershants | Yakef |
Untershants | Moyshe Khane (Khenye) his wife |
Untershants | Khayem |
Alperovich | Mendl |
Alperovich | Shifre his wife |
Alperovich | Rifke their daughter |
Laser | Hirsh their son |
Alperovich | Benyomen Mikhl |
Alperovich | Kalman |
Alperovich | Shmuel his son |
Alperovich | Milke his wife |
Alperovich | Leybl their son |
Alperovich | Motl their son |
Alperovich | Maryashe their daughter |
Alperovich | Sholem |
Alperovich | Sonye his wife |
Alperovich | Moyshe |
Alperovich | Avrom |
Evenchik | Moyshe-Tsvi |
Evenchik | Khaye his wife |
Evenchik | Noyekh Arye their son |
Evenchik | Itka his wife |
Edelman | Ikheskl |
Edelman | Sore-Rifke his wife |
Edelman | Shloyme their son |
Edelman | Khayem-Moyshe their son |
Edelman | Miryem their daughter |
Ozlany | Rishe (Rifke) |
Ozlany | Blume |
Ozlany | Mikhle their daughter |
Bikhman | Arye |
Bikhman | Basheve his wife |
Berkman | Rokhl |
Bikhman | Rifke her daughter |
Berkman | Khane her daughter |
Botvinnik | Khayem |
Botvinnik | Alperovich Leye his wife |
Botvinnik | Alperovich Sore their daughter |
Botvinnik | Zev |
Botvinnik | Beyle his wife |
Botvinnik | Elieyzer |
Botvinnik | Nekhame his wife |
Botvinnik | Itskhok their son |
Botvinnik | Basheve |
Botvinnik | Yudes |
Botvinnik | Mortkhe |
Botvinnik | Leyve |
Botvinnik | Yude and his wife |
Botvinnik | his wife |
Botvinnik | Shoyel their son |
Botvinnik | their daughter |
Botvinnik | Sore |
Botvinnik | Khaye |
Botvinnik | Aba |
Botvinnik | Perla his wife and their sons |
Botvinnik | Leyb |
Botvinnik | Miryem his wife |
Botvinnik | Shmuel |
Botvinnik | Stisha his wife and their daughters |
Botvinnik | Yokhonen (Hendl) |
Botvinnik | Lashe his wife |
Botvinnik | Khasia their daughter |
Botvinnik | Kalman |
Botvinnik | Dine |
Botvinnik | Khane their daughter |
Botvinnik | Avrom |
Botvinnik | Ita-Rokhl his wife |
Botvinnik | Ester their daughter |
Botvinnik | Libe |
Botvinnik | Avrom her son |
Botvinnik | Khayem |
Botvinnik | Leye his wife |
Botvinnik | Sore their daughter |
Bernshtejn | Faytl |
Bernshtejn | Leye his wife |
Bernshtejn | Zlate their daughter |
Bernshtejn | Shloyme (parished in German captivity) |
Bernshtejn | Rokhl their daughter |
Bernshtejn | Milke Rokhl's daughter |
Berkovich | Arye |
Berkovich | Sore his wife |
Berkovich | Ester their daughter |
Berkovich | Avrom their son |
Berman | Ber |
Berman | Hinde his wife |
Botvinnik | Yakef his wife and their daughter |
Berman | Ruvn |
Berman | Beyle |
Gitlovovich | Tsvi |
Gitlovovich | Leye his wife |
Gitlovovich | Yekhiel their son |
Gitlovovich | Khayem their son |
Gitlovovich | Zelikman |
Gitlovovich | Yentl his wife and their daughter |
Grinholtz | Pinkhes |
Gutin | Grinholtz Basheve his daughter |
Gutin | Ester her daughter |
Grinholtz | Mortkhe |
Grinholtz | Khane his daughter |
Grinholtz | Brokhe his daughter |
Grinholtz | Moyshe |
Grinholtz | Ester his wife |
Grinholtz | Gotlib their son |
Grinholtz | Avrom their son |
Grinholtz | Bentsiyen (parished in Minsk) |
Grinholtz | Dov (parished in Minsk) |
Grinholtz | Milke |
Grinholtz | Khayem her son |
Grinholtz | Shmuel her son |
Grinholtz | Elye |
Gintsburg | Pashka |
Gintsburg | Benyomen her son |
Gintsburg | Tsvi her son |
Gintsburg | Shloyme |
Gintsburg | Ita Leye his wife |
Gintsburg | Frumet their daughter |
Gintsburg | Yokhonen their son |
Goldshmidt | Yoysef |
Goldshmidt | Shoshane his wife |
Goldshmidt | Mortkhe their son |
Goldshmidt | Dov their son |
Goldshmidt | Borekh their son |
Goldshtejn | Khanovich Etl |
Goldshtejn | Kohos her husband |
Goldshtejn | Miryem their daughter |
Goldshtejn | Shimen their son |
Goldshtejn | Heyle their daughter |
Gorman | Yoysef |
Gorman | Rokhl |
Gorman | Alte |
Gdalevich | Basheve |
Gdalevich | Khayne her daughter |
Gdalevich | Basheve her daughter |
Gdalevich | Nekhemye her son |
Ginburg | Yekhiel-Ber |
Ginburg | - his wife |
Ginburg | Khayem their son |
Ginburg | Rokhl their daughter |
Glazer | Yakef |
Glazer | Dvoyre his wife |
Glazer | Shmuel their son |
Glazer | Elieyzer their son |
Glazer | Tsvi |
Glazer | Ginendl (gnesye) his wife |
Ganles | Feyge Ester |
Ganles | Ita her daughter |
Dugin | Sore |
Dugin | Tsvi her son |
Dugin | Rekhavye her son |
Dikshtejn | Matis (matityahu) |
Dikshtejn | Feyge-Toybe his wife |
Dikshtejn | Gute their daughter |
Dikshtejn | Zev their son |
Dikshtejn | Royze their daughter |
Gurovich | Miryem |
Galperin | Israel The Rabbi |
Galperin | Libe his wife and daughter |
Ginburg | Mortkhe |
Ginburg | Khane (khasye) his wife |
Ginburg | Elye their son |
Ginburg | Raytse |
Hochstein | |
Hochstein | Gute his wife and their son |
Vilkomich | Perets |
Vilkomich | Leye his wife, their son, and daughter |
Viner | Gotlib-God |
Viner | Tankhn his son |
Viner | Khaye his daughter |
Viner | Beyle |
Zochowiczki | Leye |
Khayat | Aba |
Khayat | Rifke his wife |
Khayat | Sime their daughter |
Khayat | Eydl their daughter |
Khayat | Brokhe |
Khayat | Dvoyre |
Tejf | Elye |
Tejf | Miryem his wife |
Tejf | Mortkhe their son |
Tejf | Ginendl (Gnesye) |
Tejf | Perets |
Tejf | Eydl his wife |
Tejf | Khayem-Tsvi their son |
Turman | Hirsh |
Turman | Rokhl his wife |
Turman | Moyshe |
Turman | Rokhl and their family |
Yentl | Riva of Mochanov family, her husband and their family |
Yudl | Itskhok the tailor, his wife |
Miryem | his sister |
Traslaski | and his wife |
Itskhokin | Aba |
Itskhokin | Basheve Fride his wife |
Itskhokin | Tsvi their son |
Itskhokin | Khane their daughter |
Itskhokin | Moyshe their son |
Itskhokin | Sheyne Moyshe's wife |
Yakhnos | Khaye-Khawe |
Yakhnos | Moyshe |
Yakhnos | Sheyne his wife |
Yakhnos | Nekhame their daughter |
Yakhnos | Miryem their daughter |
Yakhnos | Shule their daughter |
Yakhnos | Mortkhe |
Yakhnos | Shprintse his wife |
Yakhnos | Khaye their daughter |
Yakhnos | Khayem shmuel |
Khanovich | Beyle |
Kohen | Orn Zev |
Kohen | Moyshe his wife |
Kohen | Khane their daughter |
Kohen | Sheyne-Rokhl their daughter |
Kohen | Libe their daughter |
Kohen | Rifke their daughter |
Kohen | Khayem Hirshl their son |
Kohen | Khane his wife |
Kohen | Yoyne their son |
Kohen | Itskhok |
Kohen | Avrom |
Kohen | Moyshe |
Kohen | Sore his wife |
Kohen | Dvoyre their daughter |
Kohen | Itskhok their son |
Kohen | Shloyme their son |
Kohen | Yakef |
Kohen | Fride-Sore his wife |
Kohen | Ester their daughter |
Lifshitz | Itskhok |
Lifshitz | Rifke his wife |
Lifshitz | Khayem-Fayvush |
Lifshitz | Eydl his wife |
Lifshitz | Shmarye |
Lifshitz | Khane (Khasye) his wife |
Lifshitz | Yakef their son |
Lifshitz | Dov |
Lifshitz | Tsipoyre his wife and their family |
Lipkovich | Moyshe-Tsvi |
Lipkovich | Rifke his wife |
Lipkovich | Tamare their daughter |
Lipkovich | Frumet their daughter |
Lipkovich | Miryem their daughter |
Levin | Ester-Dobre |
Lejbovich | Shimen |
Lejbovich | Pitse his wife |
Lejbovich | Avrom their son |
Mochanov | Elieyzer |
Mochanov | Khane his wife |
Mochanov | Shmuel their son |
Mochanov | Khayem their son |
Mochanov | Khayem |
Mochanov | Rifke his wife |
Mochanov | Dobre their daughter |
Mochanov | Rode their daughter |
Monosovich | Itskhok |
Monosovich | Leye his wife |
Monosovich | Irakhmiel their son |
Monosovich | Yakef their son |
Metlitskij | Toybe |
Metlitskij | Shimen |
Metlitskij | Eydl his wife |
Monosovich | Menashe |
Monosovich | Nekhme his wife |
Monosovich | Rokhl their daughter |
Milshtejn | Dovid |
Milshtejn | Nekhme-Eydl his wife |
Milshtejn | Gdalye their son |
Milshtejn | Shmarye their son |
Milshtejn | Mortkhe their son |
Meerson | Meyer |
Meerson | Etl his wife and their sons |
Meltser | Mortkhe |
Meltser | Beyle his wife |
Meltser | Yakef their son |
Meltser | Shloyme their son |
Meltser | Yoysef |
Meltser | Rifke |
Marin | Itskhok |
Malin | Ester |
Malin | Moyshe-Gdalye her son |
Malin | Rokhl her daughter |
Malin | Sime her daughter |
Malin | Arye her son |
Nalibotskij | Rifke |
Nalibotskij | Rode |
Nalibotskij | Khaye |
Senitskij | Shapse |
Senitskij | Khanovich Dobre his wife |
Senitskij | Shimen-Zev their son |
Solskij | Shloyme |
Solskij | Nekhame his wife |
Solskij | Nekhame his wife and their daughters |
Solskij | Yakef |
Solskij | Sonye his wife |
Solskij | Itskhok their son |
Solskij | Khane their daughter |
Solskij | Yoysef |
Solskij | Golde his wife |
Segalovich | Avrom Khayem and his wife |
Segalovich | Yoysef their son |
Segalovich | Fayvush their son |
Segalovich | Eydl their daughter |
Segalovich | Basheve-Khaye |
Segalovich | Sholem |
Segalovich | Sore |
Segalovich | Shrage |
Segalovich | Basheve (Pesye) |
Segalovich | Miryem |
Segalovich | Khane |
Segalovich | Tsipoyre |
Poznyak | Itskhok |
Poznyak | Noyekh |
Finkel | Sholem |
Finkel | Libe his daughter |
Finkel | Basheve (Pesye) his daughter |
Finkel | Fayvush |
Finkel | Gute his wife |
Finkel | Hirsh-Shloyme |
Finkel | Itskhok his son |
Finkel | Eydl his daughter |
Finkel | Libe his daughter |
Finkel | Itskhok-Yoysef |
Finkel | Khaye his wife and their family |
Finkel | Dovid |
Finkel | Sore his wife |
Finkel | Ester their daughter |
Finkel | Bune their daughter |
Finkel | Ester her husband and their sons |
Finkel | Ita |
Finkel | Elye her son |
Finkel | Rifke her daughter |
Finkel | Fayvush |
Finkel | Gute his wife |
Finkel | Sholem their son |
Finkel | Mikhle their daughter |
Finkel | Leyb |
Finkel | Basheve his wife |
Finkel | Avrom-Moyshe |
Finkel | Libe his wife |
Popkin | Sore-Eydl |
Popkin | Khaye her daughter |
Popkin | Khane |
Popkin | Zev her son |
PopkinYentl | her daughter |
Popkin | Yoysef her son |
Popkin | Mikhl and his wife |
Popkin | Hinde their daughter |
Pokholenskij | Yoshue-Leyb |
Pokholenskij | Dobre his wife |
Pokholenskij | Moyshe their son |
Pokholenskij | Royze Moyshe's wife |
Pokholenskij | Nisn their son |
Pokholenskij | Basheve their daughter |
Pokholenskij | Sime - their daughter |
Pokholenskij | Tamara (Tema) - their daughter |
Pokholenskij | Zusman their son |
Pokholenskij | Elieyzer their son |
Pokholenskij | Rifke |
Pokholenskij | Moyshe her son |
Pokholenskij | Feyge - their daughter |
Pokholenskij | Mine |
Pokholenskij | Borekh |
Puchinskij | his wife and their daughter |
Fishbejn | his wife and their family |
Perlman | Leyb his wife and their sons |
Perlman | Shmarye |
Perlman | Pitsa |
Perlman | Moyshe |
Tsukerman | Khane |
Tsukerman | Itskhok |
Tsukerman | Ita, her husband and their son |
Tsirlin | |
Katsav | Dovid |
Katsav | Hinde his wife |
Katsav | Shloyme their son |
Katsav | Yude their son |
Katsav | Nekhemye their son |
Kofman | Shloyme and his wife |
Kofman | Khaye their mother |
Kaplan | Fayvush |
Kaplan | Toybe his wife |
Kaplan | Dvoyre their daughter |
Kaplan | Leye - their daughter |
Kaplan | Moyshe and his wife |
Kaplan | Tsvi |
Kaplan | Rifke his sister |
Kaplan | Tsvi |
Kaplan | Pitsa his wife |
Kaplan | Arye their son |
Kaplan | Leye - their daughter |
Kaplan | Sore - their daughter |
Kaplan | Tsvi |
Kaplan | Sonye his wife |
Kaplan | Asne his mother and their family |
Kovarskij | his wife and their family |
Kojfman | Tsvi and his wife |
Kagan | Rifke-Miryem |
Kagan | Rokhl her daughter |
Karol | Beyle |
Karol | Libe her daughter |
Kantarovich | Shmarye |
Kantarovich | Libe his wife and their son |
Kantarovich | Ruvn |
Kantarovich | Sore his wife |
Kantarovich | Hirsh, his wife and their family |
Kantarovich | Shmuel, his wife and their daughter |
Kantarovich | Moyshe and his wife |
Kantarovich | Ikusiel their son |
Kantarovich | Syome their son |
Kantarovich | Khaye their daughter |
Kantarovich | Yakef |
Kantarovich | Brokhe |
Kantarovich | Zev his son |
Kantarovich | Nekhame |
Kantarovich | Pinkhes her son |
Katsanovich | Basheve |
Katsan | Khaye-Sheine |
Katsan | Zlate |
Katsan | Nokhum |
Katsan | Basheve |
Kvartach | Mortkhe |
Kvartach | Khane-Rifke his wife |
Kvartach | Shule their daughter |
Kvartach | Avrom their son |
Robin | Ber |
Robin | Ester his wife |
Riskin | Moyshe |
Riskin | Bayle his wife |
Riskin | Orn their son |
Riskin | Meyer her son |
Riskin | Khayem |
Riskin | Avrom and his wife |
Riskin | Arye |
Riskin | Leye his sister |
Riskin | Khaye her daughter |
Rabinovich | Basheve (Pesye) |
Rabinovich | Miryem |
Rabinovich | Yude |
Rabinovich | Shloyme his brother |
Rabinovich | Khane (Khasye) their mother |
Rubilnik | Tuvye |
Rubilnik | Khaye his wife and their daughters |
Rubilnik | Tsvi |
Rubilnik | Blume his wife |
Rubilnik | Shmarye and his wife |
Rubilnik | Moyshe their son |
Rubilnik | Shimshn their son |
Rodinskij | Ester |
Rubinshtejn | Leye |
Rubinshtejn | Eydl her daughter |
Rozov | Shloyme |
Rozov | Malke |
Rozov | Yakef |
Rozov | Yakef and his wife |
Rozov | Rokhl their mother |
Rykhelson | Etl |
Rykhelson | Nokhum |
Rykhelson | Meyer |
Rodshtejn | Avrom |
Rodshtejn | Yentl his wife |
Rodshtejn | Elye his son |
Rodshtejn | Israel his son |
Shnajder | Israel-Shloyme |
Shnajder | Ester his wife |
Shnajder | Eydl |
Shnajder | Avrom-Elye |
Shnajder | Lashe |
Shnajder | Yoysef |
Shnajder | Yoysef, his wife and their son |
Shnajder | Pitse their daughter |
Shavshevich | Leye-Khane |
Shavshevich | Yoysef her son |
Shavshevich | Tsvi - her son |
Shavshevich | Dovid her son |
Shavshevich | Noyekh |
Shavshevich | Libe his wife |
Shavshevich | Rifke their daughter |
Shavshevich | Gershn their son |
Shapira | Tsvi-Hirsh |
Shapira | Zelde his daughter |
Shapira | Gute his daughter |
Shapira | Ishaye his son |
Shapira | Shimen his son |
Shenyuk | Tsvi |
Shenyuk | Rifke his sister |
Shenyuk | (Horowitz) Rokhl |
Shenyuk | Meyer Rokhl's husband |
Shenyuk | Elye Rokhl's son |
Shenyuk | Elieyzer Rokhl's son |
Shiller | Miryem |
Shiller | Rokhl |
Shiller | Khane |
Shiller | Elkhonen |
Shevshinskij | Moyshe |
Shevshinskij | Khane his wife, her daughter and their sons |
Shapira | Leyb, his wife and their daughters |
Shtejn | Khayem and his wife |
Shajnhoyz | Meyer |
Shajnhoyz | Bilke his wife and their son |
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Rakov, Belarus
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Updated 24 Jan 2009 by LA