A Memorial to the Jewish Community

(Radoshkovichi, Belarus)

54°09" / 27°14"

Translation of
Radoshkovits: Sefer Zikaron

Edited by M. Robinson

Published in Tel Aviv, 1953



Project Coordinator

Jerome L. Ruderman


This is a translation from: Radoshkovits: Sefer Zikaron (Radoshkowitz, a memorial to the Jewish community),
ed M. Robinson, Tel Aviv: former residents of Radoshkowitz in Israel, 1953

Note:The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Radashkovichy

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Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.

Introduction   7
A Poem Ester Isaacson 9
The Old Days
The History of Radoshkowitza Bezalel Isaacson 13
Two Lists from the book “Memoirs of a Lithuanian Rabbi”
A) Shimshon, “The Shabbes Goy”
  B) A story about a calf
HaRav Shlomo David z”l
The Town at the End of the 19th Century Ester Bessin 44
The Image of the Town
My Home Town Bezalel Isaacson 49
There in the Rubble is our Father's Station
A) The Beginning of a Spool
  B) Rooted Jews
  C) The Synagogues and the “Public Clubs”
  D) Unity in a Time of Change
  E) M. Z. Mané
Dr. Yisrael Rubin (Ravkai) 60
Between Two World Wars Zev Shapira 77
Activists in Business and Cultural Life Hassia Bessin 85
Social Life Litman Sharzkevitch 90
The Hebrew Elementary School “Tarbut” in Radoshkowitz Yisachar Kamnezky 96
“Tarbut” School – Before the Hatchet Fell Shmuel Bessin 99
Memories, Experiences, and Impressions
Hovering Thoughts
A) Forgotten Dreams
  B) The Synagogue Court
  C) The Women in the Market
Zila Rumberg 107
Baking Mazot (Childhood Memories) Hadassa Zukerman-Zukovsky 115
The Joys of “Finishing” Dvora Kril 117
Life in Town (Women's Conversations) Hassia Bessin 119
Childhood Impressions Binyamin Sharzkevitch 121
Fathers' Deeds a Symbol for Their Sons Yerachmiel Rersnik 126
Childhood Memories Ester Bessin 128
The Mischief of Children Dr. Yisrael Rubin (Ravkai) 131
Childhood Illusions M. R. 134
Ordanka Hassia Bessin 137
A Town's Legend Hadassa Zukerman-Zukovsky 140
Mané and his Surroundings M. R. 143
Memories from M. Z. Mané's Life M. Rabinson 149
Remembering M. Z. Mané Yoel Isaacson z”l 155
HaRav HaGaon Rabbi Meir Rabinson HaRav Ben-Zion Notlevich 156
My Mother The Rebitzin Shlomo Eliyahu Rabinson 158
Rabbi Yoseph Sundel Rabinson Tzvi Rabinson 159
Rabbi Shneor Zalman Hillel Shulman – To My Father Henya Fuchs 160
One of the Keepers of the Flame Dr. Yisrael Rubin (Ravkai) 161
Ben Zion Shepsenbul z”l Bezalel A. 163
Ya'acov Cahanovich z”l B. A”N 165
Haim Shapira z”l Ze'ev 167
Dr. Nachum (Nathan) Weisbord z”l B. A”N 168
In Memory of Those Who Fell… – Mordecai Bumstein z”l (His Story) M. 169
Arié Bumstein z”l M. 172
Yekutiel (Kuty) Funt z”l B. 173
Various Characters from Radoshkowitz
A) Torah Students
  B) Maskilim, Zionists, Socialists
  C) Common People
Dr. Yisrael Rubin (Ravkai) 175
Scholars and Pious Ya'akov Robinson 193
The Yeshiva “Hayai Olam” Ya'akov Robinson 196
The Holocaust
Days of War and Annihilation (1939-1940) Baruch Shepsenbul 199
In the Forests with the Partisans Pessia Parzov-Bumstein 210
Our Martyrs
Yizkor   215
Our Martyrs   217
Dr. Mordecai Rabinson Y. R. 223

Translator's Note

Approximately the first sixty pages of the Hebrew text are a general history of Radoshkowitz, beginning in the eighteenth century. The material is extremely repetitious and lacking in detail and offers no personal narrative. Therefore, those early portions of the book have been summarized in this translation. However, where the book becomes a series of personal memoirs dealing with people, places and events, which may be important to genealogists, the entire text has been translated.

Particular attention has been given to names, but the absence of vowels in printed Hebrew leaves some lattitude to the translator. Nonetheless names have been rendered as close to the original as possible and have been transliterated, not translated, e.g. Yitzhak, not Isaac; Yoseph, not Joseph.

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