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[Page 441]


In Memory
of the soul of my dear father
Reb. Dovid Meir Liberman
who was murdered by the Nazis,
May their name be obliterated,
at his home while refusing to join
the shipment of the Jews of
Radomsk to Treblinka

In Memory
of the soul of my dear mother
Mrs. Esther [Liberman]
She was sent to Treblinka
during the first aktsia against
the Jews of Radomsko
28 of Tishrei 6703
October 1942


In Memory
Of the soul of my sister Hendel Malka
And the soul of my sister Eidl
Who were sent to Treblinka together with our mother


May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

To the eternal memory of my unforgettable mother Miriam Markowicz,
my dear brothers Zisman, Refaeil and Yeshayahu and sister Gutsye, who in the
G-dless years of pain and death were so savagely annihilated.

Nadia Markowicz-Wolfowicz
(Brussels, Belgium)



Leah and Emanuel Moskowicz
The sons Mordekhai and Leibish and their families,
Ahron and Abraham-Moishe and the daughter Frida
Perished in Treblinka
May their memory be blessed
The son Yakov-Shmuel and the daughter Jeta

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My wife
Gute Najkon
(Perished at Bergen-Belsen)

My daughters
Chana and Chaya Najkron
(Perished at Treblinka)

To their sacred memory!


Husband and father

Haim-Benyamin Najkron


My father

Icze Slawiak
(Reymonta Street 19)

was active in the managing committee of the Artisans' Union and in the leadership of the Y. L. Peretz Library.

He, my mother Minye, sister Dinsze, and brother Shlamek perished
in Treblinka in 1942.

Let their memory be honored!


Fela Slawiak-Khlapak


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