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Haim-Shmuel Hamer

My father Haim-Shmuel Hamer was a person of great intellect; in addition he possessed a good heart and a profound wit and was the advice giver for family and friends. In the later years, he moved with his family to Czenstochow where he lived a modest life. There his door was always open for friends and the poor.

He became very sick in the Czenstochower Ghetto; the German assassins dragged him out of his bed and shot him in the courtyard.

    To the memory of my father Ahron, mother Devorah-Mindl, brother Moishe-Shmuel, his wife and children – all perished in Treblinka. My brother Haim-Yehezkiel; my wife Roizele with son Gabriel and daughter Haya-Zisele; my sister-in-law Loti with 2 children (Rashel and Marsel) – all perished in Auschwitz.

Honor Their Memory

Berl Dudkewicz


Sara Hamer-Jacklin

(New York)


My father Abraham-Shlomoh Hampel was born in 1889. My mother Esther-Hinda (née Rajch) was born in 1887. My parents were known for their modesty and dedicated their best years to the education of their children and helping their widespread family. Their final route to the death camp was made with the Jews of the town where they were born and worked. My sister Chaja (born 1930) perished with them.

Dr. Simkha Hampel

[Page 436]

To Their Sacred Memory!

May the bright memory of my wife and children be consecrated; of our sisters – Mindel, Perl, Tzeshe, Toybe and Chana and her child; of our brother Abrahamele; – who were annihilated by the Hitler murderers in our birthplace Radomsk. Let these lines serve as a mitzivah for their sacred souls, who will never be forgotten.


Moishe Levi and Yitzhak Wajnman

(Buenos Aires)

I will always remember you:

My wife Genya

My little son Leibish (Loliek)

My little daughter Fela


My brother Hershel

and his wife Rusya (Rayzel)


Abraham Wilhelm

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