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[Page 431]

Translations by Gloria Berkenstat Freund

Haim-Israel Wajnbaum
(son of Abraham and Guta)


May their souls be bound up
in the bond of eternal life


Manja Szpira
(Her husband Yakov
 and children – Daniel, Haim and Leah)  

Anka Rubin
(Her husband Moishe-Munik)

Hela Wajnbaum (her husband Tzvi son of Shimon Uri)

Henja Kaczkowicz (her husband Tzvi and their daughters Leah and Miriam)

Yakov Ejchner and his wife Fela (Fajwlowicz), Daniel Ejchner and his wife Zoszia (Truskolaski)

Chava Ejchner

Yitzhak Tiger and his son Haim

Haim-Israel Wajnbaum
(son of Abraham and Guta)

Guta Eikhner-Wajnbaum

Our darling children

Zelig and Shmuel-Yehezkeil Goldberg,

Who were taken from us in the prime of their lives.

During the first aktsia they were led from Radomsko to the Treblinka death camp and died there on the 30th of Tishrei 5703
(Oct 11th 1942)

You live in our hearts forever

The bereaved parents
Yakhit and Moishe Goldberg
(New York)

Shmuel-Yehezkiel Goldberg
born March 23, 1924
  Zelig Goldberg
born August 25, 1922

Killed by the Nazis


[Page 432]


Mrs. Czesza Gitler, of blessed memory

Mrs. Borzykowski, of blessed memory

Born in 1912 in Radomsk; Pupil at Mrs. Wajntraub's Gymnasia; An active member of the Zionist youth movement and the troop of the JNF; Married to L. Szmigelski in Lodz (1938). They planned to make aliyah and join our family. In 1940 she escaped from the Lodz ghetto to Slonim where she was killed (1941).

With an aching heart
Her sister, Rivkah


  Who perished in the holocaust of the Jews of Radomsk.

(The mother of Tuvia Borzykowski)

May her soul be bound up in the bond of eternal life


Shmuel-Yitzhak Epsztajn and his wife Temer (Klajner),

of blessed memory


Reb Shmuel-Yitzhak Epsztajn (he was called “Kukoska”), belonged to the era when Haskhalah was brought into the yeshivus, Beis-Midrashim and Hasidic shtiblek and led away many teachers, future rabbis, shoykhetim and the like from the “straight path.”

They then threw themselves on worldly education and later were eminent doctors, lawyers, journalists, editors who at the time became the acknowledged leadership of Russian-Polish youth.

However, there were also those who remained in the middle; they left the “straight path” and did not go further…

Shmuel-Yitzhak Epsztajn belonged to this group. He was occupied with business and was known as the city wit; he reacted quickly with great humor and sharpness to all events in the city.

The worldly education, to which he had aspired, Sh. Y. Epsztajn gave to his children.

Honor his memory.

(Los Angeles)

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