[Page XXXII]
Radom in Pictures (cont.)
Hechaluz, 1917 |
Instructors of Hashomer |
Zionist pupils |
Hashomer, 1920 |
Committee of the young Zionists Kadima, 1916 |
Hashomer group Kineret |
Hechaluz members with Izchak Greenbaum
on the farm in Captur forest |
Hechaluz members on the grave of Greenshpan |
Farewell party in honour of Hitachduth members |
Committee of the League of Working Israel
with Z. Robashov-Shazar |
Members of the 105 group with Dr. M. Bellinson
and Dr. J. Sela-Blofstein in Rome |
Farewell party to S. Potashnik-Shoham, 1935 |
[Page XXXIV]
Mr. Luksenburg |
Farewell party with delegates of K.K.L. from Palestine, 1926 |
Hitachduth members |
Sons and sons-in-law of I. Frenkel |
First pioneers, 1919 |
Kibbutz Hagalil in training in Radom, 1932 |
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Radom, Poland
Yizkor Book Project
JewishGen Home Page
Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld
Copyright © 1999-2025 by JewishGen, Inc.
Updated 6 Mar 2022 by LA