This part of the present volume, called Radom in Pictures, is to visualize, as far as material has been available, the great institutions of that community and their important activities in all fields of life, in the course of the long history of Jewish Radom. It is also to perpetuate the memory of our community's public figures, writers and poets, rabbis and leaders and social pioneers; to show in pictures, as far as can be shown, the holocaust and the ghettoes, with all their sufferings and human misery. Thus, it will be a true mirror of a community, once full of life and effervescent, a community of pathfinders of truth who believed in their philosophy of life, until struck down by cruel fate.
Also included are some phases of the rallying of Radom Jews in Israel, where they have taken root and contributed their part to building and defense; organizations of Radomians in the Diaspora; and reorganization of the survivors of the community everywhere. |
[Page V]
City Hall |
Government building |
House of Esther'ke |
[Page VI]
Jewish Hospital |
District map |
Home of aged and orphans |
[Page VI]
Front of Aged and Orphans Home |
Old people at the table |
Inside of aged home Synagogue |
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