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Photos of Historical Sites in the City

A Hebrew inscription on the Collegiate wall,
built in 1449 and was renovated in 1560.
The first line is: “You are indeed a hiding God”…”


A house in the market place.
Napoleon Bonaparte stayed here for a few days in 1806
  Castle of the Bishops


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The Story of the Pultusk Collegiate

Pultusk was an important cultural center throughout the generations. A Priest by the name of Wujek, who translated the Old Testament from Latin Vulgata1 to Polish, used to preach at the Collegiate, which was a church that the Canonics2 elder Priests used to gather. Another preacher was the well known anti-Semite, Piotr Skarga. The Collegiate to date still has a plaque with verses inscribed in Hebrew. This “School” that has become very famous outside Pultusk was the alma-mater of well known leaders in Poland and abroad. Among the Graduates were the Chancellor of Poland, Jerzy Ossoliniski (1595-1650), who has been well known in Europe for his daring political plans, and the writer Victor Gomulitzky.

The verses are taken from Psalm and Isaiah whose prophecies according to the Church contain hints for the arrival of the Messiah Jesus. The rumor (folklore tale) is that the verses were inscribed in the marble by a Jew who was well versed in the Bible and had spent many days in this Monastery prior to his final conversion to Christianity.3

  1. Wikipedia
    The Vulgate is an early Fifth Century version of the Bible in Latin and largely the result of the labors of Jerome, who was commissioned by Pope Damasus I in 382 to make a revision of old Latin translations. It became the definitive and officially promulgated Latin version of the Bible of the Roman Catholic Church. In the 13th century it came to be called versio vulgata, which means “common translation”. There are 76 books in the Clementine edition of the Vulgate Bible: 46 in the Old Testament, 27 in the New Testament, and three in the Apocrypha.
  2. The American Heritage® Dictionary
    1. Of, relating to, or required by canon law.
    2. Of or appearing in the biblical canon.
    3. Conforming to orthodox or well-established rules or patterns, as of procedure.
    4. Of or belonging to a cathedral chapter.
    5. Of or relating to a literary canon: a canonical writer like Keats.
    6. Music, having the form of a canon.
  3. The Yizkor Book presents no explanation as to the cause resulting with the inscribers conversion to Christianity

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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