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1. Jewish Community
  Torah-foundation room
  Ezrath Nashim (women help)
  Trisk Chassidim Shtibl *
  Uman Chassidim Shtibl
  Chevra Tiferet Bahurim (boys organization)
  Poalay Agudat Yisroel (Zionist religious party)
  Linat HaTzedek
22. Tzelnik's Brick Factory
23. Mintz's Farmers Machinery Factory
24. The Second Savings and Loan
25. Jewish Elementary Public School
26. Municipal Clock, Town Hall (Ratosh), Fire Department
27. The Castle, District Management and Archives
28. Post Office
29. Municipal Theater and Movie “Novoshatzy”
2. Central Synagogue 30. District Court
3. Beit Hamidrash (the seminary) 31. “Baika” Movies
4. Mikvah, The Sweat Bath 32. The Barracks
5. Gur Chassidim Shtibl 33. Municipal Power Station
6. Radzimin Chassidim Shtibl 34. The Dock (Pshistan)
7. Otbotzk Chassidim Shtibl 35. The long wooden bridge, through which the
entire Jewish population passed during the
expulsion by the Nazis on Sukkoth eve 1939
8. Alexander Chassidim Shtibl
9. Sokolov Chassidim Shtibl
10. Jewish Gymnasium- Beit Yaacov School
Bnai Agudath Yiśroel (girls school)
36. The Steel bridge
11. Serotzk Chassidim Shtibl 37. The Sanitary Bath, were the Nazi's conducted a search
and robbed the Jews before the expulsion
12. Warszawska Street Beit Hamidrash (seminary) 38. The Christian Elementary School
13. Kehal Chassidim 39. The Municipal Jail, The Church and the Monastery
14. Municipal Slaughter House 40. The Municipal Hospital and the guards tower
15. Jewish Cemetery 41. The Bells Monastery
16. Jewish Windmills 42. The Castle Tower, Gymnasium, Jesuits Monastery
17. Rosenberg's Mill 43. Gothic-Evangelistic-German Church
18. Novominsky's Sawmill 44. The prayer house of the Castle
19. Wagman's Mill 45. Municipality (Magistrate)
20. Ring's Mill 46. Russian Church
21. Jewish Windmills 47. The Holy Cross Church, The Christian Cemetery, The isolation Hospital

* small house of prayer used by Chassidim

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 20 Jan 2010 by LA