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[Page 309]

Remembrance Panel
of more deceased Persons

Translated by Ronald D. Doctor


We the Volin Pithayev Jews in Philadelphia
note our bereavement and deep sorrow

Members of the
Independent Volin Support Union
Established in year 1912

Yisrael Kuper, Chairman
Louis Limanik, Vice Chairman
Charles Zalts, Secretary
Yisrael Zalts
Yosef Zalts
Leyzer Flaksman
Yaakov Leyb Flaksman
Shalom Margolis
Charles Zalts
Pesakh Skolski
Aidl Levofski
Sam Margalit
Sam Limanik
Zalman Margalit
Dr. Dazshek Shakhar
Gosya Shakhar
Basya Altman
Dazshek Vaterman
Helik Tesler
Leon Zusman
Henry Patek
Dazshek Zalts
Dr. Moya Zalts
Benya Kravits
Milton Kravits
Yisrael Kravits
Dovid Flaksman
Frank Flaksman
Morris Tise
Sam Krasni
Louis Kuper
Marty Paks
Frank Malamad
Louis Levofski
Sam Levofski
Irvin Margalit


[Page 310]

Eternal Memorial

More of the deceased members
of the Pochayever Society in Philadelphia

Manye Shachar (Shucker)
Yakov Skolsky (Skulsky)
Shmuel Rodman
Sara Toyve Skolsky (Skulsky)
Chaya Saltz
Perl (Pearl) Kravitz
Chana Flaxman
Herman Flaxman
Beni Moskowitz
Elye Lidekhover
Chana Lidekhover
Manish Patik (Potok)
Fradye Patik (Potok)
Chayim Lebofsky
Sara Beyla Lebofsky
Natan Lemonick
Babye Lemonick
Avraham Margulis
Miryam Margulis


A Memorial Matzeva

More of my brothers and sisters with grandchildren
who were martyrs in Pochayev

Berel, his wife -- Mindya with their four sons and three daughters
Gdalye with his wife and their children
Toyve Mindya with husband Mordekhay and grandchildren
Basya Rive with husband and children
Chayche Dine with husband and children

[Three lines of Yiddish text here have not yet been translated.]

Israel Saltz


[Page 311]

Eternal Memorial

Still my beloved wife, our beloved mother

Perl br' Hirsh Zalts
Her husband Yisrael Kravitsh (Kravitz)
the children: Chaya Sore Sendir (Sandry)
Binyamin Kravitsh (Kravitz), Moshe Kravitsh (Kravitz)


An Eternal Memorial for each of them

More of my loved ones and more elders

Father --- Yakov br' Yisrael Zalts
Mother --- Mindl br' Avraham Zalts

Elke Goldman, Chicago


An Eternal Memorial for each of them

Still my beloved and more elders

Father --- Yakov br' Hirsh Zalts
Mother --- Brokhe br' Moshe Zalts

Nota Zeltser, Brooklyn
Sara Rubin, Brooklyn


An Eternal Memorial for each of them

For my father and mother

  Hirsh br' Yakov Zalts
Reyze br' Ruvin Zalts
For my brother(s) and sister(s)
Ruvin Zalts Binyamin Zalts Mindya Zalts
Yakov Zalts Sime Rubin (Rabin?) Perl (Zalts) Kravitz

Chona (Charles) and wife Becki Zalts (Saltz)


* The project coordinator added the Americanized spellings of the surnames in parenthesis on pp. 310-311 for clarification


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