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[Page 405]

Tova BEATUS (Tobka)

Tova Beatus (Tobka)

Tobka was a “madricha” (teacher and a guide) in Hashomer Hatzair in Plock, and active in its leadership. She was raised, faithful to the Zionist and Socialist ideas. From very early age, she set an example to the young generation whom she devotedly educated. Her brother and sister left to Eretz Israel, as KHALUTZIM (Pioneers) before the Holocaust, but she stayed behind, with her parents in the Plock Ghetto. Her spirit did not break down and she continued, in spite of the desperate conditions to lead educational activities among the youth of Plock. She kept an underground contact with the leadership of Hashomer Hatzair in Warsaw, - and especially with Mordechai Anilewicz and Tusia Altman. According to their instruction, she continued to act as a courier in the towns of Jewish Plock deportation: Chmielnik, Staszow, Ostrowiec. She kept the communication between the various partisan and underground groups. When the threat of final deportation started to be felt, the fighters of ghetto Warsaw tried very hard to rescue her and join them. They were too late. She was caught in the last akzia in ghetto Chmielnik.

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[Pages 408-409]

GOLDE Abraham

ublic activist, founder of the important and prominent family GOLDE who produced activists, fighters for freedom and revolutionists. Abraham GOLDE excelled in his generosity and willingness to assist those in need. In the Hebrew journalism of his time his deeds were often praised. He was loved by the people of the community regardless of their political or social views. He was an ardent Zionist and initiated the branch of “Hovevei Zion” (Lovers of Zion) in town. Thanks to his activity and personal sample, many Jews joined this organization. Another field of activity which he specially liked was extending aid to Jewish soldiers who served in the ranks of the Russian garrison which stayed in Płock.

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[Page 409]

GOLDE Aleksander

Public activist. Son of Abraham GOLDE. He was among the first from the intellectual circles in Płock who joined the “Bund” and became one of its prominent figures. He perished in ghetto Warsaw.

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[Page 409]

GOLDE Benjamin (“Biszke” )

Public activist, son of Abraham GOLDE. He was among the founders of orphanage for which his wife, Liba Rachel worked very much. He also helped a lot the establishment of a soup kitchen to the poor and especially to the pupils of “Talmud Torah” with meager means. He dealt in pleading to he authorities for the interests of the Jewish Community.

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[Page 409]


Doctor of Medicine. A social worker. She was the wife of Aleksander GOLDE and dedicated a lot of efforts to help the children of the poor. She organized network of children clubs in the Jewish quarters of Warsaw and continued this activity even in the ghetto. After the war she continued her social work in Lodz. She died in Warsaw in the year of 1906.

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[Page 409]

GOLDE Juljan

Pioneer (” Halutz” ), public activist and author. His political activity in Płock started already during his youth. When he was a student in the Russian Gymnasium, he dedicated himself to spreading the Zionist idea. At the year of 1901 he founded in Płock association in the name of “Clear Language” , of which aim was to promote the revival of the Hebrew language. He also participated in the activities of the Zionist movement which was forbidden at that epoch. In the years of the pogroms he stood as the head of the self defense organization of Płock Jews.

In the year of 1909 he immigrated to Eretz Israel and here he joined a group which erected Kibbutz. During 3 years he worked in Kineret but inner conflicts by the end of which the group was dismantled, affected him negatively. He left the country, desperate and broken spiritually and left to Russia. During the October revolution he joined the ranks of the revolutionist as an active communist. He then joined the editorial board of the Yiddish newspaper “EMES” (” he truth” ) in Warsaw. He started to handle the problems of settlements in Crimea.

In the year of 1926 he was elected to the direction of the “Gezerd” association, which aim was to settle Jews in villages. He published two books (in Yiddish): “About the problems of the Jewish Settlement in Soviet Russia (1925) and “Jewish farmers in Crimea” (1932).

In the years of Stalin Great Purge he was in Birobidjan and there he was imprisoned and killed in the same fashion as millions of others.

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[Page 409]


She was the youngest daughter of the Płocker gvir (rich and influential person) Benjamin GOLDE. After she graduated the Gymnasium she moved to Warsaw and Swiss and studied medicine.

In her youth she belonged to secret socialist students' organization. She was active in P.P.S. (Polska Partia Socjalistyczna - the Polish Socialist Party), she was imprisoned a few times in the Warsaw fortress and then transferred to one of the very distant regions in Siberia.

She was very energetic and tempestuous, belonged to the Jewish supporters of the P.P.S. and acted among the Jewish students of the Gymnasium in order to bring them closer to its ideals.

After her return from Siberia, she was forced to live for a while in Płock, under police supervision. She married a member of the party, the revolutionist Jan Stróżecki, who returned from Siberia as well. During the revolution of 1905 she was active in Warsaw, but after the year of 1906 she cut her ties with the Piłsudski group and joined the left movement and later the Communist party. By the end of the 1920' she moved to the Soviet Union, but soon after she escaped with her husband to France and there she died.

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[Page 409]


Doctor of Medicine. Was born in Płock in the year of 1884. He studied in Swiss and German universities until he graduated in the year of 1909. He participate din the war against the Bolsheviks with the rank of major as the main doctor of the field hospital. Later he worked for many years as the assistant of Dr. Solowejcik in the Jewish hospital on Czysta Street in Warsaw. He published about 20 paper works in the field of the new surgery[1]. He was active in the association of fight against tuberculosis, in the “Briut” (health) Association and in the Society for social medicine.

He was among the founders of the nurse school by the Jewish hospital in Warsaw. He dealt with medial instruction and taught many young doctors.

When the war broke out at 1939, he was appointed as the main surgeon in the military hospital in Chełm. Afterward he managed the Chirurgic department in the Jewish hospital in Luck and he remained so until the German invasion. He died in 1942 as a victim of Typhus epidemic for which extinction he dedicated all his forces.

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[Page 415]

The Family WASSERMAN from Plock

Wasserman Domb Bela

A teacher and an educator. She taught in the elementary popular schools of Plock, in Plonsk and the surrounding townships. She educated generation of Jewish Youth.

Wasserman Zelig

Was among the activists of the Zionist youth. His main activity was centered in the youth Zionist movement “Hashomer Hatzair”, and for sometime he was the head of the “Ken” - ( the Youth Organization name in Hebrew - meaning in Hebrew: “The nest of the birds” - like my late father was in Gombin)

In 1934 he immigrated to Palestine, Eretz Israel, lived in Jerusalem and in Tel Aviv and worked as the chief accountant of one of the central banks in Israel.

Wasserman (Romner) Jdzja

Worked a long time as a teacher in the popular elementary schools of Plock. She immigrated to Israel before WWII and lived here tens of years. She immigrated with her family to America

Wasserman ...

Among the revolutionary activists in Plock. He was the chairman of the leather Workers Associations (“Leder farain”). As he was a member of a poor family, he worked very hard at nights and tried to achieve self-general education. He died relatively young from tuberculosis.

Wasserman Jakob

A writer and a critique, born in Plock. He published many articles which appear in Yiddish newspapers. In 1921, his article named: “The Theater and Socialism” was published and rose a lot of interest. It dealt in the modern problems of the theater. He visited many countries all over the world and finally settled in Warsaw where he was an English teacher.

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Translators footnotes

  1. In the Hebrew original text appears the word "Neochirurgia" (phonetically spelt). Return

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