"Władysławów-Russocice" - Encyclopedia of Jewish
Communities in Poland, Volume I

52°06' / 18°29'

Translation of "Władysławów-Russocice" chapter
from Pinkas Hakehillot Polin

Published by Yad Vashem

Published in Jerusalem


Project Coordinator

Morris Wirth


Morris Gradel

Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation from: Pinkas Hakehillot:
Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities, Poland, Volume I, page 103, published by Yad Vashem, Jerusalem

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(page 104)

(Konin District)

1764/5? 57
1.9.39 ?about 115

A few Jews were to be found in Władysławów (W) as early as the second half of the 18th century. Amongst the economically active there were in 1764 a lessee, a distiller of spirits, a hatter, and a weaver of fringes. In the 19th century the Jewish population increased and was organized as a community, with a synagogue built of stone, a rabbi or dayan, and a ritual slaughterer (shochet). The Jews engaged in petty trading and crafts. At the end of the century most of the shops were run by Jews, as well as two taverns. A number of Jews were engaged in tanning, and among the craftsmen were weavers and tinsmiths. Some of the families had plots of land which they cultivated. Between the two world wars the Jews of the area suffered from increasing anti-semitism and from the economic crisis. Jewish pedlars trying to sell their wares in the local market and the surrounding villages were assaulted. As a result of this situation a number of Jews went abroad, while many moved to the large towns in Poland - so that in the thirties the Jewish community of W was reduced by 50%.

On the outbreak of the Second World War W was occupied by the Germans in the first half of September 1939. German soldiers, aided by local German inhabitants, fell upon the Jews - their property was plundered, the men taken for forced labour, and the beards of the old men hacked off amid blows and humiliation. Towards the end of 1939 the members of the community were ordered to don yellow armbands with a Magen David (Star of David) on it. They were also forbidden to leave the locality. In 1940 all the Jewish families were herded into the ghetto, where the authorities denied them any food. They were thus forced to steal out at night to nearby villages to obtain supplies. On October 20th, 1941, the Jews were deported to the “rural ghetto” in the vicinity of Kowale Pańskie - and their fate was that of the other Jews assembled there.

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