“Lodz” - Encyclopedia of Jewish
Communities in Poland, Volume I

51°45' / 19°28'

Translation of  Pinkas Hakehillot Polin

Published by Yad Vashem

Published in Jerusalem



Project Coordinator

Morris Wirth


Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation from: Pinkas Hakehillot Polin:
Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities, Poland, Volume I, pp. 1-41 published by Yad Vashem, Jerusalem

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(District of Lodz)

Translated by Morris Gradel

YearTotal PopulationJews
9.1939approx. 672,000approx. 233,000
October 1944(?)approx. 900

Table of Contents

I. The Beginnings of Jewish Settlement in Lodz (until 1820)
II. The Jews of Lodz in the Years 1820-1864
 A.The Struggle for Dwelling Rights.  Establishment of the Jewish Quarter
B.The Economic and Occupational Structure of the Jews and their Material Situation
     C. Way of Life, Society, and Religion
III. Jewish Settlement in Lodz: 1864-1914
 a.The Beginning of Industrialization and Proletarization
 b. The Jews in Industry and Crafts Until World War I
 c. Jewish Proletarization in Lodz and the Special Nature of the Jewish Proletariat
 d. Political and Social Organizations of the Jews in Lodz until 1914
 e. Education and Culture
  f. The Community and Religious Life
IV. The Jews of Lodz During the First World War
V. The Jews of Lodz Between the Two Wars
 a. The Economic and Social Condition of the Jews of Lodz
 b. Anti-Semitism
 c. The Community and Religious Life
 d. Parties and Politics
 e. Education and Culture
 f. Cultural Personalities of the Lodz Jewish Population
VI.  The Jews of Lodz in the Second World War
 a.The Jews in Occupied Lodz until the Enclosure of the Ghetto (1.9.39 - 30.4.1940).
  1. Persecution
  2. A New Community Authority - the Judenrat
  3. Jewish Administration and Organization of Public Life until the Enclosure of the Ghetto
 b. The Ghetto of Lodz in the "Period of Transition" (May-October 1940)
  1. Area and Population Density of the Ghetto
  2. Living Conditions After the Establishment of the Ghetto, and the Jewish Administrations Efforts to Better Them
 c. The Ghetto's "Autonomy" Period (October 1940 - September 1942)
  1. Production and Employment
  2. Confiscation of Property
  3. Supply
  4. Health and Health Services in the Ghetto
  5. Education and Child Care
  6. Cultural Life
   7. Religious Life
   8. Political and Social Organizations; and Mutual Aid
  9. Deportation from the Ghetto and the Arrival of Displaced Persons (1940-1942)
 d. The Ghetto as a Labor Camp (September 1942-August 1944)
 e.The End of the Ghetto
VII. The Jews in Lodz After the War
 Map of the District of Lodz

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Morris Wirth
This web page created by Max Heffler

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Updated 25 Feb 2020 by LA